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王琦璋  COCO 《风景名胜》2010,(3):50-57
2009年12月,加拿大正式成为中国公民出境旅游目的地(ADS);2010年2月12日,第21届冬奥会在加拿大温哥华及其北部的惠斯勒共同举办。这里有轻盈如彩蝶般的片片红叶,有清澈如宝石般的湛蓝湖泊,还有千里冰封的北国风光和绚丽神秘的浪漫极光……还有什么理由不来加拿大?  相似文献   

楚鹏 《旅游纵览》2013,(2):34-39
随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,区域旅游合作也不断深入。长江三角洲不仅是我国经济最发达的地区之一,同时也是我国的旅游资源高富集区。长三角地区作为我国旅游的金三角区域,其旅游合作已经由旅游点、线合作向旅游区合作方向发展。本文对长三角地区旅游合作的基础与现状进行了全面深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了一系列对策以真正实现长江三角洲地区的区域旅游合作。  相似文献   

<正>魁北克城,这座北美最古老的城市,融合了欧洲的典雅和浪漫,包含了北美的奔放与热情。它拥有浪漫的艺术气质,是我心目中最美的古城。有人说,魁北克秋后似火的枫叶让人迷醉,而我则选择在零下近30摄氏度的寒冬时节造访,只为那全地球最盛大的冰雪狂欢节。  相似文献   

Carol Shields, one of Canada's and America's most popular and critically acclaimed writers, is the perfect example of the former permeability of the Canada–United States border. Born Carol Ann Warner in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1935, she married Canadian engineering student Donald Shields and immigrated with him to Canada in 1957, becoming a Canadian citizen in 1971. Between her immigration to Canada and her death nearly half a century later, Shields criss-crossed the 49th parallel – traditionally known as the world's longest undefended border, until 9/11 drastically changed travel – with ease. Her fictional characters cross the Canada–United States border with equal ease. Shields crosses borders not only literally, but also figuratively, as she travels from genre to genre with ease. Most famous for her fiction, Shields published in many genres, including poetry, drama, short stories, biography, and literary criticism, and she incorporates these other genres in her novels. Thus, Shields shows how art can cross borders with exemplary grace.  相似文献   

<正>1991年,一位叫南思·史尔斯的加拿大妇女,在她生活的美丽小村庄新不伦瑞克省的圣马丁村开展了独特的野外旅行服务。史尔斯的公司带领游客进行荒野旅行、研究动植物、观赏鸟类,在517天的旅行中,参加者在欣赏到壮美风景的同时,还能了解当地的风土人情、动植物分布状况、地质形态等信息。这便是加拿大生态旅游的开端,由此,加拿大也成为了世界上最早开展生态旅游的国家之一。  相似文献   

This introductory article offers an overview of debates about genocide and settler colonialism in Canada. The argument is presented that Canada, although a marginal case to genocide studies, provides important insights and challenging questions, particularly with respect to the need to decolonize the field of genocide studies.  相似文献   

生命旅程,心灵感悟:加拿大生态旅游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1991年,一位叫南思·史尔斯的加拿大妇女,在她生活的美丽小村庄新不伦瑞克省的圣马丁村开展了独特的野外旅行服务。史尔斯的公司带领游客进行荒野旅行、研究动植物、观赏鸟类,在5~17天的旅行中,参加者在欣赏到壮美风景的同时,还能了解当地的风土人情、动植物分布状况、地质形态等信息。这便是加拿大生态旅游的开端,由此,加拿大也成为了世界上最早开展生态旅游的国家之一。  相似文献   

Gerald L. Gold and Marc‐Adelard Tremblay, eds. Communities and Culture in French Canada. Toronto: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston of Canada, 1973. xvi + 364 pp. Maps, tables, appendixes, bibliographies, indexes, and notes. $6.50 (paper).  相似文献   


Certain countries stand out as having distinctive approaches to trade and culture. Canada occupies a key position in this pantheon of distinctive approaches. Since the 1980s, Canada has pursued a 'cultural exemption’ in its various trade agreements. The perception is that it has largely maintained this exemption, however I will show in this article that each iteration of the exemption differs from the others in subtle but noteworthy ways. These differences stem in large part from the nature of the particular trade agreement negotiations and the identity of the specific trading partner(s). Ultimately, the aim of this contribution is to show that Canada’s cultural exemption strategy has had to evolve alongside key trends in trade, notably the proliferation of free trade agreements.  相似文献   

沈润发 《旅游纵览》2011,(10):44-48
秋枫的精采程度,远远超乎你的想象,吸引的背着各种名牌相机的"猎艳高手"也逐年增加。即使不是假日,著名的红叶景点,也会聚集人潮。本期盘点了加拿大和日本的多条"枫情"线路,加拿大落基山脉、苏珊玛利古城,日本北海道、近江、京都,带你尽情欣赏那些橙红、花红、艳红、猩红、火红……当然,想要领略秋日美好时光,绝对要提前计划,预定旅馆,同时还要调整心理状态,也就是说,必须说服自己——就算游人与枫叶一样多,也是一件很美丽的事。  相似文献   

Britain attempted to create an informal empire in the Middle East and used the British Middle East Office to sponsor development work precisely to attain a significant influence in the region, one that would salvage a fair share of rapidly declining imperial power. Environmental initiatives, many of them focusing on forestry, composed a key element of this programme. However an informal empire did not ensue. This led the Foreign Office, and many historians, to overlook the importance of the BMEO. This article explores how the environmental reforms proposed by British advisers radically changed land use in the Middle East between 1946 and 1970, and left behind a remarkable legacy of conservation.  相似文献   

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