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近年来,随着经济的发展和人们对美好生活品质的追求,大遗址的价值日益显现。隋唐洛阳城遗址是洛阳五大都城遗址之一,被列入国家“十一五”以来的大遗址专项规划名单。“两坊一街”遗址是隋唐洛阳城大遗址的一部分。其保护展示工程以保护遗址本体、展现遗址格局和凸显历史文化为重点,同时兼具城市公园休憩、体验、娱乐、观赏等基本功能。本文以遗址保护展示为主线,以景观设计为辅,以遗址公园为载体,以城市规划为归处,就“两坊一街”规划前后概貌、遗址保护政策、规划原则、设计理念等方面做了阐述。“两坊一街”保护展示工程不仅具有保护城市遗产,而且还具有营造城市休憩空间,打造城市生态绿肺,宣传城市历史文化等意义。以洛阳大遗址保护为契机,将“两坊一街”努力打造为兼具遗址保护、生态休闲、体验观光等功能的遗址文旅公园。  相似文献   

张颖岚  刘骋 《文博》2022,(2):98-106
本文通过综合运用CiteSpace、VOSviewer等科学知识图谱工具,对以“大遗址保护”为关键词的149篇中国知网收录的CSSCI期刊文献进行可视化实证分析,将中国的大遗址保护理论实践研究划分为“基础保护”“实证探索”“协调发展”三个阶段,并从大遗址保护理论思考、大遗址保护规划、考古遗址公园建设、西安片区整体性保护、大遗址区域内的协调发展、大遗址保护与社会经济的协调发展等方面进行系统论述。基于此,从大遗址保护理论实践的对象、方法、内容等方面进行辨析思考,并对未来发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

中国大遗址保护规划与技术创新简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大遗址保护规划是中国文化遗产保护领域新兴科技门类的一个主要类型,在大遗址保护整体工作中属于关键性环节。目前中国大遗址保护仍面临严峻挑战,需要不断地探讨多学科的技术集成创新。中国建筑设计研究院建筑历史研究所近10年在大遗址保护规划体系框架和关键技术方面进行了一系列创新性探索,创立了大遗址保护总体规划编制结构并建立了大遗址现状评估体系,其创建的鸿山模式符合中国资源紧缺背景下的大遗址保护事业。《十一·五国家重要大遗址保护规划纲要》对我国文化遗产保护产生了显著的推进作用,可使我国重大文化资源获得有效保护,为21世纪我国的文化遗产保护作出突出贡献。  相似文献   

空间信息技术近年来在文化遗产保护领域发挥了巨大的作用,在大遗址、运河遗产、长城资源等文化遗产调查、保护和管理中得到了广泛的应用.茶马古道作为特殊的线性文化遗产,所经之处受自然环境和地理条件的影响,对其保护和调查都存在很大的难度.而空间信息技术由于其全天时、全天候、覆盖范围广、信息化程度高、不需要人亲临现场的特点,在文化资源调查和管理中发挥巨大的作用,可以适应这一特殊要求.本文通过对茶马古道在保护和规划中对空间信息技术的需求进行了分析,探讨了空间信息技术在茶马古道文化遗产资源的调查、保护、规划及管理中的应用.  相似文献   

曹勇 《东南文化》2015,(2):19-22
保护范围和建设控制地带是大遗址保护规划工作中的两个重要概念,其正确的划定对大遗址的保护尤其重要。以广东部分大遗址的保护规划为例,目前国内大遗址保护还存在许多问题:划定的范围缺乏技术支持;城市建设和大遗址保护之间冲突明显;范围划定的实际可操作性不强等。这就需要文物工作者,正确掌握大遗址的区划划定方法,总结出适合各地情况的具体工作思路。  相似文献   

考古遗址公园建设是中国特色的文化遗产保护模式,是大遗址保护实践和国内外文化遗产保护理论结合的有益探索,也是目前最具现实意义和操作性的一种大型遗址保护途径。大明宫遗址公园是我国首批国家考古遗址公园之一,其建设以科学规划为基础,以考古发掘资料为支撑,对大明宫范围内的多处遗址进行了较科学、完整的保护展示,并因地制宜制定了绿化方案。目前大明宫遗址的保护已逐步走向成熟,其组织规划及运营管理等方面的经验为考古遗址公园建设提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

大遗址保护一直是我国乃至世界范围内文物保护领域中的难题。江苏大遗址众多,文化内涵丰富,目前保存的大遗址均不同程度地遭受着各种因素的威胁,尤其是受人为因素影响较大,由此形成了江苏大遗址保护的地域(东南地区)特色。近年来,江苏通过古城墙、明祖陵、扬州城遗址、青墩遗址等成功的保护实践,及休闲绿地型、城区系列博物馆型等大遗址保护的尝试,探索出法律保护、规划保护、准则保护、过程保护及利用保护等管理和技术并用的可行性方法。该方法也将对东部沿海人多地少、经济发达地区具有普遍指导意义。  相似文献   

2010年3月4日,国家文物局和湖北省人民政府在京签订了大遗址保护荆州片区共建协议。此举标志着以楚纪南故城为中心的大遗址,在规划、保护、展示、研究方面的保护管理水平得到全面的提升。标志着将荆州片区建设成为我国楚文明集中展示地与南方大遗址保护重要示范区、鄂西生态文化旅游圈文化中心的大型文化遗产保护工程正式启动。  相似文献   

国家考古遗址公园的提出及相关法规文件的颁布是实践大遗址保护的新形式,为城市建设和大遗址保护找到了一个结合点,为城市的文化建设找到了新内容。国家考古遗址公园的建设,要有长期性、探索性的战略思路,要以保护为前提,以持续的、与时俱进的考古工作及不断进步的文物保护技术为支撑,并制订一定阶段的遗址保护规划和建设蓝图。要准确定性、定位国家考古遗址公园,并筹建遗址博物馆,立足文物的文化建设,探寻考古学文化的文化特质和考古学文化的文化演进规律。  相似文献   

官信  闫亚林 《江汉考古》2008,(1):129-132
自国家文物局张柏副局长宣布,从2005年起,财政部和国家文物局正式启动"大遗址保护项目"以来,从大遗址项目库的建立、专项经费的设立、大遗址保护规划体系的初步建立、相关规划编制、经费管理、绩效考核等办法的出台,到汉阳陵、金沙、殷墟、高句丽等大遗址保护展示园区的建设开放,我国的大遗址保护展示工作在"十一五"头三年取得了重大进展和明显成效。但是,我们也要看到,随着我国国民经济和城市化进程的飞速发展,大遗址保护依然面临着人为和自然两方  相似文献   

This article reviews contemporary heritage management through a systematically coded content analysis at one of Malaysia’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley (AHLV). It evaluates the competency of the preliminary Conservation Management Plan (CMP) of AHLV by looking at the accuracy of five distinctive dimensions of the CMP in conveying the information about the sites and management objectives: the legislation related to the heritage conservation and management; the action and implementation of the management strategies; the level of stakeholder’s participation; and, finally, how the CMP integrates local values and ideas into management planning. The results show that contemporary heritage management planning at Lenggong Valley tends to prioritize the conservation of the archaeological values of the sites over other values (i.e. social, historical, and aesthetic values), and that planning has largely been in the hands of governmental agencies with limited involvement from local communities in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

大部分文化遗址因其所处环境的特殊性,导致现有常规的信息化技术手段无法有效实施,而传统的文化遗址保护技术也无法实现文化遗产保护与利用的最大化。物联网作为一项新兴的前沿热门信息技术,已经广泛应用于众多领域,具有能够与文化遗址保护工作紧密结合的发展潜力。本工作首先分析了文化遗址保护的现状与面临的问题,并对物联网技术与文化遗址保护的关系进行了深入阐述。针对文物保护领域的特殊需求,着重描述了文物本体与环境信息采集、监测数据的远距离传输,监测数据的实时分析处理三方面相关的物联网技术,并对涉及关键技术应用解决方案进行了分析说明。最后简要介绍了已经部署运行的典型文化遗址保护利用系统———基于物联网技术的敦煌莫高窟保护与利用系统,系统经过连续几年的运行积累了大量的监测数据,为敦煌莫高窟文物的保护做出了重要的贡献。随着物联网技术的进一步发展,在文物保护方面的应用将更加深入和广泛,这将进一步提升文物保护工作的效率。  相似文献   

从“原真性”实践反思中国遗产保护——以宏村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原真性是一个建构的概念,中国遗产保护在与国际接轨过程中,没有基于中国文化背景对其加以操作细化。本文通过宏村案例研究发现,在政府以"原真性"为指导思想的自上而下的遗产保护行动中,一直未能就原真性概念本身与社区自下而上的内生力量形成有效的社会互动和共同建构,这导致了原真性概念突出地表现出国际化、行政化、精英化的特征,本土声音特别是当地社区居民的话语权缺失,最终造成了文化遗产保护趋向于表面化、静态化、无机化、旅游化。因此,在遗产保护和管理中,要将原真性理解成一种建构性的标准,充分尊重居民所具有的权力,以确保原真性实践的有效性。  相似文献   


In a climate of scarce resources for heritage preservation, there is a need to develop principles and methodology for assessing and responding to inequity within the conservation sector. This paper focuses on spatial, or geographic, barriers as one factor determining the accessibility of conservation services. While the case study focuses on the conservation and management of collections of cultural material in Australia, the methodology is globally relevant for advancing the equitable distribution of heritage and conservation resources according to need. Using a statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of 1323 local heritage conservation projects that have been funded by the National Library of Australia’s Community Heritage Grants Program from 1994 to 2017, this study provides a measure of the spatial equality of conservation in Australia. Spatial distribution analysis indicates that the majority of projects funded are located in major cities, with fewer projects funded in regional, remote and very remote areas. An ‘access relative to need’ approach is proposed to counter the current centralisation of the conservation industry. Of particular relevance for international readers is the potential for this methodology to frame studies of the impacts on heritage resulting from climate change and extreme weather events.  相似文献   

Heritage is a highly malleable concept that is constantly in flux and whose substance and meaning are continuously being redefined by society. From such a dynamic perspective, it is inevitable that new approaches and practices have developed for dealing with heritage in the context of planned development. While most scholars acknowledge the existence of various heritage approaches, one of the major defining features is often neglected: their distinctive outlook on spatial dynamics. In this article, the shifting role and purpose of heritage conservation in Dutch spatial planning is analysed. A conceptual framework is introduced that frames three approaches to the planning treatment of heritage; the sector, factor and vector approach, respectively. Although these approaches have developed in a historical sequence, the new did not replace the old but rather gained ground amongst different actors. Thus, three quite different ways of treating the past in the present now coexist in Dutch planning practice. Although this coexistence can raise conflict, we argue that contemporary heritage planning does not call for a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather for a mixed-mode model.  相似文献   

Conservation of built heritage is a key planning process and goal which shapes urban development outcomes across European cities. In Ireland, conservation of the built heritage is a key part of the planning framework, albeit one that is, in comparative terms, only recently established. While it is widely recognized that the underlying rationale for conservation of built heritage varies considerably (from cultural priorities to place marketing), the literature suggests that heritage and conservation professionals perform a key role in controlling decision-making through an official or “authorized” heritage discourse (AHD), emphasizing expert values and knowledge and based around selective heritage storylines often reflecting elite tastes. Drawing on policy and practice in Ireland, in this paper, we contribute to these debates by further unpacking the AHD, exploring tensions within the heritage policy elite through examination of competing views and representations relating to the purpose of built heritage protection. Based on a discourse analysis following interviews with key national actors, we identify two key narratives—a “museum-curatorial” discourse and an “inclusive heritage” discourse—which in turn frame conservation practices. We argue that subtle variations of heritage meanings have the potential to either reproduce (museum-curatorial discourse) or challenge (inclusive heritage discourse) conventional modes of practice, particularly relating to the relationship between built heritage and identity and the role of public engagement.  相似文献   

大遗址保护与考古遗址公园建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设考古遗址公园,是新时期大遗址保护新模式,是建设和谐社会和中华民族共同精神家园的重要举措。建设考古遗址公园的根本目的是保护遗址、服务考古。考古遗址公园建设必须科学规划,严肃论证,循序渐进,稳妥扎实。考古学家应积极支持考古遗址公园建设。文物管理部门应对考古遗址公园建设热情支持,善加引导,健全规章,严格管理。  相似文献   

Authenticity is a constructive concept and the core principle for protection of cultural heritage, but it is also a controversial issue, along with its practice in different geographical and cultural contexts. Both the heritage management system and its authenticity principles are not indigenous, but were developed in western society and exported from western countries. As a result, conflicts arise with its implementation and therefore often lead to counterintuitive behaviors. This paper examines the heritage conservation process in the case of Hongcun by applying the social constructionism theory. The paper attempts to point out that both the heritage and the authenticity principles are socially constructed concepts and that the construction process is very much influenced by the power relationships involved. Authenticity in Hongcun is an implementation of the principle of material, static, and superficial style understandings, while less attention is paid to the non-material cultural heritage protection, which is especially reflected in the neglect and the development restrictions on local craft and folk art. The study shows that there is a need to be aware of the nature of the constructiveness and power relationships in the heritage management and to integrate local voices in the heritage conservation process to avoid conflicts and to achieve conservation goals.  相似文献   

土遗址是一个较为庞大的体系,它本身的特性决定了对其保护利用应尽量遵循原真性原则和可读性原则,其中原真性原则对应遗产保护,可读性原则对应遗产利用。西安地区土遗址保护利用模式可大致分为室内模式和露天模式。室内模式对保护遗址本身的原真性较为得力,但在原真环境保存方面有一定的欠缺,适用于经过考古发掘清理,需要展示多种遗迹现象的土遗址;露天模式在保护环境原真以及提高可读性方面有着重要意义,但应与室内模式有机地结合,才能达到理想效果,适用于原有形制不复杂,较为规整、对称的土遗址。  相似文献   

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