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Depuis plus d'un siècle, l'agriculture québécoise en général, et la production maraîchère en particulier, ont subi d'importantes transformations. Cette étude historique vise à comprendre comment la production maraîchère a évolué par rapport aux changements dans l'environnement décisionnel général de l'agriculture entre 1940 et 1990. L'analyse des données statiques de superficie, de production et de rendement pour 12 légumes ont permis d'identifier trois périodes, intercalées d'années transitoires, dans l'évolution de la production maraîchère référant chacune à une stratégie agricole particulière. La première (1940–1957) correspond à une stratégie agricole de type familial traditionnel; la seconde (1963–1975), à une agriculture marchande spécialisée fondée sur la maximisation des revenus à court terme par intensification; la troisième (1980–1990), à une agriculture marchande diversifiée fondée également sur une maximisation à court terme. Les facteurs externes de l'environnement décisionnel qui ont entraîné ces changements sont identifiés et discutès. For more than a century, Quebec agriculture in general, and market-gardening production in particular, have experienced important changes. This study, using a historical perspective, seeks to understand how market gardening evolved in relation to changes in the broad decision environment for agriculture between 1940 and 1990. Statistical analysis of data on the areas cultivated, production levels, and yields for 12 vegetable crops revealed three distinct periods, separated by periods of transition, in the evolution of market gardening. Each period is characterized by a particular type of agricultural development strategy. The first period (1940–1957) is characterized by a focus on the traditional family form; the second (1963–1975), by a specialized market agriculture driven by short-term income-maximization intensification; the third (1980–1990), by a diversified marketoriented agriculture, also based on short-term income maximization. External environmental factors that stimulated these changes are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The article discusses form and content of the excursus closing the first song in Vergil's Georgics as part of a didactic project conveying teachings about the cosmos. The poet's use of the catalogue of portents and the other elements in the passage are analysed from the perspective of the didactic genre. It is argued that Vergil develops didactic poetry by integrating everyday experiences with considerations about the relationship between religion, politics and agriculture.  相似文献   

Since the Second World War, the structure of agriculture in developed nations has undergone a fundamental change toward an industrial mode of production. Much of the literature suggests that trends associated with industrializing agriculture have hurt farm communities, as evidenced by the decline of social and economic opportunities. To examine this notion, a comparative study (1965–86) was carried out on the social participation and interaction rates of farm families in an area of industrializing agriculture in southwestern Ontario. Specific attributes of the farm and farm family were correlated to family participationlinteraction scores. Analysis revealed that participation in the community had not declined despite the effects of quite dramatic agricultural change. It is postulated that the overall social cohesion of the farm community is stronger than has been suggested. Depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, la structure de l'agriculture dam les nations développées a subi un changement fondamental vers un mode de production industrielle. La plus grande partie de la littérature sur ce sujet suggére que le cours des événements associéà I'agriculture industrialisée a eu un effet négatif sur les communautés agricoles. Afin d'examiner plusieurs aspects de cette idée, une étude comparative fur faite (1965–86) pour établir le taux et participation de d'interaction sociale chez les familles rurales dans une région d'agriculture industrialisée du sud-ouest Ontario. Des caractéristiques spécifiques de la ferme et de la famille rurale furent mises en corrélation avec les résultats touchant la participation et l'interaction familiales. L'analyse des données révéla que la participation dans la communauté n'avait pas baissée malgré les effets des changements assez dramatiques dans l'agriculture. On peut donc postuler que la cohésion sociale globale de la communauté agricole est plus forte que l'on pensait.  相似文献   

The Australian Settlement, as formulated by Paul Kelly, had a sixth pillar: a settlement between the city and the country in which the state compensated people living in the country for the costs of remoteness and sparse settlement. This was underpinned by the reliance of Australian export performance on agriculture, by nation-building commitments to peopling the continent, and by agrarian beliefs in the virtues of country life. Australia's egalitarianism had a spatial and regional as well as a class dimension. Changes in Australia's economy, demography, and political culture have eroded these foundations, leaving rural Australia vulnerable to the neoliberal agenda. The dismantling of tariffs, the restructuring of agriculture, microeconomic reforms driven by National Competition Policy, and regional policy which stresses self-reliance, all treat rural Australia as a minor part of the nation rather than its economic and cultural foundation, and reject claims to special treatment. To give country Australia its own pillar makes visible the magnitude of the historic shifts which have taken place in the state's relationship to rural Australia since 1983 and brings it into the main frame for understanding Australia's abandonment of protective statism.  相似文献   

Three major strategies for enhancing women's role in economic development in rural China are in evidence in the 1980s: (1) replacing male labour in agriculture, (2) employment in rural industry, and (3) ‘household’-based commodity production. The implications of each strategy for women's economic roles and for the structuring of gender in rural China are analysed. Particular attention is given to explicating unanticipated reasons for women's and Women's Federations' attraction to the third alternative. The concept of ‘strategy’ is examined in this context. The analysis is based on fieldwork data, including interviews and household surveys, collected in three villages in Shandong during the summer of 1986 and the winter of 1987–8.  相似文献   

Moving agriculture onto the Tibetan plateau: the archaeobotanical evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Tibetan Plateau has one of the least hospitable environments for agriculture on the planet; however, its inhabitants have developed an economic system based on agriculture and pastoralism suited to it’s geoenvironmental stressors. Little is known about the timing of the spread of agriculture onto the plateau or how agricultural systems were adapted to this environment. In this article, we present palaeoethnobotanical data from two sites, Changdu Karuo (c. 2700–2300 cal B.C.) and Kyung-lung Mesa (A.D. 220–334 and A.D. 694–880). In addition, we synthesize previously reported data (much of which has never been published in peer-reviewed journals). We argue that the earliest agriculture was based on millets (broomcorn and foxtail) and was accompanied by a pig-based economic system. This early economy, which likely originated in western China, was later replaced by a better adapted system, similar to those identified in Central Asia. The later system was based on crops such as wheat, barley, peas, and millets, as well as sheep and goat pastoralism. Wild resources obtained through hunting, fishing, and foraging appear to have been complements to the diet on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The agriculture that occurs in Australia's peri‐urban regions is not well understood, nor has its economic value ever been examined systematically. Using a spatial frame derived from research into population change, Agricultural Census data are used to calculate the value of this agricultural production. The analysis suggests that peri‐urban regions in the five mainland States produce almost 25% of Australia's total gross value of agricultural production. Evidence gathered from other surveys suggests that, in some respects, this may be an underestimate. Although qualified and provisional, these findings have important strategic implications for agricultural development, urban and regional development and, ultimately, sustainable development. However, peri‐urban issues are often submerged in public policy deliberations, and peri‐urban agriculture is poorly served by the Agricultural Census.  相似文献   

While there are many case studies looking at gender mainstreaming in national contexts, this article offers a pan-European perspective to examine how a stated commitment to gender equality at this meta-level works in practice. The European Union's (EU) stated commitment to gender mainstreaming the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is critically reviewed. The article reviews theoretical literature on gender mainstreaming, considers the position of women in agriculture across Europe, and examines efforts by the EU to gender mainstream the CAP. It argues that at best, gender mainstreaming focuses on the symptoms of gender inequality in agriculture rather than the causes. Because of this, gender mainstreaming cannot be transformative in this context. Little thought has been given to the practical difficulties of actually gender mainstreaming a policy such as the CAP. The EU's priority for the CAP focuses on the mainstream business goal of a viable agricultural industry and does not pay any heed to gender inequalities in agriculture. In short, the stated commitment to gender mainstreaming is empty rhetoric.  相似文献   

The following article on lowa's agriculture is of interest because the Soviet Union considers the highly efficient corn-based livestock economy of the state as an example to follow. Khrushchev's campaign to build up a similar Soviet farm economy based on corn, legumes and other high-yielding feed crops is based in part on observations of Soviet agricultural delegations in lowa. The statistical material in the article is based largely on the U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1954, Vol. I, Part 9, Washington, D. C., 1935.  相似文献   

Vermont, as one of the most rural and independent states in the U.S., has always relied heavily on agriculture and its natural environment to underpin its economy. This article examines the state's agricultural economy as a sustainable food systems cluster and how it is adapting to the global economy, corporate agriculture, and environmental concerns. It describes the scale and concentration of the cluster, its support structure, and the ways it impact other sectors of the economy, including energy, tourism, and the arts. It also explains how a cluster of largely small-scale and artisan enterprises that often represent lifestyle rather than economic choices can be innovative, collectively create a wealth-producing and branded cluster, and the implications of the new agricultural model for the state's educational system.  相似文献   

Plaggen agriculture was the dominant land use system in the Pleistocene cover sand area of Northwest Europe before the introduction of chemical fertilisers. In today's landscape Fimic horizons and driftsand deposits are characteristic survivors of plaggen agriculture. The age and accumulation rate of these phenomena cannot be satisfactorily determined by conventional methods like pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating. The results of optical dating applied to a Fimic horizon of a plaggen soil near Weert (Netherlands) are compared with those from conventional methods.  相似文献   

Comme ailleurs dans le monde, on se préoccupe de plus en plus au Québec de l'utilisation massive des pesticides en agriculture. Des données sur l'utilisation de ces produits et sur l'incidence du cancer du cerveau, des tissur lymphatiques et de la leucémie en 1982–83, ont été cornpilées à I'échelle de 34 bassins hydrographiques situés dans la partie méridionale du Québec. Le calcul des indices comparatifs de morbidité (ICM) a permis d'évaluer l'incidence des cancers dans les bassins oÙ I'utilisation des pesticides en agriculture est la plus importante depuis plus de 15 ans. Pour la leucémie, un excès statistiquement significatif d'incidence chez les hommes (ICM = 1,69, p ≤ 0.05) a été calculé dans la population rurale agricole du bassin de la rivière Yamaska, ce dernier figurant parmi les bassins très exposés aux pesticides. Le calcul des risques relatifs (RR) à l'échelle des municipalités du bassin de la Yamaska a montré un excès statistiquement significatif de risque (p ≤ 0,05) pour la leucémie chez les hommes dans les municipalités rurales agricoles IRK = 2,27) par rapport aux municipalités urbaines. Il existe également un excès statistiquement significatif (p ≤ 0,05) chez les hornmes dans les municipalités yur s alimentent en eau potable dans des puits (RR = 2.07) par rapport à celles qui s'alirnentent aux rivières, mais le rôle de la source d'alimentation en eau est difficile à isoler. puisque la plupart des municipalités qui s'ali mentent dans des puits sont également des rnunicipalités rurales agricoles. Les résultats globaux de cette étude exploratoire au niveau du bassin de la Yamaska permet-rent de soulever l'hypothese d'une relation entre la leucémie et l'utilisation massive des pesticides en agriculture dans cette région du Québec. Cette hypothèse mériterait d'être vérifiée par des études de type épidémiologique au niveau individuel. As elsewhere in the world, researchers in Quebec are becoming increasingly concerned about the extensive use of pesticides in agriculture. Data for 1982–83 concerning the use of these products and the incidence of leukemia and of cancer of the brain and the lymphatic tissues have been tabulated for 34 drainage basins located in southern Quebec. The calculation of the standard morbidity ratio (SMR) allowed us to evaluate the incidence of cancers in these drainage basins where agricultural pesticides have been used at high levels for more than 15 years. For leukemia, a statistically significant higher SMR (1.69 p ≤ 0.05) was shown to exist among men in the rural farm population in the basin of the Yamaska River. This basin was one of the areas most exposed to agricultural pesticides. The calculation of the relative risks (RR) for men at the level of municipalities within the Yamaska River basin showed a statistically significant excess (p ≤ 0.05) for leukemia in the rural farm municipalities (RR =2.27) as compared to urban municipalities. There was also a statistically significant excess (p ≤ 0.05) for men in municipalities that draw their drinking water from wells (RR =2.07) as compared to those where water is drawn from rivers. However, the role of the source of drinking water is difficult to isolate because most municipalities that draw their water from wells are also agricultural and rural. The overall results of this exploratory study from the basin of the Yamaska River suggest that there may be a relationship between leukemia and the extensive use of agricultural pesticides in this region of Quebec. This hypothesis could be verified in epidemiological studies at the individual level.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the case against a major land reform in Namibia is overstated and inaccurate, and that, in spite of its relatively harsh climate, the country contains sufficient land of good enough quality, and a small enough population, to undertake a major land reform. The paper suggests that the reasons why there is generally a conservative estimate of possible solutions to land hunger are largely related to the prevalence of a conservative colonial intellectual legacy in spite of radical ambitions stated by the SWAPO (South West African People's Organization) government. Furthermore, many commentators and officials in Namibia are following a pattern in Africa of ignoring lessons (positive and negative) from other countries—in this case particularly from aspects of Zimbabwe's land reform. The paper explores the comparison with Zimbabwe in order to emphasize the political lessons available for Namibia's land reform, but it also highlights practical lessons which exist, in spite of the fact that most of Zimbabwe's environment is generally much better suited to agriculture than is Namibia's.  相似文献   

Using Lenin's 50-year-old study of United States agriculture as a starting point, the author analyzes structural changes from the Marxist point of view, dealing with such elements as increases in average farm size, mechanization, hired labor, decreases of cultivated land, acreage limitations, and changes in crop specialization.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a spatial analysis of agriculture in three mid‐sized French cities, with a particular focus on professional farms. The existence of important agricultural spaces inside the cities is confirmed. We reveal the persistence of a field‐based, market‐oriented agriculture in French mid‐sized cities, often ignored in studies on urban agriculture, and usually made invisible. Our results highlight the farms' diversity, as well as a diversity of farmers' viewpoints on the relations between urban and agricultural places. We emphasise the importance of three main determinants in the observed dynamics: the cities' geographies; the impact on farmers of land speculation and urbanisation; and the implementation of resistance and adaptation processes by some farmers. These results are discussed in relation to the literature on urban and peri‐urban agriculture.  相似文献   

Intensive farming is an increasing part of Australian agriculture, including in the multi‐functional landscapes at the edges of Australian cities. The example of intensive “broiler” poultry production reveals the tensions that arise when sites of hyper‐productivity conflict with social change in rural areas. Planning processes for intensive farming in the Australian state of Victoria are predicated on stability and consensus: on assumed static and uncontroversial ideas of agriculture, its place, and the primacy of agricultural productivity. Yet concerns about the industrialisation of agriculture are live political issues at the local level, especially in dynamic peri‐urban locations. This paper explores the emergence of a politics of place outside the bounds of planning consensus through an analysis of planning appeals and associated media relating to planning permits for intensive poultry developments in Victoria over 2011–2016. We highlight tensions that exist in relation to technical planning assessments and categorisations used to assert farming as the orthodox use of rural land, especially when new forms of farming look and feel demonstrably different. Using Mouffe's problematising of the negation of antagonism and Rancière's notion of the risks of a false consensus democracy, we argue that planning processes for intensive farming illustrate critical issues in participatory planning. While ostensibly post‐political decision‐making narrows the politics of place and food systems to decisions about policing the boundaries and buffer distances placed around intensive poultry developments, alternative representations of rural life persist. The certainty offered by code‐based planning does not negate the ongoing (if inconvenient) politics of intensive peri‐urban agriculture.  相似文献   


Abraham Lincoln presented a lecture in 1858–1859 on the process of “Discoveries and Invention.” In this lecture he discusses man's desire to improve his condition and the use of technology to that end. The process of discovery and invention allows man to develop that technology and alleviate his state. Education, especially literacy, allows knowledge to be passed down through time, facilitating yet further improvement. Yet, Lincoln warns that human nature can also become raw material, as seen in the institution of slavery. In light of Lincoln's more commonly known natural rights argument against slavery, this warning about human nature takes on greater significance. Coupled with an address on agriculture from 1859, Lincoln's lecture on discovery and invention attempts to illustrate the liberating power of invention and education while reminding us of the limits posed by man's natural equality.  相似文献   

Special attention is devoted to Vavilov's use of detailed maps for (a) recording initial results of field work in the study of local agriculture and ranges of domesticated plants in travels across several continents; and (b) presenting information about a large number of processes and phenomena in a concise way, affording the basis for their critical analysis and comparison. He was involved in programs to map Soviet and world agriculture (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

Women throughout the West are up to three times more likely to be the operator of a farm in sustainable agricultural models than in productivist models. When women assume the role of farmer they transgress traditional gender identities on farms, which dictate that women are ‘farmwives’ and men are ‘farmers’; these gender identities intersect with spaces in the agricultural community to imply appropriate behavior for women as farmwives. This research demonstrates that the sustainable agriculture community provides spaces that promote and are compatible with women's identities as farmers. Feminist analyses of space and agriculture suggest that productivist agricultural models marginalize women from spaces of knowledge, while sustainable agriculture provides spaces of empowerment for women farmers. The fieldwork for this project involved a purposive survey, in‐depth interviews and participant observation with twenty women farmers over an 18‐month period in the sustainable agriculture community of Central Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

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