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The development of mineral resources in the Kara Kum desert and irrigation projects along the Kara Kum Canal have fostered the growth of urban population in Turkmenia at a more rapid rate than rural population. In general, established cities in the republic tend to grow more slowly than some of the new workers' settlements established on the basis of gas extraction and other mineral developments. The urban places of Turkmenia are classified by size classes, functional types and growth rates.  相似文献   

The article examines the prospects of using runoff characteristics and changes in runoff composition as a basis for predicting environmental modification. The technique is employed to assess changes in the circulation of matter that are taking place in the drainage basin of the Aral Sea as a result of the intensification of irrigation. Overall runoff, including its liquid, solid (suspended sediment) and chemical phases, is analyzed in connection with a shift in the deposition of material from the Aral Sea to the irrigated plains.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of soils and vegetation in the Thar desert of India and the Kara Kum of Soviet Central Asia. Loams and clays found widely in the Kara Kum are absent in the Thar, which contains a distinctive calcareous layer known as kankar. In terms of vegetation, the mes-quite savanna of northwest India represents a transition zone from desert to true savanna similar to the sahel between the Sahara and the Sudan in Africa. Detailed data are given on air and soil temperatures and humidity and the development of the biomass in the Thar, based on 1963 field work.  相似文献   

A review of broad research problems leading to ultimate transformation of the Central Asian environment for the purpose of expanding irrigated agriculture and desert grazing. The problems are: land resources and reclamation needs for irrigation purposes; the water and salt regime of irrigated fields, regional types and methods of control; the water and salt budget of irrigated areas and means of determining and regulating it; the hydrologic cycle of Central Asia and ways of transforming it for irrigation purposes; and the use of forage and water resources for expanding the desert grazing economy.  相似文献   

A specialist in loess geomorphology and arid-zone hydrology distinguishes three categories of factors accounting for waterlevel changes in the Aral Sea. She judges the most significant to be changes in inflow resulting from changes in the course of the Amudarya, the more important of the two tributary streams. The Amudarya at various times emptied into the Sarykamysh depression, southwest of the Aral Sea, giving rise to a flow of water through the now dry Uzboy channel to the Caspian Sea. Climatic change, involving alternations of wet and dry cycles, is said to have accounted for only minor water level fluctuations, of the order of 4 to 6 m, against the background of the major fluctuations produced by the Amudarya course migrations. Human activity, notably irrigation, is regarded as having become significant only in modern times as a result of an expansion of irrigation works. The present abrupt decline in the Aral waterlevel (6 m from 1960 to 1977, including 2 m in the last three years) is attributed to the combination of a dry climatic cycle and greatly increased use of water for irrigation.  相似文献   

The Sarykamysh depression of Soviet Central Asia, southwest of the Aral Sea, has begun to fill with water since around 1960 after having lain dry for 350 years. As of 1976, the lake, fed mainly by irrigation drainage water from the nearby Khorezm (Khiva) oasis, had grown to 2,000 km2, with a depth of at least 40 m. The depression was receiving 4 to 4.5 km3 of water a year and continued to fill. While the appearance of such a large body of water in the desert would appear in itself to be a positive development, the question is raised whether the water would not be put to better use by being directed toward the Aral Sea.  相似文献   

苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
席广亮  甄峰 《人文地理》2009,24(5):87-91
本文在绿色产业成为全球产业发展热点的背景下,提出在江苏省北部沿运河地区适宜重点发展绿色产业。首先分析了苏北沿运河地区发展绿色产业的支撑条件,进而提出了苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展战略,确定了绿色产业发展方向、发展模式和发展重点。发展战略中重点分析绿色产业选择方法和提出绿色产业发展的空间组织模式、产业循环模式和经营管理模式,并指出沿运河地区绿色产业发展的重点,这对明确绿色产业发展方向,形成苏北沿运河地区特色的绿色产业品牌,培育区域发展优势,打造苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展新形象有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Here we present the first 14C ages for the Ascope Canal System (ACS), a large prehispanic hydraulic network in the Chicama Valley on the north coast of Peru. Composed of multiple alignments that irrigated areas north of the river, our results indicate that the ACS was constructed and operated in the Late Intermediate Period, ca. a.d. 1000–1400. This overlaps in time with the Chicama-Moche Intervalley Canal that diverted water on the south side of the Chicama River and extended to the city of Chan Chan. Conservative estimates of discharge capacity indicate that the combined flow through the canals would have exceeded stream flow in the Chicama River during half of the year. The ACS appears to have functioned for several centuries and would have been in direct competition with the Intervalley Canal. There was, apparently, insufficient water for both systems and other Chicama Valley canals during most of the year. This study underscores the complexities of understanding the operations and histories of irrigation systems in complex societies.  相似文献   

陕西省农村土地流转迟缓的供求影响因素与机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村土地流转长期受到决策者的鼓励,但我国农村土地使用权流转率一直偏低,西部地区尤其如此。本文试图以陕西省为例,通过问卷调查和访谈,分析农地社会保障功能等因素影响农地使用权流转率的作用机制;并从供给和需求两个方面,分析了经济落后地区农村土地使用权流转率偏低的原因。研究结果表明,农地流转受到现行的以提供社会保障为基本目的的农地制度的约束,任何旨在提高农地流转率的改革措施,都必须考虑现行农地制度的社会保障功能和地区差异,实行因地制宜的农地流转制度。  相似文献   

沈阳市工业空间重组及其动力机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延善玉  张平宇  马延吉  李蕾 《人文地理》2007,22(3):107-111,41
在分析城市工业空间结构演进规律的基础上,对沈阳市改革开放以来工业空间结构的演变进行分析,发现沈阳市工业的空间扩散趋势明显,进入工业郊区化的发展阶段。城区传统工业企业外迁,优化了城区的土地利用结构。近郊工业化成效显著,成为沈阳市新的工业基地。指出工业发展和结构调整,城市土地使用制度改革,生态城市建设,跨国公司的FDI,文化观念的转变均是影响沈阳市工业空间重组的重要因素。  相似文献   

苏北运河经济带构建的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿江沿河地区的发展一直是国内外地理与规划学所关注的重点和热点。对于经济落后地区而言,沿江沿河的开发更是振兴经济的有效手段。本文从GDP增长率、产业结构变化等方面,分析了苏北运河沿河地区的经济发展状况,指出了构建苏北运河经济带的必要性和可行性,进而提出了构建苏北运河经济带的设想,从开发模式、重点产业和空间结构等方面进行了分析,这对苏北运河地区资源环境、社会、经济等的发展有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the development, evolution and impacts of large‐scale irrigation schemes in the formation of the postcolonial state of Morocco and in more recent neoliberal decades. In particular, the article focuses on the Gharb Plain in the Sebou River basin, which was targeted by huge investments to become the core region for national development. In this area, three stages of development – colonial, early independent, and the aggressive politique des grandes barrages post‐1970 – have created two clearly different and successive landscapes. The traditional landscape has been overlain, and largely obliterated, by colonial and postcolonial governmental landscapes, reflected through different spatial, economic, cultural, and political patterns over time. In the present, a fourth stage of neoliberal development is occurring in the landscape, in which diffused poverty and ecosystem collapse coincide with greater concentrated wealth and the building of technological infrastructures. The article aims to complement critical studies on neoliberal environments, by focusing in particular on the manipulation, dispossession and commodification of water and land resources in irrigated agriculture in Morocco. These emerging rationalities are closely related to the changing policies of the contemporary Moroccan state.  相似文献   

谢红彬  钟巍 《人文地理》2002,17(2):67-69,66
纵观极端干旱地区生态环境与人类活动关系的全过程,可以看出:在气候环境自然演化的背景下,人地关系存在着时间与空间上的两种变迁。从历史时期看,从原始社会、农业社会到工业社会,人地关系大致经历了依附自然、干预顺应自然、干预自然、回归自然四个阶段。从空间上看,表现出人类"逐水而徙","依水而居"的相互关系。各个阶段以气候环境变化为背景,以水资源为主线,表现出人地关系演变的时空特征。塔里木水系的瓦解和塔里木盆地的沙漠化以及胡杨林植被面积的缩小,说明近100年来人类活动对人地关系的演化逐步起主导作用  相似文献   

The article gives a quantitative evaluation of the elements of the hydrologic cycle (precipitation, runoff, evaporation) for the earth as a whole, for natural geographic zones of the USSR (tundra, tayga, steppe, desert) and for types of land within a given zone. The role of man in altering the water balance of individual territories through reclamation measures (irrigation, drainage, plowing up of virgin land) and through changes in agricultural techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

本文以新的视角,全面考察了中国古代和亲与丝绸之路的关系。认为,中原王朝与乌孙、鄯善、高昌、西突厥、宁远、于阗等政权的和亲以及辽与大食的联姻,拓展和巩固了传统的陆上丝绸之路;中原王朝与匈奴、柔然、突厥、回纥等政权的和亲,辽与西夏、阻卜、回鹘的和亲,蒙元与高昌、高丽的联姻,以及满蒙之间的联姻,极大地延伸和拓展了草原丝绸之路;中原王朝与吐谷浑、吐蕃等政权的和亲以及以拉萨为中心的吐蕃矛口亲圈,开辟或拓展了青藏高原丝绸之路。和亲对丝绸之路的拓展主要体现在如下几个方面:一是为丝绸之路创造了相对安定的边疆环境;二是和亲双方积极通商;三是和亲传播了养蚕缫丝技术,带动了西域植桑养蚕业的发展;四是和亲公主努力协调双方关系,不断清除丝绸之路上的障碍;五是和亲公主对丝绸之路的监督;六是少数民族首领对丝绸之路的保护;七是部分和亲公主从事商业活动;八是与和亲相关的使团络绎不绝,活跃了丝绸之路;九是中原王朝的大量赐物丰富了丝绸之路。  相似文献   

明后期以降的史籍普遍认为南旺自元代起一直是会通河沿线的制高点“水脊”,元明会通河成败的关键就在于是否选择了南旺“水脊”作为分水口,这种观点不正确。南旺湖原本是梁山泊最后的余绪,地势低洼,明初宋礼引汶水到南旺济运后开始淤积,成化年间确定南旺分水核心地位后,挑出的泥沙堆积在运河和小汶河两岸形成土山地貌,构成明后期以降人们眼中的“水脊”意象。即南旺“水脊”形成于明代中叶,是汶水泥沙淤积和人工挑浚堆积的结果。据此,需重新审视元明会通河成败的原因,讨论明代中叶南旺“水脊”的形成对会通河水源从暴虐黄河水到安稳汶河水的转变的意义及其对明中叶以降治黄原则的深远影响。  相似文献   

Contemporary agricultural development strategies in The Gambia are centred on irrigated rice and vegetables—crops traditionally cultivated by women. Irrigated agriculture, however, is opening up new avenues to capital accumulation at the national, regional and household levels. This article examines the contradictions for women of donor-funded schemes that combine gender equity with productivity objectives. The gender conflicts rife in Gambian irrigation projects point to the significance of female labour for contemporary patterns of agrarian transformation as well as the linkage between women's access to land for independent farming and forms of project participation.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the outer urban area of the town of Granada in the Nasrid period (13th–15th centuries). Most agricultural land was irrigated because of the characteristic drought of the Mediterranean climate, and also because of the needs of certain crops which had been brought by the Arabs from monsoon climates. Water distribution followed patterns that were not only hydrographical and topographical but also social. In this way, social structure was reflected in land irrigation, and even its evolution can be seen in the way in which this distribution changes. It evolved from a family criterion to a topographic one, and finally to the buying and selling of allotted times independent of the land itself. Furthermore, the example of one of the acequias in this irrigated land shows that the allotted times coincided with the Islamic prayer schedule, so that the Moslem call to prayer served also to divide the day for the peasant workers.  相似文献   


In June 2013, an archaeological survey was carried out in the Hazimah plains, situated in the Jebel Qurma region of north-eastern Jordan. These plains surround the so-called Black Desert or harra, which has been known to contain an extremely rich archaeological and epigraphic record. In contrast to the harra, little is known about the archaeology of the surrounding hamad landscapes, and the survey presented in this paper aims to contribute to filling in this gap of knowledge. Initially, the survey aims to investigate the long-term history of settlement and land-use of this seemingly hostile environment, and, at the same time, seeks out an efficient methodology for locating the remains of the largely mobile communities that inhabited the Hazimah plains in the past.  相似文献   

Summary: By plotting low-volume aerosol counts as indices of pollution in Hamilton a pattern of dual pollution cells of equal intensity centring on the downtown business area and the heavy industrial zone emerges. Pollution levels are twice as great under east winds with accompanying atmospheric stability than for winds from all other sectors. With winds from the easterly sector the industrial pollutants are forced and locked into the lower city. When a major source of industrial pollution disappears, as happened during the 1969 shutdown of the Steel Company of Canada plant, the industrial cell vanishes and the pollution count under east winds drops to a level normal for other wind directions. With a wind change from the east to the west new pollution patterns are formed within six hours. The average pollution count for the city drops substantially but in the east end it increases as the pollution haze formerly trapped in the city is released and carried eastward.  相似文献   

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