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This initial report on the effect of the proposed reservoir on adjoining areas is limited to a brief statement of methodology, namely the use of analogues, and examination of expected changes in the local climate. Because of the largely adverse character of these changes, it is urged that the reservoir area be reduced through elimination of its shallow water reaches, which affect local conditions but contribute little to water management needs.  相似文献   

李勇 《攀登》2011,30(4):74-79
工业化和城镇化是推动世界经济发展和社会文明进步的两大主要力量。对青海这样一个城镇化发展滞后的省份而言,以打造两河流域城市带为突破口,加速推进全省城镇化进程,对推动青海发展方式转变、加快城乡一体化进程、构建新的经济增长板块以及全面建设小康社会具有十分重大的现实意义和长远意义。  相似文献   

A typology of industrial nodes based on such economic factors as the use of local or long-haul raw materials, the importance of the national market for each node's finished products, the level of industrial employment, electrification of production processes, output per unit of capital investment, and labor productivity.  相似文献   

The magnitude of migratory movements has been steadily increasing in the USSR over the years, so that now more than 10 million people change their permanent place of residence every year. Although natural increase in cities has become an increasingly significant component in urban population growth, migration still contributes the largest element of that growth. The author applies an index of the effectiveness of migration to the process of urbanization in the USSR. This is the ratio of net migration in a particular place or region to the gross migration (sum of arrivals and departures). In general, migration from rural areas to cities is confined to a particular oblast or group of adjoining oblasts while city-to-city migration tends to cover greater distances between regions. Mean distances of migration are analyzed for the various economic regions of the USSR.  相似文献   

姜朝晖 《丝绸之路》2009,(20):78-80
从魏晋山水诗开启,到山水之作发展到王维、孟浩然掀起创作高潮,张九龄起了承上启下的作用。因外放遭贬谪而寄情山水,张九龄对前代诗风深入学习借鉴,其山水行役之作有了谢灵运凝重的风格;山水景致是传达心境的媒介,对山水的感悟和描摹,便不再是简单的铺陈,而成为一种心境的表现方式。诗歌山水美景与心境相合,曲江之诗也有了王维神韵;得山水之助,曲江山水诗歌清新省净,清澹典雅,古朴沉郁,形成特有的明秀清澹之风。  相似文献   

漳河是海河水系重要的支流。历史时期,在自然环境与人为因素的共同作用下,漳河平原段具有易淤、易决与易徙等特征。本文以明清(1368-1911年)为研究时段,对漳河的变迁过程进行了尽可能具体、详细的复原和定位。并在此基础上,探讨了漳河变迁的特点与规律。  相似文献   

A review of the principal problems of economic development of the Volga region, with special emphasis on the oil, gas, chemical, and power-generating industries.  相似文献   


The authors review expected water requirements within the Volga-Caspian basin for industry, agriculture, fisheries and municipal uses and plans for the diversion of the streams of northern European Russia to the south to support the level of the Caspian Sea. They suggest that the diversion of part of the flow of the northern streams and isolation of the natural evaporation basin of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol will be sufficient to maintain the Caspian Sea level at ?28 meters. Previous articles on the Caspian problem appeared in Soviet Geography, September 1961, January 1962, and June 1963.  相似文献   

The techniques of geomorphic analysis, map measurements and field observations are used to trace the formation of the Bengal delta with particular reference to recent and present crustal movements. The oldest channel appears to be the Ganges submarine canyon, formed during a period of significant uplifting. Later the Hooghly appears to have become the main channel. Against a background of general subsidence, relative uplifting of the Barisal section (in the center of the delta) then led to the confluence of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra and a shift of the principal outlet to the Meghna River in the eastern part of the delta. The annual discharge of sediment (1.4 million tons) seems to be roughly compensated by downfolding of the estuary of the Meghna at the rate of 4 to 5 centimeters a year.  相似文献   

A noted investigator of Russia's ethnic and geopolitical affairs presents case studies of six regions (in aggregate home to ca. 5.8 million Muslims, or over one-third of Russia's total) within the Volga and North Caucasus districts in an effort to demonstrate the importance of the regional context in which Russia's Muslims reside. Drawing upon field interviews (through March 2006) and information from local media, the author shows how the milieu in which Islam is practiced diverges markedly across regional boundaries. The diversities are traced to location, history, ethnocultural affiliation, number of adherents, educational resources, and relations between Islamic leaders and government officials. Also analyzed is the role of the two major competing spiritual centers of Islam in Russia, and the sense of regional self-identity. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H70, Z10, Z12. 1figure, 28 references.  相似文献   

60年一瞬间。在历史的长河里,60年只是惊鸿一瞥,但是对于共和国来说,60年却是波澜壮阔、跌荡起伏的一段光辉历程。它见证了河山变迁,见证了中国大地最美的那些山川历经岁月打磨,愈加光彩夺目。  相似文献   

杨福泉 《华夏地理》2002,(11):124-125
大漠莽野,高山巨流,如今都有不倦的旅人的行踪.越来越多的人们走向原野,走向山川,即使只是短暂地逃离俗世,让奔忙劳碌的心,在原野上获得了慰藉. 行走在大地上的人们,各自寻找着他们的乐园.但在我心目中,真正的旅人,寻找和向往的应该是大地之"灵",山川之"神".  相似文献   

Annual flow records, monthly flow records, peak and low flow records were used to derive an objective hydrological regionalization for 77 Tasmanian rivers. Twelve hydrological indices were determined, and the 12 × 77 matrix was analysed using principal coordinates analysis and complete linkage cluster analysis. Four groups were determined for Tasmania, with the south-east region of the island exhibiting hydrological regimes similar to those of the drier areas of mainland Australia. The wettest areas, in the south and west, have regimes with no analogue elsewhere within mainland Australia. Significant least-squares relationships between the variables enables catchment area, mean annual runoff and coefficient of variation of annual flows to be used to extrapolate other hydrological indices.  相似文献   

本文认为<山海经·南山经>中旋龟"可以为底"之底不应读为"疧"训病或读为"胝"训足茧,而应读为砥训磨刀石.而柢山之鱼"鯥",其音如留牛,不当训"留牛"为犁牛,"留牛"当是"鯥"之缓读,此鱼其鸣自呼."竹箭"一词在<山海经>中出现9次,袁珂先生除一处连读外,其馀均读断.其实"竹箭"就是"箭竹",虽可单称"箭",但8例"竹箭"不应读断.  相似文献   

赵洪容 《风景名胜》2009,(10):16-16
60年一瞬间。 在历史的长河里,60年只是惊鸿一瞥,但是对于共和国来说,60年却是波澜壮阔、跌荡起伏的一段光辉历程。它见证了河山变迁,见证了中国大地最美的那些山川历经岁月打磨,愈加光彩夺目。  相似文献   

The author distinguishes between territorial complexes, typical of old industrial nodes like Kuybyshev and Ufa, where the various processes in the petrochemical production sequence are handled by separate plants, and production complexes, typical of the newer centers, where all the processes are combined under a single combine management.  相似文献   

The complex feedback between process and form that governs planform migration of meandering rivers is still incompletely understood. Current theoretical models aimed at predicting planform migration relate the rate of meander migration at a particular location to the channel curvature at and upstream of that location. However, these models are still incapable of reproducing complex forms of bend development, such as compound loops. Evaluation of such models requires a representation of planform curvature better than that provided by traditional methods where the curvature is calculated from directional change between the successive digitized points—an approach that provides a discrete representation of curvature dependent on the density of the digitized points used to characterize the channel planform. This article presents and evaluates a methodology that provides a continuous functional representation of the planform geometry and curvature of meandering rivers. The method involves the fitting of splines, specifically parametric cubic splines (PCSs), to discrete digitization data of the channel centerline (CL) and the arc-length parameterization of the resulting composite curve. The arc-length parameterized PCS-interpolated curve is then used to compute analytically the channel CL location and curvature for any value of the streamwise axis. Evaluation of the method involves examination of the effects of digitization interval size and digitization error on the characterization of the planform geometry and curvature using PCS fitting. The derivation of curvature values from continuous planform function for any location and any spatial interval overcomes the reliance either on average bend curvature values or on discrete curvature values based on digitized points.  相似文献   

The Volga region, which owes its economic development in considerable measure to its favorable transport situation, is expected to continue as a major transit region, as fuels and energy [oil, gas, electric power] are transmitted from newly developed Siberian areas to the manufacturing centers of European Russia. Because of the importance of the east-west routes, railroads will continue to play a key role in the regional transport picture, but pipelines and waterways are planned to become more important.  相似文献   

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