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A Canadian geographer analyzes the character of current place names in Ukraine, highlighting their evolution and spatial distribution. Included as background material is a succinct historical account of settlements, tracing the origin of significant place names. Spatial analysis is limited to cities and towns of over 10,000 population. Place names are classified as Soviet (using three different indicators), partially Russified (two indicators), or completely Russified or Russian. The spatial distribution and intensity of Sovietization and Russification are described, and patterns suggesting relationships between place-name distribution and socio-demographic characteristics of Ukrainian regions are identified and explained. Prospects for future place-name changes are discussed in some detail. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H00, O50. 3 maps, 17 references.  相似文献   

A Moscow University place-name linguist traces the origins ot Russian place names in Alaska through the three periods of Russian settlement–the early mercantile activities, colonization of the southern areas, and penetration of the interior–and the extent to which aboriginal names were combined with Russian names. The various types of Russian settlements and the terms used to designate them are discussed, and the evolution of Russian names into the American period is traced. Alaska is found to be a unique case of Russian-American language contact.  相似文献   

A review of recent place-name research, methods, and publications in the Soviet Union by a deputy chairman of the Toponymy Commission of the Moscow Branch of the Geographical Society USSR. For a previous article on Soviet toponymy, see E. M. Murzayev, “Origin of geographic names,” Soviet Geography, Accomplishments and Tasks, American Geographical Society, 1962, pp. 254–58.  相似文献   


Names, like stories, are linguistic performances; so the twin disciplines of folkloristics and place-name studies can learn from each other’s methods. Some names offer straightforward evidence for traditional culture, but others are rhetorical, not literal. Allusions to goblins, giants, and the Devil derive from playful storytelling rather than supernatural belief, while names of landmarks are used as pegs on which to hang local legends. The rules for coining names have varied through time and often use special linguistic markers to highlight moral or imaginative content. As we move into a more semiotically aware onomastics, we find ourselves interpreting names from a realm of popular idiom and allusion which is already familiar from folklore.  相似文献   

An attempt is made by a Lithuanian physical geographer to combine the findings of paleogeography and place-name studies in shedding light on the time and place of the original settlement of the Indo-European peoples. The author also suggests that plausible elements in folk legend are susceptible to paleogeographic analysis, and he illustrates the point by relating Lithuanian folk legends about the origin of lakes to known thermokarstic processes giving rise to cave-in lakes. On the basis of a paleogeographic analysis of Lithuanian place names resembling the name Dunojus (Danube), the author suggests that the name of the Danube River is derived from an Indo-European root word such as duna, signifying an inlet or estuary of Late Pleistocene waterbodies with a sandy, dunelike shoreline. The vocabulary of Indo-European languages relating to features in the natural environment is used in establishing the time and location of the settlement of Indo-European peoples. On the basis of correspondences for tree names in the various Indo-European languages, the author concludes that the original Indo-European proto-ethnos sought refuge in the Pomeranian substage of the Late Pleistocene (about 20,000 years ago) in the mountain caves of central Europe. With the retreat of the ice sheet, the original Indo-Europeans began to migrate northward, and it was in the new areas of settlement in the plains of northern Europe that the Germanic, Slavic and Baltic branches of the Indo-Europeans were formed.  相似文献   


There is a Growing recognition that introduced species are direct records of cultural activity and that studies of their biogeography have the potential to tell us about patterns of human migration, trade and even ideology. In England the fallow deer (Dama dama dama) is one of the earliest and most successful animal introductions, whose establishment has traditionally been attributed to the Normans. However, recent investigations of Old English place names have raised the possibility that the term *pohha/pocca relates to fallow deer, suggesting that the species was widely established in the Anglo-Saxon landscape. This suggestion deserves serious consideration as it has implications for our understanding both of AngloSaxon society and the impact of the Norman Conquest. This paper therefore presents a critical review of the literary, iconographic, place-name and zooarchaeological evidence for fallow deer in early medieval England and beyond.  相似文献   

纪小美 《人文地理》2020,35(6):44-49,105
立足社会大转型语境,收集有关徽州建制与地名变更争议的网络素材,借鉴批判范式、结合场域与社会记忆理论、采用语义网络分析对徽州地名变迁的社会响应与内在机理进行阐释。发现:社会响应存在明显的社群差异。婺源第一次改隶时民间强烈反抗并起到效果,第二次改隶后为多数民众所认可。媒体人群体、专家学者、普通民众与地方政府对徽州更名与复名的看法不尽相同,语义网络结构差异显著,关注重点亦有所不同。政治权力、经济资本与社会记忆分别推动徽州地名场域的边界重构、式微让步及其与黄山地名场域的交融共存是徽州地名变迁的内在机理。  相似文献   

张鹏丽  李育 《人文地理》2015,30(5):65-70
以兰州市为例,使用ASTER 30米分辨率的数字高程模型DEM并提取了兰州市周边所有地名信息;通过收集、整理地名,主要地名类型有:滩、坪、台、山、沟、湾、屲(洼)、岭、岘、梁、岗、咀等;通过地名与地貌分析,发现兰州地名命名及分布在很大程度上能够反映兰州市的地形地貌,且兰州地名类型的分布随高程呈现出一定规律;每一高程面上的地名数量与该高程面上兰州市的面积变化并没形成对应关系,在1800-1900 m、2100-2800 m高程,地名数量与面积对应较好;通过分析进一步证明了我国地名命名系统和地貌之间的关系,说明在我国文化地理及自然地理等学科的发展中具有融合现象。  相似文献   

宋德剑 《中国地方志》2012,(2):55-58,4,5
地名是人们在社会生活中给地理实体、行政区域或地点起的名称,地名往往带有强烈的延续性和稳定性,因而能够比较完整地保留命名时所反映的文化内涵。本文将粤东北山区梅州乡村地名为解读对象,探讨地名与生态环境,山区开发,地名与族群关系,地名与历史人物、历史事件,地名与军事设施及经济活动等的关系,以期再现客家聚落名称所蕴涵的丰富人文因素。  相似文献   

陈晨  程林 《人文地理》2020,35(6):50-56,84
基于GIS技术,分析从夏到明清,关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式的演变规律。从景观表征和布尔迪厄符号权利视角,借鉴批判地名学研究理论,揭示关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式演变过程中的文化政治格局。研究发现:①作为关中平原历史地名空间置换的高密度区域,以西安—咸阳为核心的政治中心区,以及以潼关、陈仓(今宝鸡)为核心的军事中心区构成了政治权利空间斗争的中心;而零星分布于外围的自然景观类地名集中区则体现出其作为政治权利空间斗争边缘区的历史稳定性。②统治阶层和群众围绕宫殿陵寝、官宦氏族、人物姓氏、意愿祈福及祭祀庙宇类地名展开命名博弈,各阶层均希望借助地名这一社会文化符号表达“自我”价值和愿望。③关中平原历史地名具有鲜明的时代特征,地名的命名与变更整体上呈现出去阶层意识形态、关注民生文化的特征。  相似文献   

胡晓 《安徽史学》2016,(3):144-151
文章主要从地理环境、政治环境、经济环境、文化环境四个方面,论述了安徽淮河流域自然人文环境对地名历史文化资源形成、变迁、传承和内涵的影响,并着重论述了自然人文环境对各种类型地名的语言和实体内涵的影响。作者认为自然人文环境对地名历史文化资源的影响带有普遍意义,因此在全国地名普查、规划、管理和保护等工作中,应该高度重视自然人文环境因素的作用和影响。  相似文献   

广东地名语言文化空间结构及景观特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为语言符号,地名是人类群体活动、经济开发和区域文化进程中的集中体现。广东地名层从语种上明显可以分为三个层次:古越语地名层、地方方言地名层和全国通用语地名层。从时间上看,唐代以前,广东地名基本上属古越语时期,宋至明和清前期为南方方言地名时期,清末以来为北方书面语地名时期;从空间上看,广东地方方言地名层大抵在宋代已基本形成,清代最终形成粤方言、客家方言和福佬语地名文化景观三分广东的空间分布格局,粤方言地名层主要集中于珠三角及邻近地名,客家方言地名层位于北江和东江间的广大山区、丘陵地带,粤东韩江地区则多是福佬地名文化层;从形成原因分析,广东地名层主要归究于历史时期移民、区域人内口繁衍和土地大规模开发,加之人地矛盾日渐突出又为族群地名文化扩散提供了条件,而社会制度的发展和健全,最终成为广东地名层语言文化景观形成的重要机制  相似文献   


Historic and place-name evidence suggests that a Roman road ran along the south-west flank of the Pennines from North Staffordshire to the Tame valley on the Lancashire–Yorkshire border. Place-names also suggest a series of camps or fort sites along the route. The hypothesis is supported by the context of a find of a coin of Augustus and by the probable remains of a camp rampart on Werneth Low at the entrance to Longdendale. It is proposed that the road was constructed for the pacification of Brigantia and afterwards was of little importance other than as a boundary which gave rise to the ‘lyme’ place-name elements found along the south-west Pennine edge.  相似文献   

张家山汉简释地六则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》是研究汉初政区地理的重要材料,本文对其中六个有问题的地名进行重新考释,认为沂阳位于今山西介休县西,汉初属上党郡;第455号简原释作“郑”的字,实为“邺”,属河内郡;销县又见于里耶秦简牍,当即楚金币“少贞”之“少”,六朝之“霄城”或“宵城”县,在今湖北天门东北;南陵和阳城并属南阳郡;南乡并非广乡,而是高帝母昭灵后的陵园所在,在今河南开封东。经过考订,简文地名排列的规律性更加明显。  相似文献   

作为宋代的一部地理总志,《舆地广记》具有丰富的地名学内容。其地名学价值主要体现于它在继承汉唐以来的地名学传统的基础上向前发展,开创了“古今参考”的编撰体例来研究地名沿革变迁。它还用诠释法和历史考证法,对地名的命名原则、地名渊源解释、地名考证等作了有益的探索。  相似文献   


Since the introduction of the doi moi (renovation) policies in 1986, economic liberalisation and modernisation have led to redevelopment pressures on the cultural heritage of Vietnam's cities. A lively debate has ensued, most notably in the capital. Hanoi, about what is worth keeping. The views of international and local developers are opposed to the ‘Vietnamese heritage only’ of the most narrowly nationalistic of politicians and planners. The complicated decision‐making environment is made more difficult by the presence of Western planning advisers who argue for the protection of the French and Russian layers in Hanoi's cultural landscape. This is part of a long history of heritage contestation and redefinition in Hanoi which largely reflects the succession of political regimes controlling the city. Consideration of key philosophical and practical issues is timely given the current intervention by the Australian Hanoi Planning and Development Control Project team which is helping shape the future of a variously‐defined ‘historic Hanoi’.  相似文献   

本文依据历史文献的记载,参考现代大比例尺地形图显示的区域自然地理面貌,探讨北宋使臣在辽国境内经行的交通路线;运用地名调查资料,从地名与环境之间的关系、地名的历史继承性、地名语词的演变等方面,寻找道路沿线地名定位的证据,提出更加细化或推测性的定位意见,以进一步明晰北京在宋辽时期交通线向北延伸的基本情形。  相似文献   

Place names have the potential to aid in the investigation of regional settlement histories because they reflect the importance of specific locations in the social or cultural memories of indigenous groups. Unique place names for ancient habitation sites such as villages or hamlets, i.e., those names for which there are no cognates in other languages, suggest that those ancient villages or hamlets still retain the names given to them by their original inhabitants. Here, we present Tewa place names for habitation sites identified archaeologically in the northern Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. The results of our study strongly suggest that the Tewa language was spoken in the northern Rio Grande Valley, specifically, within the southern Tewa Basin, as early as the Late Developmental period (a.d. 900–1200), thus challenging the currently well-accepted model postulating a Mesa Verde origin for the Tewa language and culture.  相似文献   

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