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Because of the problem of factor weights in any integral evaluation of landscapes for recreational purposes, a systems approach is proposed for classifying factors in terms of relative significance. Internal and external landscape structures are distinguished. Internal structure involves the organization of the landscape, including components and their natural interactions. External structure reflects the landscape system's relations with other systems, either adjacent landscapes or systems of human activities. For purposes of recreational evaluation, landscape elements must be differentiated into classes in terms of their impact on recreation: active elements, favoring particular recreational uses; limiting elements; compensatory elements. The state of recreational resources must also take account of current economic use of the land. Some types of economic uses combine more readily with recreational uses than others. The systems technique is illustrated with reference to the Moscow region and the Issyk-Kul' basin in Central Asia.  相似文献   

The impact of industrialization and urbanization on the natural environment of Europe is analyzed and compared on the basis of regional reports submitted by 15 nations to the 1968 Unesco conference on the resources of the biosphere. For purposes of analysis, the nations of Europe have been grouped into capitalist countries, the socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and the USSR. All of them are found to be affected by the same problems of increasing volumes of industrial and municipal wastes, a drift of population to the cities and growing air and water pollution. But the socialist nations are said to be distinguished from the capitalist countries in implementing systematic government control over all forms of pollution, providing recreational zones for the population at large, expanding a network of natural areas with conservation and amelioration of flora and fauna, and carrying out a broad program of transformation of nature designed to make optimal use of resources and to conserve and ameliorate the environment.  相似文献   

The needs of optimal resource development policy in the Soviet Union have given rise to a new interdisciplinary research discipline concerned with the evaluation of the physical environment and natural resources. Evaluations are made of particular environments or resources or an integrated natural complex as a whole (the “object” of the evaluation) from the point of view of particular elements of society or society as a whole (the “subject” of the evaluation). Evaluations may be in terms of social utility, economic cost, technological feasibility, or medical-biological requirements. A number of methodological problems remain to be solved in evaluative research: (1) comparability between evaluations of particular elements and of integrated environments or resource complexes, (2) commensurability of various categories of evaluation (social, economic, technological) of a particular type of environment or resource, (3) the problem of weighting individual elements in integrated evaluations; and (4) the question of converting physical measurements into evaluations on a point scale.  相似文献   

山东新石器时代的自然环镜   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东地区新石器时代的自然环境袁有关专家学者已经进行过认真研究淤袁发表了一些很有见地的论著袁这对于推进环境考古学研究的深入进行发挥了重要的作用遥在此基础上袁笔者主要利用考古发掘所获取的环境信息袁再对该地区新石器时代渊后李文化尧北辛文化尧大汶口文化和山东龙山文化冤所处的自然环镜进行分析探讨遥一尧后李文化的自然环境后李文化因首次发掘淄博市临淄区后李遗址而得名于遥年代距今在愿缘园园耀苑缘园园年前后遥在对后李遗址的孢粉分析中发现盂袁样品均以草本植物花粉居优势袁最多可占孢粉总数的苑远窑猿耀怨员窑员豫遥在草本…  相似文献   

A program of research is proposed to determine the optimal regionalization of production and consumption of industrial output. The author proposes a regionalization of the most common industries by major zones (covering two or three regions), and a basic division of the USSR into two major economic zones (West and East) designed to reduce irrational long hauls between them.  相似文献   

自然环境变迁与十六国政权割据局面的出现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张敏 《史学月刊》2003,(5):21-28
中国古代历史发展的自然环境及自然环境变迁对历史进程的影响,起一个具有重大理论和现实意义的问题。东汉末年以来自然环境变迁是西晋灭亡和十六国割据局面形成的重要原因。由于全球性寒冷干燥期的出现,我国北方沙漠面积不断扩展,各游牧民族原有的生存环境不断恶化,于是纷纷南迁,起着西晋统治集团内乱之际,夺取了政权。  相似文献   

城市滨海区域游憩环境系统研究--以大连市旅顺口区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王辉  姜斌 《旅游科学》2006,20(1):8-11,55
城市滨海区域是海滨城市中最有活力的地段,也是海滨城市居民亲水、休闲娱乐的理想场所。本文在论述滨海区域游憩功能提升的基础上将这一区域游憩环境系统分为4个子系统:陆域游憩环境系统、海岸游憩环境系统、近海游憩环境系统和海岛游憩环境系统。其子环境系统构成的三要素是游客、游憩环境和交通。本文以大连市旅顺口区为例进行系统分析,提出该区今后建设游憩环境的几点建议。  相似文献   

In recent years growing numbers of a new type of winter visitor to the Sunbelt has been observed tamping free of charge on public lands. The emergence of this unorthodox type of recreationist onto the recreation landscape raises numerous questions. The purpose of this study is to examine their circulation systems. Data collected at a study site in Arizona indicate that these are extremely mobile people—circulating among the common set of watering holes in the desert Southwest during winter and dispersing northward during summer months.  相似文献   

James G. Carrier 《对极》2010,42(3):672-689
Abstract: One of the ways that conservation and capitalism intersect is in ethical consumption, the shaping of purchasing decisions by an evaluation of the moral attributes of objects on offer. It is increasingly important as a way that people think that they can affect the world around them, including protecting the natural environment. This paper describes commodity fetishism in ethical consumption, and the degree to which this fetishism makes it difficult for ethical consumers to be effective both in their evaluation of objects on offer and in influencing the world around them. It looks at three forms of fetishism in ethical consumption: fetishism of objects, fetishism of the purchase and consumption of objects, fetishism of nature.  相似文献   

地理环境与疾病──论古代医学对岭南地区疾病的解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用医书资料,探讨古人如何理解岭南地区的自然环境及气候,并以脚气病、疟疾、麻病病、梅毒为例子,说明岭南地区自然环境与疾病的关系。从史书中知道,自汉代已形成对南方炎热潮湿的看法,并以此解释岭南地区流行的疾病,这个看法一直支配著古人对岭南地区疾病的解释。虽然如此,医家在治疗这些疾病时却取得一些成果。  相似文献   

本文依据多年来的考古调查、发掘资料,概述了廊坊市从新石器时代到汉代的历史发展轨迹,同时结合历史上自然环境的演变和地貌特征,论述了廊坊地区历史文化的属性和地域特点,认为廊坊历史的发展是连绵不断的,是自然环境的改变使许多遗迹、遗物深埋地下,难以被发现。  相似文献   

以粟、黍为主,兼有麦类、豆类和水稻的农业种植体系,以及完善的农业生产加工过程、发达的家畜饲养业和较高的野生动植物资源利用水平,共同构成了岳石文化合理完善的生业经济模式。但在地理环境和水热条件等自然因素差异的影响下,岳石文化各区域在农业种植和动植物资源利用等方面又有着不同的特点:山东地区中,鲁西北和胶东半岛的生业系统最为完善,鲁中南的旱作农业与家畜饲养业较发达,鲁东南以稻作农业为主,胶莱平原旱、稻兼作的生业系统集中分布在平原外围近丘陵地带,鲁豫皖交界的黄淮平原形成了种植与渔猎互补的经济结构,苏北和辽东半岛可利用的野生动植物资源较为丰富,多样化的选择阻碍了该地区种植农业的发展。  相似文献   

陈云华在《新疆地方志》2010年第1期撰文指出,首轮县志编纂自然环境部分时,由于没有很好地利用资料,尤其是没有将资料进行汇集、综合和系统排比,所以对自然环境的记述缺乏一定的深度和系统性,存在着概念不清、归类不当等问题,最主要的是看不出自然环境的众多变化及其变迁状况,难以揭示其发展规律。  相似文献   

关中东部为黄渭洛交汇区 ,历史时期黄渭洛河道的变迁对这一带自然环境的影响重大 ,不但使三河河谷展宽 ,沙洲沙地增多 ,而且使泥沙淤积 ,河床抬高 ,两岸滩地兴废频繁 ;同时还使支流入河口不断发生变化 ,特别是对关中沙苑特殊地形的形成提供了泥沙。  相似文献   

朱玉坤  鲁顺元 《攀登》2003,22(4):48-53
青藏高原的生态环境系统与人类社会系统有着特殊的关系。在这种关系下,人类生存行为表现出既与自然环境矛盾冲突的一面,也表现出适应协调的一面。在探索人与自然、环境与社会和谐统一的前进道路上,要为恢复与改造自然生态环境努力,更要发现和总结人类在挑战环境制约实践中的创造。  相似文献   

当前已经开始的西部大开发 ,是事关我国现代化建设和中华民族长远生存与发展的重大战略问题。本文在详细分析了西部现有生态环境的基础上 ,对在大开发中如何保护自然环境及进行生态建设作了论证。  相似文献   

李志国 《人文地理》1993,8(2):89-95
本文分析了日本海自然环境的主要特点,论述了日本海生物资源的现状及其开发利用方面的问题。  相似文献   

续修市县志应设《自然环境》篇   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章针对认为续志不应设《自然环境》篇的看法指出 ,自然环境诸要素作为反映一地基本面貌的重要组成部分 ,在续志中是不可缺漏的。自然环境是在不断演变的 ,虽然变化缓慢 ,科学的修志态度是续志断限内全面真实的自然环境要素都要收录入志 ,不能以变化大小定取舍 ,并且前志《自然环境》篇的错漏要在续志中加以纠正和补遗。文章还提出了续志《自然环境》篇在谋篇立目时要注意的问题及续志《自然环境》篇目设想。  相似文献   

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