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Commuting is defined as journeys to work or study that cross the administrative boundaries of minor civil divisions. This poses problems in the statistical analysis of some metropolitan areas, such as Baku, where large suburban territories are administratively under the jurisdiction of the central city government. Time series on commuting exist for trips from rural to urban areas, and help distinguish oblasts and major economic regions of varying levels of rural population mobility. This mobility is highest around large cities that exert a strong pull (Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Khar'kov, L'vov). Rural population mobility is low in Siberia and Kazakhstan, which have a sparse network of industrial centers and low rural population density, and in Central Asia, where the indigenous population is distinguished by low social mobility. Census data for commuting in 1970 yield a typology of cities in terms of the character of commuting. Commuting distances and means of transportation are analyzed for different city size classes.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the influence that rural‐to‐urban commuting has on rural employment growth, and whether the strength and spatial reach of this effect depend on commuters’ levels of education. A main finding is that rural‐to‐urban commuting has a robust positive impact on rural employment growth in services and retail. There is no significant difference in how far these effects reach into rural Sweden for commuters with different levels of education. These results suggest that a viable policy for local employment growth in rural areas with reasonable commuting times to urban centers is to improve the commuting to urban centers.  相似文献   

Commuting, Migration, and Rural-Urban Population Dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Over the past 25 years social scientists attempting to explain the dramatic changes in the relative distribution of urban and rural population growth have gravitated toward two competing explanations. The regional restructuring hypothesis holds that changes in the spatial distribution of employment opportunities have been dominant whereas the deconcentration hypothesis attributes these changes to changes in residential preferences of workers and consumers. We develop an empirical test of these two explanations based on whether commuting and migration are positively or negatively related after controlling for other economic factors. Our econometric results support the deconcentration hypothesis.  相似文献   

北京市居民通勤特征研究——基于千余份问卷调查的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文婧  王星  连欣 《人文地理》2012,27(5):62-68
在千余份问卷调查的基础上,对北京市4个不同居住-就业空间结构样本区进行了不同交通方式、不同样本区居民的通勤距离、时间、效率等特征比较。结果表明:公共交通是北京市居民通勤的主要方式;随着通勤距离的增加,居民最常选择的交通方式从非机动车向公交再向地铁转变;北京市居民通勤时间相比于其他国际大都市偏长;私家车通勤效率最高;换乘对交通效率有较大负影响,在大型居住-就业中心通勤流中这一问题尤为严重;职住平衡的区域较之于居住或就业中心有着相对短的通勤距离和时间,以及相对高的非机动车出行比例。  相似文献   


This article aims at distinguishing recurrent population movements within the territory of the Russian Federation between urban localities of different sizes and rural areas in connection to the processes of urbanization, suburbanization, and de-urbanization. Incomplete urbanization and the strong polarization of socio-economic space in Russia have resulted in two powerful contradictory population flows: centrifugal seasonal sub- and de-urbanization and centripetal labor migration from rural and small towns to large urban centers. The article discusses three forms of recurrent population mobility in Russia: (1) daily commuting of urban and rural inhabitants within metropolitan areas; (2) commuting to large cities and their suburbs for long-term employment intervals (weekly, monthly, etc.), (3) second-home commuting to countryside dachas. Unfinished urbanization in Russia not only attracts rural and small towns’ population to major cities but also keeps it within the latter. It slows down the real de-urbanization and induces specific dachas (second-home) suburbanization/de-urbanization, with these processes being closely interrelated. An opportunity to earn money in cities together with the impossibility of moving to major centers due to expensive housing encourages households to remain in small towns and rural areas. Meanwhile, inhabited rural localities (even ones distant from cities) attract seasonal population (dachniks).  相似文献   

晋中平原地区农村聚落扩展分析   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
在实地考察的基础上,章从规模、速度、形态和类型等方面分析了晋中平原地区农村聚落扩展的特点,并深入探讨了影响农村聚落扩展的因素,认为聚落扩展主要是人口增长和家庭规模变化、社会经济发展与收入增加、交通条件改善、农村地区工业化及其他因素共同作用的结果。最后指出了由于聚落扩展而带来的许多难以解决的问题。  相似文献   

Significant indirect relationships are found to exist between the territorial-sectoral structure of the economy, the demographic structure and employment and the process of population renewal. A key element in these correlations is the male-female ratio in employment, which tends to vary with regional wage levels, the availability of services, and the age-sex structure of the population. In rural areas, the relationship between the structure of the economy and population reproduction is associated with three factors: (1) the settlement pattern, (2) the type of farming, and (3) the territorial organization of farming (for example, the functional type of rural places).  相似文献   

大连市民通勤特征研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
以大连市民日常生活行为调查的结果为基础,根据就业人口及就业岗位的分布信息等进行通勤工具、通勤时间、通勤距离等通勤基本特征的分析,并着重从通勤发生的角度,研究通勤现象的距离衰减规律及其空间结构模式。  相似文献   

华北平原农村居民点演变及社会经济影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨勇  邓祥征  吴锋  陈彤 《人文地理》2019,34(2):116-124
基于遥感图像分类解译数据,利用位序-规模模型、洛伦兹曲线、景观指数,定量识别了2000-2015年华北平原农村居民点空间分布、规模与形态演变特征,分析了社会经济因素的驱动机制。结果表明:华北平原农村居民点南-北方向呈显著的空间分异与集聚特征,密度分布呈现南密北疏的态势,与面积规模分布存在局域负相关;农村居民点景观指数显示出密度增大、形状更加规则、斑块面积差异增大、斑块间邻近距离不断缩短的变化特征;总人口数量和乡村户数等对农村居民点用地扩张具有促进作用,乡村常住人口、乡村从业人员数量等的作用为负。  相似文献   

Depopulation is a major demographic and economic issue in Nova Scotia, as it is in many of Canada's hinterland areas. Indian Reserves excepted, two-thirds of rural census subdivisions declined in population between 1991 and 2001, and this decline has serious economic and social consequences. By contrast, a small minority of seemingly 'rural' areas is experiencing excessive population growth through exurbanisation. This article combines map and graph analysis with simple regression and multivariate techniques to analyse the key drivers of recent population change. It is shown that such change is strongly and predictably related to unemployment rate, income and population density and moderately related to resource-industry employment, proximity to a major urban centre and commuting. These six variables are interrelated, however, and their separate contributions are explored through principal component analysis and multiple regression. Two variables—resource-industry employment and urban proximity—are identified as key root causes, indicative of separate factors. Findings are related to the Drudy–Gilg model of rural decline, and their policy implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A large body of empirical data on the dynamics of local travel in the USSR is surveyed to illustrate the influence of commuter movement on the formation and spatial interaction of settlement systems. Correlations are established between commuting patterns and the population levels of cities of different size cateogries. (Translated by Marcia Levenson, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.)  相似文献   

An analysis of changes in rural settlement in the Moldavian SSR for the period 1959–1968 finds a high degree of stability, with few places eliminated because of resettlement or consolidation, and few new places established. The total rural population continues to increase, despite a relative decline of the rural component in the entire population. Growth rates have been highest for large central settlements of state farms and collective farms, but outlying peripheral villages within farm territories have also been growing.  相似文献   

城市居民职住空间关系是指城市居民居住地和工作地之间的社会空间关系,是城市空间结构的重要研究内容。体制转型时期中国城市居民职住空间关系正在经历着翻天覆地的变化。本文主要从职住空间关系研究学派、职住空间平衡和城市通勤、居住选择和居住空间分异等方面对国内外相关研究进行述评,认为国内相关研究应注重社会调查,加强个体层面的研究,从体制转型和个体社会经济特征等角度寻求城市居民职住空间关系及其演化的形成机制,并注重特殊群体,如外来人口、城市贫困人口和原单位制社区居民等社会群体的职住空间关系和社会空间后果研究。  相似文献   

The present settlement pattern of the long-settled northern part of the virgin lands consists of relatively small population centers. On the basis of field work, the author finds that the concentration of population in larger centers at the expense of subsidiary settlements would provide better services to the rural population without interfering with the efficiency of farm operations.  相似文献   

中国的快速城镇化推动了乡村发展转型与空间重构,农村居民对于土地退出、定居的想法正发生着变化。基于2014 年在南京市江宁区的问卷及访谈调查,本文探索了发达地区大都市边缘区中农村居民针对宅基地退出和未来定居的意愿。通过运用访谈资料和回归模型,本文发现村庄属性、一些个人主客观因子都影响着农村居民对于土地退出和未来定居的决策。本文还发现,相当多的农村居民倾向于在邻近小城镇定居,对宅基地退出普遍持负面态度。随着宅基地财产功能的提升、城乡一体化进程推进等方面的变化,关于宅基地流转制度的改革势在必行。  相似文献   

We test whether commonly used measures of agglomeration economies encourage new firm entry in both urban and rural markets. Using new firm location decisions in Iowa and North Carolina, we find that measured agglomeration economies increase the probability of new firm entry in both urban and rural areas. Firms are more likely to locate in markets with an existing cluster of firms in the same industry, with greater concentrations of upstream suppliers or downstream customers, and with a larger proportion of college‐educated workers in the local labor supply. Firms are less likely to enter markets with no incumbent firms in the sector or where production is concentrated in relatively few sectors. The same factors encourage both stand‐alone start‐ups and establishments built by multiplant firms. Commuting decisions exhibit the same pattern as new firm entry with workers commuting from low to high agglomeration markets. Because agglomeration economies are important for rural firm entry also, policies encouraging new firm entry should focus on relatively few job centers rather than encouraging new firm entry in every small town.  相似文献   

以成都市为实证研究对象,在大规模问卷调查的基础上,对西部大城市居民通勤基本特征进行了研究。分析发现,西部大城市居民通勤方式以公共交通为主,选择私家车作为通勤工具的比例较高;大部分居民的通勤时间在30分钟以内,通勤距离小于5km。和北京、广州等东部大城市相比,西部大城市职住分离现象还不是非常严重;不同属性居民的通勤时间存在差异,西方空间错位假说反映的城市社会空间不平等现象在中国西部大城市同样存在并逐步显化;通勤空间组织特征与城市结构以及城市功能分区存在密切的关系;西部大城市的快速发展对居民日常通勤影响较大。  相似文献   

A field study conducted by the author based on a 2001 survey (N = 3,136) compares data on population change at the individual settlement level from the 1999 census of Kazakhstan with unpublished data from the 1989 census. The author documents the unique phenomenon of "delayed underurbanization" in the formerly closed East Kazakh city of Ust'- Kamenogorsk (ca. 300,000 inhabitants in 2002), arguing that the limited financial resources of rural migrants to that city (recently accessible to residents of its rural hinterland) have created spatial patterns of residence and commuting similar to those under the Soviet underurbanization model for open cities. The study, covering an area dominated by militaryindustrial and/or mining-metallurgical economies, is relevant to research focused on other formerly closed cities throughout the Soviet Union. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: J61, O15, O18. 5 figures, 25 references.  相似文献   

After the first great population movement to northern Kazakhstan in the period 1953–1958 in conjunction with the start of the virgin-lands cultivation program, a period of reordering and restructuring of rural settlement within the region set in during 1959–1963. Three types of settlement areas are distinguished: (1) in areas of predominantly old settlement (preceding the virgin-lands program), the increase of rural population during this five-year period was below the average rate of natural increase for northern Kazakhstan as a whole; there was a net-outmigration from rural to urban areas and to other parts of northern Kazakhstan, (2) in areas of combined old and new settlement, population increase was more significant and there was a noticeable reduction of small populated places and increase in the number of larger places, (3) in areas of predominantly new settlement, where the density of population is lowest, the rate of population increase is highest, and settlement is mainly in widely spaced larger places.  相似文献   

国内外农村居民点区位研究评述   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
李君  李小建 《人文地理》2008,23(4):23-27
随着人类经济社会的发展,居民点的外在特征和空间结构也在不断的演化与变迁,居住地点的选址和布局最能反映出人类活动与地理环境之间的相互影响与作用机制。目前国内外在城市居住区位研究方面已经形成大量研究成果,相比之下,农村居民点相关研究还存在一定滞后。文章从居民点区位影响因素、区位演变、居民点分布和等级结构四方面对国外相关研究进行了评述,梳理了国内农村居民点区位研究的相关内容,在此基础上对存在的问题进行了讨论和总结,并对今后研究内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

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