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<正>攀登是人类的本能,攀登是很多人的向往。人们一切关于攀登的学习、培训都是为了更好、更安全的享受攀登,同时攀登技能的提高,实践的成分将起至关重要的作用。在户外运动非常发达的西方,户外的攀爬已经成为一种生活的方式,为人们所推崇。去到不同的地方攀登,可以接触不同情况和攀爬方式,领略各种关于攀登、自然、人文的乐趣,同时这也是一个优秀攀登者养成的必经之路。掌握一定的技术和理论基础,在良好的安全保障下尽可能多的攀爬、攀爬、再攀爬,是我们所推荐的。  相似文献   

Knowledge generation is one of the main forces in collaboration, because people connect to each other in such a process under the spell of the collective knowledge constructed through conversation. The process of collective knowledge construction itself becomes a conversational process. We argue that such a process transforms underorganized exchange relations into organized group action when a common ground is built upon a shared meaning. To illustrate this, we present two cases of collaborative processes: the strategic planning process of Ankara in Turkey and the inter-firm network formation of electronics and software industries in Vestfold County in Norway.  相似文献   

阿瑜 《旅游纵览》2010,(3):83-87
<正>北国的魅力,除了雾凇、白雪外,冰花也是特别值得欣赏的一景。美丽的冰花是冬夜水汽在风的舞蹈里最具创意的杰作。窗外冷空气和室内温热的湿气在玻璃上对撞,相遇后悄无声息地凝结成一幅幅惟妙惟肖的羽毛窗花画。晶莹剔透,千姿百态的冰凌花,其形状、轮廓、线条、图案各不相  相似文献   

<正>摄影感言不知是广阔的天空给了我拍摄的灵感,还是多彩的大地给了我摄影的灵动。从涉足摄影的那天起,摄影就像一壶绵香醇厚的老酒,香得让我痴,浓得让我醉。到东北大地拍摄千里冰封、万里雪飘的冰雪世界,是我涉足摄影以来一直渴望的。去年年初,曾和影友一起到吉林省的雾凇岛拍摄雾凇,由于运气欠佳扫兴而归。但是,这种渴望并未因此而泯灭。今  相似文献   

This contribution reports on the results obtained from the 1980–7 research in the Kapthurin Formation (Baringo, Kenya) which aimed at the refinement of the chronology, stratigraphy and environmental evidence in order to establish a framework for the interpretation of the prehistoric sites. In 1966 a Late Acheulean industry with prepared-core technique and blade component, dated betweenca 0.82/0.64 myr and 0.23 myr had been described in the area concerned. All the sites belong to the middle Kapthurin formation which is situated in the Bruhnes normal polarity chron and has a lower limit of 0.58 myr. The upper limit of 0.23 myr could not be confirmed. The fauna is consistent with the available dating evidence. The sites are situated in a flat savanna landscape which was built up by a braided river system under slightly more humid conditions than the present climate. On some of the sites artifacts were found in association with palaeosoils. Although the interpretation of such assemblages must consider the impact of natural turbation processes, the palaeosoils provide exceptional conditions for comparing sites from the same phase of landscape stabilization. The present archaeological evidence suggests a sequence of Late Acheulean and Post-Acheulean (Sangoan?, Middle Stone Age) assemblages rather than the presence of one single industry as described previously. The relation between these assemblages and the two mandibles ofHomo sp. (aff.erectus) BK67 and BK8518 (found in 1966 and 1982) emphasizes the need for more research in the area.  相似文献   

棕榈 《旅游纵览》2010,(1):36-37
<正>作为滑雪初学者,要根据自己的水平选择适合的滑雪道,最好在滑雪教练的指导下进行。滑雪时请您注意以下几点:◎乘坐索道拖牵、魔毯时,请听从雪场工作人员的安排,按顺序上下。◎在滑行中如果对前方情况不明,或感觉滑雪器材有异常时,应停下来检查,切勿冒险。◎在结伴滑行时,相互间一定要拉开距离,切不可为追赶同伴而急速滑降,那样很容易摔倒或与他人相撞。  相似文献   

毕节方言词汇的构成较为多元化,既有普通话转借词语;又有四川方言、贵阳方言、湘赣方言、吴方言词语;还有少数民族语词和英语语汇。这些词语共同组成了毕节方言词汇,其中又主要以普通话词语和四川方言词语为主。这种状况形成的原因,主要有移民的影响,文化教育的影响,地域因素及其它因素的影响。  相似文献   

The development of Leningrad's suburban zone began mainly in the Soviet period with the growth of “dormitory” satellites of the central city. Many of the city's satellites perform the same industrial and cultural functions as Leningrad itself. The distribution of commuter areas is analyzed on the basis of winter commutation tickets. In addition to satellites, Leningrad has “associate” cities and towns that supply the central city with electric power and fuels but lack the commuting ties that differentiate true satellites. Further planning of the Leningrad suburban zone should take care not to saturate the suburbs with industry. It is more desirable to locate new plants in small and medium-size cities outside the suburban zone.  相似文献   

论后金政权民族政策的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后金政权处于多民族共存的环境,为了生存和发展的需要。以努尔哈赤为代表的建州女真人崛起建立政权后,逐渐发展形成了后金政权的民族政策体系,皇太极时期有了更大发展。政策内容为对蒙古,对汉人及其对其他少数民族的政策。  相似文献   

中原文明核心区形成初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李友东 《史学月刊》2005,4(6):24-31
目前学术界在如何解释中华文明从“起源”时多源,到走向“形成”时以中原为核心这一历史现象时,仍然存在分歧。之所以在东方会出现以中原为核心的文明形成道路,是与中原地区从微观到宏观的大协作式生产方式,在经济、政治和文化方面的资源优势,和不以掠夺、而以求得安定为主要目的的对周边族群策略分不开的,这形成了中原地区对周边地区的“内吸外抚”效应。为了与沃勒斯坦“世界体系论”中的“中心—半边缘—边缘”相区分,在不十分严格的情况下,可以借用“五服”来形容这一文明核心的形成过程。  相似文献   

刘红麟 《满族研究》2005,(4):101-107
纳兰性德哀感顽艳词风的形成有着十分广阔深远的社会现实原因和内在曲折的精神因素。现实生活是其感伤之源,人生苦闷和存在的悲哀合成了他的悲剧情结。  相似文献   

High Ground     
The possession of high ground may decide a battle, war or the fate of a nation. But high ground has a weakness; it can be turned and surrounded. The airplane added mobility to its version of high ground. Space may be the high ground of the future.  相似文献   

This paper employs academic and parable forms to evaluate critically the strengths and weaknesses, potentials and lacunae of education for sustainable development (ESD) and other sustainability-related educations. The meteoric rise to prominence of ESD is first briefly reviewed, as is the firm ground it now stands upon as an international and national educational priority. The remainder of the paper explores the shaky ground of ESD: the field's reliance on a goal, sustainable development, which, in its by-and-large continued embrace of the growth principle, is a myopic response to the Earth condition; the field's embrace of an instrumentalist conception of nature when such a conception itself feeds unsustainability; the overly skills/training orientation of ESD and its stunted engagement with a range of key aspects of the human-nature relationship; the failure of ESD to realize its original breadth and promise in its marginalization of the voice of peace, social justice, anti-discriminatory, indigenous and futures educators as well as that of sustainability educators in the South; its adoption of an anachronistic ‘steady state’ conception of nature. Finally, it is suggested that sustainability-related education would be enriched and enlivened by fomenting a dynamic complementarity between notions of transience and sustainability  相似文献   

Since image formation depends on the cognitive organization of perceptions, a change in the individual's available cognitive structure may affect his or her perceptual selectivity. This, in turn, might lead to a reconstruction of the image through selected fields of attention. Although this process is widely accepted, little is known of its neurophysiology, and the formation of an image, therefore, is drawn inferentially from introspective reports. This paper presents, accordingly, a conception of image formation and tests it with a model presenting paths among locational and nonlocational environmental stimuli and an introspective measure of a composite urban image. Changes in the paths due to information and personal attributes that reflect different realms (for example, fields of attention) are further examined with an expanded version of the model. Across the realms, the perceived residential appeal and the perceived level of activities are the main determinants of the composite urban image. Information and personal attributes not only affect the mix of image determinants, but also rearrange their relative effects on the emerging image.  相似文献   

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