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17thLivingBuddhaGarmabaVisitsHinterlandbyOurCorrespondentsWhentensofthousandsofpeoplegatheredatBeijing′sTiananmencelebratethe...  相似文献   

OneFebruarynight,acallfromLhasacausedmedistress.Itwasacallfromafriend.WhenIfirstheardhisvoice,Iwaswildwithjoy.Wehadnotspokentoeachotherforalongtime.Buthisnewswasreallysad:The6thLivingBuddha,alsoafriendofmine,passedawayonFebruary13.IcametoknowtheLivingBudd…  相似文献   

UnderthelovingcareoftheCPCUnitedFrontWorkDepartmentandtheCPCTibetAutonomousRegionalCommittee,the17thLivingBuddhaGamabao'gyainChilaiDojevisitedGuang-dong,FujianandZhejianginearly1999.Thiswriteraccompaniedhimonthe26-daytour.Therecentvisittothethreecoastalprovincesisactuallythesec-ondtriptothehinterlandmadebythe17thLivingBuddhaGamaba,whois14thisyear.Hisfirsttriptookplacein1994.Forthefirsttime,hetraveledbyplane,shipandtrain,visitingBeijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,ShanxiandSichuan.Thetripmade…  相似文献   

LIVING BUDDHA QUXILiving Buddha Quxi was born into a poor Tibetan peasant family in Guide County,Qinghai Province in 1934.When he was three,the 9th Panchen Erdeni determinedhim to be the reincarnated soul boy of the 3rd Living Buddha Quxi Pandit,and he wasgiven he religious name of Quxi Lobtsang Huadain Longrou Gyarnco. An enthrone-ment ceremony was held in Tar Monastery on April 15,1936,and he was tonsured inthe monastery on April 15,1943.  相似文献   

Tar Monastery, in Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province, wasbuilt in 1577 in memory of Master Zongkapa, founder of theGeing Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. On April 13, 2000, the 6th Living Buddha Angyas was enthroned in the Residence of the Living Buddha Angyas there.SEARCHING FOR THE SOUL BOY. In response to public demand,efforts began in 1994 to look for the soul boy of the late sib Living BuddhaAngyas. This won the care, support and aid of the prefectural government.Tar Monastery…  相似文献   

SHAZHAGANDAINBANJIUnesummerdayin1939(theTibetanYearofEarthRabbit),ToinbaGyizongQambaKezhol(amonkoficialinchargeofsacrificia...  相似文献   

Many eminent monks and Living Buddha‘s were born in Deqen. The 2nd Living Buddha Summo was one such.  相似文献   

In 1995, Living Buddha Bomi drew a lot from the golden um in front of the statue of Sakyamuni in the Jokhang Monastery. As a result, a boy from Jiali was confirmed as the soul boy of the late 10th Panchen Erdeni. When he later became the 11th Panchen Erdeni, Living Buddha Bomi was  相似文献   

TheGarzangMonasteryislocatedinDorduiKamba.ItisunderthejurisdictionoftheYushuTibetanNationalityAutonomousPretbcture.QinghaiProvince.Inancienttimes.theareasurroundingthemonasterywasamajorpassagebetweenthehinterlandandTibet.GARZANGMONASTERY.PeopleintheDorzan…  相似文献   

Most of thefamous monas-teries in Tibetare found inmountainous gullies withlittle of no tree cover. How-ever, this is not the casewith Razheng Monastery,which lies under luxurianttrees.  相似文献   

LivingBuddhaTubdainNyimaandtheTibetan-ChineseDictionaryLHAMOLHAMOWhentheSecondSessionoftheEighthNationalPeople'sCongressofthe...  相似文献   

审读意见阿德成先生的《宗喀巴与其尊师第六世却藏活佛曲结顿珠仁钦》一文主要记述了藏传佛教格鲁派创始人宗喀巴和他  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: Dorje Zhaxi in Garze Prefecture, Sichuan Province,used to be the living Buddha of the Zuqen Monastery, number two monastery of the Nyingma Sect. But he didn‘t reside in the monastery,instead spending his time in the Tagong Grassland helping his welfare school and Buddhist institutes. People call him “Living Buddha Dorje Zhaxi”.  相似文献   

好太王碑是高句丽第十九代王广开土境平安好太王的墓碑。414年立于国内城(今吉林省集安市)东郊,至2004年11月正好建立五千五百九十年。过去曾对其保护与研究进行过总结。十年来(1994-2004),好太王碑的保护与研究出现了一些新交化,中国学者出版了几部著作,发表了一批论文,特别是吉林省考古研究所方起东研究员推出的新释文,中国社会科学院徐建新研究员对于北京地区好太王碑拓本的发现研究,是这一时期好太王碑研究的重要成果。  相似文献   

在互助土族自治县五十、巴扎、林川等地的土族、藏族群众中流传着一个“丹麻佛与威远古井酒”的传说故事。  相似文献   

AIthoughthe14thDalaicliquehasbeenmakingabigfanfareaboutthesocalledTibetanissue,thecliqueisbeingtornLapartbyinfightingHEROSBECOMEENEMY.Thefourriversandsixmountainrangesreferstoareactionaryrebelorganizationfirstfoundedbysomeheadmen,religiousfiguresandbanditsinearly1956intheTibetanareasinSichuanandYunnan.In1958,asegmentmovedintoTibet,totheappreciationandsupportofthe14thDalaiLamaandTibetanseparatistforces.Thereligionprotectionarmyofthefourriversandsixmountainrangeswasformedtoresis…  相似文献   

HongyaVillagebecamefamousbecausethe14thDaIaiLamawasbornhere.Undulatingmountainranges,frozenriversandthefewBuddhistpagodascombinetomakeitaquietplace.Exposedtohighaltitude,frigidcoldandhailstorms,HongyaVillagewasoneofthepoorestplacesinQinghaiwhenthe14thDalaileft.Thisiswhythe14thDalai,whoisnowinexileabroad,oncesaidhecamefromapooroeasantfamily.Nowthevi1lagehas30T1betanhouseholdsand20HanfamIlies.ThevillagersenJoyaPer-capitashareof0.3hectareoffarmland.Theper-capitaincomereaches68oyuan.The1…  相似文献   


The excavation of the only Cistercian abbey firmly established on the Isle of Man produced clear evidence of its church plan, its various modifications and its modest architectural pretensions. The burials contained some grave goods and displayed early methods of burial. An unexpected feature was a chapel attached to the east end of the north transept north chapel.  相似文献   

邢继柱 《收藏家》2011,(12):21-27
藏西地区大致相当于今阿里地区,其艺术风格的发展是在古格王朝大力扶持佛教的基础上,得到邻近地区喜马偕尔邦、大喀什米尔地区、斯瓦特(乌仗那)包括吉尔吉特等地盛行的佛教传统艺术风格的启发而形成的。  相似文献   

The significance of war in the development of the medieval English parliament is well known. The origins of the speakership are located in the context of the Hundred Years War, which began in 1337 and in which the English were still embroiled at the time of the Good Parliament of 1376. It was at this parliament that the Commons first chose a spokesperson, Sir Peter de la Mare, knight of the shire for Herefordshire. This article considers the military careers of de la Mare and his successors to the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453. Did the war have an impact on the choice of Speaker? Was a military man chosen for parliaments where military matters were to be discussed? We know the identity of the Speaker in 53 of the 64 parliaments between 1376 and 1453. Several served more than once, so that we are left with a group of 33 individuals to analyse. An overall trend is discernable. Up to 1407 all known Speakers were belted knights, and most had extensive military experience before they took up office. Only five of the 19 parliaments between 1422 and 1453 had Speakers of knightly rank: otherwise, Speakers with legal and administrative, rather than military, experience were chosen. In the years from 1407 to 1422 the speakership was occupied by a mixture of soldiers and administrators many of whom were closely connected to the royal duchy of Lancaster and to revival of English aggression towards France from 1415 onwards.  相似文献   

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