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<正>中国拉美学界认为,拉美国家的现代化是一种外源性现代化,((1))虽然各个国家的国情具有很大差异性,但由于共同的殖民地经历,在对现代化道路的探索方面,((2))体现了“多样性与统一性”的特点,((3))也可以理解为一定的趋同性。拉美国家的现代化大致经历了三个发展阶段:1870—1930年的初级产品出口阶段、1930—1980年进口替代工业化阶段、1980年以来的新自由主义改革阶段。((4))现代化道路拟解决政治、经济、  相似文献   

秘鲁现代化迟缓原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩琦 《世界历史》2003,3(4):83-93
秘鲁长期实行初级产品出口增长模式 ,不断地侵蚀了其自主发展的潜力 ;寡头政权的长期存在维护了既得利益 ,阻止了旧模式向新模式的转换 ;种族和社会的长期分裂状态 ,难以凝聚团结改革力量 ,推翻寡头政治 ,以建立新的发展模式。由于经济、政治、社会三个方面的因素在秘鲁历史中长期交互作用 ,造成了其现代化进程步履蹒跚。  相似文献   

1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度仍然遵循1834年新济贫法所确立的“济贫院内救济原则”。由于社会条件的变化,英国的济贫法制度在1870—1914年进行了一定程度的改革,但是,这种以对贫困的消极被动性救济而不是积极主动性预防为基本特征的济贫法制度已经不能适应英国社会发展的需要。然而,由于特殊的政治原因以及济贫法制度本身的改革,英国的济贫法制度作为以社会保险制度为核心内容的现代社会保障制度的补充而暂时保存下来。  相似文献   

西方学者通常把近代民族主义理论区分为公民民族主义和族裔民族主义,并把法国民族主义作为前者的典型。事实上,这种对近代法国民族主义理论的界定只适用于近代前期(1789—1870年),而在近代后期(1870—1914年),法国则经历了一个从公民民族主义向族裔民族主义过渡的理论蜕变过程。在这一蜕变过程中,“我”族裔与“非我”族裔的对立逐渐成为近代法国内政、外交的主题之一,最终导致法国卷入第一次世界大战。  相似文献   

根据传统的西方现代化理论,欠发达社会的现代化进程中,经济发展与政治民主是同步发展、相互促进的。但20世纪60年代以来非西方国家的政治发展现实对这一观点提出了挑战。在巴西,经济现代化带来了威权主义,而非民主政治。其原因在于巴西的现代化模式进口替代工业化的发展过程中,必然出现通货膨胀和国际收支危机,经济的进一步发展要求首先实行经济紧缩,而经济上的紧缩则要求政治上的权威。巴西1964年的政变虽只是一个个案,但它表明,不能用西方现代化“和谐的”、“直线的”道路来分析第三世界国家的现代化。  相似文献   

张勇 《民族译丛》2007,(2):13-18
“全球化”与“民族一国家”是一个矛盾统一体。一方面,它们是矛盾着的对立面,全球化的发展似乎注定要带来对民族一国家及其主权的否定;另一方面,它们又是统一的,它们统一于人类社会现代化的历史进程之中。二者都是由资本主义的发展和扩张所引发的必然的社会结果,并在历史发展的进程中相互影响、相互促进。只要资本主义还存在,只要阶级还存在,无论全球化如何发展,民族一国家都不会消亡。  相似文献   

拉美结构主义发展理论产生于20世纪中叶,对拉美和整个第三世界的现代化进程产生了很大的影响。阿根廷经济学家劳尔.普雷维什在这种理论形成的过程中发挥了关键作用。本文①从三个方面论述拉美结构主义产生的历史根源:第一,拉美结构主义是阿根廷历史文化传统的一种延续,洛佩斯-佩列格里尼学派的影响尤为显著;第二,这种理论的兴起与20世纪前期盛行于拉美的经济民族主义思潮密切相关;第三,拉美结构主义是普雷维什个人职业经历与当时的客观历史条件相结合的产物。  相似文献   

文化建设在城市发展中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李云 《攀登》2002,21(6):93-97
现代化的社会在很大程度上是城市社会。城市的现代化 ,是经济、政治、文化全面发展的过程 ,在这个过程  中 ,文化生存 ,是城市生存的前提和条件 ;文化发展 ,是城市发展的“助推器”。只有重视城市文化建设 ,才能加快城市的现代化进程 ,才能提升城市的文化品位。  相似文献   

石德生 《攀登》2013,(1):53-59
本文通过对宗教心态和行为、动机的调查与分析,讨论了撤拉族民众宗教信仰的变迁趋势及特征。认为:虽然现代化、社会转型、市场经济的建立、理性化带来的观念方面的冲击,使得撒拉族民众的社会、宗教生活出现了“世俗化”趋势;但也由于传统文化的影响,社会、民族、文化与自我认同的需要,撒拉族民众的宗教生活、社会生活也表现出较强的“去世俗化”趋势,即现代化进程中撒拉族民众宗教信仰的发展变迁是“世俗化”与“去世俗化”双重趋势并存。  相似文献   

战后日本经济的高速发展,举世瞩目.探究其原因,成为国内外学者的热门课题.特别是概观经济飞速发展的日本与香港、台湾、南朝鲜、新加坡“四小龙”新兴工业发展地区,认为儒家思想成为它们经济高速发展极为重要的原因.更有甚者,有人称其谓“儒家资本主义模式”.对此,笔者不敢苟同,主要理由是日本现代化的实现,是在它特定的历史条件下,充分发挥了根植于日本民族在历史的长河中所凝聚而成的民族素质,本文试图在概述日本现代化进程及其成功奥秘的基础上,评估儒家思想对日本现代化的作用;分析中国文化传统的特质,阐明中国文化传统对日本现代化所发生的影响;最后,提出文化传统与现代化关系的若干思考.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Gender & history》1996,8(1):148-168
Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero (eds) History from Crime Frances E. Dolan, Dangerous Familiars: Representations of Domestic Crime in England, J550–1700 Jenny Kermode and Garthine Walker (eds) Women, Crime and the Courts in Early Modern England Mary Abbott, Family Ties: English Families, 1540–1920 Beatrice Gottlieb, The Family in the Western World from the Black Death to the Industrial Age Rosemary O'Day, The Family and Family Relationships, 1500–1900: England, France, and the United States of America Tessie P. Liu, The Weaver's Knot: The Contradictions of Class Struggle and Family Solidarity in Western France, 1750–1914 Karen V. Hansen, A Very Social Time: Crafting Community in Antebellum New England Thomas Dublin, Transforming Women's Work: New England Lives in the Industrial Revolution Barbara Alpern Engel, Between the Fields and the City: Women, Work, and Family in Russia, 1861–1914 Judith R. Walkowitz, City of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London Ellen Ross, Love and Toil: Motherhood in Outcast London, 1870–1918 Jose Harris, Private Lives, Public Spirit. A Social History of Britain, 1870–1914 Marilynn Wood Hill, Their Sisters' Keepers: Prostitution in New York City, 1830–1870 Donna J. Guy, Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Family, and Nation in Argentina Shannon Bell, Reading, Writing, and Rewriting the Prostitute Body Janet Hunter (ed.) Japanese Women Working  相似文献   

This article explores the anarchists' multilayered theoretical and practical engagement with the concepts and performance of nations, nationalism and national belonging, by applying the frameworks of banal nationalism (understood as an ideology) and everyday nationhood (the daily practices in which nation and nationhood are enacted) as analytical categories, to investigate the Italian and French anarchist exile groups in London between 1870 and 1914. Adopting these theoretical categories proves fruitful in probing the anarchists' perception and enactment of the idea of nation and national belonging, contributing to the literature on the relationship between pre-1914 socialist movements and (inter)nationalism and highlighting the specificity of anarchism therein. Using Fox and Miller-Idriss's four categories of everyday nationhood, we show that while the anarchists explicitly subverted the everyday performance of nationhood, redeploying it along internationalist lines, some forms of attachment to the national did endure and were in fact not always contradictory with anarchist internationalism. Looking at the exilic rituals of this intensely diasporic group thus complicates the simplistic but still pervasive view of a monolithic ideological internationalism and rejection of the national on the part of anarchists.  相似文献   

One of the anticipated gains from the trade liberalization policies adopted by many Latin American countries in recent years is improved export performance. In this article, the arguments on which this expectation is based are reviewed and the impact of trade liberalization on Bolivian manufactured exports analysed. The conclusion is that improved export performance is largely the result of a more realistic and more stable real exchange rate after 1985, while the trade policy reforms have had little impact. Certain deficiencies of Bolivia's export performance, such as the increased emphasis on primary and semi-processed products, and the lack of diversification in terms of both products and markets, are also noted.  相似文献   

英国现代社会保障制度的建立(1870-1914)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1870-1914年是英国现代社会保障制度建立的时代。社会问题的严重化和济贫法制度的失效是英国现代社会保障制度建立的基本原因。工人运动的发展极大地促进了这一制度的建立,费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为英国现代社会保障制度的建立提供了理论基础。1908年的《养老金法》、1911年的《国民保险法》所建立起来的社会保险制度,标志着英国现代社会保障制度的基本确立。英国现代社会保障制度的建立是英国社会福利制度的一次根本性转变,但它还存在一些明显的局限性。  相似文献   

The period from 1870 to 1914 plays a unique role in the history of natural resource exploration and extraction. This article analyses, from a Swedish viewpoint, the connections between two actor categories of special importance in this context: scientific-geographical explorers and industrial actors. The article examines their activities in three broadly defined regions: the Arctic, Russia, and Africa. We show that the Swedes generally had far-reaching ambitions, on par with those of the large imperial powers. In some cases, notably in Africa, Sweden was not able to compete with the larger imperial powers; but in other cases, such as the exploration of the Arctic – from Spitsbergen to Siberia – and the industrial exploitation of coal at Spitsbergen and petroleum in Russia’s colonial periphery, Swedish actors played a leading role, in competition with players from the larger European nations. Our paper shows that scientific exploration and industry were closely linked, and that foreign policy also influenced the shaping of these links. We distinguish different types of knowledge produced by the Swedish actors, pointing to local, situated knowledge as the most important type for many resource-based businesses, although modern, scientific knowledge was on the increase during this period.  相似文献   

李振发  贺灿飞 《人文地理》2020,35(4):99-110
在区分中间/最终产品、一般/加工贸易后,描述了中国电子机械制造业出口产品贸易网络,并探讨了出口经验和产品关联如何影响企业进入网络从事出口和拓展优势贸易伙伴。结果表明:①出口地、目的国、出口地-目的国维度出口经验和产品关联可以显著地促进4种电子机械制造业产品企业进入特定贸易网络进行出口。②在位出口企业扩展优势伙伴方面,出口地-目的国维度出口经验对4种企业均有促进作用;目的国出口经验、出口地产品关联的促进作用集中在中间产品企业;出口地出口经验则集中在一般贸易企业。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of Australia’s experience with trade and industry policy since Federation in light of the dilemmas facing a small, rich, remote, resource-based economy. It focuses on the attempt to diversify away from a dependence on the export of primary products and to move beyond – while still also continuing to exploit – the country’s natural comparative advantage. It examines the rise and decline, purpose and effects, of protectionism; moments of experimentation with interventionist industry policy; and effects of the mining boom. In doing so, it considers Australia’s particular economic circumstances and factor endowments in light of competing notions of comparative advantage and the appropriate role of government in promoting economic development and competitiveness.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中日两国贸易结构发生较大变化,即中国对日本出口的食品及矿产等初级产品在对日出口总额中降到不足一成,而纤维产品贸易以几乎每年占中日贸易额的20~30%的速度强劲发展,推动了两国贸易总额的迅速增长,但同时也引起贸易摩擦。尽管纤维产品贸易由垂直贸易分工向初级水平贸易分工发展,以及密切的依存关系两大特征,使中日两国避免了在该领域的贸易战,但是,如何在互补性贸易结构中寻求更多的合作领域以减少贸易摩擦甚至避免贸易战争,是20世纪90年代中日纤维产品贸易带来的重要启示。  相似文献   

This article contributes to an ongoing dialogue on the causes of migration and emigration and the relationship between migrants/emigrants and their homelands by investigating historical materials dealing with the Chinese in Chicago from 1870s to 1940s. It shows that patterns of Chinese migration/emigration overseas have endured for a long period, from pre-Qing times to today’s global capitalist expansionism. The key argument is that from the very beginning of these patterns, it has been trans-local and transnational connections that have acted as primary vehicles facilitating survival in the new land. While adjusting their lives in new environments, migrants and emigrants have made conscious efforts to maintain and renew socioeconomic and emotional ties with their homelands, thus creating transnational ethnic experiences.  相似文献   

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