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Globalization has had an enormous impact on traditional industrial structures. It almost seems that everything is everywhere the same. And yet, in reality, some regions in a single industrialized country enjoy rapid economic growth while others are downsizing or stagnating. Thus there must be some remaining regional competitive advantages—even in the “Age of Globalization”. This paper engages in a quest to discover what these modern location factors might be and how and why they are necessary in creating dynamics and regional growth. In doing so, we link the driving forces behind these modern location factors with regional performance and eventually arrive at a concept of a regional lifecycle and its key dynamics. Using data that paint a comprehensive picture of industry and regional development in Germany we try to find empirical evidence for our approach.  相似文献   

The locational pattern of primary processing industries in the USSR is analyzed in terms of their relationship to the distribution of resource bases of different magnitude and to level of development of extractive industry. Some industry groups, such as coal-based power generation, iron and steel, coke chemicals, sawmilling, tend to gravitate toward regions with large resource bases. Other groups of primary processing, such as glass, ceramics, woodworking, tend to be localized in areas with small resource bases or no local resource base whatever. However, some industry groups that tend to be pulled toward large resource bases (nonferrous metallurgy, oil refining) are also located in part at some distance from raw-material sources under the impact of various economic factors. Conversely, other industry groups that are generally less dependent on local resource bases (woodworking, basic chemicals) also tend to gravitate toward large resource bases that have achieved a high level of extractive industry.  相似文献   

我国旅游资源、区位和入境旅游收入的空间错位分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
旅游资源和区位是影响区域入境旅游发展的两大基本要素。本文以我国大陆31个省区为区域研究单元,借用重力模型和二维组合矩阵方法,分析了旅游资源、区位和入境旅游收入三者之间的空间错位现象。结果发现:(1)区位指数和入境旅游收入指数重心偏向我国东部地区,旅游资源丰度指数重心偏向中西部地区;(2)资源与收入、区位与收入、资源与区位三组二维组合关系均存在明显的空间错位,可以将这种二维组合关系划分为五种类型来描述各省区的旅游发展现状。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the location choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Turkey over the period 1996–2003. Using FDI data at the provincial level and negative binomial model, the empirical evidence confirms that agglomeration economies and information costs are the most important determinants of FDI location in Turkey. Specifically, both foreign and domestic agglomerations and in particular urbanization economies strongly affect the location decision of foreign investors. The results also suggest that foreign investors are attracted to provinces with fast growing market, more educated labour force, high density of road network, greater public investment, milder climate, larger area and better quality of life. On the other hand, the empirical findings show that wage, productivity, labour availability, unionization, sea and air transportation, free zones and instability have no significant impacts on the location decision.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to overcome some specific problems which exist with the use of benefit-cost analysis in evaluating the impact of public facilities. The concepts developed explicitly recognize the importance of the spatial distribution of impacts and the fact that tastes can differ substantially among people. By utilizing the concepts of the generalized environment and of place utility, a more general and valuable conceptual model can be developed which may be useful in preventing much current conflict over public investment decisions. The model has an explicit concern with the problem of equity and is thus only a small step in a growing field of inquiry within geography.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors which influence the business location decisions of start-ups, focusing in particular on the role of personal factors. Established explanations of industry location emphasize proximity to firms in the same or related industries and proximity to a wider set of business services, though recent research suggests that personal factors may play an important role in explanations of industry location—particularly in technology-enabled sectors. A survey of 97 new firms, founded between 2008 and 2012, in the Irish software services sector, shows that the business location decision is influenced by the personal motivation of entrepreneurs to attain a desired quality of life, and that this outweighs economic factors such as proximity to firms within the same or related industries, proximity to a broader set of supporting business services, infrastructure or the availability of government support schemes. Personal factors are particularly important to firms located outside the Dublin metropolitan area and to home-based businesses. This has important policy implications for national and regional governments seeking to encourage entrepreneurship in technology-enabled service sectors.  相似文献   

1944年12月,南京国民政府任命杨森为贵州省主席。杨森既非蒋介石嫡系,又非其同乡,却能够出掌贵州省政。究其原因,本文认为,南京国民政府主要考虑了巩固战时国防,加强地方建设,实现抗战建国目标;彻底解决西南地方势力,实现国家统一和杨森的个人经历及其与蒋介石的关系等几方面因素。  相似文献   

The absence of a long-term program of development of the Tyumen' gas fields is noted, and more intensive development is urged on the following grounds: the availability of large predicted reserves and the relatively low cost of proving these reserves compared with the cost of geological exploration in the deeper gas fields of European Russia; the need for gas as a fuel and chemical raw material in the Siberian economy; prospects of reducing steel-pipe, labor and investment requirements for development of the gas industry as a result of automation and technical progress. An annual output level of one trillion cubic meters a year is urged. The required investment is estimated at 50 billion, rubles. In view of predicted higher gas prices (15 to 20 rubles per 1000 cubic meters) and low operating costs (3.4 rubles), the annual return on investment at a trillion-cubic-meter production level would be about 13 billion rubles.  相似文献   

《离骚》狂放奇艳的艺术特色及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,《离骚》具有狂放和奇艳的艺术特色。其狂放的艺术特色是与楚民族"剽轻"的性格特征和屈子悲剧性的人生际遇分不开的。其奇艳的艺术特色除受当时的时代风气影响外,还与屈子对荆楚秀丽山川和楚地重繁饰的巫教的艺术体验有关。  相似文献   

Depending on the worldwide developments in the industry and services sectors, the increased significance of the logistic sector is continuing. In parallel to this tendency, the need for warehousing as one of the basic activities of logistics has increased and the warehouses have returned to the important function areas for urban sites. In recent years, warehouses are demanded in the real estate market just like houses and offices. In the literature, although there are many supply chain studies focused on location selection of warehouses, there is a lack of studies discussing the behaviour of warehouse location at the intra-urban level. The article investigates the factors affecting the location selection of warehouses and their degree of importance in Istanbul as a case area by using a logistic regression model. It was found that location-specific factors are effective on the location selection of warehouses in the Istanbul metropolitan area, and warehouse location follows a certain economic rationality at the intra-urban level.  相似文献   

古本《纪年》所载西周穆王以下的都邑“西郑”与“懿王元年天再旦于郑”的“郑”实为一地,郭璞、臣瓒等以其地在今陕西华县一带,通过对存世金文资料的梳理,结合文献记载,笔者认为周王朝中后期的都邑——西郑的地望在今陕西凤翔一带,而非陕西华县。  相似文献   

世博会参观者分布和影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙元欣  杨楠 《旅游科学》2007,21(5):52-56
本文根据2005年爱知世博会样本数据,采用多元线性模型,分析了世博会参观者的分布及其影响因素.研究表明:世博会参观者分布有其内在不均衡性,如阶段性持续递增、锯齿性曲线、不确定性、工作日和节假日分布差异等;世博会办展质量和吸引力是影响参观者人数和分布的最主要因素;影响参观者人数的外生变量,具有叠加和共振效应,因而形成参观者高峰日或低谷日.本文研究结果,将有助于上海世博会园区规划、运营筹划、成本预算和风险控制等.  相似文献   

董仲舒墓址辨惑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关于董仲舒的墓址问题 ,学术界一直众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。在这篇文章中 ,作者根据文献记载和实地考察 ,否定了“西安交通大学董墓”说和“和平门城内董墓”说 ,肯定了董仲舒陪葬茂陵的说法  相似文献   

前工业化时期英国农村劳动力转移和城市化的制约因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷延方 《史学月刊》2007,2(5):111-114
英国从11世纪“城市兴起”至18世纪工业革命的7个世纪间,劳动力转移进程缓慢,城市化和工业化成果不及工业革命后一个世纪的成就,主要原因在于三个方面:政治上封建农奴制阻碍农村人口流动;经济上农业生产力落后,难以将大量农业人口从土地上解放出来;观念上封建传统思想在相当程度上限制了农村劳动力转移和人口流动。  相似文献   

张一恒  叶文  沈超 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):23-28
社区居民作为生态旅游开发中的相关利益群体之一,他们参与生态旅游开发、经营的内在动因直接影响到生态旅游开发的质量和生态旅游社区的持续发展。本文作者通过在滇西北哈木谷社区的实地调查,研究社区居民参与生态旅游发展的需求,进而分析社区参与生态旅游的内在动因,以期为生态旅游社区的发展规划提供决策上的参考。  相似文献   

A case study of the lumbering and forest-products industry seeks to establish the effectiveness of the territorial structure of primary processing under the impact of the resource base and of various economic nonphysical factors. A set of variables, including the magnitude of timber reserves, volume of output and the regional conditions of production, is analyzed on an oblast-by-oblast basis to establish their impact on the structure of the industry. Economic effectiveness is measured in terms of the level of labor productivity resulting from various combinations of factors. In general, labor productivity tends to be high in timber-rich regions with large volumes of production. But high levels of performance can also be achieved with low volumes of production if the industrial structure reflects the magnitude of the local timber supply (timber-intensive industries in timber-rich regions and nonintensive industries in timber-poor regions) or if the structure is adapted to local market needs. Previous papers on the subject appeared in Soviet Geography, May 1972.  相似文献   

江苏省入境旅游流的时空演变及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入境旅游是衡量一个地区旅游经济发展水平的重要指标.本文以2000~2012年江苏入境旅游人数和外汇收入数据为基础,运用定量方法、GIS软件等对江苏入境旅游流的时空演变过程及影响因素进行分析.研究发现:江苏入境旅游流及外汇收入稳步上升,2005年后江苏入境旅游经济逐渐走向成熟;在2000~2005年期间,港澳游客占据江苏的主要入境客流市场,2005年后外国游客成为江苏入境旅游市场的主角;入境旅游流流质不断提高,各市入境旅游流流质空间分布差异逐渐减小;江苏入境旅游流流量受民航客运量及经济社会发展影响较大;而交通线路长度及星级酒店对旅游流质量影响较大.  相似文献   

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