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随着信息时代的来临,世界经济一体化日益凸现,各种价值观念的中外文化相互交流深入而广泛,面对如此大背景,如何保持自己的文化特色、文化品格、文化传统。文章从审美的角度出发将中国春节与西方狂欢节分别作为中西方传统文化的代表作了比较分析,试图挖掘出以春节为代表的中华民族传统文化的审美内涵,从而更好地认识我国优秀的传统文化并进而接受、热爱和推广。  相似文献   

陈婷 《南方人物周刊》2011,(40):106-107
毛里求斯一行,约好了去拜访西岸塔玛兰(Tanarin)湾的海豚。清晨来到码头,滩涂水浅,大船无法靠近,我们只好先趟水走到小船上,等船驶出去再换游艇。我脱下鞋袜,小心翼翼地踩着岸边的软泥走向人海。那是一个艳阳天,海湾平静依旧。  相似文献   

王英杰 《神州》2012,(28):18+20-18,20
莫言作为中国当代文学新历史小说阵营中占有重要地位的一位作家,他也是新历史小说流派的发起者和代表人。莫言采用了具有他独特的民间话语方式来讲述历史想象历史。莫言采用了来自于民间的传奇体式和色彩斑斓的先锋叙事手法,以独特的民间的语言资源来揭示人民的生存状况和塑造人物形象。莫言从民间立场出发,因而他的想象的历史是具有鲜明的民间传奇色彩的历史,他的小说选择了传奇体式的叙事,是与这一民间资源和他的高密故乡有着难以分割的关系,也因此他的小说烙有鲜明的民间传奇色彩。本文从小说内容上的传奇化和小说叙事形式的传奇化来探讨莫言小说的民间传奇化。  相似文献   

对于高尔夫球友来说,每年的10月大家都会抓紧享受北半球球场上“最后的狂欢”。在这最美的季节里,哪座球场是挥杆的最佳选择?  相似文献   

11月9日,亚冠联赛决赛第二回合,裁判吹响终场哨的瞬间,顶住对手最后反扑、已显露疲态的恒大球员们握拳挥手,拥抱庆祝来之不易的胜利。首尔FC的队员们呆立当场,似乎还不愿接受失利的结局。  相似文献   

《乌龟的阿基里斯》音乐人:谭维维发行时间:2013年10月谭维维和大多数人一样,并没有什么摇滚宣言。“超女”是一场商业娱乐的狂欢。但它也是一棵繁茂的音乐之树,诞生了不同的音乐果实。谭维维这些年来一直走在前卫音乐的时空里。可以说这张专辑是华语乐坛里难得的坚持高品质的精良之作。  相似文献   

旅行有很多惊喜,有的恰合心意便如久逢甘露,有的来得不是时候也不会付之一叹。我们太多的伪装自己,很少想到伪装之后又该如何面对另一个陌生的自己,以为旅行可以让自己标新立异,却又在别处司空见惯的日常平淡中获得惊喜,意外地看到质苓清源的真我,这才明白,旅行不是让我们与众不同,而是让我们邂逅与众不同。  相似文献   

1月春节没有热闹过瘾,那就继续前往西班牙吧,2月开始,西班牙迎来了节日的盛会,从北到南,西班牙全境处处狂欢,不要错过最特别的上拉芭玛小镇的“白色狂欢节”。3月的瓦伦西亚,法雅在火焰中起舞。热烈的节日气氛,让旅行更加快乐。  相似文献   

看起来,今年的春夏之交,起码在消费电子产品领域,没有任何东西可以和iPad2的魅力相媲美。它是最新款的苹果产品,用户体验最好的平板电脑.人人都爱iPad2,就算他们只能拿它来切水果或者看照片,又有什么关系?重点从来不在iPad2能干什么,而在于你必须拥有它。  相似文献   


The image of a courtly and cosmopolitan Madrid that enjoyed an intense cultural life where millions were spent on luxurious festivals that attracted famous artists and travelers also contained a marginal space where poor people, the crippled, thieves, soldiers, gamblers, prostitutes, and black people lived and made a living. Where the long walks along the Prado at sunset lost their gallantry and became spaces of the night where ruffians challenged each other to duels and ended up, in most cases, in the overpopulated jails of the kingdom. Where the domestic space was transformed into house brothels and gambling dens, full of gamblers and onlookers. Where in the streets, one did not go only to shop but to beg for alms, to con and rob, or where the churches, a place of knowledge and shelter, became places for amorous and clandestine meetings, and where prostitutes, thieves, and murderers hid to escape the law. In this article, I will examine the social meaning of this underworld in seventeenth-century urban Madrid from the perspective of marginality. My interpretation of the urban centers explores baroque Madrid as a space of conflict. From this conflict, new ways of speaking, living, writing, and reinventing urban landscapes arise. Many of the short pieces written in that time articulate their plots through the relationships between marginal society and the established power structures and exhibit social changes in light of the economic processes associated with the development of Madrid as the imperial capital.  相似文献   

On the tenth anniversary of its first term in state government, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) opened the Bahujan Samaj Prerna Kendra in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The Kendra is a majestic, temple-like building designed to commemorate and celebrate the achievements of the Dalit movement in India. In this article I examine its symbolic and political features, which I argue must be understood against the backdrop of caste prejudice and the ongoing exclusion (social, spatial and economic) of Dalits in India. The Kendra prompts consideration of how the design and use of public space implicitly or explicitly excludes lower classes and castes, and the way in which the BSP has both challenged and used spatial strategy in its political discourse. I further suggest that the Kendra signals a new phase in the cultural politics of Dalits, articulating a new vision of moral, political and spatial order.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of distance to polling station upon electoral turnout. Using polling station level data from a London borough, it examines three types of election – parliamentary, European and local elections – over a twenty year period. The UK is notable among western liberal democracies for its relatively large turnout gap – the percentage point difference between turnout at elections for the Westminster parliament compared to that for other institutions, including local councils and the supra-national European parliament. This research considers the hypothesis that in high information, high salience elections for the national parliament the costs of voting associated with travelling to a polling station to vote in person are perceived as either low or insignificant but that in low information, low salience elections, those costs are perceived as higher and may act as a deterrent upon voting. A series of multi-level models consider the relationships between the dependent variable, percentage turnout, and a range of independent variables, including socio-economic characteristics, marginality as well as the spatial context. We show that there is indeed a relationship between distance and voter turnout, and other spatial and contextual variables, which are stronger for the lower salience European and local elections than for the higher salience national elections. Hence we conclude that the local geography of the polling station can have a significant impact on voter turnout and that there should be a more strategic approach to the siting of polling stations.  相似文献   

2001年8月10日,古城太原汾河西岸彩旗飘扬,锣鼓喧天,山西博物馆建设奠基仪式在这里隆重举行。 山西省领导田成平、刘振华、刘泽民、纪馨芳、卢功勋、郑社奎、侯伍杰、金银焕、薛军、薛延忠、申联彬、杜五...  相似文献   

试述Context System及其考古地层学原理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年香港的若干考古发掘采用了Context system记录方法。对于这种办法,有评论文章认为它是从地质学借用的“填质”慨念发展而来的。也有文章指出,这个方法是考古学受西方现代科学的渗透和“新考古学”的影响,针对处理考古资料和自然环境讯息关系的需要发展起来的,可称之为“系统发气掘单元办法”。在实际操作时,  相似文献   

《源氏物语》古本由散文体叙事部分与韵文体(和歌)抒情部分构成,散韵两部分密接不离,形成了独特的文体美,是古日本和歌文学向物语文学过渡的一种特殊体例。和歌作为整体文本构架间的肌质,将整部小说各部分有机的衔接、融合。由于和歌用典繁复、隐喻深奥,在其千余年的历史受容过程中歧义繁多。本文以桐壶卷和歌第二首为研究对象,从该首和歌的语义受容、文本解构,及不同中文译本生成的对比研究着手,旨在更好地阐释和歌在文本中的话语机能。  相似文献   

李健彪 《文博》2008,(6):50-55
西安营里寺内的<唐忠义王叶护碑记>记录了回纥太子叶护参与平定安史之乱的史实,对于研究唐王朝与回纥的关系、叶护所率将士定居中原、回族的形成及其心理认同等方面有重要的史料价值.  相似文献   

Recent work has highlighted the importance of moral and ethical issues for geographical inquiries of space and place. Much of this work has been couched in a modernist framework, drawing on universalist conceptions of subjectivity and legal rights in an attempt to ground the normative foundations for ethical conduct. In this paper, I draw upon post‐structuralist theory to elaborate an alternative approach to spatial ethics. Drawing on the work of Emmanuel Levinas, I outline a theory of subjectivity that would view our relationship to distant others as a form of unconditional responsibility. Our ability to meet this responsibility, I suggest, is dependent upon a deconstructionist ethics which, in recognizing the impossibility of grounding ethical conduct, expands the horizon of political engagement. In the second half of the paper, I interpret the Zapatista movement in Mexico as an example of such an ethics. Through an examination of the writings of Subcomandante Marcos, I argue that the Zapatistas have articulated a new form of ethical and political engagement, one that transcends the boundaries of space and identity, and invokes an unconditional responsibility.  相似文献   

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