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良渚文化是中国新石器时代长江下游地区的一种重要的考古文化类型 ,以出土大量制作精美的玉器而闻名 ,尤以大型玉制礼器著称。礼器 ,通常指用于祭祀、丧葬、宴飨、朝聘、婚冠等礼仪活动的各类器物。考古研究发现 ,礼器的应用于新石器时代就已出现 ,不过当时只用于祭祀和丧葬等活动。玉制礼器的产生大约在距今 6 0 0 0至距今4 0 0 0年间 ,多发现于辽河流域的红山文化 ,黄河流域的大汶口、龙山文化、长江下游的良渚文化中。其中良渚文化礼仪用玉尤为典型。它们大部分出土于浙江反山、瑶山、上海福泉山、江苏武进寺墩、新沂花厅、赵陵山等遗址…  相似文献   

美国教育学博士杨家能先生在其博士论文《文化资本:现代苗族的古老文化》中,以世界苗族,特别是中国苗族历史文化为背景,用文本分析、现象学、历史学方法分析了苗族丧葬歌词《引路》的文化内涵,以及其所反映的苗族文化结构、文化环境。对苗族文化的现代化和当代价值,特别是民族教育方法作了探讨。文章不仅为苗族文化研究提供了珍贵的文化史料,也提供了方法论的借鉴。更为重要的是,它深化了我们对民族文化资源向文化资本转化这一当今时代重大课题的新认识、新实践。  相似文献   

<正>南京雨花台区的花神庙一带,早在元代就是南京种植花卉的基地,明清时期尤为鼎盛。花农们为了祈求上苍能给他们一个好的收成、好的年景而集资修建庙宇,由于里面供奉着数尊花神的塑像,故称花神庙。花神,在中国早有文献记载,《月令广义》曰:"女夷,主春夏长养之神,即花神也。"二月为花的生日,大地复苏,百花初开,即为花朝。明朝定都南京之后,城南的凤台门外被钦定为皇家的后花园。每年的农历二月初二,当地的花农都要去花神庙,点烛焚香,祭拜花神,祈福风  相似文献   

闻惠芬 《东南文化》2003,(11):46-51
受生存环境影响而形成的吴地早期玉化之内涵实质包含着中国传统化的基本核心。《易经》为我国最古老的经典,几千年来,固定着华夏民族的思维程式。然今人皆知《周易》而不知《连山》,不知易之真正泉源乃吴地玉化也。  相似文献   

By the 1930s, a variety of forces were chipping away at the traditional Chinese wedding in urban centers like Shanghai. “New-style” weddings—with a bride in a white wedding dress—took place outside of the home and featured networks of friends, choice of one’s spouse, autonomy from one’s parents, and the promise of happiness and independence. With the publication of wedding portraits and detailed discussions of new-style wedding etiquette and its trappings, women’s magazines further shaped the new-style bride as a consumer and an individual. Early reformers had envisioned the new-style ceremony as a streamlined and affordable alternative to traditional ceremonies, but for most city residents these weddings remained out of reach. After the Nationalist consolidation of power in 1928, Shanghai was deemed a crucial site for the promotion of ritual reform and economic restraint. Weddings were at the crux of this movement, which was buttressed by the Civil Code of 1931 allowing children to legally marry without parental consent. New Life Movement group weddings came next. These ceremonies co-opted urban wedding culture in an attempt to frame the new-style wedding as a ritual of politicized citizenship under the Nationalist government. The tension between the popular, commercial, new-style wedding and the Nationalists’ Spartan political vision, as played out in the market, is examined below.  相似文献   

史前太湖流域,礼器出现在社会初步分化的崧泽文化时期;良渚文化时期已经是一个分层的复杂社会,社会成员分化成为不同的等级、阶层,与此相适应,太湖流域史前社会出现了陶质、石质和玉质三种不同质地的礼器,并有着比较严格的使用制度,太湖流域史前社会的礼仪制度初步形成。  相似文献   

Archaeologists often make distinctions between ritual material culture and everyday or utilitarian material culture. I examine this differentiation model for understanding the complex relationships among material culture, ritual, and everyday life. Using folklore recorded in Scotland in the seventeenth to twentieth centuries, I suggest another, continuum-based model, and suggest how this model can enrich archaeological understanding of the meanings and beliefs that form the cultural contexts for the artifacts, features, sites, and landscapes we study.  相似文献   

This article examines Preclassic Maya ritual practices and craft production by means of a study of ritual deposits containing obsidian artifacts dated mostly to the late Middle Preclassic period (700–350 b.c.) at Ceibal, Guatemala. New ritual practices developed at Ceibal during this period, possibly through political interactions and negotiation involving emerging elites and other diverse community members. Common objects in ritual deposits in the public plaza shifted from greenstone celt caches to other artifacts, including those made of obsidian. The inhabitants of Ceibal engaged in various kinds of craft production, including the manufacture of obsidian prismatic blades. They also conducted public rituals in the Central Plaza, depositing exhausted polyhedral obsidian cores and other artifacts with symbolic significance in caches and as offerings in incipient elite burials and interments of sacrificed individuals. These cores clearly demonstrate the use of a sophisticated blade technology. Like greenstone objects, exhausted polyhedral obsidian cores deposited in cruciform arrangements along the east–west axis of the central E-Group plaza were used as symbols and markers of the center and four cardinal directions within the Maya cosmos. Public rituals were important for creating collective identities and for processes of political negotiation within the community. Emerging elites likely came to play an increasingly important role in public rituals as principal performers and organizers, setting the stage for later public events centered on rulers.  相似文献   

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