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The authors review expected water requirements within the Volga-Caspian basin for industry, agriculture, fisheries and municipal uses and plans for the diversion of the streams of northern European Russia to the south to support the level of the Caspian Sea. They suggest that the diversion of part of the flow of the northern streams and isolation of the natural evaporation basin of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol will be sufficient to maintain the Caspian Sea level at ?28 meters. Previous articles on the Caspian problem appeared in Soviet Geography, September 1961, January 1962, and June 1963.  相似文献   

农业文化遗产保护与利用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提要:通过对我国农业文化遗产现状的分析,以及相关文献资料的检索,分别就农业文化遗产的内涵、类型进行了深入探讨,重点是对农业文化遗产的保护与利用进行整理、归纳和研究,明确提出了农业文化遗产保护在我国区域经济社会发展中的重要意义和途径。  相似文献   

Soil and water conservation interventions in Africa have had a chequered history, calling into question the way in which soil and water conservation technologies have been studied in the past. This article draws on a case study from eastern Burkina Faso to explore an area usually ignored by soil and water conservation studies — the role of social institutions in guiding decisions regarding the use of technologies. It looks at soil and water conservation through the historical development of what the authors call the ‘cultural economy’, that is, a system of exchange in which a market economy has mixed with pre‐existing forms of exchange. The approach adopted by the authors identifies concepts on which the cultural economy is based and uses these ideas to analyse institutions that affect the choice of soil and water conservation technologies. The article shows how this approach leads to a reconceptualization of the ways in which soil and water conservation technologies are to be considered.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地水资源利用与生态平衡及土地沙漠化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在气候极端干旱的塔里木盆地 ,人类开发利用水资源 ,使水资源消耗由以自然生态为主转向以人工绿洲生态为主 ,从而使生态环境发生相应变化 ,这种变化的基本规律是 :沙漠化与绿洲化并存 ,互有消长 ,“人进沙退”和“沙进人退”皆有 ,但以沙进人退为主。上游灌区引水增加 ,人工绿洲由原先多分布在河流下游三角洲向山前平原推进 ,面积不断扩大 ,使这里生态环境改善。河流中、下游由于水量减少 ,古代绿洲衰亡 ,天然植被退化 ,沙漠化扩大 ,使生态环境不断恶化。而处于沙漠和绿洲之间由林地、草地和自然水域构成的过渡带不断缩小 ,防护功能不断减弱 ,形成了沙漠危逼绿洲的严峻态势。  相似文献   

This article addresses the future of freshwater resources in the Palestinian West Bank through a discussion of contemporary issues that each plays a vital role in determining the long‐term sustainability of freshwater reserves, such as water resource availability, trans‐boundary water issues, water reuse and conservation, changes in land use, and the potential impact of climate change on long‐term water management. Climate change and changing land use patterns are already altering this region's water resources. Future predictions regarding the long‐term effects of these changes are complex and therefore inherently uncertain. However, the consensus among most studies on this subject indicates that currently water‐poor regions such as the Middle East will experience even greater water stress in the future. Nearly all of the freshwater consumed in the West Bank is obtained from local groundwater supplies that are suffering overdraft as well as decreasing water quality. Climate change will exacerbate water stress by increasing overall temperatures, decreasing and fluctuating precipitation, and reducing overall aquifer replenishment. Expanding urbanization will continue to strain freshwater supplies by negatively impacting the quality and quantity of available freshwater. Water management in the West Bank is further complicated by total Israeli control over water resources, which often causes water delivery to Palestinians in this region to be marginalized. This article finds that Palestinian and Israeli water managers must plan for future water crises, which will likely be a result of the combined effects of increasing urbanization and climate change coupled with exponential population growth.  相似文献   

清代滏阳河流域水资源的管理、分配与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清代滏阳河流域各县筑闸引水灌溉农田 ,但各县存在着激烈的争水矛盾。清代国家和地方政府发挥其社会职能 :调整行政区划 ,促进水资源流域内统一管理 ;建立分水制度 ,调节了共同用水和均平用水。这些 ,对今日北方经济社会的可持续发展是有启示意义的。  相似文献   

The paper discusses, mainly from a programmatic point of view, the need for research into the relationships between climate and vegetation. Four lines of research are proposed: (1) the correlation between the distribution of vegetation and climate indices; (2) relationships between the distribution of vegetation and seasonal types of climate; (3) seasonal and annual changes in plant communities related to corresponding changes in the surface layer of the atmosphere and the soil and subsoil; (4) the exchange of matter and energy within an ecological system.  相似文献   

《中国文物古迹保护准则》在文物建筑保护工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,随着国家相关文物保护政策的完善以及财政投入的不断增加,我国文物建筑的保护取得巨大成绩。但由于理念、管理、专业技术以及执法等方面的相对不适应,文物建筑保护工程在设计、施工和管理中出现了一些问题。本文结合《中国文物古迹保护准则》及相关文物保护的法规政策,对这些问题加以探讨,并提出了一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

19世纪末,我国西北地区开始有纸质文物的考古发现,其后纸质文物在多地考古发掘中均见出土.它们品种多、数量大,加工工艺、写印材料独特,时代自汉代至明清,其中的早期文物尤为珍贵.因其出土环境复杂,保护修复工作难以直接借助传统技术和现有科技,特别是潮湿环境和干燥潮湿交替环境下出土纸质文物的保护修复往往遭遇瓶颈.目前学界在科学分析检测、造纸工艺研究、科学信息提取等科学化研究方面取得了一定成就,但对糟朽类文物的病害机理、保护修复技术等研究还远远不够.因此,当务之急是开展本体材质、劣化与粘连机理研究,探究多因素协同作用对本体的长期影响和作用方式,研发新材料与新技术,并致力于探索这类文物的活化利用.  相似文献   

<正>2002年,联合国粮农组织发起了"全球重要农业文化遗产"(GIAHS)保护项目,旨在建立一个全球性的重要农业文化遗产体系,促进对农业文化遗产及其有关景观、生物多样性、知识和文化等内容的国际认同、动态保护和适应性管理。2012年以来,农业部确立了"在发掘中保护,在利用中传承"的基本思路,构建了农业文化遗产动态保护与管理机制,有效促进了区域发展和遗产地农民生活水平的提高,产生了良好的生态、经济与社会效益。  相似文献   

二里头文化动物资源的开发利用,对当时社会生产、生活和文化的发展起了不可忽视的推动作用,应当引起夏文化探索者的注意.  相似文献   

A combination of cheap natural gas and hydroelectric power resources makes Central Asia a promising site for the development of energy- oriented industries such as chemicals and light metals. The author shows that it is more economical to produce power-consuming products in Central Asia than to transmit cheap gas and electricity to other parts of the USSR.  相似文献   

美国博物馆中拥有丰富的教育资源,任何年龄各种职业的观众都可以享用.按照教育资源使用群体的不同,分为中小学、大学和成人三大组别,每一组有各自特殊的项目或课程.博物馆作为非正规教育机构,充分利用自身的藏品、科研和人员优势,从基础设施、人员配置、陈列展览、项目开发等多方面为观众提供接受教育的机会和条件,超越了学校教育资源的局限,成为校园之外最重要的教育场所.博物馆的教育职能受到普通民众的认可和接纳,达到全民教育和终身教育的目的,扩大了博物馆在社会上影响力.  相似文献   

2011年,联合国教科文组织亚太遗产保护委员会在泰国曼谷授予中国贵州安顺鲍屯明代水利工程保护项目亚太遗产保护“卓越奖”。这是亚太遗产保护的年度最高奖项,共有10个国家34个项目参与竞争。评委会对这一乡村水利工程保护项目的评价是:  相似文献   

A review of the use of energy and mass budget studies of natural landscapes discusses some limitations of the approach, related partly to a lack of detailed knowledge about the structure of landscape and the inadequacy of the balance technique for describing indirect linkages within the landscape and the impact of outside regulatory influences. The various balance equations for describing the mass and energy exchange in landscape are described and systematized. The use of heat-balance and plant-mass balance relationships for a classification of natural areal complexes is illustrated with reference to the north-facing and south-facing sides of a gully, the gully bottom and the surrounding watershed area in a meadow-steppe landscape of the Central Chenozem Region. Other possible applications of the balance technique in mass and energy research are suggested. (For background, see A Survey Course: The Energy and Mass Budget at the Surface of the Earth, by David H. Miller. Association of American Geographers, Commission on College Geography, Publication No. 7, 1968.)  相似文献   

新中国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,我国的大遗址保护事业持续稳步发展:概念逐渐明确,队伍不断壮大,制度日臻完善,工作趋于主动,考古学及多学科合作的作用切实加强。在此基础上,对全国大遗址保护研究展示的现代化体系和地区的建设作进一步研究,必将促进大遗址保护事业的科学发展。  相似文献   

旅游资源开发与保护中的制衡机制失衡与政府规制优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旅游资源开发与保护中发生的种种矛盾,归根到底是相关利益者之间利益的冲突,为此政府必须建立平衡各方利益的制衡机制。我国制衡机制的失衡,突出表现为:企业的制衡力过于强大,原居民、社会组织、从业人员的制衡力过于微弱。制衡机制失衡必然导致利益分配失衡,强势方获得超额利润。建议从三方面优化规制:重构政府的旅游资源管理体系与制度,严格执行旅游资源开发项目的“审批权”;健全旅游资源开发与保护的法规,编制并严格执行旅游规划,提高依法规制的合法性、科学性与严肃性;推进相关利益者制衡机制建设,对旅游资源实行全民监督管理。  相似文献   

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