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汉民族历史上的各种婚俗,隐隐可以折射出汉民族传统文化的丰富与厚重。其中的积极因素,如“和”的精神、道德性的原则、强烈的“追求吉祥”心态等都表现出高尚的情操,具有极强的人性美的魅力。我们把汉民族婚俗传统文化中的积极因素与今天构建和谐社会联系起来,探究其中的内在统一性,对于促进当今家庭稳定及社会和谐仍有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

课堂提问是中学数学教学中进行启发式教学的一种主要形式,教学过程中,课堂提问是提高课堂效率重要的一环.增强课堂提问的有效性,值得每位教师认真研究、探讨,一方面教师要思考如何通过提问调动学生的学习动机,发掘学生内在的积极因素,另一方面教师要加强实践,深刻反思,改进和提高课堂提问的基本技能.  相似文献   

建国初期,周恩来提出了一套具有中国特色的国防建设思想,其基本内容包括:依靠人民群众,调动一切积极因素建设国防;妥善处理国防建设与  相似文献   

儒家思想以其丰富的内涵在中国传统文化中占有主导地位,对中国竞技体育发展产生了积极影响。本文从儒家思想中的积极因素对中国竞技体育发展的影响进行分析,提出建立适合中国竞技体育发展的新儒家思想。  相似文献   

1979年6月,时任全国政协主席的邓小平在五届政协二次会议上讲话时指出:由于我国的社会阶级状况发生了根本变化,我国已进入实现四个现代化为中心任务的历史时期,统一战线的任务就是调动一切积极因素,发展爱国统一战线,促进实现祖国统一大业…… 8月15日,第十四次全国统战工作会议在北京开幕. 会议临近结束前的9月1日下午,中央统战部的负责同志向邓小平及其他领导汇报这次会议的情况.  相似文献   

本文拟从“后55年体制“下的日本市民运动这一角度出发对当代日本社会的发展演进做一分析.笔者认为,从中长期的发展看,20世纪90年代后期出现的“后55年体制“是一种过渡性体制.日本政治在未来相当一段时期仍将处于一个寻求变革的调整期.在这一调整期,方兴未艾的日本市民运动正在成为对当代日本政治产生巨大影响的重要因素.基于这一认识,笔者还就当代日本市民运动的发展基础与“后55年体制“下的日本市民运动的积极因素做了初步的分析和讨论.  相似文献   

在国际金融危机的影响下,我国确立了扩大内需保增长的战略,而扩大内需成功的关键环节就在于农民收入的持续稳定增长。本文主要分析当前促进农民收入持续稳定增长的有利条件和积极因素所面临的困难与挑战,探讨促进农民收入持续稳定增长的基本思路。  相似文献   

孙立娟 《神州》2012,(34):101
在德育实践中,适当地拨高德育评价,对学生的优点进行放大,具有其他表扬手段所不能达到的特殊效果。因此,根据儿童的心理需要,适当将学生的优点放大来进行评价,可充分调动学生潜在的积极因素,有利于学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

谢志国 《黑龙江史志》2013,(11):337-337
协调能力,是化解矛盾的能力,是聚分力为合力的能力,是变消极因素为积极因素的能力,是动员群众、组织群众、充分调动人的积极性的能力。我们党要提高执政能力,其中很重要的一条,就是要具备很强的协调能力。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志指出统一战线地位重要、作用重大,要把巩固和壮大统一战线,作为提高党的执政能力的一项重要任务摆到全党工作重要位置。强调统一战线要发挥自身优势,正确认识和处理带有全局性的政党关系、民族关系、宗教关系、阶层关系、海内外同胞关系,调动一切积极因素,为构建社会主义和谐社会作贡献。民族关系,反映在经济、政治、文化和社会领域,构成我国基本的社会关系之一。民族关系能否处理好,必然影响到社会整体上的稳定和谐,必然牵动国家的全局。统一战线的宗旨就是要团结一切可以团结的力量,调动一切可以调动的积极因素。把妥善处理好统一战线中的民族关系作为今后党的统战工作的基本任务,统战工作的一个亮点。  相似文献   

殷人有重视东北方位、把东北看作是吉向尊位的传统观念。这是由于商族起源于东北地区的古渤海湾一带。甲骨文中“东北”为尊位而“西南”为卑位。商代都城规划中重东北方位的经营,如郑州商城、偃师商城、黄陂盘龙城、夏县东下冯商城、新近发现的焦作府城商代城址和洹北商城等莫不如此。尤以殷墟都城的规划布局重东北方位为甚,如殷墟地区时代最早的遗址在殷墟都城的东北部;殷墟都城之宫城正位于整个都城范围的东北部;殷墟发现的车马坑与大墓的位置关系也表明尊东北方位,等等。  相似文献   

1949年国民党军队退居台湾之后,将金门视为日后反攻大陆的跳板,在金门地区实行所谓的"战地政务"。该政策的实施,对金门女性的地位产生了十分深刻的影响:为军中士兵服务的性工作者在金门出现;同时,大批军人的到来也使婚姻市场上的女性和普通家庭中已婚妇女的地位发生了改变;女性也被动员起来参加军事活动及女性士兵在金门的出现。整个冷战期间,和男性一样,金门地区的所有女性也被强制性地动员起来为国民党政权服务,成为国民党政权反共和"反攻大陆"的工具。  相似文献   

Calorimetric measurements show that the amount of energy accumulated in the organic matter of a semidesert community of Azerbaydzhan ranges from 3663 to 5754 calories per gram of dry mass. Under semidesert conditions only 1 to 3 percent of incoming light energy is accumulated in the mass of a plant community. This agrees with similar determinations of the accumulation of energy in a forest community (Ovington and Heitcamp, 1960). Empirical formulas are used to compute the energy accumulated in one gram of plant mass of an entire community and to calculate the level of use of radiation energy (the share of energy accumulated in plant matter plus the energy used to evaporate). The results agree fairly well with data derived by other techniques.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach combining scientific and historical data is developed in order to identify the environmental factors that cause degradation of stones and to attempt to date the onset of degradation and assess the time needed for its development. The method is applied to the Castle of Chambord, a prestigious monument in the Loire Valley in France. The genesis of the two main types of degradation (spalling and flaking) and the kinetics of their development are identified and analysed. The correlation between the different mappings and iconographic documents reveal that flaking develops on any type of fine limestone and can appear less than 60 years after the stone is placed on the castle for Richemont limestone, and less than 10 years for tuffeau. The other main type of degradation, spalling, is limited to tuffeau, but it is more difficult to quantify the kinetics of its development.  相似文献   

明人追求通过修谱与祠祭表达祖先崇拜和宗族共同体的意识。明人的祖先祭祀,依据祭祖地点,可以划分为墓祭、家祭、祠祭。娄坚《徐氏宗谱序》分析了明代江南故家大族与谱牒不盛的问题,认为吴人不能聚族在于习俗的鄙、奢所造成的,强调通过宗族建设移风易俗。明代族谱更加盛行,表现出强烈的以谱法接济宗法的观念。苏州士大夫发扬光大了宋代范仲淹设置义田、义庄的传统,以此赡族进行宗族建设,官府倡导并保护义田与义庄,形成了不同于其他地区宗族形态的特色。明代苏州处于宗族组织化的新阶段。  相似文献   

于中国历史与文化的研究赐惠颇多的《四库全书总目》亦有纰漏之处,我们发现该书在明代史料鉴别上出现了两处失误:将《姜氏秘史》与《革除编年》、《续藏书》与《熙朝名臣实录》各自看作两本不同的书,并给予迥异的评价。通过考证,《革除编年》即《姜氏秘史》,《熙朝名臣实录》即《续藏书》。《四库全书总目》一书两收两评的失误,让我们体会到当时政治对学术的干预及做学问之难。  相似文献   

Columbid remains are commonly recovered in Quaternary deposits, but identification to the species level has been difficult, if not impossible, in areas where several species occur in sympatry. In the U.S.A., the problem becomes complex in the Southwest, where Neotropical species from Mexico occur in addition to the typical North American species. Twelve major skeletal elements of nine species of the Columbidae likely to be found in Quaternary deposits in the American Southwest were examined quantitatively. Discriminant analyses were used in an attempt to distinguish individual elements of the examined species. The skull, femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus of some species could be discriminated, presenting the possibility of identifying these elements to the species level. Other elements could be identified with varying levels of success, providing a cautionary note in identifying solitary elements beyond the genus level.  相似文献   

Historians of technology need to focus more on studying human experiences of technological change rather than technological objects. Aesthetic debates over ‘realism’ and ‘romance’ in the later nineteenth century suggest that greater attention to the inward world of lived experience can enhance our understanding of historical experience. The well-known writer Robert Louis Stevenson experimented with a variety of new forms of romance to write about contemporary events in the South Seas with primary attention to inward experiences of technological change, as opposed to accounts of technological objects.  相似文献   

The homeostatic method, which was developed to reconstruct the number of inhabitants of a city or even a country in pre-statistical periods, has yet to receive much attention from demographic historians. Applied first to Amsterdam during the years from 1586 to 1865, the method has subsequently been used to compute the population of other places, including England from 1541 to 1871. The author reviews major schools of thought in historical demography and shows that the homeostatic method, with its emphasis on fertility regulated by marriages, logically extends some schools and is both simpler and more accurate than others. He then explains the method in detail, applying it to Dutch and English cases, and compares its estimates with those obtained through the use of other techniques.  相似文献   

工作队是中共中央开展"四清"运动的具体执行者,各地工作队员的派驻情况反映了当地"四清"运动开展的程度,在"四清"运动中下派到农村地区的工作队员至少不低于三百万人次。  相似文献   

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