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周怀东 《东南文化》2017,(1):97-101
笔者通过对博物馆恒温恒湿的基本要求、热泵式溶液恒温恒湿空调机组的原理、特点以及实际应用情况等进行分析、比较,对博物馆应用热泵式溶液恒温恒湿空调机组新技术进行浅析。  相似文献   

笔者通过对博物馆恒温恒湿的基本要求、热泵式溶液恒温恒湿空调机组的原理、特点以及实际应用情况等进行分析、比较,对博物馆应用热泵式溶液恒温恒湿空调机组新技术进行浅析。  相似文献   

博物馆的中央空调系统主要是为文物、观众和全体文物工作者服务的,与普通的舒适性空调系统相比,具有很大的特殊性。经过多年的探索与实践,中央空调系统的设计师、建设者已经积累了大量丰富的经验。但从工程建设和系统运行的实际效果来看,在大的设计方案初步确定之后,系统设计和项目实施的若干细节却更加重要。本文就其中的部分细节作一简单的解析,以期对博物馆的中央空调系统建设有所帮助。  相似文献   

武汉博物馆文物保存环境研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为全面了解武汉博物馆的文物保存环境现状,科学评价该馆文物库房环境达标试点工程的成效,总结实践经验,服务我国馆藏文物保存环境改善工作,采用相关检测设施和仪器分析手段,针对该馆的改造新文物库房、未改造老库房、文物储藏柜、包装囊盒、陈列展厅、文物展柜内的环境质量,检测了其中的温度、相对湿度、甲醛浓度、板材的木材含水率、可见光照度以及紫外辐照强度等指标,并对环境中的酸性气体和VOC浓度进行了采样分析。检测研究结果表明,武汉博物馆达标改造工程对库房温湿度和光照水平的控制成效明显,基本达到了文物保护要求;增添使用的文物储藏柜、包装囊盒、活性炭吸附材料等具有一定的微环境调控效果。由于装饰材料和橱柜材料等散发污染物的影响、恒温恒湿系统的间歇式运转模式、部分老库房和展厅采用无防护自然采光设计等原因,现文物保存环境中还存在主要污染气体浓度普遍偏高、湿度呈现短周期性波动、局部光照水平偏高等情况。对此,给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

对于环境因素敏感的馆藏文物,恒温恒湿的保存环境条件无疑是最好选择.大空间的文物陈列和保存环境,采用冷冻除湿型恒温恒湿系统比较合理.针对文物保存的要求和特殊性,需要对恒温恒湿环境系统的各种参数进行优化设计,以达到高效、节能的要求.  相似文献   

近年来市场上推广用调湿建材搭建库中库,调控库房内湿度,减小空调的运行能耗。为验证调湿建材对文物库房湿度调控的应用效果,进一步降低文物库房中温湿度的波动,节约能耗,本实验分别用调湿建材和普通建材搭建库房,通过设置不同的空调系统开关场景,得到不同场景下两间库房各阶段的库房湿度并进行对比分析。结果表明用调湿建材搭建的库房内湿度更加均匀,同中心位置相关性达到0.8;在不同的空调开启场景下湿度变化都更加平缓,日波动均低于2%;并且开启间隔越短,调控效果越好。因此使用调湿建材搭建的库房对环境控制效果更好,结合适当的空调开启方式可起到一定的节能效果。本研究为文物库房的搭建节能和库房内空调的开启方式提供了较好的参考。  相似文献   

针对博物馆展柜出现的在夏季高温工况时展柜内温度无法降到恒温恒湿系统设定值的现象,通过实验计算并比较玻璃导热产生的冷负荷和送风提供的冷量,来判断柜内温度达到要求所需要的最小风量,并计算出了展柜单层钢化玻璃在内外都是受迫对流换热状态时的传热系数K值。  相似文献   

汉阳陵地下博物馆是我国首个遗址保存在恒温恒湿环境的博物馆,但遗址表面仍然析出了硫酸钙(CaSO_4·2H_2O)。本研究通过对汉阳陵13号坑封闭展厅内环境温湿度、土壤蒸发量、遗址本体及地下水可溶盐的长期监测分析硫酸钙(CaSO_4·2H_2O)产生原因。结果表明,13号坑环境湿度长期保持100%,由于遗址表面温度高于露点温度,空气中水分子在土壤表面不能转化为液态水返回到土壤中,而随着土壤水分蒸发遗址表面土壤溶液浓度逐渐增大,溶液中离子相互发生反应在遗址表面析出白色的硫酸钙。  相似文献   

陈列展览是博物馆、纪念馆重要的组成部分,也是综合实力的直接体现。新疆生产建设兵团军垦博物馆是国家二级博物馆,第三次陈列改造提升工程荣获第二十届(2022年度)全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品奖。文章对新疆兵团军垦博物馆第三次陈列改造的实践进行回顾和思考,以期对中小型博物馆、纪念馆的陈列改造有所裨益。  相似文献   

针对博物馆展柜出现的在夏季高温工况时展柜内温度无法降到恒温恒湿系统设定值的现象,通过加大风量来增加系统制冷量的方法来解决,并通过实验比较更换风机前后不同工况时,通过玻璃进入展柜的热流量、表冷器进出水温差、表冷器进送风空气状态等,来分析判断系统冷负荷及冷量的变化及原因,证明更换更大风量的风机能够使展柜内温度降到接近系统设定温度,符合文物保护要求。  相似文献   

Museums are often sites for the fabrication of hegemonic discourse. They represent the political nature of heritage construction and the instruments used to support these narratives. This paper traces the appropriation of museums as symbols of national projects and argues that not all museums achieve this political end. The Kuwait National Museum designed by Michel Écochard will be examined as a case study for this argument. Écochard’s project demonstrates the many challenges that develop between nationalist politics, heritage production and competing centres of power.  相似文献   

Hong Kong and Macao were once European colonies. A unique, hybrid culture of East and West now flourishes in these two Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of China. Both cities opened new history museums in 1998, but they adopted remarkably different approaches in their representation of their complicated and politically sensitive history. The Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) represents history by closely following the orientation of traditional Chinese nationalism. The postcolonial characteristics adopted by the Macao Museum to reproduce history, in contrast, are likely amongst the richest of all history museums in China. What are the reasons behind the different historical representations by Hong Kong and Macao, which were both promised a ‘One country, Two systems’ policy by the Chinese central authority? This paper argues that both museums reveal two faces of a rising China; the one in Hong Kong emphasises national dignity, and the people’s identification with and loyalty to the nation when it is engaged in state building. The one in Macao emphasises the multiple roles in finding a balanced position to coexist with superpowers, forging friendships with developing countries and building an idealised image of a (re-)rising nation through historical construction. The difference between these two museums indicates the exceptional flexibility of China’s postcommunist regime in engaging in soft power diplomacy.  相似文献   

Museums are conventionally viewed as institutions dedicated to the conservation of valued objects and the education of the public. Recently, controversies have arisen regarding the representation of history in museums. National museums in America and Germany considered here, such as the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the German Historical Museum, have become sites of contention where national histories and personal memories are often at odds. Contemporary art installations in museums which take historical consciousness as their theme similarly raise contentious issues about public knowledge of and personal interest in the past. When members of publics find that their memories of the past or their expectations for museum experiences are not being met, a kind of "distortion" occurs. The "distortion" related to memory and history in the museum is not so much of facts or interpretations, but rather a distortion from the lack of congruity between personal experience and expectation, on the one hand, and the institutional representation of the past on the other. This essay explores the possibilities for a redefined relationship between personal memory and history that is experienced in contemporary museums.  相似文献   

蒋凡  项隆元 《东南文化》2022,(1):145-151
以震旦博物院和上海博物院为代表的西方人在华建立的博物馆,除了是西方在华文化殖民的表现外,还是西方在华收集自然史信息的机构,旨在开展自然史标本收藏和研究工作,以服务西方自然史研究和了解中国的需求.到了 20世纪二三十年代,它们开始重视博物馆作为公共文化机构的作用,展览和社会教育成为这些博物馆的重要活动,并以此向中国社会开...  相似文献   

Recently Turkey has experimented with reforming its highly centralized cultural heritage sector by outsourcing commercial activities at museums and archeological sites. We examine three outsourcing contracts executed in 2009–2010 and their implications for understanding New Public Management in Turkey’s cultural sector. The initial project at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum was soon superseded by a ‘monopoly’ model that outsourced gift shop and ticket collection services at over 50 museums and sites to single companies. All three projects have significantly increased visitor numbers and revenues for the revolving fund that controls commercial operations within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Yet unlike countries such as Italy, where outsourcing has led to decentralization, increased private sector involvement in Turkey has increased the control of the central government. This ‘centralized decentralization’ is a distinctly Turkish approach that allows for modernization without disturbing a highly centralized administrative tradition.  相似文献   

网上博物馆的建设,是一个新的尝试。本文介绍了网上专业博物馆与现实专业博物馆的区别,“网上给水技术博物馆”栏目的设置及网站的建设和维护。  相似文献   

针对当前文物保存环境监测系统实际应用中,存在布线复杂、通信稳定性差、造价及安装维护成本高、需要频繁更换电池等一系列问题,本工作比较研究了几种成熟网络通信技术在文物保存环境监测系统中的应用现状及特性,并以四川博物院现有433 MHz技术监测系统为例,通过对博物馆应用场景的实验测试,从信号强度、丢包率和电池功耗等多方面,对比分析采用433 MHz、LoRa和NB-IoT等3种网络通信技术的优劣。实验结果表明,基于433 MHz技术的文物保存环境监测系统,存在现场布线复杂、建设成本较高、安装维护困难等明显弊端,而基于LoRa、NB-IoT技术的监测系统,与现有的433 MHz技术相比,在大大降低安装维护成本的同时也减少了中间节点的传输损耗,但所有测试点信号质量并未达到监测所需的覆盖效果,需要通过调整监测系统部署、优化网络应用性能等方式加以解决。在此基础上,结合文物预防性保护的实际应用需求,提出初步思考及建议,以探索一种布局安装方便快捷、使用维护成本低廉的新型文物保存环境监测系统。研究结果对今后文物保存环境监测系统网络构架的选择和博物馆预防性保护工程建设具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

In recent years, growing attention has been paid to the complex relationship between museums, collecting and colonialism in the Southwest Pacific. This paper contributes to this wider body of research by presenting a baseline study of Papua New Guinea’s two earliest museums: an Economic Museum built in 1907 and an Anthropology Museum initiated in 1907, but not built until 1914. Both museums were financed and run by government departments within the newly established Australian Territory of Papua. Both were imbricated in contemporary colonial agendas aimed at mapping, classifying and, ultimately, exploiting the natural and human resources of the colony. However, their histories also reveal significant differences in the personal and political agendas of their respective founders, Miles ‘Staniforth’ Smith and Hubert Murray, who in 1907 were in direct competition for the position of inaugural lieutenant-governor of the Territory. In the internecine rivalries of the day their respective museums provided each of them with a platform to publically demonstrate his aptitude and vision for governing the new colony.  相似文献   

博物馆藏书结构与博物馆业务研究密切相关。本文分析了河南博物院图书室的性质、作用和藏书结构与业务研究的关系,提出了如何解决现有矛盾的对策。  相似文献   

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