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"三反"五反"运动从经济、政治、思想诸方面对上海私营金融业所产生的影响都是前所未有的.正是在"三反"五反"中,私营金融业业务情况急转直下,传统市场迅速萎缩;资方受到极大的震慑,从业人士思想动摇;同业组织边缘化,无法正常运作."三反"五反"运动客观上加速了上海金融业由私营向公私合营转化的进程.上海私营金融业,作为一种行业,已经走到了历史的尽头.  相似文献   

Gregory IX's crusade (1236–1240) to safeguard the Latin Empire was the last expedition sponsored by the papacy before the fall of the Latin state in 1261. Like his predecessors, Innocent III and Honorius III, Gregory believed that an expedition against his fellow Christians was necessary to safeguard the land route to the Holy Land and to protect the Latin Empire itself. Gregory also shared with Innocent and Honorius the belief that this was a divinely appointed policy, symbolized by God giving the Greek Empire into Latin hands in retribution for Greek schismstic beliefs. But Gregory's policy had another facet to its justification. He accused the supporters of the Greeks, in particular John II Asen, king of Bulgaria, of sheltering heretics and of allowing a climate in which heresy could flourish. Gregory evolved a method of justifying war against the Greeks and their supporters analogous to that used elsewhere in Europe against those who sheltered heretics. He threatened the guilty with the loss of their lands under the provisions of the Fourth Lateran Council canon, Excommunicamus. To make the theoretical concrete, Gregory tried to form two expeditions, one composed of Europeans, the other of Hungarians and even Bulgarians, against the emperor of Nicaea. But the expeditions failed and Gregory's rationale for warring against the Greeks was not utilized by his immediate successors to the pontifical throne.  相似文献   

This article examines wartime efforts by the Russian civil and military authorities to shape public opinion, both at home and abroad, through investigating and publicizing enemy atrocities committed against Russians. An extraordinary investigative commission established in 1915, along the lines of Britain’s Bryce Commission, looked into alleged atrocities against soldiers and civilians as well as crimes against property; chronicled its findings; and publicized them on a wide scale. The ample funding and breadth of this undertaking challenges perceptions of the Tsarist authorities as unable to appreciate the importance of public opinion, even if the results were not always as intended.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,学界的思想解放和百家争鸣迎来了国内的抗日战争史研究的春天。年逾古稀的马克思主义史家刘大年,以其敏锐的目光和特殊的学术地位,参与筹建中国人民抗日战争纪念馆,推动中国抗日战争史学会的成立和《抗日战争研究》的创刊。他作为首任会长,在抗日战争史学会成立之后,积极组织了1990年代一系列讨论会,有效地推动了抗日战争史的科学研究。  相似文献   

The use of chemical weapons in Syria in August 2013 led to calls for a tough international response in order to uphold the norm against what is often portrayed as a particularly odious form of warfare. The condemnation of poison weapons has a long history and this article examines the origins of the international norm against their use. It focuses particularly on the proceedings of the first Hague Peace Conference and suggests that this represented the emergence of an important distinction between the customary norm against poison and poisoned arms, and a newly codified norm against the use of asphyxiating gas projectiles, which was primarily an attempt to limit the potential of new weapons technologies. However, psychological responses to the wide‐scale use of chemical weapons in the First World War underscored a deep revulsion to this form of warfare and blurred the distinction between gas projectiles and poison. While the Hague Conventions ultimately failed to avert the use of chemical weapons, the formation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol reaffirmed the norm against the use of poison in war and represented both a legal and moral condemnation of chemical and biological weapons that continues to be enshrined in international law today.  相似文献   

Gregory IX's crusade (1236–1240) to safeguard the Latin Empire was the last expedition sponsored by the papacy before the fall of the Latin state in 1261. Like his predecessors, Innocent III and Honorius III, Gregory believed that an expedition against his fellow Christians was necessary to safeguard the land route to the Holy Land and to protect the Latin Empire itself. Gregory also shared with Innocent and Honorius the belief that this was a divinely appointed policy, symbolized by God giving the Greek Empire into Latin hands in retribution for Greek schismstic beliefs. But Gregory's policy had another facet to its justification. He accused the supporters of the Greeks, in particular John II Asen, king of Bulgaria, of sheltering heretics and of allowing a climate in which heresy could flourish. Gregory evolved a method of justifying war against the Greeks and their supporters analogous to that used elsewhere in Europe against those who sheltered heretics. He threatened the guilty with the loss of their lands under the provisions of the Fourth Lateran Council canon, Excommunicamus. To make the theoretical concrete, Gregory tried to form two expeditions, one composed of Europeans, the other of Hungarians and even Bulgarians, against the emperor of Nicaea. But the expeditions failed and Gregory's rationale for warring against the Greeks was not utilized by his immediate successors to the pontifical throne.  相似文献   

司徒美堂与抗日战争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任贵祥 《史学月刊》2004,(11):57-63,69
美洲著名爱国侨领司徒美堂为祖国抗战做出了重大的贡献。他从九一八事变后即率先投身于抗日救亡运动,积极声援自发奋起抗战的国民党官兵;全国抗战爆发后,他出任抗日救国侨团的首领,带领广大华侨开展抗日救亡活动;他万里迢迢回国慰劳抗日军民,为祖国抗战出计献策,在途经香港陷入日军魔掌的危险时刻,表现出了铁骨铮铮的民族气节;他团结美洲洪门侨胞,报效祖国抗战,使这一古老的帮会组织焕发青春;他呼吁祖国团结抗战,反对妥协投降,有力地维护了国共合作抗战的大局。他是广大华侨抗日救国的领袖和楷模,其爱国思想在支援祖国抗战中进一步得到升华。  相似文献   

Inspired by the works of Michel Foucault and Erling Sandmo, this article explores contemporary discourses of military violence against civilians from a genealogical perspective. The purpose is to shed light on the historicity of certain structures of knowledge, thoughts, politics and ethics that are fundamental for the ways in which military violence against civilians is put into words, interpreted and explained in various situations and contexts today. My main argument is that the descents of Swedish contemporary discourse on military violence against civilians can be traced back to epistemological and politico-legal conflicts in the 17th century.  相似文献   

在中国开展调查研究、刺探搜集中国各种情报信息,是日本实施侵华国策的重要手段之一,在侵华过程中扮演着重要的角色。日本利用庚款成立上海自然科学研究所,开启了“对支文化事业”。其以“开展自然科学研究、普及科学知识”为名,在中国开展各种调查研究、刺探搜集资源情报,尤其在全面抗战时期,包括上海自然科学研究所在内的整个日本“对支文化事业”体系均纳入战时体制,所有调查研究均围绕侵华战争展开,沦为执行日本侵华政策的附庸和帮凶。抗战胜利后,中国政府接收日本在华文化机构,其侵略和情报搜集活动才告终止。  相似文献   

This article examines how the prevailing understanding of “terrorism” and contemporary Israeli military operations against the Palestinians provides different religious groups in Syria with a common ground on which to base their claim to share in the national identity. State‐sponsored nationalism is not the only source for establishing a unified community. Syrian Christians use their political protest against the Israeli operations to reinforce their attempts to reconstruct national history, based on biblical references, with the aim of claiming that their religious history is part of national history. This transformation from religious to secular identity reduces the risks against Christians being set apart from the rest of the population and, hence, serves to insure their position in society as well as maintaining their own group identity.  相似文献   

明末统治阶级的横征暴敛及连年自然灾害,促使农民大起义暴发。李自成农民义军攻入北京,推翻明王朝后,紧接着吴三桂引清军入关。随着全国社会主要矛盾的急剧变化,农民起义军由原之反对明王朝统治转为联合明宗室所建南明政权共同抗清斗争。  相似文献   

Scholars have usually supposed that the marriage of King Aethelwulf of Wessex to the daughter of Charles the Bald in 856 signified the creation of an anti-Danish alliance between the two rulers. That this union signified a royal accord is not in doubt but there is no evidence to associate it with any venture against Danes. Though the evidence is not conclusive it appears more probable that Aethelwulf's marriage to Princess Judith was part of a scheme to prevent or to undermine a rebellion in England then being fomented by Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald who desired his father's throne. For his part Charles the Bald aimed at gaining influence in England. At the time of her marriage Judith was crowned and anointed and this was a rare occurrence. When analyzed in the proper light it suggests the existence of a compact by the terms of which Aethelwulf would disinherit Aethelbald at some future date should Judith bear a son. The marriage, then, did not signify an alliance against Danes. Rather it denoted an alliance against Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald.  相似文献   

This article examines the mobilisation of small and mid-tier companies in the mining industry's campaign against the Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT), drawing on interviews with 18 industry players. The government anticipated that small exploration and development companies would support the RSPT, on account of its promise to contribute towards the costs of exploration and development. In doing so, it was guided by Treasury advice and the assumption of calculative rationality on the part of small companies. Instead, industry leaders forged a common front against the tax within days of its announcement. In doing so, they appealed to the hope of extraordinary returns – or what is sometimes described as ‘sentiment’, ‘animal spirits’ and ‘irrational exuberance’ – among mining entrepreneurs and investors, against the odds. Other researchers have argued that the debate around the RSPT highlights the ‘power of ideas’, but we argue that it highlights the ‘power of hope’.  相似文献   

杨菁  杨树标 《史学月刊》2005,15(7):76-83,88
在长达八年的抗日战争中,随着国际反法西斯战争形势与中国正面战场抗击日军的历次会战态势的变化,蒋介石连续召开一系列军事会议,制定并调整了对日作战方针,检讨了各次会战,策定了相应的战略战术,从中反映出蒋介石对形势的估计、对敌我双方军队的认识等,比较能够符合实情,也产生了一定的积极作用。但从总体上讲,蒋介石的话是“耳边风”,一吹就过,对国民党军队的劣根性改造无济于事。  相似文献   

陈瑞 《安徽史学》2003,(6):75-83
本对清代中期徽州山区外来棚民的基本状况、棚民营山活动的内容与类型、棚民营山活动给山区生态环境造成的破坏以及徽州社会为遏制生态环境恶化所采取的应对举措等方面作了分析与探讨。章认为,清代中期徽州山区生态环境的严重恶化,主要是由外来棚民所从事的简单粗放、掠夺式的营山活动造成的。在长期饱受生态环境恶化之苦情况下,徽州山区社会采取了驱禁棚民与封山育林,调整产业种植结构相结合的标本兼治的应对措施。  相似文献   

Robert, earl of Gloucester, the leader of Mathilda's party in England during Stephen's reign, has a good press because the main source for his activities is his admirer, William of Malmesbury. This article re-assesses Robert's role and character by concentrating on chroniclers other than Malmesbury and on charter evidence. It finds, by these methods, that Earl Robert may have been in some ways an attractive man, but that he was also a practised curialist, a ruthless factionalist, a plunderer of church lands, and a man who made acquisition of his neighbours' lands one of his main objects. New evidence is presented to account for his behaviour in the crucial months at the end of 1135 and beginning of 1136 when Stephen made himself king. Robert is found to have had little choice but to cross to England because his lands in the southern Marches were under threat from a Welsh rising. His alienation from Stephen in the next few years is traced to a failure at court against his rivals, the Beaumont group. His subsequent private war against the Beaumonts in Dorset and Worcestershire is further evidence against Malmesbury 's portrayal of him as a man of pure principle. conduct of the war against Stephen after 1139 can be shown to have had serious flaws. The result was a rebellion against him by his own sons and the repudiation of his methods (if not his acquisitions) by his successor Earl William. Evidence is presented that Earl William sparked off the movement amongst the magnates to draw up private treaties to contain the Anarchy. In view of all this, it is not surprising to find indications that Earl Robert lacked any real commitment to the claims of his half-sister, the empress.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代前后是我国改革和社会主义现代化建设发展史上一个非常关键的时期。以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体未雨绸缪,防范在先,注重增强全党的执政风险意识;加快发展,增强实力,夯实抵御执政风险的物质基础;深化改革,加强调控,重点解决防范金融风险的问题;处变不惊,从容应对,妥善处理自然界和社会突发事件;练好内功,强身固本,抓好执政党建设这个关键。认真总结这一时期我党成功抵御执政风险的宝贵经验,结合新的历史条件加以创造性运用,对于坚持以科学发展观为指导,统筹好经济、社会和人的全面发展,进一步提高抵御风险的能力,把改革和现代化建设事业不断推向前进,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

International organizations, national governments, and civil society organizations have condemned female genital cutting (FGC). In doing so, campaigners and policy-makers often describe female excision as backward, barbaric, and a problem of African culture. What does widespread international condemnation of FGC as a so-called traditional practice mean for campaigns against excision ‘on the ground?’ Drawing on critical global governance scholarship, this article argues that pervasive understandings of female excision as a problem of African culture obscure the far-reaching politics of campaigns against genital cutting. Focusing on efforts to criminalize female circumcision and educational projects in Tanzania and Kenya, I illustrate ways in which campaigns against female circumcision are dynamic sites of conflict characterized by politicized negotiations and resistance. I argue that initiatives that view FGC as a cultural problem in narrow terms may have unanticipated consequences when campaigns inscribe the communities they identify with female excision as local, traditional, and marginal. Notably, campaigns against the so-called traditional culture can counterproductively politicize diverse practices of excision as reified markers of ‘insider’ cultural identity. As a result, campaigns against excision may lead to outcomes antithetical to their stated goals of reducing practices of genital cutting.  相似文献   

战争对俄国发展道路的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俄罗斯以军事立国.莫斯科公国时代,经常性的战争状态导致了动员型社会、国家战时体制、专制主义统治和农奴制度的形成.但从16世纪到18世纪,对外战争迫使沙皇政权学习和引进西方文化以增强军事和经济力量,从而推动了俄国的欧化进程.19世纪以来,几次大的对外战争深刻地影响了俄罗斯发展道路的选择,而建立军事强国和追求帝国利益的传统目标在其中起了关键作用.  相似文献   

全面抗战时期,加拿大援华医生诺尔曼·白求恩因给伤员做手术时感染,牺牲于晋察冀边区。为感念其卓越的贡献,中国共产党举行了形式多样的纪念活动,其纪念主旨随着时间的推移亦呈现出鲜明的时代特征。八十年来,白求恩形象大致围绕团结抗战、恢复建设、形塑新人以及现代外交等主题展开。从抗战时期传衍至今,白求恩形象经历了由初设到深化再到普及的过程,彰显出中共对时代变迁的深刻体察和灵活应对。  相似文献   

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