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King Louis XIV's official painter, Charles Le Brun, elaborated two models of “reading”; the body. The first one, inspired by the ancient physiognomists, surveys the analogies between human and animal features. The other, ushering in a modern pathognomy partly inspired by Descartes, codifies the signs of passion displayed on human faces: in such a perspective, the movements of the body (and more specifically those of the eyebrows) are supposed to express clearly and distinctly all the emotions of the soul by which they are produced. Thus, using the cartesian physiology as his starting point Le Brun built a semiology of gesture and a rhetoric of emotion that he systematized in the illustrated lectures held at the Royal Academy in 1668. They exemplify how classicism joined the picturesque and the discursive, the natural and the convention, the meaning of gesture and the meaning of words.  相似文献   


The microstructures of building materials from the archaeological complex of Huaca de la Luna on the northern coast of Peru is assessed for the first time by a multiscale approach. The multiscale microstructural characterization used laboratory techniques including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray microtomography, and both gas and powder pycnometry. Optical microscopy revealed the presence of organic matter and shell fragments and X-ray microtomography showed differences in the sizes and connectivity of pores. The BET (N2 gas adsorption) specific surface areas showed greater presence of clayey matrix in the mortars. No significant differences among mortars and brick fragments mineralogy were detected by X-ray diffraction, so the larger amount of fine binding matrix in the mortars suggests that they were produced blending raw material with different grain sizes. The aim of this study is to provide data that can be used for a better understanding of the Moche culture, its construction techniques, and to support conservation strategies of the archaeological heritage.  相似文献   

在国际学术界如火如荼地讨论市民社会理论之际,而来自法国学界的声音却显得很微弱。法国学者似乎也不太热衷于借助市民社会理论,去分析历史上或现实中国家与社会的关系。个中的原因不难理解,“团体主义”的负面形象①以及法国世俗化运动赋予“soci啨t啨civile”一词的特有涵义,②无疑是他们排斥这一理论的重要原因。然而,这并不意味着法国社会缺乏要求自治的呼声。恰恰相反,早在东欧剧变、苏联解体和拉丁美洲结束军人独裁之前,即在形成“全球性的市民社会理论复兴浪潮”之前,③1968年“五月风暴”以及七八十年代的极权主义批判无不体现了法国市民社会的自治诉求,只不过这一诉求在当时更多是以“自治管理”(autogestion)运动的面貌出现。法兰西学院教授皮埃尔.罗桑瓦龙在年轻时代曾是1968年学生运动的领袖人物、极权主义的批判者和“自治管理”运动的重要理论家,④所以他在2004年出版的《模式》也应该被视为他关注法国市民社会的自治诉求的续篇。不过,《模式》一书不是在老调重弹,简单地重申“自治管理”运动的各项主张,而是致力于梳理近代法国市民社会的转型过程,并着力分析影响这一进程的政治文化因素。一市民社会在法国成长的艰难,仅在19世纪历...  相似文献   


Psalm 80 is a Psalm of Asaph in the continuity of Psalm 79, and especially Psalm 78. We have the influence of Psalm 44 in relation to the Psalm 79, too. In the Psalms 78 and 80 we have two times in Israel's history: Patriarch's time (Joseph) and King's time (Judah). Joseph's mention in 80,2 and Ephraim Benjamin and Manasseh in 80,3, is an allusion to Egypt's time, a time without King. This point is corresponding to the fact of a doubt about the continuation of the royalty in the continuity of Ez 17. In the same way, Psalm 89 establishes the disappearance of the Davidic dynasty. But in the Psalm 80 there is always a hope. In the Psalm 80 the perspective of salvation plays an important part, with especially three times the expression . In this case it is not an influence of the book of Ezekiel, but a perspective of the Book of Isaiah, and so the Psalter. In this way it is possible to understand the relation of Psalm 80 to the Book of Exodus and especially Ex 15, see .  相似文献   

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