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The article surveys the post-war economic development of Canada from the point of view of the nation's rapid expansion as a supplier of raw materials and semi-finished goods on the world market. The regional section analyzes the development of four major Canadian regions: the Atlantic, Central, Prairie and Far West regions, as well as the Canadian North. In all regions the most rapid rates of growth are found to have been recorded by raw-material-producing industries oriented toward the export market.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion recently on the ‘great Indian land grab’, that is, the acquisition of productive land by the government, and the handing over of this land to large‐scale industry. What do these ongoing land transfers tell us about the nature of the state? This article builds a picture of the state in a liberalizing landscape based on empirical evidence. It outlines the role of the state in Kutch during a transfer of 30 km2 of forest and coastal land to a cement manufacturing and exporting operation ‘Karkhana Ltd.’ (pseudonym). Karkhana's experience does not evince a state in withdrawal. Nor do we witness a regulatory state that watches a changing economy from the legal and coercive sidelines. Instead, the case study is able to reinforce heterodox perspectives that place the state at the centre of India's new economy as a close ally of big capital. Taking these views forward, the author suggests that the state's role in this alliance is that of a normative legitimator of liberalization, a buffer in the contentious politics of land, and an institutional promoter of and manoeuvrer through the new land regime. A multifaceted state is indispensable to India's liberalizing landscape.  相似文献   

讨论战后60年日本文学,需要探讨在这60年里中日比较文学的发展情况,当然探讨巾国大陆在这期间对中日文学比较研究的现状及存在的问题也就有了意义。在中国大陆.随着20世纪70年代中日邦交正常化之后,中国大陆学者开始重新审视日本文学与中国文学的关系问题,尤其是在80年代之后,对日本文学的关注和思考,更是中国大陆学者的一种自觉活动。  相似文献   

A review of recent place-name research, methods, and publications in the Soviet Union by a deputy chairman of the Toponymy Commission of the Moscow Branch of the Geographical Society USSR. For a previous article on Soviet toponymy, see E. M. Murzayev, “Origin of geographic names,” Soviet Geography, Accomplishments and Tasks, American Geographical Society, 1962, pp. 254–58.  相似文献   

Progress in physical geography as a separate research and teaching discipline is reviewed, and unfinished tasks for the next few years are outlined. The discipline continues to focus on the study and mapping of landscapes or geosystems as integrated areal units of the earth's physical-geographic environment. Emphasis is being placed on the use of quantitative techniques and systems theory as well as field observations, particularly at permanent field stations. New areas of application of landscape research are found to be opening up in physical planning, design engineering, evaluation and prediction.  相似文献   

A review of the present state of Soviet medical geography based on an analysis of papers presented at the Second National Medical Geography Conference held in Leningrad in November, 1965. The authors, representing four departments of the Geography Faculty of Moscow University, stress geophysical and geochemical causative factors of human disease and the contributions being made by medical landscape science in relating environmental prerequisites to particular diseases.  相似文献   

The impact of industrialization and urbanization on the natural environment of Europe is analyzed and compared on the basis of regional reports submitted by 15 nations to the 1968 Unesco conference on the resources of the biosphere. For purposes of analysis, the nations of Europe have been grouped into capitalist countries, the socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and the USSR. All of them are found to be affected by the same problems of increasing volumes of industrial and municipal wastes, a drift of population to the cities and growing air and water pollution. But the socialist nations are said to be distinguished from the capitalist countries in implementing systematic government control over all forms of pollution, providing recreational zones for the population at large, expanding a network of natural areas with conservation and amelioration of flora and fauna, and carrying out a broad program of transformation of nature designed to make optimal use of resources and to conserve and ameliorate the environment.  相似文献   

The author discusses the teaching of geography in universities and teachers colleges of the Soviet Union, noting that the majority of graduates are being assigned to geography teaching in middle schools. He gives data on the distribution of students by day, evening, and correspondence divisions; problems in teaching methods; the organization of field practice; and the limited number of degree holders in geography.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国史研究的现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代初以来,中华人民共和国史研究逐渐在学术界兴起,经过近30年的努力取得了引人瞩目的成果:建立了正式的研究机构和学术团体,形成了具有一定规模的研究队伍;编辑出版了大量档案文献,为学术研究提供了有利条件;发表或出版了大量研究成果,推进了学术研究的深入发展;纳入了国民教育体系,为学术研究的持续发展培养了一批专门人才。今后需要进一步明确学科定位,拓宽研究视野,加强学科建设,挖掘档案文献。  相似文献   

民国史研究的现状与几个问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中国大陆开展中华民国史研究,从1972年算起,到今年正好30周年。中华民国史研究,现在也已成为一门世界性的学问。在日本、美国、欧洲各国都有很好的研究,各有优长,值得中国学者学习和借鉴。本文主要就中国大陆,特别是我所在的中国社会科学院近代史研究所有关民国史研究的简要情况,做一个汇报,同时提出几个问题,谈谈我个人的意见。  相似文献   

希腊化时代研究的历史与现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈恒 《史学理论研究》2002,2(3):110-121
所谓希腊化是指亚历山大大帝东征(公元前334-前323年)后的三个世纪里,古希腊明和小亚细亚、叙利亚、美索不达米亚、埃及以及印度的古老明相融合的一种进程。时间范围通常认为开始于公元前323年亚历山大去世到公元前30年罗马吞并最后一个希腊化国家托勒密王朝为止。  相似文献   

The present article assesses the complex reconfiguration that studying the past signifies when one becomes visibly aware of the enormous political and cultural implications that such an endeavor entails. To this end, I will use the Ecuadorian landscape as an entry point or particular case to understand these larger theoretical problematics within a more empirically grounded ethnographic framework. I will rely heavily on my own previous assessments of particular reconfigurations of the past in the Ecuadorian imaginary through the production of the archaeological site of Cochasquí (Benavides, Making Ecuadorian Histories: Four Centuries of Defining Power, 2004a); the Indian movement’s historical recovery of their pre-Hispanic past; the representation of a troubling pre-Hispanic homosexual harem of young coastal boys known as the enchaquirados; and the more recent representation of Guayaquil’s national identity over the last century. All of these studies have viewed the manner in which the differing communities of the Ecuadorian nation-state utilize the past in conscious and unconscious forms to legitimize their own political ambitions. More concretely even, these studies exemplify the manner in which archaeological discourse is used to identify itself as the most rightful heir to assessing and understanding the national past, and ultimately, defining what being Ecuadorian means or should be all about.  相似文献   

2002年度中国近代史研究的进展状况,就各学科研究所表现的共同特点而言,主要是:理论探讨争鸣热烈,方法创新坚持不懈,领域开拓有所成就,热点讨论多有收获,旧题新论层见叠出。这些特点的集中表现则是:在理论探讨上,重点讨论了马克思主义唯物史观问题;在方法创新上,政治史方面出现了从社会史角度研究政治问题的力作,抗战史方面进一步研究了抗日战争与中国现代化  相似文献   

我今天报告的题目是《日本高等教育的现状和课题》,我想从两个方面来谈。  相似文献   

A review of Soviet migration research finds that only a modest beginning has been made despite some useful results. Further progress in this area requires broader migration studies, beyond the manpower-oriented approach adopted thus far; wider use of mathematical techniques and improved research methods; improvements in the statistical data base on migration, and the coordination of Soviet migration research through the establishment of a central research center in this field.  相似文献   

The author discusses the subject of transport geography, develops formulas to measure the intensity of the geographical division of labor, describes several population-mobility indices and their use as research tools and outlines principles and criteria to be used in mapping the transportation of capitalist and underdeveloped countries.  相似文献   

传世文献及后世学者有关晋始封地的记载、论说,观点纷呈,至清际大体上定格于翼城说与晋阳说之争。近代考古学的兴起,为晋始封地的研究提供了有益的考古材料,天马-曲村遗址、翼城南梁故城遗址、浮山桥北先族墓葬等的发现和发掘,以及甲骨文、《唐子爵》、《文王玉环》、《晋公■》、《叔夨方鼎》、《■公簋》等相关铭文研究的深入,无疑是目前讨论晋始封地的有力素材。  相似文献   

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