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Between the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) and the Mukden Incident (1931), Japan’s mounting colonial presence manifested itself in the activities of the South Manchuria Railway Company as well as in the Japanese forces’ skirmishes for control of the region. The poet Kitagawa Fuyuhiko (1900–1990) would draw on his memories of Manchuria, where he lived until attending college in Kyoto, to situate hyperobjects and colonial minutiae in counter-hegemonic anticolonial and antiwar prose poems. His subtractive poetic configurations – not Surrealist but certainly building on Dada precedents – isolate incongruous elements (evental traces) in Alain Badiou’s sense of being faithful to a critique of the ethics of a colonial apparatus. Having grown up within the colonial enterprise himself, and subject to high-minded Japanese media representations and instilled imperial affects, Kitagawa positions himself against the machinic drive for colonial profits and the abuse of labour and prostitutes. This article thus situates aesthetic strategies for displacing imperial affect as projected onto spaces of Japanese expansion so as to document radically anticolonial subject possibilities among Japanese nationals themselves. As postcolonial artefacts, these prose poems suggest the contradictions of European modernity writ in the Japanese rhetoric of cosmopolitan East Asian development and liberation as cultural production that aestheticises colonial extraction of labour and raw materials.  相似文献   

罗马教廷在对待伪满洲国的问题上采取了两手策略,一方面极力在外交和法理层面上回避与伪满洲国之间的关系问题,另一方面又在事实上承认了伪满洲国的存在。吉林教区主教高德惠作为罗马教延的实际代表与伪满当局合作,协助当局推行殖民主义政策,其在本质上已经成为日本殖民主义者的帮凶。  相似文献   

“满洲假名”系1934年7月由伪满洲国大同学院教授曾恪提出的用日语假名表记汉语的文字方案,这是一个完全屈服于日本殖民统治的中国知识分子应时而生的特殊文化奉献。1940年由日本文部省所属机构付诸实施,意在取代注音符号,排挤汉字体系,后随着日本战败而消亡。“满洲假名”的缘起与终结的历史过程,十分清楚地表明了日本在伪满洲国实施的语言殖民政策的恶劣本质。  相似文献   

This article investigates the power, and the politics, of Christian love on the Australian settler‐colonial frontier through the case study of two evangelical missionaries, Daniel and Janet Matthews, during their time at Maloga Mission (a non‐denominational mission to the Aboriginal people of the Murray River which they founded on its northern banks in 1874). Whether protested in private missives, professed in public tracts, or proclaimed to their assembled audiences, Christian love played a vital role in the both the secular justification, and the sacred sanctification, of the Matthews' mission. Yet in practice, the operation of this emotion was complex. Through an exploration of the role of Christian love in the life of Maloga mission and its missionaries, this article will show how the intricacies of its formulation, expression, reception, and reciprocation make this a crucial if often overlooked concept for the study of mission history, and specifically, in this case, the study of nineteenth‐century settler‐colonial missions.  相似文献   

The articles argues that in 1971–1973 North Korea’s leader Kim Il Sung used the Sino-American rapprochement and the Soviet-American détente to pursue Korean reunification on his terms; his aim was to ‘democratize’ and then ‘revolutionize’ South Korea and so achieve through dialogue what he failed to achieve through militancy. Kim’s game was based on a misreading of the political dynamics in South Korea and on misplaced confidence in North Korea’s attractiveness. He also misjudged his ability to obtain China’s and the USSR’s backing for his schemes.  相似文献   


British mechanical engineer Jack Keiser’s postwar career in industrial education was simultaneously a career in justice work and Christian industrial mission. This paper examines the Christian critique of industry Keiser developed early in his career, as he transitioned in 1949–1950 into his life’s work in firm-based industrial education, and asks how historians of technology might interpret a critique that characterized industry in hyperbolic terms as enslaving or demonic. Keiser’s was part of an international critique connected to three important post-war Christian institutions: Student Christian Movement, the Industrial Mission Movement, and the World Council of Churches. He engaged with justice at both an intimate and a cosmic level, intimately through face-to-face relationships with apprentices and trainees under his supervision, and cosmically by engaging with the biblical prophets through whom God called for justice.  相似文献   

The aim of this essay is to show that Erasmus’s concept of peace should be understood as a form of irenicism rather than pacifism. I argue that Erasmus’s basic claims on war and peace do not qualify him as a pacifist, first of all because his concept of peace is non-universal: it is exclusively Christian since it does not include Muslims and Jews unless they have converted to Christianity. Secondly, Erasmus’s willingness to fight the Turks and his call for a Christian war against them suggests that he was not a pacifist. Since the peace Erasmus preached for was exclusively Christian, it cannot be identified as pacifism in its accepted universal sense, but rather as a commitment to the peace of Christendom, and therefore his concept of peace should more precisely be described as irenic. By shedding new light on Erasmus’s notion of war and peace, this essay suggests that his alleged religious tolerance should be considered anew.  相似文献   

中岛真雄与近代中国东北的日本殖民化报纸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近代日本对中国东北的殖民文化侵略史上,中岛真雄是一个关键性人物,在日俄战后的二十年时间里,他先后在营口、沈阳、哈尔滨创办了《满洲日报》、《盛京时报》、《大北新报》三个著名中文大报,成为名副其实的中国东北殖民地报业出版第一人。追踪和考察其创办三报的过程,有助于在更深层次上认识日本殖民文化侵略的复杂性及其作用,并推进中国报业发展史的研究。  相似文献   

1992年,88岁高龄的邓小平仍为中华民族的发展而殚精竭虑,他放眼全球,进一步论证了资本主义和社会主义的关系;他立足中国,指出发展要以经济建设为中心,要坚持物质文明、精神文明两手抓,要将四项基本原则与改革开放相统一;他崇尚人民,提出农民是中国的主体,青年是人民中最具活力的群体,家庭是社会的细胞和人民的载体;他评价自己,内容涉及他的成长、功绩、失误及退休等多个方面;他面向未来,满怀信心地阐明中国今后的发展问题。邓小平1992年"南方谈话"不仅是邓小平理论成熟的标志,也是邓小平理论中极其重要的内容。  相似文献   


This article describes some of the major events in the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea (PNG) following the Second Vatican Council, the ‘self study’ of the church in PNG in the 1970s, and the General Assembly of 2003–4. An outcome of the self study was the establishment of a national Catholic council in which Bernard Narokobi played a significant role. The article continues with a reflection on how Narokobi’s promotion of Melanesian spirituality finds links with a Catholic theology of grace and sacrament and how these two contribute to his understanding of the dual pillars of the PNG Constitution with its noble traditions and Christian principles coming together in the ideal of integral human development. The article lays out different ways Bernard Narokobi was formally involved with the church over his lifetime and how his bringing together of Melanesian experience and Christian faith provided a model for the integral liberation he envisaged and expressed – both in his work in the church and in the National Goals and Directive Principles of the PNG Constitution.  相似文献   

伪满时期,殖民当局颁布了大量教育法规。出于殖民统治的需要,伪满在博物馆的经营、教育经费的监管方面,投入甚多。伪满教育法规的最大缺陷是缺乏教育平等原则,日本人和中国人的教育被区别开。所谓"殖民地教育现代化"的论调纯属无稽之谈。  相似文献   

Michael Foot had good reasons for resenting Dr David Owen, who played a prominent role in the formation of the breakaway Social Democratic Party (SDP) while Foot was Labour's leader. In Loyalists and Loners (1986), a book of political pen‐portraits, Foot duly delivered a blistering attack on Owen, focusing on two charges – that Owen was consumed by personal ambition from an early stage of his career, and that he was an ideological turncoat who had wilfully misused the word ‘socialism’. The present article examines Foot's allegations in the light of various historical sources, including the private papers of both protagonists. It is argued that, though Foot's charges seem devastating at first sight – and have never been refuted by Owen or his admirers – they cannot be sustained after an impartial review of the evidence. This reappraisal provides new insights into Owen's remarkable and controversial career at two pivotal stages – his initial rise to ministerial office, and his decision to leave Labour.  相似文献   

Arthur Wellington Clah was a Tsimshian man on the Pacific north-west coast of Canada, who encountered the missionary, William Duncan, as a young adult at the Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Simpson in the 1850s. Moses Tjalkabota was an Arrernte man in central Australia. He was a young boy when he first came into contact with Lutheran missionaries at Hermannsburg mission in the 1880s, and was baptized in 1890. Both these men became Christian evangelists, both preached to their own people, and further afield among neighbouring groups. But here the similarities between them seem to stop. Clah was never part of a mission settlement, maintaining his independence from any established church; while Moses, who became blind as a young man, spent most of his life at Hermannsburg.
  This article examines these two evangelists' understandings of Christianity and how they communicated these understandings to their own and neighbouring peoples. Clah encouraged good behaviour, which conformed with his understanding of Christian precepts; Moses tried to communicate a more abstract form of belief through which happiness and eternal life could be attained.  相似文献   

This article provides an explanation for North Korea-Zimbabwe bilateral relations from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, in the context of Cold War in the Third World. Supporting the military resistance of African nations, North Korea sought to gain its dominance over South Korea in the diplomatic war between the two Koreas. North Korea contributed to the liberation of Zimbabwe and helped Robert Mugabe establish his political foundations in the country. However, North Korea’s political gain from Zimbabwe was less than it expected and hence did not make any significant changes in its competition with South Korea.  相似文献   

When Constantine first entered Rome after his defeat of Maxentius in October 312, he encountered a rich and complex Christian community and a bishop whose position was precarious. Centuries of growth and a long religious peace had resulted in the development of a large number of locally based communities in Rome with their own centres of worship - the tituli. Constantine needed to convince these communities of his bona fides as a Christian emperor. The bishop of Rome, Miltiades, was the ruler of a relatively newly unified see, recently fractured by persecution and controversy. Miltiades' relative weakness was to Constantine's political advantage, especially since it made him eager to receive the vast ocean of generosity which Constantine began to pour into the Roman Church. The particular and immediate beneficiary of this generosity was the bishop, who gained a vast and lavishly appointed cathedral, and a palace to go with it.  相似文献   

日俄战争造成的南北满地理概念, 仅是以条约形式划定的非区域实体的空间分界范围。1906—1931年, 日本通过港口和铁路线的建设, 使其经济势力逐渐从东北南部扩大到东北北部; 同时, 俄国 (1921 年以后为苏联) 在东北北部的经济势力范围则逐步退缩。随着港口—铁路网的完善, 1931 年后日本确立了在整个东北地区的经济霸权。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会之后,在世界形势发生深刻变化、和平与发展成为时代主题的历史条件下,邓小平集中全党和全国人民的智慧,从中国的实际出发,在充分尊重历史和现实的基础上,创造性地提出了"一个国家,两种制度"的科学构想.作为我国解决台湾、香港、澳门问题、实现祖国统一的一项基本国策,"一国两制"构想从提出到实践,都受到了广泛的关注,成为国内外学者研究的热门课题之一.  相似文献   

Based on the author's original research, the paper will offer a glimpse into the frontal theory of Mostafa Sho‘aiyan. The paper draws on his life and experience of the National Front in the 1950s as a model for political thought. Next, the paper will show how he tried, through his unique and uncanonical revolutionary theory, to make a revolutionary praxis compatible with frontal thinking. Analytically, Sho‘aiyan's work proves that an ideologically driven concept of national liberation becomes an impediment for frontal politics in a truly democratic way. Sho‘aiyan's works represent a theoretical and existential response to the national liberation dilemma which the Iranian Marxists faced in the 1960s and 70s.  相似文献   

1937年,日本悍然发动了全面侵华战争,为了达到长期霸占中国东北大好河山的目的。日本法西斯政权计划实施百万移民的殖民主义政策,大批日本开拓民伴随着军国主义的炮声,强占了中国农民的大片土地。为了顺应军国主义的侵略政策,很多转向的左翼作家来到中国,站在狭隘的民族主义立场上为日本帝国主义的强盗行径做吹鼓手或图解员,曾身为日本无产阶级艺术联盟委员长的山田清三郎便是其中典型的一例。自其1939年来中国东北伊始,便走上了一条背叛无产阶级革命事业的堕落的道路。甘心当一名日本殖民政权的走卒。  相似文献   

“七七”事变后,中国历史进入了全面抗战时期:日本帝国主义采取一系列军事行动的同时,加大了思想文化上的侵略力度:战争期流行的“东亚协同体论”,就是为从思想文化上进行殖民扩张而制造的侵略理论。与伪满“建国精神”相比,这一文化渗透方式更加暧昧、更加隐蔽。从思想的内部关联看,可以发现它们具有同质性。  相似文献   

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