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赫尔墨斯主义源于古埃及的透特崇拜与古希腊的赫尔墨斯崇拜的杂糅与融合,其教义包含了古埃及、古希腊、犹太教及诺斯替主义的因素。文艺复兴时期的人文主义者出于时代的需要,对赫尔墨斯主义做出了独特的阐释。他们在理论上把赫尔墨斯主义塑造成了古代智慧的代表,认为其中包含着人类社会最为原初的智慧,纯洁宗教、证明基督教的真理以及赞同和实现"人的尊严"的因素。赫尔墨斯的这一形象是文艺复兴"复古运动"的延续和结果,更是在新的历史背景之下,人文主义者试图解决意大利面临的社会问题、重构基督教信仰而进行的一种积极和深刻的思考。此外,它还与当代学者的学术构建有着紧密的联系。  相似文献   

在雅典,狄奥尼索斯崇拜等宗教活动与城邦政治彼此和谐地交融在一起。狄奥尼索斯崇拜具有消融社会等级界限、增强社会成员凝聚力性的功能,在雅典民主政治形成的过程中弱化了平民和贵族之间的矛盾,对塑造雅典民主政治的意识发挥了积极作用。梭伦改革前后,酒神狄奥尼索斯的形象大量地出现在瓶画等艺术作品上。庇西忒拉图时期,建立了城邦共同庆祝的城市酒神节。克里斯提尼改革时,酒神颂歌比赛成为融合各部落团结的重要手段。而在雅典民主政体巩固和发展的过程中,城邦对狄奥尼索斯崇拜活动也进行了细致的管理,城市酒神节成为表达城邦意识的主要场合。  相似文献   

商代的祖神祭祀有两个主要特点:其一,祭祀方式从无序到有序变化;其二,祭祀对象逐渐以直系近祖为重,其中又尤为重视上两代祖先.这种现象与其背后所蕴藏的商人祖神崇拜的心理活动具有直接的关系,是宗教思维主体意识逐步增强的结果.此外,卜辞作为一种问卜形式,其卜问事项、卜问语气、卜问意图都反映宗教思维中崇拜主体的心理倾向.  相似文献   

希腊城邦的公共空间与政治文化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从公共空间的视角 ,对古希腊的神庙、剧场、运动场等公共建筑及其空间进行历史的解读 ,可以看到它们所传载的公共活动———无论是宗教崇拜活动还是社会与文化活动———都是城邦政治活动的一部分 ,因而体现出城邦政治的开放性与民主性。而且 ,公共空间的主导性与私人空间的次要性 ,也体现了城邦政治中民主高于自由这一不同于现代西方自由民主制的重要特征。  相似文献   

王大庆 《世界历史》2015,(2):88-98,160
古希腊人开创的竞技体育运动是"希腊性"的重要标志之一,裸体竞技的习俗是其独特性的最重要体现。这种风俗不仅在当时的地中海地区绝无仅有,而且在整个人类历史上也空前绝后。古希腊的裸体竞技运动是一种为希腊人所广泛接受的社会习俗,也承载着希腊人很多的人生理想,这些理想通过与裸体竞技密切相关的宗教、社会、政治、伦理、哲学和审美等多个维度体现出来。在裸体竞技中,现实与理想既相互依存,又相得益彰,二者处在一种无形的张力当中。  相似文献   

原始宗教对彝族传统文学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、原始宗教在彞族社会中的地位和作用彝族是一个历史悠久,文化源远流长的民族,有着自古相传的原始宗教。这种滥筋于彝族古代社会中的原始宗教不仅是彞族原始社会思维的轴心,乃至使最早的许多文化现象无不打上原始宗教的烙印,而且它还作为一种集体无意识的厚重积淀深埋于彞族人民的心理结构和传统观念之中,对整个彞族文化的发展起着巨大的影响。在彞族古代社会中原始宗教具有强大的社会组织力和控制力,表现在它利用图腾崇拜、自然崇拜、祖先崇拜等形式把人们凭借本能和直觉所能感知的事物组织起来,赋与一定的宗教意义以求得整个氏族…  相似文献   

对自然的崇拜,是藏族先民原始宗教观念的产物。在自然崇拜中。藏族对山的崇拜格外痴迷,而且是锲而不舍。这种现象是由特定的地理环境所决定的。纵观这号称世界屋脊的青藏高原,大小山峦层见叠出,到处是雪峰突立、寒光流泻的景色,是大自然的神力引起人们对山的持久的崇拜,从崇拜中产生出信仰民俗来。  相似文献   

中西传记史学的产生及其趋向之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西传记的史学观念与中西所共有的原始宗教文化形式紧密相关,并在叙事史学的基础上得以产生。在古希腊罗马,由于自然崇拜、英雄崇拜和祖先崇拜在其文化结构中的矛盾运动,传记史学兴起后自成一体,与叙事史学并行不障;而中国则由于祖先崇拜长期占据优势,传记史学在叙事史学的基础上产生后,遂将叙事史学同传记史学结合起来,定为一尊,形成正统的史学体裁。比较研究中西传记史学的产生及其趋向具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

钟焓 《民族译丛》2006,(5):59-66
本文从人类学的视角考察了14世纪以来中亚突厥系民族尊崇成吉思汗的种种表现,指出成吉思汗崇拜在中亚是一种超民族、超语言、超宗教的涵盖了从政治领域到民间文化各层面的精神信仰,并阐释了这种崇拜长期存在的原因。  相似文献   

尼采是19世纪70—80年代德国资产阶级著名的哲学家、文学家和抒情诗人。他的哲学过去和现在都对资产阶级的理论思想,特别是社会学和伦理学影响很大。但是各国学术界对纳粹主义与尼采思想的关系争论很大。社会主义国家的一些学者认为:“尼采是法西斯主义的思想先驱”。这种观点曾在西方学术界颇有影响。但是,自60年代以来,西方学术界出现了一种否认或抹杀二者关系的倾向,近年来在我国学术界也有所反映。 本文不准备对尼采的学术思想进行全面评价,仅试图对他的思想和纳粹主义的关系浅谈一些看法。  相似文献   

阿波罗被认为是最具希腊性的神。然而,他最初并不是一个希腊本土的神。依据古代典籍的记载、结合语源学和考古学的成果来考察,可以得出的结论是:阿波罗是一个多种文化元素融合后塑造成的希腊本族神。阿波罗崇拜形成发展过程中所体现的文化交流和融合,正是希腊文明吸收周边文明的具体体现。对阿波罗崇拜起源和传播路线的考察,一方面是在文明交流的母题下进行的微观考证,另一方面又为文明交流史的研究提供了具体史料的佐证。  相似文献   

Summary. For almost a hundred years the find of the silver phiale mesomphalos in a burial-mound in the Kuban has attracted the attention of scholars, but has never been the subject of a special study. The phiale was made and inscribed in the last quarter of the fifth century BC. The cup belonged to the temple of Apollo in Phasis, in Colchis, and it was seized in the first century BC and taken to the Northern Caucasus after the temple had been plundered. It was probably made by a local craftsman in Phasis and its decoration reflects both Greek traditions connected with the cult of Apollo and also local, Colchian ones.  相似文献   

The article examines emotion and identity in the Greek death cult to clarify certain contemporary political phenomena in the Mediterranean where the cult of the dead is a common cultural pattern. Why is this cult so persistent? What is the death cult and how does it manifest itself? The article delves into its importance in Greece, where the author has had several periods of ?eldwork. To illustrate the persistence of this cultural pattern, its characteristic aspects are discussed. Festivals which are dedicated to deceased persons and domestic death rituals are compared with ancient sources. Based on this, a survey of the relationship between the death cult dedicated to deceased mediators, as it is manifested through laments, burials and the ensuing memorial rituals is made. Modern domestic rituals in? uence of?cial rituals, and vice versa. A study of modern cult practices reveals many parallels with the of?cial cult of the ancients, and suggests ways in which modern rituals can illuminate ancient rituals. The article seeks to demonstrate how new ideologies must be adjusted to older rituals and beliefs and how public and domestic rituals are connected. The article ?nally suggests how these similarities might represent a common way of expression within a larger geographical context.  相似文献   

罗马起源传说形成于公元前5世纪一前3世纪,其思想渊源可追溯到史前的图腾崇拜、圣火崇拜等原始信仰。罗马古代聚落神话和建城传说的某些内容很可能并非凭空虚构,其中隐含着人们对史前社会演进的历史记忆。本地的和在希腊人中流传的罗马起源传说各不相同,平行发展;很可能由于罗马从奉埃涅阿斯为祖先的拉维尼乌姆城引进双子邦神崇拜(Penates,Dioscuri)为契机,衍生出埃涅阿斯的后代罗穆路斯和雷穆斯兄弟创建罗马的传说,从而使两种罗马起源传说系统实现了整合。  相似文献   

This article highlights the major reflections of ancient Greek mythology in modern neuroscience. An analysis of ancient Greek texts and medical literature using the MeSH term mythology was performed to identify mythological references pertaining to neuroscience. The findings are discussed in relation to etymology, early conceptualization of the nervous system structure and function, incipient characterization of neuropsychiatric disease, and philosophical stance to the practice of medicine in ancient Greece. The search identified numerous observations in clinical neurology (e.g., stroke, epilepsy, cognitive and movement disorders, sleep, pain and neuromuscular medicine, neuroinfectious diseases, headache, neuroophthalmology, and neurourology), neurosurgery, and psychiatry, as well as basic neurosciences (e.g., anatomy, embryology, genetics, pathology, and pharmacology) concealed in ancient myths. Beyond mere etymological allure and imaginative reflections in science, these fables envisage philosophical concepts that still tantalize our protean medical practice today.  相似文献   

During underwater survey around Crotone, Calabria, Italy, in 2005, structures from two harbour phases were located, possibly dating from the Archaic Greek and Roman periods. Both harbours are close to the Greek and Roman architectural remains on Capo Colonna, as well as to underwater deposits of large stone blocks and other, previously-excavated sites. With the discovery of these harbour structures, new hypotheses arise for understanding the building-material deposits and excavated sites. A critical component of these hypotheses is the assessment of local geological data, specifically ancient sea-level, in relation to the archaeological record.
© 2007 Author  相似文献   

The cult of St Nicholas spread in Scandinavia and northern Rus' in approximately the same period, namely in the last decades of the 11th and the first decades of the 12th centuries. In spite of such a correspondence, the dissemination of the cult in the two adjacent regions has been treated as two separate phenomena. Consequently, the growing popularity of the cult in Scandinavia has traditionally been dealt with as an immanent part of the transmission of the Catholic tradition, and a similar phenomenon in northern Rus' has been discussed with reference to the establishment of Orthodox Christianity. By contrast, the evidence analysed in this article shows that the establishment of the cult of St Nicholas in the two regions was an intertwined process, in which the difference between Latin Christendom and Greek Orthodoxy played a minor role. The early spread of this particular cult thus suggests that, as far as some aspects of the cult of saints are concerned, the division between Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity in Northern Europe was less abrupt in the 11th and 12th centuries than has been traditionally assumed. This was due to the fact that the medieval cult of saints was not limited to the liturgy of saints, but was a wider social phenomenon in which political and dynastic links and cultural and trading contacts across Northern Europe often mattered more than confessional differences. When we leave the liturgy aside and turn to kings, princes, traders and other folk interacting across the early Christian North, then the confessional borders are less useful for our understanding of how some aspects of Christian culture were communicated across Northern Europe in the first two centuries after conversion.  相似文献   

The aim of the present article is to reconsider the interpretation of the Greek word halourgos (?λουργ??) and its relation to textiles and purple dye by reinvestigating its recordings in Greek epigraphy and the papyri, as well as comparative examples from Greek literary sources, in the period from the fourth century bc to the seventh century ad — thus combining the source material from ancient Greece and the Greek-speaking part of the Roman world. This will illustrate the wealth of information one can get from the exploration of one single word: not only on the significance and appearance of textiles and garments in the ancient world from Greece to Egypt, but also on the diversity of colours and the subtleties in their use and terminology.  相似文献   

古希腊历史学家色诺芬所著《希腊史》是希腊城邦危机时代的产物。这样的历史背景在很大程度上决定了作者对历史事实的取舍以及对历史人物的评价。色诺芬对西方古典史学的贡献主要有:完成了修昔底德的未竟之作,公元前5世纪末到公元前4世纪中期希腊史的主要史料,主要是有赖于色诺芬的记载而流传下来;对经济史、政治史、战争史、社会生活史等均有独到的分析和阐述;在史书编撰体例方面,特别是对于传记体史书,具有开创性贡献;对西方历史文学及军事文学也有重要贡献。当然,色诺芬史学也确有其不足和局限性。  相似文献   

中国西南早期对外交通——先秦两汉的南方丝绸之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中外古文献里多有先秦两汉时期中国西南对外交通的记载。古希腊罗马文献中关于东方的赛里斯、长寿者等貌似怪诞现象的记述,并不完全是无稽之谈,而有着几分中国古史传说的真实素地,在上古时代的中国西南有迹可寻,应是古希腊罗马作家根据他们在中亚和印度时的耳闻所作的记述,表明当时已有从中国西南至印度和中亚的交通线。先秦两汉中国古文献的有关记载,可以证实中国西南早期对外交通的实际情况。成都平原三星堆文化和金沙遗址考古中不少印度和近东文化因素的发现与研究,则从考古学上证明了商周时期中国西南对外交通的存在。  相似文献   

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