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During the years 1610 and 1611, two Ursuline novices underwent an exorcism in southern France. In the spring of 1611, their confessor, Father Louis Gaufridy, was condemned of witchcraft and rape by Dominican inquisitors, and burned at the stake by state officials. The Dominican inquisitors found Father Gaufridy guilty of causing the Ursulines to be possessed by demons, and luring the young women to caves where they participated in illicit activities. Rather than accepting the role of victim, the Ursulines, working in collusion, accomplished the miraculous: public exoneration, and reintegration into their religious community accompanied not only by a reclaimed stature as women religious, but by an elevated stature. Through an intricate play of accusation and expiation, carefully worked through the demons that possessed them, the Ursuline novices reconstructed themselves as virtuous women religious.  相似文献   

马伟业 《满族研究》2005,4(3):99-105
满族作家端木蕻良的小说具有强烈的浪漫主义色彩,艾青称其为“科尔沁草原的诗人”,巴人称其为“拜伦式的诗人”。他的小说具有强烈的主观性和自我表现的因素,把外在的写实与内在的抒情结合起来.常常是对情感的表达大于对时间的叙说。他的小说浪漫主义特征还表现在自我形象走进作品方面、刻画神秘气氛及传奇式浪漫英雄方面、对自然的超越现实的崇拜方面等等。他的小说在形式上追求独特性,其结构更为自由与大胆。小说语言也奔放而恣肆,这使得他的小说浪漫主义气息更加浓重。不过,端木蕻良小说的浪漫主义是以现实主义为底色的,这正是他的小说具有独特风格的根本原因。  相似文献   

Yu Liu 《European Legacy》2006,11(5):501-514
Addison's landscape discussion in the famous 1712 Spectator essay on the pleasures of the imagination has often been regarded as the beginning of modern aesthetics. To see how this is the case but not in the way of conventional interpretations, it is important to remember the then revolutionary idea of “beauty without order” which Sir William Temple first discussed via the asymmetrical Chinese gardening style and which Addison enthusiastically endorsed in his horticultural reform agenda. Much more than the notions of beauty, greatness, and uncommonness which are the ostensible focus and usually noticed content of his essay and which are all derived from classical European aesthetics, it is this new and unusual love of things in their seeming irregularity and disorder, and the associated belief in their capability to work themselves out, that retrospectively seems to constitute Addison's most important contribution to English and European Romanticism.  相似文献   


Liberalism arose alongside Romanticism but the two were qualitatively different. Romantic Liberalism in Italy and Spain, with roots in the Enlightenment, looked for the reasons why supposed past liberties had been lost and for methods to regain them. The constitutional issue, however, exposed the differences between the two countries, due principally to continued foreign rule in Italy, lack of political unity and the absence of an accepted common language. In both countries, however, the conjunction of Liberalism and Romanticism assisted the elaboration of national myths. Literature in both countries responded to the overriding issues but with different emphases. Spain Romanticism produced no writer of Alessandro Manzoni's stature.  相似文献   

徐健 《史学集刊》2021,(3):96-110
浪漫主义运动发生于18世纪末至19世纪30年代,是一场构建民族精神特质的思想塑造运动。柏林的宗教氛围、普鲁士君主制传统,特别是作为其“血脉”的等级制度在法国革命冲击后依然完好无损地保留,使浪漫主义者得以将普鲁士作为政治实验场开展活动。亚当·米勒和斯泰因是两位改革时期的浪漫派代表,一个从观念出发,将君主制、等级制“浪漫化”,用于指导改革;而另一个则从历史经验出发,在实践中尝试将君主制和等级制做出顺应时代的改变。他们的思想和实践对普鲁士的改革进程产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

In manifold ways, the stylistic and performative features and evolving genre conventions of nineteenth‐century ‘classical’ music reflect the increasing grip of nationalism on cultural attitudes in Europe. Conversely, music could become an important medium for the expression and dissemination of nationalist ideals. A cross‐national, European‐wide survey of this interpenetration between musical and ideological developments is applied towards a tentative typological outline of ‘musical nationalism’.  相似文献   

近代欧洲民族主义和民族主义史学的产生,是浪漫主义运动在历史和政治领域的反映。浪漫主义对情感、历史连续性、独特性和整体性的强调,是民族主义产生的思想和情感基础。在启蒙运动、法国大革命和拿破仑战争的影响下,欧洲各国历史学家对本民族的历史、文化传统和命运进行深入的研究,形成了民族主义史学。浪漫主义对个体独特性以及个体与整体协调发展思想的强调,使早期民族主义和世界主义在根本上保持一致。  相似文献   

Increasingly, archaeologists are recognizing cultural anthropological work in New Guinea as an important source of ethnographic analogy for understanding the initial stages of cultural evolution. This article critically reviews the literature on leadership in contact-era New Guinea. It is intended as an introduction both to different theoretical interpretations of leadership, as these have developed from Marshal Sahlins's Big-man archetype to the present, and to the primary literature on the topic. It points to several implications for archaeological theory, identifies a number of problems in the ethnography and theory of contact-era New Guinea leadership, and concludes with a brief guide to deploying the ethnographic and theoretical literature.  相似文献   

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