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Among the iron-ore deposits of Kazakhstan, current attention is focused on the deposits of central Kazakhstan, as a raw-material source for the Karaganda steel plant, and on the Kustanay deposits, as an ore supply source for the steel plants of the southern Urals. The author discusses the potential utilization of a third iron-ore area situated on the north shore of the Aral Sea.  相似文献   

The hedonic price method is used to estimate the relationship between residential property values and proximity to an integrated iron and steel plant located in the outskirts of Gijón, a city in the north of Spain. Empirical results suggest that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between housing values and the distance from the iron and steel plant. From a partial equilibrium analysis, increasing the distance from the plant, decreasing plant production or dismantling the plant would lead to an increase in the value of the housing units. The results show as well that the housing units located nearest to the factory would be the most favoured by applying the aforementioned changes.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,日本侵占了石景山炼铁厂(首钢前身),并改称石景山制铁所。日本统治下的石景山制铁所共生产生铁262617吨,这些都是靠掠夺中国的资源生产的。日本侵略者采取种种反动措施,企图把石景山制铁所建设成为他们在华北地区使用中国矿产资源生产钢铁的基地。这些措施包括:不断扩大石景山制铁所的生产规模;残酷剥削石景山制铁所的中国工人阶级;成立奴役中国工人及石景山地区人民的伪组织——爱护会;建立制铁所警备队。  相似文献   

The Lipetsk iron and steel industry, in existence since 1899, began a major expansion program in the middle 1950's, designed to make it one of the principal steel producers of the Soviet Union. The status of the expansion program as of 1969–70 is analyzed in detail, including a rundown of ore, flux and coke sources. The use of sintered ore from near-by deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, high-temperature oxygen-enriched air blasts in the blast furnaces, large-capacity blast furnaces and steelmaking oxygen converters are expected to reduce the costs of production below existing levels in the Soviet iron and steel industry and to foster an efficient operation based on modern, automated equipment. (See also Shabad, Basic Industrial Resources of the USSR, pp. 98–101; maps, pp. 40, 96; News Notes, Soviet Geography, February 1970, p. 143; June 1972, pp. 409–410; June 1973, p. 407.)  相似文献   

Technological advances in the Soviet iron and steel industry are producing changes in the locational pattern of the industry. The increasing concentration of production in large iron and steel plants requires the use of large iron-mining establishments of the order of 30 million tons of crude ore. Iron and steel plants were once viewed in the Soviet Union as oriented toward the market of a particular economic region. But the growing plant capacity and a trend toward specialization in particular types of finished products tend to expand the marketing zone of individual plants far beyond the boundaries of single economic regions. Future planning of the industry is in terms of five basic iron and steel zones: Central Russia, Urals, South, Siberia and Kazakhstan, of which the Urals and the South are fully integrated and the three others are in varying stages of formation. The declining share of coke in the blast-furnace charge tends to shift the locational pattern increasingly toward iron-ore sources, and this accounts to a certain extend for the gradual shift of iron and steel capacity toward Central Russia, with its ore reserves of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.  相似文献   

This paper presents standard microeconomic models that are designed to be used in the cost-benefit analysis of local land use decisions. The models connect these allocation decisions to outcomes in the urban land and labor markets so that costs and benefits can be measured. Benefits to the local jurisdiction of allocating land to industrial use exist if unemployed workers are employed, land values increase, or local tax revenues increase beyond the amount needed to provide the additional public services required.  相似文献   

中国钢铁工业的诞生考释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国钢铁工业诞生的问题学术界至今没有统一的认识。按照当今中国钢铁工业协会所定标准,福州船政局所属锤铁厂和拉铁厂应为中国最早的钢铁加工企业,它的创建标志着中国钢铁工业的诞生;青溪铁厂是中国第一家钢铁联合企业;汉阳铁厂则是中国第一家大型钢铁联合企业。  相似文献   

汉代铁器手工业的组织形式,一直以来讨论较多,却未有定论。本文提出,手工业作坊出土的陶容器的组合,有助于讨论作坊工匠的居住与组织形式,提供解决上述问题的线索。本文以陕西邰城铸铁作坊为案例,首先利用类型学建立分期框架,探讨作坊可能的运营持续时间。经统计分析,本文发现邰城作坊中炊煮陶容器的比例甚少。这一现象在西汉时期其他县级手工业作坊中相对普遍,但与战国时期作坊工匠居住于作坊范围内的情况不同,进而提出这一现象可能与工匠的居住和工作模式密切相关。本文指出,作坊出土的陶容器组合情况表明工匠可能不在作坊区内长期生活;铸铁作坊中工匠的身份可能也为雇佣工人,家庭式手工业作坊生产者的可能性不高。  相似文献   

南京沦陷期间,日商以华中铁矿之名义在南京栖霞山地区擅自开采铁矿,攫取中国资源,此事在当时南京影响较大。栖霞寺住持明常等僧侣奋力抗争,予以抵制,并致书汪伪全国经济委员会,要求加以制止。汪伪行政院不得不与日本大使馆交涉,中止此事。  相似文献   

中国最早的稻作与稻作农业起源中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产生最早稻作的地方未必一定能成为稻作起源的中心,中国最早的稻作可能在华南北部诞生,中国稻作农业起源的中心首先是在长江中游,长江下游和淮河上游也可能是另外的两个中心。  相似文献   

In the north‐western Mediterranean area, the first Iron Age is characterized by intense contacts and cultural interactions between populations. Archaeological remains such as ceramic vessels or metal and glass objects are usually good indicators of the nature and the intensity of these exchanges, but can also be used to determine the way in which these populations were living at their time. In contrast, organic substances, despite their importance in a wide variety of activities, are rarely investigated due to their low degree of preservation. The recent discovery of a series of amorphous organic residues with adhesive properties at the site of Cuciurpula provided a unique opportunity to address questions related to the types of natural substances exploited, their provenance, their uses and their informational input to intercultural relationships. Our results, based on GC and GC–MS analysis of organic residues preserved at the site of Cuciurpula, provide strong evidence for the most southern use of birch bark tar in Western Europe, and also for the simultaneous use of this substance with pine resin. Beeswax was also identified in some samples. The combined study of residue composition, aspect and location on ceramic sherds reveals a variety of uses, highlighting a complex technical system.  相似文献   

本文主要依据河北易县燕下都、吉林榆树老河深和辽宁北票喇嘛洞墓地等遗址出土铁器的金属微观组织和制作技术研究结果,讨论中国东北地区的铁器和冶铁业的发展问题,指出中国古代东北地区铁器的使用和发展是与居住其上的民族在与周边地区特别是中国中原地区的接触和交流中发展起来的,在这一过程中得到铁器或者铁器制造技术,接触并接受了中原地区先进的铁器文化,并创造出鲜明的民族特色文化,其铁器的制作工艺亦经历了从简单到复杂的过程,质量逐步得到提高,并发现了中国最早的贴钢和夹钢制品、可能为灌钢的制品和第一件具有砷偏析组织样品等,表明东北地区的古代钢铁技术在中国乃至整个东亚地区的冶金发展史上具有重要研究价值,由于目前尚未在本地区发现冶铁铸造遗址,所以进一步探索东北地区铁器和冶铁业的发展历程需要考古学家的支持与工作.  相似文献   

The main findings of this analysis of the job location patterns by occupational groups in the Toronto CMA are as follows:
  • 1 The geographical distribution ofjobs of the different occupational groups varied considerably in the Toronto CMA, the principal pattern being relative centralization of white-collar jobs and relative decentralization of blue-collar jobs. Skilled clerical-sales-services workers faced the greatest degree ofjob concentration in the cbd.
  • 2 The jobs of similar occupational groups by collar type were located near one another, so that relatively homogeneous work areas were created. These conclusions, of course, apply specifically to the Toronto CMA in 197 1. But, although the urban structure of the Toronto CMA will have changed to some extent since 1971, the process of structural change is a fairly slow one, even in rapidly growing metropolitan areas. We suggest, therefore, that our findings should be relevant to the Toronto CMA of today.

《尚书》问世后,学者多认为其中所记嵎夷和旸谷在辽东半岛和朝鲜半岛。本文通过对《史记》等史料的分析,判断《尚书》记载的嵎夷活跃在山东半岛,旸谷就是春秋时期齐国祭祀的日主之地,在今山东半岛东端的成山头。嵎夷是后来因战乱越海迁居到了朝鲜半岛,才变成了海外之族。  相似文献   


The design of metallic structures in the 19th century is a subject topic of much admiration, as many emblematic structures that are currently withstanding the test of time have become part of our built cultural heritage. Knowledge on the assumptions and design procedures available at that time is of importance to structural engineering nowadays. It allows for the understanding, maintaining and safe extending of the service life of historical metallic structures. The goal of this article is to describe the evolution in the design and calculation of metallic structures during the second half of the 19th century, with focus on Western and Central Europe. Special attention is paid to the similarities and differences between the 19th century design rules and the current structural design standards. Based on a literature survey, the evolution in terms of load definition, calculation methods, material properties, and verifications are described. Different design aspects are illustrated through a case study: The Garabit viaduct in France.  相似文献   

The author examines the role played by the economic geography of the former Soviet Union in the evolution of labor relations in Russian industry, using the iron and steel industry as a case study. More specifically, three regional factors are analyzed as they affect enterprise economic strategies, organization, and management-labor relations: (1) the inherited industrial structure; (2) the degree of product specialization at the regional level; and (3) the level and sophistication of regional political and labor structures combined with the presence (or lack of same) of a “regional agenda.” These factors are examined within the context of a model predicting several possible variants of post-communist labor relations at the enterprise level. 36 references.  相似文献   

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