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Even though the European Union's merger regime has been warmly received, three distinct critiques of European policy in this field are identified. In acknowledging these critiques, this article reviews EU merger policy and suggests ways in which it might be reformed in the future. However, in order to understand the particular form that the policy now takes, emphasis must be placed on the context within which the European model of merger control has evolved. Three factors are considered: the rationale underpinning the policy; the origins of the policy as a hard-fought compromise among the (then) 12 members of the Union; and the role played by supranational actors in the implementation and enforcement of the policy. These three European characteristics of the policy help to explain the distinctiveness of the EU model.  相似文献   

The author uses the equation of heat conduction and the theory of a regular regime of heat conduction to derive a mathematical interpretation of the three stages of development of a longitudinal stream profile. The equations are thought to apply to slope development under the influence of sheet wash and mass-wasting. The author looks to a solution of a system of equations that would come closer to actual conditions by describing changes in the geological-geographic situation, such as crustal movements and climatic change.  相似文献   

裴京汉 《民国档案》1998,11(3):86-91
汪精卫与其追随集团为确保其自身在政治上的合理性,为建立其思想理论基础而极力利用孙中山的大亚洲主义,并将之作为其宣扬“中日和平”的根据,汪伪政权为进行对民宣传而主导发行了《大亚洲主义》、《东亚联盟月刊》、《大亚洲主义与东亚联盟》及《大东亚月刊》等杂志,从分析这四种杂志内容的结果,我们可以知道汪精卫及其追随者们利用孙中山提出的大亚洲主义,作为使其“和平建国论”得以合理化的手段,并错误地将三民主义的民族主义与“大亚洲主义”等同起来,进而,连这种被歪曲的“大亚洲主义”也逐渐被日本侵略亚洲的理论,即所谓的“东亚联盟论”、“大东亚共荣圈论”所吸收,汪伪政权最终成为其代言人。  相似文献   

The author describes the results of a field study designed to measure the relative effect of differences in the heat balance of wooded and treeless areas on the microclimate of these two vegetation types. Microclimatic differences are found to reflect the screening effect of tree vegetation with regard to solar radiation. The methodology of measurements is described and the additional factor of dissected relief is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the availability of data for calculating the heat balance and the moisture balance for the territory of the Ukraine. The problem of determining total evaporation, evaporation from the surface of the soil and transpiration of agricultural crops is treated in detail. The authors discuss practical applications of heat and moisture balance work, including the setting of irrigation norms, the study of the regimes of stream reservoirs, swamp drainage and the study of the effect of tree plantings on the microclimate of sheltered fields.  相似文献   

Two Soviet specialists in the geography of the United States analyze regional shifts in terms of the three major regions distinguished by Soviet geographers: North, South, West. The article, written before the 1960 census, is based largely on the Statistical Abstract of the United States for 1959 and earlier years as well as Current Population Reports. Problems of urban growth are also discussed, including traffic problems and population shifts to the suburbs.  相似文献   

This article explores the dominant explanations of the failure of forest management in Indonesia within the public discourse of the late New Order period. Drawing on a review of salient literature and relevant case studies, the major part of the article discusses the underlying historical, institutional and political causes of the failure of the state property regime. By taking a narrow view of the issues, public discourse during the New Order (1966–98) avoided discussion of the structure of property relations and the power relations that supported them. However, the forest fires of 1997–8 and the ensuing ecological crisis have revealed that the forest policy that allocated property rights over vast areas of the nation’s forests to well-connected conglomerates and politico-business families was inequitable and lacked legitimacy. While new legislative initiatives open up possibilities for co-management, the reforms so far barely engage with the underlying structure of property rights. These issues will need to be more thoroughly addressed if Indonesia is to tackle the bitter legacy of the Suharto period.  相似文献   

敦煌曹氏族属与曹氏归义军政权   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曹氏在汉宋之际的敦煌是著名的姓氏 ,对两汉与五代、宋朝敦煌地方政治影响极大。敦煌曹氏的渊源有二 ,来自中原内地与来自中亚粟特。本文对汉代以来胡汉两支曹氏的渊源和势力发展进行考察 ,在此基础上推考归义军节度使曹议金的族属郡望 ,最终认定曹议金家族是中亚粟特曹氏的后裔 ,五代初年夺取归义军节度使后冒充谯郡曹氏 ,藉以抬高门第 ;曹氏归义军政权实际上是以粟特人为主建立的政权 ,而此一时期莫高窟藏经洞所体现的敦煌文化正是粟特族为主的各民族共同创造的  相似文献   

The structure of the water-balance is found to have zonal characteristics corresponding to the major natural geographic zones (tundra, forest, steppe). Data on evapotranspiration and groundwater runoff plotted as a function of soil moisture show a distinct zonal pattern of the water-balance structure. This pattern is most clearly evident in the groundwater runoff coefficient, which reflects the share of soil moisture that percolates downward to replenish the groundwater reserves.  相似文献   

The article gives a quantitative evaluation of the elements of the hydrologic cycle (precipitation, runoff, evaporation) for the earth as a whole, for natural geographic zones of the USSR (tundra, tayga, steppe, desert) and for types of land within a given zone. The role of man in altering the water balance of individual territories through reclamation measures (irrigation, drainage, plowing up of virgin land) and through changes in agricultural techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

The results of several years of investigation of the water balance of continents and the world's freshwater resources are presented. Through the use of interpolation relationships to make up for data gaps, maps are compiled for the basic elements of the water balance of the world: total runoff, including its surface and subsurface components, evaporation, gross wetness (soil moisture) and the coefficient of subsurface alimentation of streams, which reflects much of the stable component of streamflow. Revised estimates for the water-balance elements are offered for continents on the basis of revised data. The per capita water supply of continents is calculated, with separate listing of the stable component of runoff, consisting not only of the subsurface flow to streams but also the portion of surface streamflow that is regulated through lakes and reservoirs.  相似文献   

莫普司法改革与法国旧制度的崩溃   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
庞冠群 《世界历史》2007,1(3):76-84
1770至1774年间,法国的司法大臣莫普进行了一场司法改革,旨在消除高等法院的反抗倾向,重新树立王权的绝对权威,并使司法体系合理化。虽然改革以失败告终,但它构成了旧制度末年重要的政治转折。国内史学论著中很少提及莫普改革,在国际史学界对它的评价则引起了长期的争论。本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,力图探讨旨在挽救君主制危机的莫普司法改革如何加速了旧制度的灭亡,促进了大革命的来临。  相似文献   

日本侵华期间,在华中地区扶持建立了傀儡政权———伪“中华民国维新政府”,旨在加紧对中国进行政治、军事、经济侵略。  相似文献   

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