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The Gor'kiy urban agglomeration is marked by complex relations between the central city and its first- and second-order satellites. The observed tendency for the central city to grow slowly and the satellites to expand rapidly should be encouraged. Industrial construction should be limited within Gor'kiy proper and promoted in the satellites. Many “dormitory” satellites of Gor'kiy lack urban improvements and adequate commuting facilities and should be rebuilt into modern residential towns.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for the delimitation of conurbations, a term preferred to urban agglomerations. In the first stage the urbanized zone is demarcated, consisting of the central city and adjoining continuously built-up area. The method of the U. S. Bureau of the Census is recommended with some qualifications. In the second stage, minor civil divisions surrounding the urbanized zone are selected for inclusion in the conurbation, based on a combination of criteria involving nonfarm employment, population density, and evidence of “strong gravitation” to the urbanized zone. Regular travel to work, for shopping, and for recreation is suggested as an indicator of gravitation.  相似文献   

The original settlement pattern of farming villages in the Angara-Yenisey river district, which dates from the 17th century, has been greatly altered by the introduction of new economic activities, such as gold mining, lumbering, and transport services. A flow of population from agriculture to industry has been evident in the steady decline of population in farming villages, many of which have been amalgamated with adjoining industrial settlements.  相似文献   

古镇遗产分类及资源型古镇的保护性利用模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈艳 《东南文化》2012,(1):35-40
古镇是人类主要聚落形态之一,按其成因和社会功能可把古镇分为聚落型村镇、区域贸易中心型集镇、资源型或资源—产业型集镇、军事重镇型集镇和文化景观型集镇等。资源型古镇通常是在对某地自然资源进行开发利用的过程中发展起来的场镇,它的发展历程直接折射出区域社会变迁及其关联的社会背景,构成地方文化和历史记忆的重要载体。对资源型古镇的保护性利用旨在服务当地,在内容和形式上旨在使古镇的"形"与"神"与其生存空间达到高度的融合与统一,从而准确传达古镇所蕴含的历史信息及遗产价值。  相似文献   


THE FIRST significant archaeological excavation within the village of Thorney, Cambridgeshire, has revealed a sequence of occupation deposits associated with the former Benedictine abbey and reflecting some 600 years of use. Thorney Abbey was surrendered at the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries in 1539 and over successive years many of the buildings were demolished and the stone removed for re-use elsewhere. As a consequence very little is known of the abbey's layout and organisation. In the Middle Ages Thorney was surrounded by fen wetland and the excavations reported on here were located near the northern edge of the former island, slightly to the north of the abbey church and suspected location of the main abbey precinct. The long sequence of deposits offered an important insight into the changing character of fen-edge life on Thorney from the 11th century onwards. Occupation remains and a sequence of contemporary structures indicated that despite the apparently peripheral location of the site in relation to the main abbey complex, life was rarely static on the island's northern edge. It is suggested that the structures and related remains were once part of the abbey's outer court. Dissolution deposits reflected the dismantling of windows and the salvage and recycling of lead came. A re-used architectural fragment, possibly a pillar base, had been converted into a lead recycling hearth and the immediately surrounding area was covered with the remains of the leadworking as well as a large assemblage of broken, high-quality painted window glass, the end result of the lead removal. Late 16th-century structural evidence on the site has also shed light on some of the earliest secular occupation on the island following the Dissolution. A combination of the finds assemblages recovered during the work and documentary research has enabled a picture of life at medieval Thorney to be drawn for the first time. Documentary and cartographic work has also helped to understand the wider fenland context.  相似文献   

民国实测地形图保存至今量最大也最为系统的当属1∶5万与1∶10万两种比例尺,其中1∶5万地形图主要测绘于1916-1925和1930-1939两个"十年计划"时期,1∶10万地形图是以1∶5万作为底图进行缩制的,江浙两省主要完成于1927-1930年期间,目前这些图主要藏于日本与台湾地区。1∶10万地形图上关于聚落居住地的标注形式层次分明,可提取出其中的市镇聚落与城市聚落,结果显示民国时期江南有1628个市镇,并借此证明常熟与吴江两县确实存在市镇数量的巨大反差。  相似文献   

江南水乡古镇作为农业文明时期产生和发育形成的特色城镇,凝聚了江南地域的数千年文明积淀,它们作为古镇景观单元的单体建筑以及植被景观,其传统的外形、材料、位置、功能以及修建工艺等都真实、完整地保存和延续至今。  相似文献   

《清国史·地理志》、《清史稿·地理志》每县下均有某某镇的记录。经考察,认为这种记录并没有严格的学术标准,有一定的任意性。实际上,清代的镇,并非县以下一级管理地方或征收商税的机构。凡是有一定集中的人口,商业比较繁荣的聚落(集市),往往被人们称为镇。其中有的置有县以下管理地方治安的机构,如巡检司,有的什么设置也没有,仍被称镇;也有既设了巡检司等管理或纳税机构,然仍不称镇。可见清代文献中镇的记录并无严格标准。至于文献上记载镇的四至范围,实际上指的是所设机构管理(如巡检司)的地域范围,与镇并无关系。  相似文献   

As the organizers of an event on women in the global city, we wanted to create a forum exploring the intersections of class, gender and other forms of inequality that fracture ‘global Chicago’. In the panelists' discussion of the intersections of struggles relating to housing, education and environmental justice in Chicago's particular version of the global city, we found evidence of lives disrupted by neoliberal trends, as well as possible sites to contest these disruptions. These struggles reverberate to shape a new urban vision, as the academics and activists assembled for our panel aim not just to work on the local issues of specific women, but to create a city in which work is well compensated, housing is affordable for everyone, schools educate all children well, all neighborhoods are safe both from crime and environmental pollutants, and everyone has the time to fully engage as active citizens of the city.  相似文献   

刀光剑影惊险的故事蔓延到山外传说四周悬崖峭壁的高山成为无墙无门的城郭一条羊肠盘道保持险峻不愿宽阔天赐的山城永远年轻喇嘛的守候你最快乐故事不变的色彩菩萨在故事中沐浴升为至尊的宝座翁媪不畏山道的艰辛诚心祈祷无灾无祸香烟缭绕山城信仰在芳香中超脱伤痛痊愈的时刻山城清醒了许多草木复绿的幽境小鸟回归山不寂寞愿“和谐”播入心田收获双赢共荣的硕果土乡风情轮秋恋虹彩,海外醉琼浆。安召万人乐,纳顿百天狂。河湟呈画卷,遗址献华章。远客无虚行,图文满行囊。喇嘛山城(外一首)@文贤忠~~  相似文献   

论古镇旅游开发的五种关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王大悟  郑世卿 《旅游科学》2010,24(4):60-65,76
本文分析了在古镇旅游开发中必须正确把握的五种关系,即共性与特色、传统与当代、挖掘与创新、居民与游客、观光与休闲,涉及对资源的认识、对产品的定位、对社区的兼顾和对产业的发展等方面,为古镇旅游开发提供了系统理论支撑。旅游开发必须对这五种关系进行深度思考和正确把握,才能实现古镇旅游的永续发展。  相似文献   

金代镇的数目与其系年问题尚无确论,本文经过研究认为,至章宗泰和八年金代存有镇518个,之前曾有镇578个。金代镇的长官职同宋代的镇监,称为"知镇",被纳入国家职官建制之中;镇上另设有同监、巡检、司吏、提控等官员,与知镇共同负责民事、词讼、税收、户口、治安、防御等事务。定居人口的增加和镇市建筑的修建表明镇已具有了城镇的完备形态,并承担着经济、行政和军事等诸多职能。  相似文献   

近代上海城市交通网络的扩张、工业技术和资本的渗透以及中心市场的整合作用,不仅强化了周边市镇对上海城市的向心力,也将沪郊南汇乡村发展融入上海的城市化进程,凸现出20世纪初中心城市现代化发展直接带动周边市镇成长的新趋势。  相似文献   

This paper relates a specific and professional understanding of the nature of archaeological sites to management needs and approaches. It focuses on how the nature of the resource itself relates to a system of valuation, conservation and preservation. The perspective taken is that of the contribution of landscape planning to the development of tourism and heritage management. One of the central aims is to explain the visual values of archaeological remains in the landscape, relating them to the different measures of preservation available for archaeological sites. Examples are included from Latvia and other European countries.  相似文献   

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