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A transportation model of the West Siberian plain is based on a division of the region into subregions, and estimates of expected traffic requirements among these subregions. Arguments for and against the construction of railroads, as opposed to waterways and highways, as the basic means of transport are presented. The Tyumen'-Surgut railroad, now under construction, is viewed as the optimal initial approach to the region's transport development. Future alternative rail lines are outlined.  相似文献   

An economic-geographic model of the development of the new resource areas of the West Siberian plain envisages a hierachy of support bases providing equipment, food, and manpower for the areas. Effective economic development requires that much of the investment in the first phase of development be channeled into auxiliary activities and service facilities to provide the infrastructure of the new oil and gas complexes. Only in the second stage should most of the investment be directed into facilities for basic oil and gas production.  相似文献   

A historical account of the formation of national okrugs in the indigenous tribal areas of the Soviet North stresses the need the combining of the undeveloped northern portions of Siberia with the developed southern areas in complementary economic regions in which the economic potential of the south may be used to develop the north. After a certain level of development has been reached, the northern areas may be set up as separate economic regions. This happened in the case of Magadan Oblast (formerly part of Khabarovsk Kray), and it is suggested that the creation of a Noril'sk Oblast in the northern portion of Krasnoyarsk Kray be considered. The new northern industrial centers of Noril'sk and Magadan developed initially in isolation from the traditional reindeer, hunting and fishing economy of the surrounding region; but the traditional and new economic activities have gradually become integrated into a single whole.  相似文献   

Greater economic cooperation between the two socioeconomic systems in Europe is held to be mutually beneficial and to be favored by some of the continent's physical-geographical aspects (deeply indented coastline, easy overland transportation, resource complementarity). An area deserving priority in all-European projects is the interconnection of power systems to make possible the transmission of electricity covering peak load needs and other requirements. Such interconnections may save significant capital investment that would otherwise be required for additional generating capacity within each system. Other potential areas for all-European cooperation include the provision of east-west inland waterways, motor roads and improved rail lines. One aspect of the possible integration of transport systems would be the organization of overland container traffic between Europe and Japan (as well as Iran and Afghanistan) through the territory of the USSR.  相似文献   

谢丰斋 《史学理论研究》2012,(4):40-48,158,159
中西方的经济差距到底何时拉开?是工业革命时期呢,还是15、世纪的转16型时期?史学界一直争论不休。世纪之交,英国统计史专家安格斯·麦迪森出版了关于世界经济的"千年统计"。其中,人口、GDP和人均GDP是有关中国、西欧经济发展水平的最直观的数字。比较结果令人震惊,中西方的差距早在公元1300年前后就已经拉开。部分中国学者的研究也在一定程度上印证了麦氏的统计。  相似文献   

A geomorphic field survey conducted in the late 1960's by the Institute of Geography (Moscow) suggests the existence of only one geomorphic level (Level III) that can be traced all the way through the Turgay trough from the Irtysh River drainage basin to the Aral Sea depression. However, contrary to general assumption, geomorphic analysis does not confirm the view that the Turgay trough served for a throughflow of water between the two drainage basins during the Pleistocene. An analysis of the geomorphic levels in the trough suggests that water in the northern segment of the trough drained toward the north and in the southern segment toward the south, with a middle segment occupied by a system of lakes, still evident to this day. However, the absence of a throughflow in the past does not rule out the use of the trough for the proposed southward diversion of Siberian water. It is suggested that the level of water on the Siberian slope be raised to the elevation of the divide (about 125 meters above sea level) so that the water could then follow the natural slope of the Level III surface toward the south.  相似文献   

许茵 《民国档案》2005,(2):57-59
本件史料藏于英国国家档案馆,系国民政府经济部长翁灏函送重庆英领馆之备忘录。  相似文献   

The Volga-Vyatka region, one of the Soviet Union's leading machinery and chemical producers, has potentialities for further growth in these two industries. Favorable factors are a skilled labor force and a central transportation location in European Russia, midway between raw-material suppliers and markets. In view of industrial overcrowding in the Gor'kiy and, ultimately, Kirov urban areas, future industrial construction should be planned in medium-size and small cities and in the region's peripheral areas.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon Chronology of the Siberian Paleolithic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have compiled 462 C-14 determinations for 120 Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites from Siberia and the Russian Far East. The Mousterian sites are dated to ca. 46,000–28,500 BP. The Middle–Upper Paleolithic transition dates to ca. 43,300–28,500 BP. Although there are a few earlier sites, most of the Upper Paleolithic sites are dated to the time interval between ca. 34,000 BP and 10,000 BP. The earlier Upper Paleolithic stage is characterized by macroblade technology and is radiocarbon-dated to ca. 34,000–20,000 BP. The earliest microblade technology occurs in the late stage of the Upper Paleolithic, dated to ca. 23,000–20,000 BP, but the majority of microblade sites is dated to ca. 20,000–11,000 BP. The Final Paleolithic (Mesolithic) sites date to ca. 12,000–6000 BP. At ca. 13,000–11,000 BP, the earliest Neolithic appeared in both the Russian Far East (Amur River basin) and the Transbaikal. The Paleolithic–Neolithic transition occurred ca. 13,000–6000 BP.  相似文献   

The locational pattern of primary processing industries in the USSR is analyzed in terms of their relationship to the distribution of resource bases of different magnitude and to level of development of extractive industry. Some industry groups, such as coal-based power generation, iron and steel, coke chemicals, sawmilling, tend to gravitate toward regions with large resource bases. Other groups of primary processing, such as glass, ceramics, woodworking, tend to be localized in areas with small resource bases or no local resource base whatever. However, some industry groups that tend to be pulled toward large resource bases (nonferrous metallurgy, oil refining) are also located in part at some distance from raw-material sources under the impact of various economic factors. Conversely, other industry groups that are generally less dependent on local resource bases (woodworking, basic chemicals) also tend to gravitate toward large resource bases that have achieved a high level of extractive industry.  相似文献   

根据现代新制度经济学理论,一项社会活动的运行是正式制度安排与非正式制度安排合理作用的结果。太平天国所制定的经济政策属于正式制度安排,它是在非正式制度安排即由文化演进所形成的行为的道德伦理规范的基础上形成的。太平天国的经济政策在初期取得了一定的成效,但是随着非正式制度安排中所包含的中西方文化冲突的不断加深,遂使太平天国的社会理想与现实经济政策逐渐背离,导致了其后期经济绩效的严重不佳。  相似文献   

<正>由国际鹤类基金会、中国野生动物保护协会、沈阳市人民政府主办的第六届沈阳法库国际白鹤节,3月27日在辽宁省法库县正式启动。来自国际鹤类基金会以及中、美、俄、日、韩、蒙古等国家的官员、专家、学者聚集法库,向全世界发布《保护白鹤法库国际宣言》,并向国际社会提出建议每年3月27日为世界白鹤日。  相似文献   

Limiting environmental conditions in the construction of industrial nodes in the new oil district of the Middle Ob' are the rigorous climate, extensive swamp cover and absence of ground transportation. These adverse factors are compensated to some extent by the shallow depth of oil deposits, favorable geology and the availability of groundwater that can be injected to maintain oil-reservoir pressures. The basic problems in the development of the oil district are the shortage of housing, services and local foodproducts and consumer goods as well as the high cost of construction of transport routes. Greater investment in services is urged to help reduce the high turnover of labor as migrants are reluctant to settle permanently in the region.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue for the importance of constructing a human geography of white class difference. More particularly, we present a theoretical framework for understanding the cultural politics of class and whiteness in the context of rural restructuring. We theorize these politics through an examination of the national discourse of redneck that has emerged in the US. We analyze the term "redneck" as one of several rhetorical categories that refer to rural white poor people. We argue that while various terms are employed in geographically specific ways and cannot be used interchangeably, they nonetheless function similarly in positioning the white rural poor. Our examination of redneck discourse exemplifies these processes and points up the need for a broader analysis of representational strategies that reinforce class difference among whites. Drawing upon three case studies of white rural poverty, we deconstruct these imagined rural spaces by situating discourses about white rural poor people in the context of geographically specific political economies of power and social relations in Kentucky, Florida, and Washington. These case studies, as well as the national discourse of redneck, represent rural poverty as a lifestyle choice and as an individualized cultural trait. Abstract rural spaces are construed as poor, underdeveloped, and wild; rural, white poor people are represented as lazy, dirty, obsolescent, conservative, or alternative. A focus upon the political economy of community resource relationships and the construction and reproduction of redneck discourses reveals how exploitative material processes are justified by naming others and blaming the persistence of rural poverty upon the poor themselves.  相似文献   

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