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The alternating retreats and readvances of the North American ice sheet from 18,000 years to 6000 years ago are attributed to shifts in storm tracks. According to the author's theory, proglacial lakes formed during the retreat of the ice sheet became the paths of cyclone tracks whose precipitation led to an accumulation of ice and a readvance of the ice sheet. The readvance into the proglacial lake basins resulted in a reduction or southward shift of cyclone tracks, and this in turn led to a halt of the readvance and a retreat of the ice sheet. As soon as the ice had vacated the Great Lakes basin, the cyclone tracks would once again shift northward and the process of readvance would start all over again.  相似文献   

On 18 February 1946 a mutiny broke out in HMIS Talwar, a Royal Indian Navy signals school in Bombay. Over the following days the disturbance spread to over 10,000 men, 66 ships and shore establishments, while there was civilian rioting in several major cities. The causes of the mutiny have traditionally been attributed to discontent over service conditions, racial abuse and the influence of Indian nationalism, firmly framing the ‘strike’ as part of India's anti-colonial struggle. Such explanations have been applied uniformly across the force, regardless of the wide-scale nature of the disturbances, and with little focus on those who remained loyal. By examining the experiences of units other than Talwar, this article challenges the predominant nationalist narrative of the mutiny, questioning the notion that overarching causes existed across the navy, and demonstrating how motives and reactions were more fractured and complex. It will also reconsider the connection between the mutiny and civilian rioting in Bombay, introducing organised crime as a notable influence, and examine the role of the preceding RAF ‘strikes’ and political discourses in framing the actions of the naval ratings.  相似文献   

Arrom, Silvia Marina. The Women of Mexico City, 1790–1857. Stanford University Press, 1985. xii + 384 pp. including photographs, appendices, bibliography, and index. $42.50 cloth.

Bataille, Gretchen M., and Kathleen Mullen Sands. American Indian Women: Telling Their Lives. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. ix + 209 pp. including bibliography and index. $18.95 cloth.  相似文献   

The Pacific Coast of North America was occupied by many distinctive groups of coastal hunter-gatherers at the times of early contacts with Europeans. Despite significant cultural diversity, Pacific Coast peoples shared lifeways oriented toward generally similar marine, nearshore, littoral, and estuarine habitats. In this paper, we examine some major issues that guide much of the archaeology done along the Pacific Coast, then discuss some of the theoretical and methodological problems that limit the efficacy of archaeological reconstructions. Most archaeological research conducted on North America's Pacific Coast has been oriented toward the search for the origins and development of a variety of cultural patterns. A comparative review of California and Northwest Coast sequences provides interesting parallels and discrepancies in the approaches taken in studying some of the major issues in Pacific Coast prehistory.  相似文献   

The North American Southwest is renowned for its rich archaeological record. Thousands of prehistoric houses and ceremonial centers remain partially standing or form mounds that mark prehistoric villages that were once actively occupied and remain important to the descendants. The visibility of archaeological remains has sparked interest in questions of abandonment among archaeologists and the lay public. We explore reasons for this interest, how it is manifest in archaeological research, and how perception of that research influences popular views of the past and of native people. Our focus is on explanations for the causes of site and regional abandonment as well as on explications of the processes by which abandonments occur. Essential to our perspective is the view that abandonment is a process that involves decisions to move, which may be promoted by dire circumstances, but which are most often settlement strategies. The process of moving requires economic, social, and political decisions about the places from which people move and to which they move.  相似文献   

Evidence today suggests that by at least 8000 to 8500 B.P., Archaic hunter-gatherer economies were established throughout the North American Southwest. The Early Archaic seems to be a period of considerable variability across the subregions; this may be a product of currently slim knowledge of the period, or it may indicate that the region witnessed considerable flux. With the Middle Archaic period from 5500 to 3500 B.P. there seems to be greater similarity in material culture across the region and a definite increase in the number of known sites. Finally, the Late Archaic/Early Agricultural period from 3500 to 2000 or 1500 B.P. sees the establishment of a mixed farming-foraging economy in much of the Southwest with apparently major changes in subsistence-settlement systems. Preagricultural Archaic land use patterns are known in broad outline but not in detail; high mobility by small social groups in an annual round would have permitted exploitation of diverse biotic communities. In most parts of the region, significant socioeconomic change accompanies the incorporation of agriculture into the late preceramic period, as witnessed by the appearance of longer-term residential sites with pitstructures and storage features.  相似文献   

<正>最初决定阅读伊懋可先生所著的《大象的退却》,是因为书名的后面缀着一句:"一部中国环境史",这部由英国著名历史学家所著,却被誉为"中国环境史的奠基之作"的书籍在我的脑海中留下了大大的问号,一个英国人所写的中国环境史,会是什么样子的?中国的历史书籍大多与王侯将相、君主专制相关,而伊懋可笔下的中国环境  相似文献   

冯超 《旅游纵览》2012,(7):50-54
<正>这里群山簇拥,古木苍翠,小桥流水,石径通幽,社坛古庙,戏台凉亭随处可见。这个如诗一般的梦幻之地,有一个幽雅的名字——兰溪。它就是中国四大名瑶之一"勾蓝瑶"的聚居地,一个孕育着瑶族千年历史的地方——湖南江永县兰溪瑶族乡。  相似文献   

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