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Although the three tiers of government in Australia are becoming much more aware of environmental issues, it is frequently up to local government to implement policies impacting on the land, water and air. In Victoria, Local Conservation Strategies are one mechanism to have been utilised by local government to decentralise environmental management and enable a greater community contribution to environmental decision-making and management. This paper considers the effectiveness of these strategies.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of beds of segregated ice in the pingos of northern Siberia is analyzed with particular reference to the origin of this type of ground ice and the heaving mechanism. A regular change in chemical composition with depth and a low mineral content are found to correspond to the distribution of dissolved substances in the upper horizons of groundwater and point to a segregated rather than an injected origin. A relatively high content of organic matter in the ice, corresponding to the maximum summer concentration of organic matter in groundwater, suggests that the beds of ice grow mainly in the summer. The growth of the ice masses, combining the drawing up of interstitial water from below with the thawing of the upper horizons, produces a steady upward movement of frozen soil, including buried mammoth tusks that are usually found in the vicinity of North Siberian pingos. When the ice content is so high that even a growing bed of ice is no longer adequate to replenish the seasonal frozen ground layer with thawed upward moving bands of frozen soil, then the thermokarstic process begins to operate, producing a thaw depression, often filled with a lake.  相似文献   

This paper examines how artisanal miners in northern Madagascar have contested state-corporate authority and staked claims to subterranean territory through the production and maintenance of goldfields as mineral commons. Drawing on ethnographic evidence collected over 15 months of field-based research, as well as interviews and archival data, I elaborate how community members in the diggings of Betsiaka have used commoning to resist subsoil enclosure, engender local autonomy, and secure collectivized access to gold as a basis for extended social reproduction. Constructing Betsiaka's mineral commons has relied on three overlapping yet distinct components: (1) the materiality or geological character of deposits, mediated through local understandings of gold's occurrence and (in)exhaustibility; (2) the socio-historical construction of discourse around resource access; and (3) the political-economic organization and management of the goldfields via sedimented institutions of governance. The paper's arguments challenge assumptions across varying domains of commons scholarship that tend to exclude resources deemed “nonrenewable” from discussions of commons, demonstrating both that socio-natural particularities can render mineral deposits effectively “inexhaustible,” and that even subsoil resources perceived as finite can be managed by community members to facilitate collective access and broadly-shared benefit. They furthermore contribute to ongoing discussions regarding territorialization and governance in extractive landscapes, adding commons and commoning to the list of tactics and instruments used by mining communities to avoid dispossession, order activities, and sustain livelihoods. Recognizing mineral commons in Betsiaka and beyond thus has significant implications for enhancing our understanding of local mineral politics—and also for rethinking approaches to formalization and decentralization.  相似文献   

A research design for the study of environmental pollution by mineral industries is proposed, with particular reference to oil and gas extraction in the Volga region. In evaluating the environmental impact, three basic stages need to be distinguished: the impact proper, the environmental reaction and the longer-term consequences for the environment and for human activity. Pollution by mineral industries involves aspects common to most such industries and specific aspects associated with a particular mineral industry. Impacts may be examined from a quantitative and qualitative point of view and in the space-time perspective. Various productive facilities of a mineral industry (production wells, strip mines, deep mines, spoil banks, pipelines, railroads, highways) may have specific impacts on particular environmental components (land, air, water, biological communities). The specific impacts of the oil industry and the coal industry are compared.  相似文献   

Trimlines mark the boundary between glacially eroded landscapes on low ground and landscapes dominated by evidence of periglacial weathering on higher summits. For many years the trimlines of Scandinavia, Britain and Ireland have been interpreted as marking the surface of the ice sheets at the maximum of the last glaciation, but recent cosmogenic exposure dating of erratics far above the trimlines in NW Scotland shows this to be false. The trimlines in that area must represent an englacial thermal boundary between warm (eroding) ice and cold (protecting) ice. It is now clear that even very experienced geomorphologists cannot necessarily tell the difference between terrain that has been recently glaciated and terrain that has not, because cold-based ice can leave virtually no trace. This calls into question not only the interpretation of high-level trimlines elsewhere, but also the mapping of the lateral limits of past glaciations, which are often based on similar or even weaker geomorphological and sedimentological evidence.  相似文献   

The concept of ground ice is expanded to cover all forms of ice formed at the interface between two environments—the solid state and the gaseous. Ground ice is thus defined as the product of the layer-by-layer freezing of liquid water or droplets of any origin as it passes from a zone of positive temperatures into a zone below the freezing point. Ground ice may be produced by subsurface waters (springs and groundwater), surface waters (river, lake, sea, glacier and snow meltwater) and atmospheric moisture (glaze, rime, hail). [The definition excludes ice formed within the solid-state environment of the lithosphere (segregated ice, cement ice, injection ice).] Ground ice produced by subsurface waters may be formed at the surface or in large subterranean cavities, and it may be associated with the natural discharge of water or with the freezing of aquifers. Ground ice produced by surface waters may be associated with an increase of water volume in a waterbody as the level of the ice cover remains stable; with a constriction of the discharge cross section, and with changes in heat and moisture exchange. Ground ice derived from atmospheric moisture is formed either on terrestrial objects (glaze, rime) or in the free atmosphere (hail, ice formed on aircraft).  相似文献   

A classification of natural landscapes based on a combination of historical-genetic and structural criteria is offered. The classificatory categories of a higher order are based on genetic and spatial associations of landscapes; the lower taxonomic entities are based largely on internal landscape structure. The taxonomic entities range from division to subspecies. The earth's landscape sphere is first broken down into divisions of terrestrial and water landscapes. Divisions fall into systems based on zonal differences in the heat and water balance (subarctic, boreal, subboreal, etc.). Systems fall into classes (plains and mountain landscapes), and classes break down into groups of landscapes based on geochemical and moisture criteria (eluvial, hydromorphic, etc.). Groups fall into types on the basis of bioclimatic and soils criteria (wooded steppe, steppe, desert etc.). Types break down into genera on the basis of genetic landform types (alluvial plains, colian landforms, etc.). Finally, the genera fall into species and subspecies on the basis of dominant and subordinated morphologic units known in Russian as urochishche. Examples of steppe plains genera might be gently rolling sandy plains with feathergrass on dark chestnut soils, or level plateau with a mantle of loam and fascue grass on dark chestnut carbonate soils.  相似文献   

Public monuments traditionally appear in high contrast to their landscapes, an effect that sets aesthetic, ideological and social distances. However, Manmale, counter-monuments, and counter-hegemonic monuments (eg the AIDS quilt, Rachael Whiteread's House, Melbourne's Another View Walking Trail, Tiananmen's Goddess of Democracy, or Maya Lin's Vietnam Memorial), challenge the norms of monuments in visuality, fixedness, and permanence, and suggest intricacies which mediate the interactivity of art, site and passers-by. In this paper, I consider three counter-hegemonic monuments in Vancouver, British Columbia – all installed in 1997/98 and all dealing with the issue of violence – sited within one neighbourhood. Via archival research, interviews, and extensive participant observations investigating how the monuments actually function in social memory rituals, I discovered that the characteristics of publicness in the landscapes that lay ‘beneath and before’ the monuments deeply affected their origins, designs, and current uses.  相似文献   

罗敏 《文博》2009,(6):314-317
在长江中游地区,由于地下水位较高,地下文物埋藏环境常见这种类型:即文物长年浸泡在封闭严密且水位较为稳定的地下水环境。这种埋藏环境中的文物,出土时保存状况往往相对较好,其中彩绘陶器的彩绘层在出土时大多保存完好、色泽鲜艳。但由于颜料层中的胶接物质却早已失去粘性,即使较轻微的碰触,也很容易使之脱落。不仅如此,出土之后,随着保存环境的突变,伴随着陶器中水分的挥发,颜料层也会随之开始出现一系列病害,如变色、酥粉、脱落。因此,选择适宜加固饱水彩绘陶器的加固材料在出土后尽快对彩绘层进行加固就变得尤为重要。本文尝试从彩绘陶器颜料的组成、文物埋藏环境、出土后的环境因素三个方面来分析水坑环境出土彩绘陶器出现的各种病害的原因,并结合笔者在实际工作中的体会,提出几点关于水坑环境出土彩绘陶器的保护方法。  相似文献   

In granitic rocks, fracture networks typically provide pathways for groundwater flow and solute transport that need to be understood to assess the long‐term performance of deep underground storage or disposal facilities such as radioactive waste repositories. However, relatively little is known about the long‐term processes of fracturing and/or the longevity of flow paths (FP) in granitic rocks distributed within orogenic belts. To clarify these issues, Japanese plutons of different ages and in situ fractures in granite at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) located in central Japan were studied. Detailed structural characterization and geochemical analysis of in situ fracture fillings sampled from a depth of 300 m were carried out to clarify the relationship between fracturing and mineral infilling processes. Different plutons show identical episodes of fracturing and fracture filling, consisting of: brittle tensile fracturing, due to decreasing temperature through the ductile–brittle transition after plutonic intrusion (Stage I); relatively rapid uplifting (ca. a few mm/year) accompanied by hydrothermal water circulation, which produced uncrushed layered mineral fillings (Stage II); and a period of low‐temperature meteoric water circulation following exposure after uplift (Stage III). The parageneses of carbonate mineral fracture fillings and their carbon isotopic compositions (14C, δ13C) show that there were distinct episodes of carbonate mineral precipitation during the rapid uplifting of a pluton. The carbonate minerals that formed during each episode incorporated carbon from a distinct source. The evolution of fillings identified here enables development of a specific model of fracturing and persistence of fluid‐conducting systems in the plutons of the orogenic field.  相似文献   

This study examined landcover change during 1940–1988 in two contiguous landscapes of approximately 12,400 hectares in central Ohio, USA: an inertial till plain area and a more dynamic moraine area. Agriculture dominated both landscapes throughout, however, the cover of natural vegetation and urban-suburban development increased over time on the moraine while natural vegetation decreased and agriculture increased on the till plain. Markov process models for landcover change were constructed for three 14–17-year time intervals and for the entire forty-eight-year study period. Probabilities of self-replacement for agricultural lands (0.91–0.97) were higher and those for forests (0.54–0.65) lower than those reported for other landscapes. Predictions of landcover percentages for fifty years in the future were made using Markov process models derived from actual cover changes in 1940–1957, 1971–1988, and 1940–1988. All three models produced similar predictions for the inertial till plain area. In contrast, the three models' predictions differed considerably for the moraine area. Only the 1971–1988 transition matrix was sensitive to increases in urbanization and reforestation which began on the moraine in the 1970s. These results indicate that reliance on lengthy study intervals and net rates of change can obscure spatial and temporal patterns of landcover change that are caused by natural and socioeconomic factors operating on shorter time scales.  相似文献   

The paper contributes to notions of ‘hybrid’ historical geographies of irrigation by focusing on contested visions for irrigation in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Adding to geographical work using biography, notions of performance, and racialized landscapes, the paper analyzes debates between John Shary and Charles Pease. Shary and Pease were protagonists, respectively, of pumping water from the Rio Grande and a gravity scheme reliant on action by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The pumping system survived; the gravity system was never constructed. However, the debate between Shary and Pease illustrates tensions within the Anglo elite. The analysis focuses on three early-twentieth-century moments. The first is a 1918 crisis in Shary’s irrigation company, followed by a 1927 debate between Shary and Pease over the flaws of the pumping system and benefits of gravity irrigation. Finally, the paper focuses on Shary and Pease’s constructions of racialized landscapes that subordinated Hispanics as voters to be utilized for Shary’s accumulation strategy, or as ‘non-water users’ that should be excluded from water politics. The paper argues that Shary and Pease projected similarly exclusionary social visions onto the irrigated landscape in spite of their differences on irrigation systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the continued strong population growth in U.S. nonmetropolitan areas possessing high levels of natural amenities during the 1990s and the reasons for near convergence of growth across the top tiers of the amenity hierarchy. Based on estimated parsimonious spatial hedonic growth regressions, strong demand for high‐amenity areas continued in the 1990s, but the converging of population growth across the top tiers appeared related to capitalization of amenity differences among the tiers into factor prices. Yet, evidence obtained from controlling for spatial effects suggests that the relative quality of life in the top two tiers had deteriorated.  相似文献   

J.B. Priestley's writing has been used to explore aspects of landscape and Englishness. Through an analysis of Priestley's early journalism in the Bradford Pioneer and the Yorkshire Observer, we argue that his critical disengagement to most of the landscapes of England was based on a connection to the landscapes of his youth in Bradford where he first developed his fictional and documentary narrative style. In his early journalism, Priestley articulated a sense of dwelling in Bradford that was rooted in the experience of two distinct local landscapes: the spaces of the city and the nature of the surrounding upland and moorland. Priestley's geographical ideal balanced the civility of the Edwardian city embedded in a landscape that offered escape to and commune with nature. The existential balance between the two was, we argue, central to the narrative geographies developed by Priestley in his fiction which is illustrated through an analysis of his two early novels: The Good Companions (1929) and Angel Pavement (1930). We suggest that the ways in which Priestley's interwar writing expressed dwelling in local landscapes might be thought of as a critical provincialisation of London and England.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic landscapes fall into several classes: agricultural, forestation and aquatic landscapes, which tend to vary with natural zones, and industrial landscapes, which are azonal in character and depend largely on such azonal features as geological structure, hydrogeology, etc. Industrial landscapes are largely of the neo-landscape type, i.e., created by man from scratch. In terms of purposefulness, they are not a direct effect, but are incidental to man's industrial activities. The most common industrial landscape type consists of strip mines and their spoil banks. Such strip-mine landscapes may be denuded (devoid of vegetation); slag-cone terrain; weed-overgrown wasteland; denuded lacustrine wasteland; stone-quarry badlands; cultivated hydraulic spoil banks.  相似文献   

For the last ten years, within molecular life sciences, the reproducibility crisis discourse has been embodied as a crisis of trust in scientific images. Beyond the contentious perception of “questionable research practices” associated with a digital turn in the production of images, this paper highlights the transformations of gel electrophoresis as a family of experimental techniques. Our aim is to analyze the evolving epistemic status of generated images and its connection with a crisis of trust in images within that field. From the 1980s to the 2000s, we identify two key innovations (precast gels and gel docs) leading to a “two-tiered” gel electrophoresis with different standardization procedures, different epistemic statuses of the produced images and different ways of generating (dis)trust in images. The first tier, exemplified by differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE), is characterized by specialized devices processing images as quantitative data. The second tier, exemplified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), is described as a routine technique making use of image as qualitative “virtual witnessing.” The difference between these two tiers is particularly apparent in the ways images are processed, even though both tiers involve image digitization. Our account thus highlights different views on reproducibility within the two tiers. Comparability of images is insisted upon in the first tier while traceability is expected in the second tier. It is striking that these differences occur not only within the same scientific field, but even within the same family of experimental techniques. In the second tier, digitization entails distrust, whereas it implies a collective sentiment of trust in the first tier.  相似文献   

A logical model of the system of disciplines generally known as physical geography distinguishes three subjects of study, each associated with a particular level of organization of the basic study object, namely the earth's physical landscape envelope or landscape shell and its subsystems (individual landscapes or geocomplexes): (1) study of the componental level of organization would be the subject of the particular disciplines in physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, etc.); (2) study of the integrated level of organization would be the subject of landscape science, which is viewed as a synthesis of the particular disciplines; (3) study of the earth's natural environment at the level of the entire landscape envelope would be the subject of general physical geography or general earth science. The subject matter of the particular disciplines and of the synthesized landscape science is further broken down into research areas: regional research (concerned with geographical spaces); typological research (quasi-geographical spaces) and general research (nongeographical).  相似文献   

本文以河南淮阳古城城湖为例,探讨历史时期华北平原城市湖塘湿地的自然生态与人文景观。适应于华北平原水资源时空分布不均、旱涝灾害易发的水环境,传统城市中以雨洪为主要水源的湖塘水体,是具有较大幅度水位变化、旱涝交替的湿地景观。不仅为多种动植物提供了栖息地,也与城市居民的生产生活建立了广泛而紧密的联系,从文化休闲、日常用水,到适应湿地水域内不同水土条件及其旱涝变化的农业生产和土地利用,塑造了独特的文化景观,对当代华北平原城市的水景观建设具有参照意义。拍摄于1960-1972年间的科罗纳卫星影像,以高分辨率、多时相等特点,能够展示湿地景观的旱涝变化和土地利用的适应性变化,为研究历史时期的湿地景观提供了重要的图像资料。  相似文献   

The concept of cultural landscapes has a long and varied lineage, including antecedents in geography and ecomuseums, and can be applied at all scales. In the 1990s, the World Heritage Committee adopted cultural landscapes as an additional category of property as part of its strategy to broaden the scope of World Heritage listings. By July 2006, there were 53 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and officially recognised as being cultural landscapes. Such recognition is an acknowledgement of the importance of human–environment interactions, especially those of a more traditional type. Not surprisingly, cultural landscapes have their own particular management issues, as well as sharing others with World Heritage properties in general. These properties, however, also present many opportunities to increase people’s understanding of both cultural and environmental values important to the future of humankind on a global level.  相似文献   

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