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In this paper I argue that the Orientalist invocation of the ‘terrorist’ is one discursive tactic that disaggregates US national gays and queers from racial and sexual ‘others’, foregrounding a collusion between homosexuality and American nationalism that is generated both by national rhetorics of patriotic inclusion and by gay, lesbian, and queer subjects themselves: homo-nationalism. For contemporary forms of US nationalism and patriotism, the production of gay, lesbian and queer bodies is crucial to the deployment of nationalism, insofar as these perverse bodies reiterate heterosexuality as the norm but also because certain domesticated homosexual bodies provide ammunition to reinforce nationalist projects. Mapping forms of US homo-nationalism, vital accomplices to Orientalist terrorist others, is instructive as it alludes to the ‘imaginative geographies’ of the US, as the analytic of race-sexuality provides a crucial yet under-theorized method to think through the imaginative geographies of the US in an age of counter-terrorism. It is through imaginative geographies produced by homo-nationalism, for example, that the contradictions inherent in the idealization of the US as a properly multicultural heteronormative but nevertheless gay-friendly, tolerant, and sexually liberated society can remain in tension. This mapping or geography is imaginative because, despite the unevenness, massively evidenced, of sexual and racial tolerance across varied spaces and topographies of identity in the US, it nonetheless exists as a core belief system about liberal mores defined within and through the boundaries of the US.

Trazando mapas de Homonormatividades en los Estados Unidos

En este artículo argumento que la invocación Orientalista de la ‘terrorista’ es un táctico discursivo que desagrega los homosexuales estadounidenses de los ‘otros’ raciales y sexuales, y como consecuencia subrayando una colusión entre la homosexualidad y nacionalismo americano que están producido por retórica nacional de inclusión patriótica y por sujetos lesbiana, gay y queer: homo-nacionalismo. Para formas contemporáneas de nacionalismo y patriotismo americanos, la producción de cuerpos lesbianas, gay y queer es crítica para el despliegue de nacionalismo en cuanto a estos cuerpos perversos reiteran heterosexualidad como la norma y también porque ciertos cuerpos homosexual domesticados proviene municiones para reinformar proyectos nacionalistas. Trazando un mapa de las formas homo-nacionalismo americanos, lo que son cómplices vitales a las otras terroristas Orientales, es instructiva ya que alude a los ‘geografías imaginativas’ de los EEUU como el analítico de raza-sexualidad proviene una manera critica aún bajo de teorizado para pensar en las geografías imaginativas de los EEUU en una época de contra-terrorismo. Por ejemplo, a través de las geografías imaginativas, lo que están producidos por homo-nacionalismo, se puedan quedar en tensión las contradicciones inherente en la idealización de los EEUU como una sociedad que es apropiadamente multicultural y heteronormativa pero sin embargo gay-amigo, tolerante y libertado sexualmente. Este mapa, o geografía, es imaginativo porque existe sin embargo como una creencia fundamental acerca de las costumbres liberales que son definidos dentro de y a través de las fronteras de los EEUU, a pesar de la desigualdad—evidenciado en profundo—de la tolerancia racial y sexual por espacios variados y topografías de identidades en los EEUU.  相似文献   

This report of the Permanent Commission on Landscape Maps of the Geographical Society USSR defines four groups of landscape maps and their basic mapped objects, ranging from detailed, large-scale facies maps (1:10,000) to small-scale maps of less than 1:1,000,000 showing mainly landscapes (in the sense of a given rank of natural areal unit). The report defines various physical-geographic units, such as facies, urochishche and mestnost' and the Russian terms have been retained where the meaning is ambiguous and there is no clear-cut English equivalent. The report also discusses various ways of formulating map legends. A previous paper on landscape mapping appeared in Soviet Geography, February 1961, pp. 34–47.  相似文献   

Mapping Manila's Mega-Urban Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The global rise of mega-urban regions (MUR) signifies the impending dominance of this new urban form. Focusing on Manila's MUR, this paper contributes by mapping the demographic landscape of the MUR to account for its spatial form, patterns and trajectories. Using a hotspot analysis of disaggregated barangay-level data, significant ‘local’ clusters of population growth and decline are calculated over two decades. When mapped, three local patterns are observed: (1) outward expansion of high- and low-growth clusters; (2) development of new growth nodes on the fringes; and (3) recent emergence of high-growth clusters in the core. The patterns illustrate the volatile and chameleon-like configurations of the MUR. The paper also demonstrates how calculated clusters may be used as contextual compasses to expose critical mega-urban processes. With local-level data on settlement histories, development projects and socio-political events, the paper historicises landuse change, demolitions and relocations to unveil site-specific dispossessions in the MUR.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Portuguese colonial government, Lereno Barradas and Santos Júnior (coordinator of the Anthropological Mission of Mozambique) carried out several archaeological field surveys from 1936 to 1956 that resulted in a data set that includes a total of close to 90 sites, mostly attributed to the Stone Age. This early research added to the previous work of Van Riet Lowe in the Limpopo Valley of southern Mozambique. With the new millennium, Mozambique has emerged as a crucial geographic area in which to understand the various hypotheses about recent human evolution. Specifically, its coastal location between southern and eastern Africa is ideal for testing ideas about the link between early coastal adaptations and the appearance of anatomically modern humans (AMH). Except for the recent work by Mercader’s team in northern Mozambique, the number of researchers and projects on this topic in Mozambique is still limited because of the general predominance of interest in later periods among archaeologists working in the country, mainly due to their focus on issues related to precolonial heritage and national identity. Based on the early maps from Santos Júnior and more recent data acquired through various projects, we present a series of maps for the Stone Age prehistory of Mozambique. The maps are also based on a critical evaluation of the sites and a review of some of the materials that are presently curated at the Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical (IICT) in Lisbon, Portugal, as well as the materials stored at the Department of Archaeology of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo. The sites are also presented in an online database with the information on all sites used in this study. This database is open to all and will be updated continuously. A preliminary interpretation of the regional distribution of the sites is also attempted, linking aspects that include region, topography and altitude, geomorphology, and cultural phase. These results will be the first step for research and knowledge in Mozambique on Stone Age prehistory and the emergence and settlement pattern of AMH.  相似文献   

In this paper, we map the international trade in electronic waste (e‐waste). We quantify the directions and magnitude of this trade at the global scale and examine the utility of the pollution haven hypothesis for explaining the observed trade patterns. Our results demonstrate four key findings: the international trade in e‐waste is a more complex story than being one about ‘rich’ countries dumping waste in ‘poor’ countries; the trade in e‐waste is highly regionalized, with intra‐regional trade accounting for most of the total trade flows; the pollution haven hypothesis is an important, but partial, explanation of observed trade patterns; and there is a need to conceptualize the trade and traffic of e‐waste as open ended and contingent processes facilitated by situated practices of wasting and valuing that rely on geographic difference and mobility for the exchanges between the domains of waste and value to occur.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Hu Mingcheng, the author of this article, was born in the Hanchuan County of Hubei Province in 1917. After graduation from the National Land Survey School in 1940, he began land surveying work. In the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he took part in the cartography work of the India-China border regions involving cooperation between China and America, and was charged with surveying the difficult areas in Kham. At the beginning of 1947, he went to America for advanced studies at the US Navy Astronomical Observatory and the Coastal Survey Bureau. He came back to China in the fall of 1948. In May 1949, he joined the headquarters of the 2nd field army in Nanjing, occupying the post of deputy captain of the Survey Squadron. In October of the same year, he took part in the battle to liberate the southwest. He was transferred to the Mapping Bureau of the Military Committee as a researcher. In recent years he wrote "The on-the-spot record of the India-China chart mapping by China and America in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression". We have chosen a part of his narrative to share with readers.  相似文献   

The distribution of marmots in the Soviet Union has been mapped at three general scales: particular maps, showing colonies and burrows in small landscape units; regional maps, using medium scales, and general maps, at small scales, showing the entire Soviet Union.  相似文献   


Based on our experience of years of research, teaching and academic administration, this text gathers reflections on the past, present and future developments of feminist geography in Spain. We first show how a gendered perspective was introduced into geography in the late eighties. We then reflect on what we call ‘the stage of consolidation’ alongside territorial inequalities at the turn of the century. And we finally present some notes what the current situation is and identify future challenges. Despite the difficulties, we offer a positive vision of a long journey that has no turning back.  相似文献   

清末鸦片禁政与新政改革之契合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清代晚期,作为英、印、中三角贸易的主要媒介,鸦片等毒品被大量准进,逐步形成了一种病态的毒品经济形态,成为晚清中国步入近代化轨道的重要制约因素。清末新政时期,从新闻媒介到清廷大员,均将新政改革的成败与鸦片禁政联系起来,在禁政与宪政改革、中国外贸事业的振兴以及中国进入现代化国家行列的关系上,形成了前所未有的深刻认识。因之,在清末改革的框架内,除宪政等方面的改革之外,又融入了禁毒社会改革,新政与禁政呈现出互动和契合的态势。  相似文献   

This article presents a thematic network analysis of Dabiq—a prominent English-language e-magazine produced by the Islamic State. Through formal qualitative analysis, the article examines the e-magazine’s first 13 issues in order to better understand its structure, evolution and intended audiences. In terms of structure, thematic network analysis provides a comprehensive and holistic understanding of Dabiq’s themes, identifying a range of concerns that are broader and more complex than is often supposed by academic and professional commentators. In terms of evolution, this analysis reveals a thematic landscape that has demonstrated considerable dynamism over four distinct phases throughout the magazine’s publication. In terms of understanding audiences, it is argued that Dabiq has been particularly engaged with the manipulation of group-level identities in an apparent attempt to garner support from global audiences. Themes related to allegiance, the group’s strengths and victories, and territorial expansion all feature consistently and prominently. They seek to create an in-group identity centred on victory, and to frame the Islamic State’s expansion and successes as a group achievement on behalf of Islam itself. Additionally, Dabiq provides the Islamic State with an opportunity to justify its actions and its religious authenticity to a broader Muslim audience, and thus provide the Islamic State with legitimacy beyond its borders. Recognising these thematic dynamics will be important for those engaged in counter-messaging and the development of counternarratives.  相似文献   

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