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Levels of child malnutrition in India have fallen only slowly during the 1990s, despite significant economic growth and considerable expenditure on the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, of which the major component is supplementary feeding for malnourished children. To begin to unravel this puzzle, this article assesses the programme's placement and its outcomes, using NFHS data from 1992 and 1998. The authors find that programme placement is clearly regressive across states. The states with the greatest need for the programme — the poor Northern states which account for nearly half of India's population and which suffer from high levels of child malnutrition — have the lowest programme coverage and the lowest budgetary allocations from the central government. Programme placement within states is more progressive: poorer and larger villages have a higher probability of having an ICDS centre, as do those with other development programmes or community associations. In terms of outcomes, the authors find little evidence of programme impact on child nutrition status in villages with ICDS centres.  相似文献   

Best Practice vs. Worst Case? How East German Universities Deal with their Contemporary History: the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Jena. East German universities are often criticized for a lack of efforts to come to terms with their own history in the GDR. Two universities are regularly compared to illustrate the chances and shortcomings in this field: while the University of Jena is considered as very active in dealing with their own contemporary history the Humboldt University of Berlin is claimed to have substantial deficits. As a part of a general survey of the efforts of East German universities concerning their own contemporary history this contrastive picture is examined. It can be shown that the main differences between the two universities are less the intensity of historical self‐reflection but rather the thematic focus and the forms of presentation.  相似文献   

《史记》和《汉书?是我国历史上两部重要的史书,但在漫长的流传过程中,两书均出现了一些讹误。本文通过对它们相关部分的比勘,校读出了两书中存在的一些错误,分析了致误的原因,有助于更好的利用这两部书进行古籍研究和整理工作。  相似文献   

古人解《春秋》,多以孔子作《春秋》的前提,目的是深入领会圣人垂教后世的褒贬大义,由此归纳出种种所谓义例。但《春秋》是否确曾经孔子改作,无从证实;前提既不可靠,由此得出的义例则更是想当然而已。其实,只须抛开成见,仔细阅读《春秋》,就可看出它就是鲁国历代官史官原始记录的汇编,但其中确实存在着能够贯通全经的记事原则和用字规范,是真正的《春秋》体例。本文仅从七个方面归纳了《春秋》的记事原则和用字规范,并对  相似文献   

自清末至今,《韩非子》一书了出现了多种校注本,均是以影宋乾道本为底本,用其他版本对其进行校勘,纠正了不少讹误,但也存在着误校的现象。误校的原因有二;一是不知字词古义,二是不明通假。本文对部分误校的字词提出了商榷,做了较为详细的考证。  相似文献   

王观国《学林》对经史诸书的笺释注疏排比异同,考证得失,颇多胜解,有较高学术价值。笔者经析其文意,查对经史原文,发现中华书局本之点校谬谬误百出。本文对其中尤明显之错误提出数条,并加辨正。  相似文献   

本文以不同时期有不同的“老子”这一老学发展的共同规律为背景,较为系统地阐述了宋元之际著名的道教学者杜道坚的老学著作《道德玄经原旨》与《玄经原旨发挥》中的主要思想,认为其中的核心内容“皇道帝德”说反映了宋元时期以儒家的政治道德学说解释《老子》已达到了一个新的高度,由此也可以具体真切地看出该时期老孔同归,儒道交融这种思想发展的历史总趋势。  相似文献   

At the core of much of the historiography of disability in so far as it relates to nineteenth century England is a belief that the support offered to those with physical and mental impairments was threadbare and that such people could be and were pushed to the social margins of their communities. The current article uses poor law records, letters, newspapers and coronial inquests to suggest that officials in fact had a sophisticated sense of degrees of mental and physical impairment and relief/support systems were tailored accordingly. Like many of the pauper families who wrote to them about children with impairments I argue that officials tended to construct hierarchies of ability rather than disability and that doing so took them deeply into areas like labour market subsidy and the avoidance of institutional confinement. On the subject of children with mental and physical impairments, officials and pauper shared a common rhetorical register and strategic approach to classification and treatment.  相似文献   

本文仅就《原本玉篇残卷》即朝梁陈间顾野王所撰之《玉篇》篇写本的部分原貌中,所征引许慎《说文》的一些例证,来校勘今传世的大小徐本《说文》乖离许氏原书本真之弊,并随文偶尔略作分析,由此说明其价值之重。  相似文献   

《搜神记》向为世人所重,近十几年有多种整理本问世,近十几年有多种新整理本问巨,汪楹校注本以精审著称,成为后出各本的底本、参校本,但汪本可商之处不少,吴金华、张觉及笔者发表了多篇校补性的文章。今又续得若干条,集为一篇。本文虽是讨论《搜神记》整理本中存在的词语考释、校勘、标点等问题,但也约略可见古籍整理工作中普遍存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

<<异苑>>词语校释琐记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《异苑》是一部南朝小说,叙事平实流畅,口语性较强。本文是阅读《异苑》的读书札记。计15条,就词语的校勘和训释两方面的问题谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

本文拟从古文献整理研究的角度,对传世藏书本《方言》提出一点意见。该本是最新的《方言》点校本。事理者在总结前人成果的基础上,采用新式标点,使用简体字,对这部旧本错误很多的古籍进行样理,为今天的读者提供了一定的方便。但是其中仍有一些值得商讨的地方。第一,该本对前人成果的利用还不够充分,以致在校点方面出现了一些疏漏。第二,该本在校勘体例上未能一经贯之,以致出现了失校,误校以及改动底本而不出校记等现象。  相似文献   

在六朝别集大多亡佚的情况下,通过研究《谢tiao集》各种版本各自的成书情况及内容上的特色,来说明从宋代到清代《谢tiao集》的演变过程,并指出它们如实地反映每个朝代对谢tiao诗文及六朝文学的评价。  相似文献   

本文是在袁珂《山海经校注》一书的基础上,旁罗古籍,并参以出土的甲、金、竹、帛文献资料,对其中的《海经》部分的一些事物、语词作了新的解释,对原经文的脱衍论误及通现象一一予以订正和指明,以恢复古经之原文,疏通文意,使之明晰可读。同时对《校注》中不正确的说法提出了个从的见解。本文共分上、中、下三篇,上篇已发表于《三籍整理研究学刊》1998年第2期。  相似文献   

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