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From 1887 to 1974, ‘corrupt’ adolescent girls were incarcerated in Parramatta Girls Home, a New South Wales state government facility charged with their ‘care and protection’. This paper examines the experiences of former inmates of Parramatta Girls Home (PGH) and explores their ongoing connections to the Home. Using the narratives of former inmates and submissions to public inquiries, the relationship that these women have with the Home and each other is explored. There is a strong thread of connection to place amongst former inmates, with their identity as ‘Parra girls’ shaping aspects of their post‐incarceration lives. For those women who were incarcerated at PGH, the connection to people and place focuses on the Home and is a powerful influence on their subsequent experiences of security and belonging.  相似文献   

Girls in uniform     
Pine L 《History today》1999,49(3):24-29

木鱼  田源 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):69-69
<正>1875~1881年,德国库蒂乌斯人在奥林匹克遗址发掘的出土文物,引起了全世界的关注。在这样的背景下,法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦提出恢复古希腊奥运会的传统,在他的倡导与积极奔走下,1894年6月23日,国际奥委会在巴  相似文献   

汉代的城郭   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从先秦至两汉的中国古代社会 ,城市构成为人类文明活动的主要基盘。以这一时期的都城为中心的大城市的研究 ,近数十年来成果颇丰 1。而被视为封建王朝地方统治据点的众多郡县城市的构造尚未完全解明。本稿尝试着利用近年来不断出现的考古发掘资料 ,并与有限的文献史料相结合 ,通过对构成中国古代城市的基本要素——城郭的研究 ,尽可能地描绘出包括郡县城市在内的汉帝国城市的全景图。自中国古代城市产生之日起 ,城郭即作为其重要标志而存在。从文献记载的“黄帝筑邑 ,造五城”2 、“鲧作城郭”3到考古发现的长江流域的城头山 4 、石家河 5和…  相似文献   


Byzantine silk research evokes images of glamour but it is prudent to consider grass roots as well as exotic aspects of this enticing subject: without the grub there would be no glamour. In its fullest sense a study of Byzantine silk weaving entails research on many and varied levels, across a broad range of disciplines. An immense variety of topics require consideration: the production of the silk yarn; the various workshop practices involved in weaving the yarn into silk cloth; the relationship between technique and design; the marketing and the numerous uses of the silks both at home and abroad, and the implications of the distribution of Byzantine silks purely through diplomatic channels.  相似文献   

文章试图通过复原甲骨文“大龟四版”上的历法,从而推算出盘庚迁殷和武王伐纣的年代,是对恢复商代历法研究的一次尝试。  相似文献   

关于唐代沙州升为都督府的时间问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本在中日学界已有研究成果基础上,主要依据敦煌书及相关献,从唐代前期沙州长官的称谓、六曹机构及官员名称、吏员设置及称谓、官书的钤印等方面,系统考察了沙州的行政建制问题。认为开元、天宝以前,沙州的行政建制一直都是刺史州(太守郡)建制,而非都督州(郡)建制;又据渊阁四库全书本《唐会要》卷70的记载,确认沙州升为都督府的时间,是在唐代宗的永泰二年(766)五月,而非唐高宗的永徽二年(652)五月。沙州的这一行政建制变动,与同年五月河西节度使西迁沙州有密切关联。这一考定,对正确认识唐代沙州的行政建制演变和相关敦煌书,都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Once you have a chance to visit Jingchuan and the Mingjiang River Valley in northwestern Sichuan Province, you will find yourself in a mysterious world: Rivers meander through mountains like hada scarves, snow-capped mountains fill people with mysterious atmosphere, sutra streamers flutter in wind, pillboxes stretch their arms to hug the sky, and there are various kinds of patterns drawn on the walls of villages and mountain rocks.  相似文献   


淅川下寺M36出土的一柄铜戈上,刻有鄝子妆之用5字铭文[1],对于研究古代蓼国的历史与文化有重要价值。关于这件戈的年代、族属,目前还存在较多分歧。本文在以往研究的基础之上,结合相关文献记载和出土材料,主要讨论鄝子妆戈的年代和族属。  相似文献   

This essay responds to critical assertions that the absence of functional maternity in Edna O'Brien's famous 1960 novel The Country Girls reflects O'Brien's frustration with the cloying myth of ‘Ireland-as-motherland’. While I agree that O'Brien centrally considers the imbrication of femininity with nationality in a culturally conservative post-independence Ireland and enumerates the devastating lived effects of this discourse on Irish women, I argue that The Country Girls offers a potentially productive step beyond lamentation or complaint: namely, a nascent transnational poetics. I contend that the novel hinges on a character heretofore neglected by the criticism – Caithleen Brady's Austrian landlady, Joanna – and suggest that O'Brien slyly positions Joanna as Caithleen's potential surrogate mother, framing a ‘foreigner’ as a source of subversive family ties. Joanna's presence, I believe, indicates an effort on O'Brien's part to negotiate a political response to both gendered oppression and literary parochialism (the much-remarked climate of censorship that marked the newly independent Ireland's intellectual culture): the notion that community and security might be transformatively relocated in strategic ‘translocal’ networks rather than within the confines of the nation-state. Joanna signifies O'Brien's look beyond Mother Ireland – a desire to open the country to both global feminisms and transnational textualities.  相似文献   

1917年十月社会主义革命后建立的苏维埃政权、1991的苏联解体和俄罗斯联邦完全独立,这些重大的政治变革都对俄罗斯硬币上的造币厂印记产生极大的影响,并留下可圈可点的烙印。  相似文献   

Seismic soil pressures developed on a 7 m rigid retaining wall fixed to the bedrock are investigated using a finite element model that engages nonlinear soil intended materials available in OpenSees. This allows incorporation of the inelastic behavior of the soil and wave propagation effects in the soil-wall system seismic response. The nonlinear response of the soil was validated using the well-stablished, frequency-domain, linear-equivalent approach. An incremental dynamic analysis was implemented to comprehensively examine the effect of soil nonlinearity and input motion on the induced seismic pressures and to evaluate current code equations/methodologies at different levels of earthquake intensity. The results show that soil nonlinearity and seismic wave amplification may play an important role in the response of the soil-wall system. Therefore, methodologies that rely only on peak ground acceleration may introduce large bias on the estimated seismic pressures in scenarios where high nonlinearity and site amplification are expected.  相似文献   


The date commonly given for the Gough map of Britain, about 1360, is, in the author's opinion, wrong. Arguments that have been offered to support such a dating are invalid. The best indication of the date of the map is the writing on it, which is essentially in a hand of about 1400, a dating endorsed by expert palaeographical opinion. Indeed, a few exceptional features of the handwriting may suggest a slightly later date. A few specific non-palaeographical features of the map confirm a date of production close to, or a little after, 1400. Comparison with other late medieval maps of large inland areas from any part of Europe shows how precocious or advanced the Gough Map is, even for the beginning of the fifteenth century. Arguments suggesting that the map had an earlier ‘prototype’, reflecting the affairs of King Edward I, are also found to be without merit.  相似文献   

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