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In this paper the role of migrant networks in determining patterns of out-migration is examined. Conditions under which migration equilibrium may permit multiple steady states are identified. The analysis discusses instances where migration generates its own demand and explains differences in migration propensities across potential sources of out-migration.  相似文献   

Nested multinomial logit models are used to investigate migration behavior during the 1971–74 period for a large sample of the population of Ecuador. The nested form of the model makes it possible to test hypotheses about the importance of destination characteristics in conditioning the odds for out-migration. Our empirical results indicate that the odds for migration from each origin are conditioned by the expected utilities of the available set of destinations, as well as characteristics of the origins and the personal characteristics of potential migrants. The association between destination characteristics and the frequency of out-migration allows the total volumes of migration to be adjusted to interregional differences in place-specific utilities.  相似文献   

黄柯可 《世界历史》2000,46(3):12-20
在人类历史上 ,城市的出现大约已有 5 0 0 0年之久。自第二次社会大分工即手工业与农业分离以后 ,出现了商品和货币。而在第三次社会大分工产生了商人阶级以后 ,商品生产和交换的固定地点便应运而生 ,形成了城市的雏形。但是 ,城市的出现不等于城市化的开始。城市化不是指城市发展、演变的简单过程 ,而是指机器生产取代手工劳动之后 ,城市性质和功能的根本改变。在农业文明占统治地位的前工业社会 ,城市的性质正如马克思所说 ,城市是建立在农业和土地财产基础之上 ,社会呈现的是“城市乡村化”的景象。城市仅是农产品的集散地和手工业生产的…  相似文献   

Migrations have occurred across the history of the genus Homo and while the movement of pre-modern humans over the globe is typically understood in terms of shifting resource distributions and climate change, that is in ecological terms, the movement of anatomically modern, and specifically Holocene, populations is often explained by human desire to discover new lands, escape despotic leaders, forge trade relationships and other culture-specific intentions. This is a problematic approach to the archaeological and behavioural explanation of human migration. Here an evolutionary and ecological framework is developed to explain various movement behaviours and this framework is applied to the movement of human groups from the inter-visible islands around New Guinea to the widely dispersed archipelagos of the southwest Pacific about 1000 BC. Labelled the Lapita Migration, this movement is explained as a selection-driven range expansion. The development of evolutionary and ecological theory to explain human movement facilitates empirical testing of alternative hypotheses and links different histories of human movement through shared explanatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

《前秦建元籍》是目前所见最早的纸本户籍,其第三栏登载的是每户的赀产状况,而非财产转移的记录。该文书标明三月籍,不同于秦汉时期的八月造籍和唐代的正月造籍,这可能与当时特定的历史背景有关。该籍中户主的籍贯分别注明州、郡、县、乡、里,与秦汉三国时期的户籍简只注明里名有很大差异,说明纸本户籍不再局限于保存在乡、县,而是要进一步上呈郡、州,直至中央机构。从登载的内容和统计的重点看,《前秦建元籍》与走马楼户籍简中的凡口若干一类性质相近;但以往的户籍简是一年更造,该籍与南朝户籍则是数年一造,据此可以推测当时的纸本户籍背后已有每年度编造的计帐类文书存在。  相似文献   

周秦都邑迁徙的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周秦不仅多次迁徙其都邑 ,而且迁徙的相近之处颇多。二者都是从关中以外迁都于周原以后才强盛起来的 ,而作为其逐鹿中原夺取天下的重要步骤 ,周秦又都向东迁都。周人迁于丰 ,定于镐 ,秦人先居泾阳、栎阳 ,定于咸阳 ,最后选择的区域非常接近。当然 ,周秦都邑的迁徙与选址仍存在不少具体的差异 ,如迁往周原选择都城时 ,周人是一踯而就 ,建立了岐周 ,而秦人却是经过多次临时选择 ,多年后才定鼎雍城 ;向东迁都的具体路线也不一致 ,周人偏于渭水南岸 ,而秦人则在渭北经营很久  相似文献   

清代前中期陕甘地区的人口西迁是在清朝势力不断向西北推进的大背景下产生的,西迁人口主要有官方移民、民间自发移民和绿营兵丁及其眷属三种类型组成,官方组织陕甘人口西迁的主要动力先后经历过三次大的转折,因时而异的移民管理体系为移民的顺利推进提供了坚实的制度保障。至嘉庆末,迁入安西地区的陕甘移民及其后裔约10万人,迁入新疆地区的陕甘移民及其后裔可能接近或超过55万人,其中大约有六成左右的西迁人口不在官方户口统计范围之内。  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the Harris-Todaro model of rural-to-urban migration to include urban agglomeration effects, some urban real wage flexibility, and a government budget constraint. Without employment subsidies laissez-faire migration is excessive unless real wage flexibility and agglomeration effects are high. Laissez-faire migration is too low compared with the first-best outcome supported by a subsidy, if its financing involves no costs. Simulations suggest that such a program would imply a substantial increase in taxation. If, as seems likely, an increase of this magnitude involves economic costs then the optimal outcome falls well short of first-best.  相似文献   

The predominance of individual migration and a lack of coordination among government agencies result in a situation in which migration in the USSR often works at counter-purposes, with people moving away from areas suffering from a labor shortage and into areas with a labor surplus. A system of economic measures is advocated to optimize Soviet migration patterns. Since differences in living conditions are the basic motive between migration, an effort should be made to establish relationships between region al living standards that would attract migrants to regions with a labor shortage and induce them to settle permanently, instead of taking temporary advantage of high wage rates.  相似文献   

刘玉红 《民俗研究》2005,(2):103-105
中国古代有避病移居的习俗,即在某人生病之时,移居他处,希望以此康复。这种习俗源远流长,对它进行一番探讨,可以更好地了解中国古代的民俗文化。  相似文献   

A method for deriving a set of geographic components of temporal change in a system of interregional flows is proposed and applied in an analysis of U.S. interstate migration in the early 1980s. Dynamic change in net migration is conceptualized to consist of system-growth, system-mobility, geographic mix, and competitive components. Hypotheses concerning the structural dynamics of migration systems are suggested, as are some implications for migration-modeling techniques.  相似文献   

A review of Soviet migration research finds that only a modest beginning has been made despite some useful results. Further progress in this area requires broader migration studies, beyond the manpower-oriented approach adopted thus far; wider use of mathematical techniques and improved research methods; improvements in the statistical data base on migration, and the coordination of Soviet migration research through the establishment of a central research center in this field.  相似文献   

How ‘the state’ perceives and responds to migration is gaining increasing attention. This analysis seeks to encourage debate on scales of governance in migration studies through a focus on policy-making and implementation on the part of local government officials in Scotland. Contributions include the elucidation of how immigrants are differentiated by individual local state actors and how this relates to the wider practices of local government towards them, and a typology conceptualising the heterogeneity of local state responses to immigration. This analytic emphasis on local state perceptions of, and responses to, migration and migrants hopes to inspire more nuanced and policy relevant understandings of ‘the state’ in migration research.  相似文献   

Early research on migration in LDCs, initially motivated by labor market postulates offered by Harris and Todaro, built upon general equilibrium models of interregional trade. In contrast, recent research on migration (such as Brueckner and Kim in this issue) builds upon a partial equilibrium analysis that is based on an urban land model. There are subtle differences between these models that complicate intermodel comparisons. The current paper, motivated by this complexity, has three purposes: (1) a mathematical explication of the state of the art in migration modeling, (2) a provision of further insights into the Todaro paradox, and (3) a suggestion for future research predicated on melding the urban land and interregional literatures.  相似文献   

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