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This article argues that Virgil's Fourth Eclogue can in part be understood in light of the influence of the Eleusinian Mysteries on Roman religion. In particular, it argues that the child can be compared with Ploutos and that the return of the Virgo reflects the myth of Persephone. The myths of Demeter at Eleusis are assimilated to the Roman myth of a golden age under the rule of Saturnus. The return of Persephone from the Underworld and the birth of the child signify an end to war. The possible significance of the poem to Augustan propaganda is also discussed.  相似文献   

<正>说到昆虫,人们自然会想起法国杰出昆虫学家、文学家法布尔的传世佳作《昆虫记》。那不仅是一部不朽的文学巨著,也是一部引人入胜的科学百科。法布尔用毕生精力,充满爱意地描绘了昆虫的本能、习性、劳动、婚恋、繁衍和死亡,详细记录了自己在昆虫世界的漫游历程。这部作品面世以来深受各国读者的喜爱,法布尔也被人们称为"科学诗人""昆虫世界的维吉尔"。法布尔不愧是昆虫世界的最佳导游,是他把人们带入一个生动有趣的昆虫世界。  相似文献   

<正>顾云芳网名鸟语者,多年来专注濒危珍稀鸟类摄影,足迹遍布全国,拍摄野生鸟类近600种。数十幅作品在全国、省、市大赛中获得金银大奖,上百幅作品在报刊杂志发表,2010年获得"保护地球生态"全国十佳环保摄影师荣誉。7年前,一次偶然的雏鸟救助,让顾云芳踏上野鸟生态摄影之路,生态摄影的独特魅力和挑战,让他专注于拍摄,利用所有假期在野外奔波。他说:  相似文献   

吕莜 《旅游纵览》2014,(12):64-66
<正>在这个蔚蓝的星球上,有不计其数的动物在与我们共享家园,它们分布广泛,甚至可以说无处不在。它们之中有的庞大,有的弱小;有的凶猛,有的友善;有的奔跑如飞,有的缓慢蠕动;有的能展翅翱翔,有的能自由游弋……它们同样面对着弱肉强食的残酷,也同样享受着生活的美好,并都以自己独特的方式演绎着生命的传奇。正是因为有了这些千姿百态的生命,我们的星球才显得如此富有生机。在动物王国中,有着上百万的动物,我们能真正认识的只是冰山一角,有时,我们会在某一瞬间突然被一种动物吸引眼球,同时,我们也会  相似文献   


There is a tradition of theory—virtually as old as written literature itself—that views the artist as a maker of new worlds.1 Reacting against philosophers like Plato, who sees literature as merely the imitation of an imitation, many theorists have ascribed to writers a dynamic and creative power to bring into being that which did not exist before. This article examines two such would-be creators: Friedrich Nietzsche and Chinua Achebe.  相似文献   

Dunbar, Robin, Knight, Chris, & Power, Camilla, eds. The Evolution of Culture: An Interdisciplinary View. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999. ix + 257 pp. including chapter references, index, tables, illustrations. $55.00 cloth; $24.00 paper.  相似文献   

In every theory and worldview there are subjective and contextual elements. While knowledge is embedded and rooted in socio‐spatial contexts, it is also located in the bodies of researchers and travels with them. A travelling theory of knowledge is based on several context‐sensitive theories and concepts. This paper discusses Edgar Kant (1902–1978) and his work in the context of its important contribution to early modern urban geography. Kant as a person and his work is seen in the Estonian societal and academic context.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):9-26

This article addresses two related aspects of King Edgar's visit to Chester — why he went there and how he got there. Interpretations of its purpose have generally been based upon English sources and have paid less attention to Welsh evidence: this article attempts an alternative perspective. The first of the two aspects is a stage in the development of the ‘Kingdom of the Anglo-Saxons’ expressed in the coronation at Bath and a tenth-century durbar at Chester when the might of the King of all England was pronounced to the outside world. The second, which was linked to that and specifically directed at the North-West, was a determined attempt to define and strengthen the north-western frontier of the extended kingdom and tighten Edgar's grip upon the northern Welsh princes whose constant infighting presented an opportunity for Norse and/or Irish incursions. His actions became an economic as well as a military necessity, to maintain the English grasp on North Wales and to protect the important trading links between Chester and Ireland.  相似文献   

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