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This paper proposes an archaeology of recent conflict in western Great Lakes Africa as a means to give volume to subaltern voices marginalized within and since the conflicts, to produce alternative historical narratives and thus create a more nuanced understanding of war and its aftermath in this region. In addition, by drawing upon emerging theoretical and methodological frameworks in contemporary archaeology, this paper proposes that a politically and socially engaged participatory approach to the material remains of the past may also contribute toward cathartic post-conflict local resident healing and academic understandings regarding the contemporary construction of post-conflict identities. In so doing, the paper presents a survey of prominent conflict remains and discusses their suitability for archaeological approaches, focusing upon one site, Pabbo, an Internally Displaced Person camp in Northern Uganda.  相似文献   

Coordinated development of industries in Western Siberia is advocated as a way of raising the effectiveness of capital investment in this new pioneering region. Significant savings in investment and operating costs are envisaged through the development of territorial-production complexes and industrial nodes with interrelated industrial enterprises and common service industries, such as water supply, utilities and transportation. Cost-benefit calculations by the Council for Study of Productive Forces, the Soviet Government's preplanning research agency, suggest that the integrated approach to regional development would yield investment savings of up to 20 percent or more compared with the construction of isolated industrial establishments.  相似文献   

The study explores the origins and evolution of the Late Krotovo (Cherno-Ozerye) – a Middle Bronze Age culture in the Irtysh drainage. The Late Krotovo culture emerged in the late 3rd – early 2nd millennium BC in the Baraba forest-steppe as the final stage of the Krotovo culture proper. The people associated with the Late Krotovo were natives influenced, first indirectly and then directly, by the Andronovo (Fedorovka) tribes. The Andronovo impact is mirrored by the material culture, burial rites, decorative art, and paleogenetics. The outcome of the interaction constitutes a new archaeological phenomenon, represented by sites such as Cherno-Ozerye-1 and Tartas-1.  相似文献   

During the late‐Midlandian (25–13 14C ka BP), the last Irish Ice Sheet was thicker in the Western Mourne Mountains than previously argued. Geomorphological and sedimento‐logical analysis shows that regional ice from the Irish Ice Sheet spilled over the mountains, reaching a major limit 5 km along Pigeon Rock Valley. These findings differ from the previous view that a local valley glacier occupied the valley during this period. The pattern of deglaciation was reconstructed using glacial and periglacial evidence. A complex topographic environment in the upper reaches of the valley suggests that regional ice stagnated as it wasted away. During the Nahanagan Stadial (Younger Dryas, ca. 11–10 ka 14C BP) an arcuate ridge was formed on the western flank of the valley. Calculations suggest that the Equilibrium Line Altitude, influenced by topographic conditions favourable for snow accumulation, was approximately between 1736 m and 1386 m lower during the Nahanagan Stadial than at present.  相似文献   

The comb pottery found at Tytkesken-2 horizons 7, 6, 4A, and 4 reveals traces of animal hair. Hair was used as armature at the shaping stage: it was wound around the body of the vessel to prevent cracking during baking and drying (pastes were prepared without the use of hair). As the Tytkesken-2 ceramics demonstrate, using hair as armature was a local tradition, practiced in some measure from the Early to the Final Neolithic period.  相似文献   

废除农奴制以后 ,俄国步入现代化轨道。向深度与广度方向发展是俄国资本主义现代化的典型特征。地域辽阔、资源丰厚的西伯利亚迎来了前所未有的历史机遇 ,其开发成为俄国现代化链条中不可或缺的环节。俄国现代化进程中的重大举措同西伯利亚开发息息相关。俄国现代化因西伯利亚开发而加速 ,也以牺牲西伯利亚的利益为代价。  相似文献   

1840年鸦片战争以后,中国国势衰微。澳葡当局趁机逐步向澳门城外扩张,突破了维持几百年的葡城界限。界墙以北的大片农田与村落被逐步占领,澳葡当局且进行大规模的建设。其中,最为重要的是马路的修建,它将澳门半岛北部的华人村落联系了起来。这样,一方面强化了澳门老城区与关闸外中国大陆的陆路联系,另一方面也为澳葡当局以后强行征用华人村落的土地、实现殖民统治创造了条件。本文主要利用澳门街道名册和地图数据,分析了澳门半岛北部主要道路的沿革,最大程度地复原其历史面貌。  相似文献   

This article scrutinises attempts by the British Foreign and Colonial Office to control information in its colonies between 1946 and 1950. Several factors combined to alter the ground on which colonial officials operated in this period: an emerging ‘Cold War’ between Britain and its wartime Soviet ally, international debates about creating an enforceable catalogue of ‘human rights' and a heightened emphasis on public relations within British colonies as a strategy for imperial governance. These factors converged in the response of colonial officials to the writing of one of the most notorious anti-colonial activists in Britain at the time, George Padmore. By analysing British Colonial Office reports of Soviet propaganda in their colonies, the article suggests new analysis about some of the ways in which the rhetoric of the Cold War impacted on Britain's approach to empire after the Second World War.  相似文献   

冀北地区是中国北方青铜文化的一个重要分布区,也是北方文化和中原文化的交错地带,其文化遗存非常丰富,尤其是东周时期的青铜短剑遗存最为集中,而且文化因素极其复杂。本文在对该地区发现的青铜短剑进行类型学分析的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,试图揭示这些复杂的文化面貌中所含的各种文化因素。  相似文献   

近70年来中国河湖水系变迁按照研究对象及研究方法可分为四个阶段.本文统计分析了《地理学报》《历史地理》《中国历史地理论丛》三大刊物发表有关河湖水系变迁相关论文的内容和采取的方法,分个体对象研究、综合研究、理论探讨及文献整理等四类,阐述了以往该领域取得的重要成果及意义.同时对近年出现的使用新技术、新材料,运用环境史等新视...  相似文献   

内战后至 1 9世纪末 ,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期 ,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起 ,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区 ,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入 ,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失 ,会使我们得到一些有益的启示  相似文献   

Earlier scholars believed that the Upper Paleolithic of Central and Eastern Siberia appeared very late. However, modern research has shown that not only was there a local Middle Paleolithic, but also there was a very early series of sites in Central Siberia which show both Middle and early Upper Paleolithic traits. These are called the Makarovo horizon and may be 70,000–50,000 years old; features derived from this horizon can be dated to about 30,000 B.P. and can be seen in the early D'uktai culture. The true early Upper Paleolithic is relatively homogeneous in Central and Eastern Siberia and includes artwork. The local Upper Paleolithic reached its florescence in the culture of Mal'ta and Bur'et', which developed out of local antecedents and which is here reinterpreted in light of recent research (including the artwork, structures, and burials). The final stages of the Upper Paleolithic show considerable variability, perhaps including some exotic traits.  相似文献   

周钢 《世界历史》2004,9(4):46-56
内战后至19世纪末,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失,会使我们得到一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

The beginning of the Upper Paleolithic in Western Siberia is now dated to almost 35,000 B.P. The earliest sites reveal a well-developed blade technology and very sophisticated mobiliary art. The evidence suggests that the early Upper Paleolithic developed within Siberia out of the local Mousterian and that there is no need to regard it as an intrusive phenomenon out of the west, as has been traditionally done. The florescence of the Western Siberian Upper Paleolithic began at about the glacial maximum and two major cultural groups can be identified. However, they share many features in common and seem not to have existed in isolation from each other; instead, it is possible to trace numerous complex and interwoven connections between them. Together, they form a Western Siberian Upper Paleolithic technocomplex, which was essentially local but fully as sophisticated and as technologically advanced as was that of Europe.  相似文献   

近代早期欧洲国家形成与军事活动之间的关系是西方学界关注的热点问题。美国学者约翰·布鲁尔提出“财政-军事国家”概念,强调行政机构扩大、财政税收增加与军事力量膨胀三者之间的关系。这一概念一经提出,很快成为分析近代欧洲国家形成与军事活动的重要框架,但它本身也存在一定的缺陷,例如,夸大了近代早期国家的能力、忽视了对财政资源的使用状况。近年来,一些西方学者试图对“财政-军事国家”概念进行补充与修正。“承包人国家”概念挑战了“公共”与“私人”的二元对立,着眼于国家将部分战争工作承包给私人,强调了私人部门在近代早期欧洲军事活动中的关键作用。“财政-军事体系”则采取了跨国的视角,关注国家、次级主权政治体和私人之间在军事活动中的互动,通过一系列“财政-军事中心”交易战争所需的人力、资金、物资、专家、服务和情报,从而勾勒出一个遍及欧洲的战争资源网络。这些研究极大地拓展了近代欧洲军事史和国家形成的视野与思路。  相似文献   

Research into the Upper Paleolithic of northeastern Asia began in the 1940s. Recent work has led to the discovery of numbers of sites, some of them more than 30,000 years old, which are assigned to the D'uktai culture. The material recovered from these sites indicates relationships between the D'uktai culture and other cultures in Europe, Japan, Korea, China, and North America. For the most part, however, these similarities do not result from a spread of cultural traits from Europe into Asia. Instead, most of them reflect local development of the Upper Paleolithic, within both Asia and Europe, out of local Middle Paleolithic industries, which were themselves originally similar in technology and typology.  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeological studies have constantly emphasized the complexity of pottery distribution and its close ties with other aspects of social life. It is argued here that, among the Dowayo of northern Cameroon, pottery exchange is not regulated by preferential economic relationships between producers and consumers but rather by mechanisms such as fashion or the reputation of the artisans.De récentes études ethnoarchéologiques ont constamment mis en avant la complexité des processus de distribution de la poterie et les liens étroits que ceux-ci entretiennent avec les autres aspects de la vie sociale. Il est démontré dans cet article que, chez les Dowayo du Nord-Cameroun, les échanges de poterie sont structurés par une absence de lien privilégié entre producteurs et consommateurs et sont dès lors régulés par des mécanismes tels que la mode ou la réputation des artisans.  相似文献   

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