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Geography education in the Soviet Union is found to lag behind advances in geography as a research discipline. Courses in both elementary and secondary schools and at the college and university level are overloaded with factual material at the expense of theoretical problems and general concepts. An essential requisite for improving the content of geography education is better training of geography teachers. Soviet geography teachers are now being trained mainly in the combined geography-biology faculties of teachers colleges. Combined training in more than one teaching discipline is essential because a teacher trained in geography alone would not have a full teaching load of 18 hours a week in most schools. However, the geography-biology combination does not appear to be optimal because the emphasis in biology is no longer on botany and zoology, as in the past, but on human physiology and genetics, with less relevance to geography. It is recommended that geography as a teaching discipline be combined with other subjects of instruction having greater relevance to geography teaching, possibly chemistry, physical education or foreign languages. Less emphasis on fact-loaded regional courses and more stress on systematic courses is recommended, together with training in mathematical techniques.  相似文献   

Professor Ryabchikov, Dean of the Geography Faculty of Moscow University, finds that Soviet teachers colleges are adequate to supply geography teachers to the middle schools, especially in view of a gradual reduction of the number of class hours devoted to geography in those schools. He sees the primary function of university geography as the training of specialized geographers for industry, agriculture and other segments of the national economy. Universities are therefore urged to reorganize their curricula from the present somewhat academic approach to a greater practical and applied content that would benefit graduates in their new jobs. The author calls on universities to strengthen their ties with industry by taking advantage of the Soviet system of contractual research for production organizations.  相似文献   

The author discusses the teaching of geography in universities and teachers colleges of the Soviet Union, noting that the majority of graduates are being assigned to geography teaching in middle schools. He gives data on the distribution of students by day, evening, and correspondence divisions; problems in teaching methods; the organization of field practice; and the limited number of degree holders in geography.  相似文献   

Reviewing the contribution of Soviet geographers at the Stockholm congress, the author makes a plea for more papers on economic geography and on integrated problems in geography. He denies that a trend toward greater emphasis on specialized disciplines is characteristic of Soviet geography. He criticizes some Soviet geographers for preparing what Saushkin considers misleading summaries of papers presented by foreign geographers.  相似文献   

The desert zone of the Soviet Union is assuming an increasingly important role as a source of mineral resources, especially oil and gas, and as a region of stock herding, including the valuable karakul sheep. Lack of water and shifting sand are the principal development obstacles. An interagency research council under the Academy of Sciences USSR and the present specialized desert journal were established in 1967 to coordinate Soviet desert research and publish its basic results.  相似文献   

卢毅 《攀登》2007,26(4):139-141
中国共产党一贯重视文化建设。早在民主革命时期,党就在苏区根据地建立了专门的文化教育组织机构,颁布了一系列方针政策,尤其是在知识分子政策上纠正了"左"倾关门主义错误,广泛吸收利用知识分子。由此,苏区的文化教育事业蒸蒸日上,取得了令人瞩目的辉煌成就。  相似文献   

A Soviet visiting geographer assesses the state of geography at Canadian universities in the light of Soviet experience. The system of higher education in geography is found to have expanded considerably in recent years, partly through the formation of new universities and the creation of new geography departments. Despite relatively weak links among universities and a wide diversity in research topics, each major department appears to have specialized in certain areas. This is partly a result of efforts by the Canadian Association of Geographers. The status of various geographic disciplines is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

A Soviet economic geographer who participated in a 1929 conference of geography teachers describes the antecedents, the atmosphere and the proceedings of this crucial meeting in a stormy period of the discipline. It was a landmark in the history of Soviet economic geography in marking the beginning of the end of the old sectoral-statistical approach and inaugurating the new regional school led by N. N. Baranskiy.  相似文献   

During the first stage of the Stalin era, suicides by Soviet women teachers revealed the essential ambiguity of a self–destructive act, the uncertain identity of women as public activists, and the difficult position of teachers at a time of intense political conflict. Examining eight women teachers who killed themselves in the period 1928 to 1931, this study argues that this assertion of self–control through self–destruction was also a surrender to others, including the actors and structures whose domination originally contributed to suicidal behaviours. This study thus describes both limited opportunities for and considerable restraints upon women teachers in the Stalinist context.  相似文献   

冯彩莉 《攀登》2007,26(6):176-178
文章在对青海省高校教师的职业压力进行调查的基础上,分析了这个群体的基本状况及他们所面临的问题,并提出缓解青海省高校中青年教师职业压力的建议。  相似文献   

The author proposes a fundamental shift of the center of gravity of Soviet geography from Its present emphasis on physical geography toward greater stress on economic geography. He feels that most major geographic problems should be solved by inter-disciplinary teams of geographers from various specialized fields in which economic geographers would act as conductors of the geography orchestra.  相似文献   

The author reviews the material of his article on the Stalinist definition of the geographical environment [Soviet Geography, December 1963, pp. 3–19] in the light of L. F. Il'yichev's pronouncement on the unity of the natural and social sciences [Soviet Geography, April 1964, pp. 32–34]. Like V. A. Anuchin, Saushkin interprets the ll'yichev statement as encouraging more work on geographic synthesis that would integrate the findings of the specialized physical and economic geographic disciplines.  相似文献   

奚可桢 《东南文化》2003,(11):89-94
书院众多、师资雄厚、经费充裕、生源优秀,使南京书院一直处于健康发展的状态,并为南京的繁荣奠定了深厚的历史化基础。  相似文献   

邱翊 《攀登》2008,27(4):178-180
人文关怀和心理疏导是高校实现育人目标的重要途径,它不仅仅是专兼职思想政治理论和心理健康教师的职责,还应该成为全体高校教师共同的职责和必备能力。  相似文献   

湖南“156项工程”项目的落地,经历了一个复杂的过程。首先是对项目地址进行科学而严格的筛选,地址确定以后,进入项目建设阶段。“156项工程”项目的建设资金由国家提供,项目设计图纸的核心部分由苏联提供,项目施工在苏联专家指导下由中国承建单位负责。竣工以后,项目必须经过严格验收方可投产。“156项工程”项目投产所需的劳动力,主要来自老技术工人、新招工人,还有少数大中专院校和技校毕业生。投产中的技术问题在苏联专家指导下解决,投产后均取得了良好效益。在“156项工程”项目的建设过程中形成了科学精神、自主创新精神、协作精神、艰苦奋斗精神,这笔精神财富值得深入总结并传承。  相似文献   

A review of the last 50 years finds that the traditional breakdown of Soviet cartography into its specialized research disciplines no longer conforms to current needs. Soviet cartography has been divided historically into mathematical cartography, map science (the study of maps and their uses), map compilation and editing, map design and production. A growing specialization in cartography by thematic disciplines (geomorphic mapping, agricultural mapping, etc.) with widely differing requirements and principles of compilation and editing suggests the need for a restructuring of the research disciplines. In addition to mathematical cartography, concerned with map projections and map measurements, the new structure would include: technical cartography (the study of source materials, map design and production); natural-historic cartography (principles of compilation and editing of maps of the physical environment), and socioeconomic cartography (concerned with the mapping of human phenomena).  相似文献   

宫敏丽 《攀登》2008,27(6):161-163
文章通过时现行大学人才培养方式的分析,认为在大学现有的制度框架内,不仅学生的创新精神、创新意识受到束缚,教师的创新能力同样没有得到很好的释放。提出创新型人才培养首先要解放思想,转变观念;关注学生个性和情感的发展,以发展能力特别是创新能力作为现代大学的主要教学目标;调整和完善学校教学和科研管理制度,构建创新性教学内容和课程体系;改革现行的教师及学生评价制度,为创新型人才培养提供自由的环境。  相似文献   

This article explores questions about identity among Soviet men teachers, about the construction of masculinity in the Stalinist context and more broadly about the significance of power in structuring gender identities. By examining the personal experience, classroom practices and political perspectives of a man teacher in a ‘women's profession’, this article demonstrates how masculine identity involved the exercise of power even in the context of a repressive political system. Focusing on the multiple layers embedded in the identity of one teacher makes possible a gender analysis of the political processes, social relations, and educational practices characteristic of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Using an interview to understand the formation of masculinity illustrates how individual agency and subjectivity shaped and were shaped by the broader patterns and processes characteristic of Stalinism.  相似文献   

马楚萍 《攀登》2006,25(4):99-102
心理素质是当今社会人才必备的重要素质之一。本文在对青海省部分高校部分专业藏族大学生心理素质调查分析的基础上,指出了藏族大学生心理素质方面存在的问题,并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

丁福强  侯金环 《神州》2011,(3X):174-175
高等职业院校电类专业的电工生产实习是在学生通过进校学习一年或两年文化课和理论课后,对电类专业有了一定的了解和具有了一定的专业理论知识,如何实施电类专业技能的教学。怎样才能使这些从未接触电类技能的学生能较好得掌握这门技能,本人在长期的电212生产实习教学过程中,认为启发式教学法是一种行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

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