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This study attempts to reconcile two apparently conflicting characteristics of congressional voting–stability in congressional decisionmaking and efforts to influence change in congressional voting decisions–by developing a concept and measurement of congressional voting response to short-term forces. The analysis indicates that congressional members do occasionally deviate from established policy positions on a subset of votes in response to the President of their party. In general, congressional members are more likely to deviate from their general policy positions when the policy area is characterized by change.  相似文献   

<正>仲夏,碧波荡漾之中,我们再见那一个美丽的童话。或许你曾亲历;或许你曾幻想;或许你曾期待。那么如今我们就跟随摄影家的镜头,重温、重拾那一段美好的童年。看一看那丑小鸭如何在天鹅妈妈的亲手教学下,学会在那碧绿的湖面上划出那一个个美丽的水波。  相似文献   

In early modern Sweden, blasphemy was regarded as one of the most serious crimes one could commit. It was subject to the death penalty and was termed Crimen Laesae Majestatis Diviniae– a “crime against the heavenly majesty.” In the period 1680–1789, 110 cases of blasphemy came before the Judiciary Inspectorate; these cases can be divided into the following categories: blasphemy against God, basphemy against the sacraments, deliberate assignations to the Devil, and other blasphemies. Of the 117 accused, only nine were women and a significant number were soldiers. Blasphemy could be regarded a common subgenre within an already oral military culture.  相似文献   

<正>2012年夏天,百余名中国女摄影家来到蓬莱中柏京鲁船业有限公司,将镜头对准生产中的船舶和忙碌中的船厂工人。焊花飞舞,工人们把坚硬的钢板和钢支架融化,造就船的龙骨、甲板、外壳……一艘艘的大船从这里诞生,准备接受江海河流的检验。拍摄之余,女摄影家们也频频向船厂工人们问好,在他们小憩的时候和他们聊天,了解他们的工作、生活情况。尽管当天的气温到达32摄氏度,但工人兄弟们依然在镜头前流露着笑容。这次采风是"中国百名女摄影家走进蓬莱摄影采风暨研修  相似文献   

SoinamZholma,motherofthelatelothPanchenErdeni,receivedanunexpectedphonecallthisspring,whenshewasattendingtheannualNationalPoliticalConsultativeConferenceinBejing.ThecallsaidthatanuniversityteachernamedZhangHongwouldvisither.SoinamZholma,81,couldn'trecalle…  相似文献   

在很久很久以前,有个寡妇和她的三个女儿一起生活,大女儿叫门墩儿,二女儿叫门窝儿,小女儿叫门栓儿。有一天,寡妇对女儿们说:"门墩儿、门窝儿、门栓儿,我想去趟娘家,看看你  相似文献   

本文利用吐鲁番学的有关文献和研究成果,以《隋书·高昌传》所短缺的早期活动为本文考察的出发点,将麴伯雅生平政治活动轨迹连为一体,发现此王实乃政治阅历极深的老练政治家,初本承袭祖、父遗策,专臣于突厥木杆汗系,直至隋开皇年间未尝动摇.炀帝盛世,西突厥泥橛处罗可汗衰危,始转臣于隋,亲身朝觐,目睹隋朝亡征渐显,以变服令取媚于隋,遁身返国.自此改弦更张,进行自我政策调整,改臣于已在西突厥占有主导地位的室点密汗系,对于义和,重光年号的出现,皆为麴伯雅朝隋结束后的继发事件,是否"政变"、"复辟",本文也有新的解释.  相似文献   

For centuries, the Club War, a popular uprising on Finnish territory in the 1590s, constituted a minor side story in Swedish royal historiography. After the Napoleonic Wars, it was quickly appropriated as one of the most canonical historical events in the emerging Finnish national history. This article argues that, in order to understand the role of the Club War in early 19th-century Finnish historical culture, it is necessary to trace its interpretive tradition backwards in time, across established borders of national historiographies, in a thematic, transtemporal, and comparative framework. The paper will discuss eight pieces of Swedish and Finnish history writing from 1620 to 1860, focusing on the storylines, attributes attached to the protagonists, and historical agency allocated to different social groups against a backdrop of sources available within each context of writing, in order to pinpoint and analyse moments when the story space of the event altered. The article will demonstrate that textual traditions of regions that formerly belonged to multi-ethnic or conglomerate states provide particularly interesting material for transtemporal historiography. Through this case study, the article also argues that Swedish and Finnish historiography of the early 19th century should be studied as one, entangled, textual culture.  相似文献   

H. P. Obi 《Folklore》2013,124(4):420-424

在我国古代诗中,提到酒,特别是质量上乘的好酒,或称赞美酒时,常称作“绿酒”,“绿蚁”等等,并由此衍生出“灯红酒绿”这样的成语,本从古代酿酒工艺等方面探讨了酒在一般情况下都不是绿颜色,称它为绿色,只是强调酒液清澈。  相似文献   

<正>走近古城,犹如翻开一部大百科全书的通史卷,一页页都书写着曾经的沧桑与神秘。“雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改”,老城里的风,永远不急不缓地吹着,高高的围墙,雕花的屋檐,残存的瓦片,岁月和风雨磨损了当年的风光,老城的装饰却始终保存着历史的痕迹,昭示着曾经的辉煌,城墙背后的故事值得我们反复回味。  相似文献   

While all individuals have a story, not all individuals’stories offer great insights about American history. This accountof Junius Wilson's life (1908–2001) provides a devastatingcritique of North Carolina social norms and policies (especiallyattitudes to the deaf and to African Americans), court operations,state institutionalization and treatment of the insane, andaccess to justice. Mr. Wilson was "incarcerated in an insaneasylum merely because he was deaf, black, and poor, and bureaucraticinertia and staff paternalism helped keep him there for [morethan] sixty-five years" (129). Not only was he imprisoned physicallybut also he was isolated culturally since he was denied access  相似文献   

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