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The current Bronze Age settlement model for the middle and upper Great Ouse valley is based on the distribution of ring ditches from aerial photography, their excavation and the occurrence of stray finds. This settlement study, which is part of a broader survey programme, has initially concentrated on obtaining flint distribution patterns by field walking to see in what ways these could amplify and perhaps solve the problems posed by present evidence. It was also intended to assess its value as a tool for problem solving in the context of landscape archaeology and settlement studies. Although the areas examined were small and selective, the flint distribution patterns, when considered with other evidence suggested that ring ditches were part of complex and extensive settlement locations. However it was evident that the ring ditches were set away from the main habitation foci.  相似文献   

The Iron Age in the North-West of Iberia is characterized by settlement patterns in which small hilltop enclosures or castros were dominant. Recent field-survey work has revealed more about the distribution of rural settlement sites in part of this area, and an analysis has been made of the pattern of rural site distributions in relation to the castros. This confirms the continued focal role of castros into the Roman period. An explanation for the settlement pattern in this region and the absence of typically Roman features like developed villas is sought in the nature and extent of Roman military recruitment from the region.  相似文献   

山东章丘市小荆山后李文化环壕聚落勘探报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小荆山遗址是山东后李文化时期重要的环壕聚落遗址。本文着重介绍了小荆山遗址环壕的形状与结构、环壕内地层堆积。通过分析发现 ,小荆山后李文化时期环壕的西半部利用了自然冲沟 ,东部为人工开挖而成。文章对环壕聚落内居址、墓葬的布局进行了探讨 ,进而认为 ,在山东地区 ,早在七八千年以前就存在着环壕聚落 ,其后的大汶口、龙山文化时代的一些遗址中也有环壕存在的迹象。小荆山后李文化的环壕是山东境内目前发现最早、结构最清楚的环壕 ,它的发现 ,将带动山东地区史前聚落形态及环壕聚落的研究。  相似文献   

聚落文化遗产是大运河遗产的重要组成部分,与运河兴衰息息相关。宁波段运河聚落文化遗产历史久远,保存类型丰富,历史价值突出。宁波运河的开凿和变迁对运河聚落整体格局的形成、演变和发展关系紧密;同时运河聚落的产生和发展也促进了运河功能的不断完善和运河经济的发展。如何保护好运河聚落文化遗产已经成为重要的研究课题。本文意在梳理宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的构成情况,并对宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的科学保护提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

In the late Ottoman and Mandatory periods, Palestine's rural landscape underwent a great transformation. This study examines how the Muslim population expanded beyond its traditional inhabitation in the highlands and settled the fluid inventory of marginal lands in the coastal plains and unpopulated valleys of Palestine. In settling these marginal landscapes their settlement dovetailed with Jewish settlement patterns. While most studies have emphasized the competitive aspect of this process, examining Zionist and Arab national claims, this research points to a different aspect of this new settlement—mainly how much the Jewish and Muslim settlement patterns mirrored one another and how they were part of similar physical processes and complemented one another. Relying on censuses, aerial photographs, and period maps, as well as other archival sources, this is the first systematic research to examine the full extent of new Muslim settlements in Palestine in the late Ottoman and Mandatory periods, and to draw parallels between this phenomenon and the settlement endeavors of the Zionists.  相似文献   

Summary. Within the region of the Great Hungarian Plain (discussed in the first part of this article) the processes of settlement change can be followed in greater detail from site survey in the Szeghalom area. This central part of the Plain, drained by the Körös and Berettyó rivers, was a major focus of settlement in Neolithic times (6000-4000 BC), and its rising importance can be followed in the emergence of a series of wealthy 'supersites'. During the succeeding Copper Age, the character of sites altered as the role of the area in relation to the rest of the region began to change. Around 3500 BC a dramatic shift in settlement patterns coincided with the appearance of large tumuli of steppe type, which mark a new phase of land use in this region.  相似文献   

The period corresponding to the initial phase of cultural evolution in the Late Neolithic of SE Hungary (turn of the 6th and 5th millennia) is characterized by a major transformation recorded both in settlement structure and strategy, as well as material culture of the agrarian societies settled in the SE part of the Great Hungarian Plains. According to the available chronological data and archeology from the sites of multi-layered settlement complexes (tells) located on natural highs of the floodplain of the River Tisza, during the initial phase of its evolution representatives of the Tisza Culture were mainly confined to the SE part of the Great Hungarian Plains south of the Körös River. This period was followed by a relatively stable phase lasting about 150 years which hallmarked the greatest northward expansion of the culture. Some studies noticed strange features in connection with the first settlement complexes dated to the first period especially along the northern borderline of the culture’s distribution; i.e. a loose cluster of distinct settlement nuclei instead of concentration of settlements to a confined area characteristic of tells. Furthermore, by the end of the first phase, in the evolution of some settlements a northward shift of the houses away from the water was recorded. Most likely these reflect a socioeconomic response to some transformation in the local and/or regional riparian environment. As shown by our data gained from the paleoecological analysis of freshwater mollusks from a tell site, the referred pre-transitional period was characterized by pronounced floods causing major perturbations in the regional riparian environment. At the same time, the introduction of new subsistence strategies including shellfishing and fishing and the reordering of settlement structure was also recorded at several sites implying a successful adaptation to such most likely climate-induced perturbation, which is contemporary with the 5.1 ky event known in the literature.  相似文献   

The Iron Age in the North-West of Iberia is characterized by settlement patterns in which small hilltop enclosures or castros were dominant. Recent field-survey work has revealed more about the distribution of rural settlement sites in part of this area, and an analysis has been made of the pattern of rural site distributions in relation to the castros. This confirms the continued focal role of castros into the Roman period. An explanation for the settlement pattern in this region and the absence of typically Roman features like developed villas is sought in the nature and extent of Roman military recruitment from the region.  相似文献   

Palaeoecological and geoarchaeological investigations which cover the Anglo-Saxon period are rare, particularly in chalk downland landscapes which are considered to have limited palaeoenvironmental potential. The present study explores a sequence which can be directly related to the occupation history of the major Anglo-Saxon settlement at Lyminge, Kent. This work demonstrated a sequence of palaeochannels and organic deposits associated with the latter part of an archaeological sequence which spans the 5th to the 11th centuries AD. A range of evidence for the environment and economic activity is presented which suggests landscape continuity, possibly stretching back as far as the Romano-British period. The sequence revealed worked wood and evidence for livestock management and cereal cultivation, some of which is contemporary with the final phases of occupation of a 7th century ‘great hall complex’ and its subsequent transformation into a royal monastery. Agricultural activity following the abandonment of the pre-monastic settlement area caused this stream margin to become gradually buried by ploughwash which displaced the channel over time and sealed the organic deposits. It is incredibly rare to find such organic preservation in direct association with an Anglo-Saxon downland rural settlement and this is the first time that such a sequence has been analysed in association with the latter phases of a known Anglo-Saxon royal and monastic centre.  相似文献   


The farm mounds of coastal North Norway are settlement accumulations produced by long period settlement on the same location. The majority seems to have come during medieval and later periods, but there are a few of early iron age origin.

There has been no total excavation of a farm mound, only minor trenches. This paper summarizes the efforts done on exploring the context and characteristics of farm mounds, based on surveys in one central part of North Norway, the Harstad area.

Questions like economical reconstruction and causes of accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of relief, as well as other environmental features such as soils or the hydrological regime, on prehistoric settlement patterns is commonly accepted. Settlement patterns and preferences changed over time in different areas, so it is difficult to formulate general rules of human behaviour throughout history. In lowland areas of the temperate zone, which lack radical relief changes and have widespread access to water resources, specific settlement preferences and significant changes in these preferences are difficult to interpret.New methods developed to address the problem of the settlement transformations as a result of prehistoric settlement and economic processes using multivariate statistics have been adapted for the middle part of the Great Poland Lowland. In this region, data from the Polish Archaeological Record Project database have been used.Models of the dependence between geomorphological features and settlement intensity form the basis for estimating changes in prehistoric settlements. The degree of preference (or avoidance) is a nonparametric function of the number of archaeological sites observed in the area relative to the number of sites expected from a completely random pattern. The most crucial factors for settlement are distance to plateau edges, distance to water bodies, and the wetness index. The results show that the entire investigated area is more or less suitable for settlement, but the most occupied terrains are the areas near plateau edges.  相似文献   

Medieval Pottery     
J. I. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):62-64
Excavation of an area of over 750 sq. m during 1992–94 and 1999 revealed a multi-period prehistoric site preserved beneath the Roman fort. Flints attested mesolithic activity. In the early Neolithic a segmented ditch may represent part of a causewayed enclosure. By c. 3000 cal. B.C. this had been superseded (in this area) by pits and shelters associated with flint-knapping. Finds, but not structures, attest a bronze-age presence. Within the period 390–170 cal. B.C. a roundhouse with cultivation plot, part of an unenclosed settlement, occupied the area. This had been burnt and was rich in carbonised plant remains which provided information about the arable economy and spatial variations in the use of the roundhouse interior. In the later Iron Age the area was reclaimed by cultivation associated with an unlocated settlement. The nature of the occupation on the eve of the Roman period is not known.  相似文献   

Topographic maps are found not to be a reliable guide to rural settlement patterns associated with definite types of economic types. In the case of Eastern Siberia, the rural settlement map of V.S. Valov, discussed in the preceding paper, does not correctly reflect the specialization and distribution of economic activity. The discrepancy is explained in part by the incomplete information on ethnic groups and portable dwellings on topographic sheets. However, apparent conflicts between settlement patterns on topographic maps and the actual type of economic activity can serve as a useful guide to correcting or reconstructing settlement patterns to bring them more in line with the particular type of economy.  相似文献   


This article is part of a larger work about the settlement development among the Norwegian population on the coast of Finnmark in the period c. 1520–1700. To understand properly the motive power behind the settlement changes, it is of importance to have insight into the industries of the area, especially the fisheries, but also animal husbandry. In the following a major aim is to examine the extent of and the importance of animal husbandry in Finnmark at the end of the 17th century.  相似文献   


This paper will examine settlement location during the Iron Age in the northeast part of the Netherlands, an area shaped by Pleistocene geology. In recent years, a number of Late Iron Age/Early Roman settlements situated on the low lying slopes of sand ridges and nearby stream ridges revealed traces of an earlier Iron Age occupation. Palynological data revealed that this part of the landscape was used by humans before it was transformed into an area of settlement. An analysis of excavation data from two key sites at Denekamp-De Borchert and Groningen-Helpermaar, as well as other known sites, lead to the conclusion that the transformation of ‘peripheral landscapes’ into permanent settlement locations was preceded by a phase of arable cultivation which left no trace of permanent habitation. It is also suggested that the impact of human behaviour on the natural landscape in the Early and Middle Iron Age was much bigger than previously anticipated. When excavating this type of settlement areas dating to the Late Iron Age, archaeologists must be aware that only of a small group of archaeological features exist. The proposed model for the choice of settlement location may be more widespread, because of similarities in landscape between the study area presented here and other landscapes in Northwest-Europe (e.g. parts of Germany and Denmark).  相似文献   

In Germany research into deserted settlements developed into an important branch of settlement history. It was realized that the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, following on a period of high-medieval expansion of settlement and cultivated land, were themselves a time of great decline. The theoretical explanation for this development is the late-medieval agricultural crisis, a concomitant of the late-medieval fall in population. We must distinguish between a high-medieval phase of settlement desertion associated with a concentration of population into larger villages and towns without a drop in absolute population figures, and a late-medieval desertion period when settlements and fields contracted because of loss of life due to famines and the Black Death. Different research methods have been used to locate deserted settlement sites, both from documentary evidence (Rückschreibung) and by doing field-work. By mapping the relict features of deserted villages and fields our knowledge of the evolution of settlement- and field-patterns was increased. In particular, the evolution of the three-field-system has been explained as part of the concentration of population into larger settlements. A classification of the desertion process has helped with the terminological clarification of the subject, although there remain areas of dispute. The introduction of the desertion quotient made it possible to map the distribution of the deserted settlements. In the light of most recent research based on medieval archaeology this map needs corrections. It is now obvious that the late-medieval desertion quotient was not only high in areas of marginal land quality but also in fertile areas with a long history of settlement continuity. In those areas vestiges of earlier occupations were literally ploughed into the ground. This example illustrates that future research on deserted settlements must be of an interdisciplinary nature.  相似文献   

本文对河南灵宝西坡遗址出土动物的骨骼部位发现率、表面痕迹、破碎度及空间分布进行了详细分析,旨在通过建构遗址的肉食消费模式,认识仰韶文化中期中心聚落的经济社会状况。结果表明,绝大多数的猪和鹿很可能是在居住址被屠宰和消费的,后埋藏过程对骨骼表面的影响很小,人们对骨髓和脂肪的需求是造成骨骼破碎的主要原因。西坡没有把猪用作祭祀动物,而是作为宴饮活动中的消费对象。宴饮可能用来创造和强化社会群体的认同感,并为某些个人或群体获取威望提供竞争机会。  相似文献   

湘西传统聚落文化景观定量评价与区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湘西29个历史文化名村名镇或传统村镇为研究对象,分析传统聚落文化景观特征,构建了物质性文化景观和非物质文化景观相似性的指标体系,基于实地调查数据,制定了指标数据量化策略,应用层次聚类分析方法对文化景观进行相似性聚类,并利用GIS空间分析技术对聚类结果进行了分区。结果显示,北部为土家族聚落景观区,中部和西南部为苗族聚落景观区,多民族混合型聚落景观区在研究区中西部、中部和东南部呈条带状分布;土家族文化景观区的标志特征为吊脚楼;苗族文化景观区以宗族血缘为纽带,建筑以干栏建筑为主,其非物质文化景观以鼓舞和柳巾舞为典型特征;混合景观区主要表现为汉族传统文化特征。  相似文献   


This study deals with the unprecedented settlement activity during the Early Bronze Age I that has been recently recorded in the Jordan Valley and the desert fringes of Samaria. The increase in the number of sites primarily characterises the latter part of the period (Early Bronze Age IB), and is accompanied by two other important phenomena: population inroads into new regions, and the first appearance of fortified sites. A profound crisis at the end of the period resulted in the almost complete abandonment of the valley sites and the concentration of settlement along the eastern foothills of Samaria.  相似文献   

聚落景观格局及其影响因子的研究历来是乡村地理学研究的热点,而交通对聚落的空间分布格局影响日益加深。以皖北的埇桥区为研究对象,基于土地利用现状图,运用GIS技术和景观分析软件,在县域尺度定量分析不同类型、不同等级交通对乡村聚落景观格局的影响。结果表明:交通运输用地是乡村聚落景观斑块之间和乡村聚落景观与其它类型景观进行物质和信息传递的景观廊道;乡村聚落景观面积和交通运输用地面积在数量上存在正相关关系;交通是影响乡村聚落景观格局的重要因子,且不同类型、不同等级的交通与乡村聚落景观空间分布的相关性不同;国道、省道和县道与乡村聚落景观空间分布有正相关性,铁路、高速公路和农村道路与乡村聚落景观分布则呈负相关。  相似文献   

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