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The construction of the BAM is viewed as serving two purposes: one, the development of new resource sites for export through Soviet Pacific ports, particularly to Japan; second, the accelerated development of new parts of East Siberia and the Far East, serving ultimately as a bridgehead for further advance toward the Northeast. Key resource areas to be given priority in development are the Neryungri coking-coal basin of South Yakutia, for export to Japan; the Udokan copper deposit, and the Molodezhnoye asbestos deposit. Because of the harsh environment, it is unlikely that any processing activities beyond mineral concentration and forest products industries will be located in the BAM zone, at least in the early stages of development. Food supply for the growing population will be largely dependent on hauls of bread and feed grains from southern portions of West Siberia and vegetables from as far away as Central Asia. Future territorial production complexes along the BAM are tentatively outlined.  相似文献   

The author argues against the widespread view (stated in several articles in Soviet Geography) that labor-intensive industries should be kept out of Siberia because of the shortage of labor resources in that region. Taking the specific example of labor-intensive machinery industry such as instrument-making, as opposed to steel-intensive industry, he points out that labor-intensive plants, by virtue of their smaller size, usually have smaller labor requirements than large heavy-machinery manufacturing plants. Moreover, he argues, location must not be based on total population or total labor resources of a region, but on the availability of so-called free (nonemployed) labor resources, which consist largely of women and of young people just entering upon a career. This category of labor resources happens to be greater in the eastern regions than in the western regions of the Soviet Union. In fact, one reason for the net out-migration from Siberia, according to the author, is that second and third members of households find it difficult to obtain jobs in a regional economy that is largely oriented toward male employment (in extractive industry, timber felling, etc.). The introduction of labor-intensive industries into existing Siberian industrial complexes would thus help provide employment to other household members and eliminate one reason for out-migration.  相似文献   

The increasing demand on water in the Soviet Union and the problem of assuring water quality require the construction of long-term water-management balances by drainage basins. These balances, based on predicted demand and water availability, would suggest the need for water-management projects within basins and interbasin transfers. Water needs would be evaluated both in terms of water requirements by categories of users and in terms of water quality. The most crucial regional problems involve the increasing shortage of water in Central Asia (with the prospect of interbasin transfer from Siberia) and in southern regions of the European USSR (with the problem of diverting water southward from the northern runoff slope). The Caspian Sea is expected to require a supplementary inflow of 80 to 100 cubic kilometers a year by the end of the century if the decline of its waterlevel is to be arrested. But southward diversion of northern waters is not expected to add more than 50 to 70 km3 at best, with a possible saving of an additional 10 to 20 km3 through decline of evaporation from a reduced Caspian Sea surface. The preservation of conditions in the Sea of Azov, the Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash pose additional water problems. [The senior author died in October, 1974].  相似文献   

宋金叶 《人文地理》2002,17(6):85-88
文章阐述了我国地理信息资源开发利用的现状及存在的问题,并进行分析探讨。指出:传统的地理信息利用方式存在着信息不能共享,传输速度慢,工作量大,收藏成本高,信息利用率低等严重问题。认为,新时期地理信息资源的开发内容主要是开发大众化地理信息产品的建设,即广度上对地理信息资源进行电子化和有序化建设,改善地理信息资源的可获得性和共享性;地理信息精品的建设,即从深度上对地理信息资源进行开发建设,提高地理信息产品的附加值和建立完善的基于网络环境下的地理信息数据库联机检索服务体系。在此基础上,还要重点开发地理信息的智力性资源、预测性资源和提高对地理信息资源的利用能力,以及提高地理信息资源的创新机理,加快地理信息资源的数字化进程。重点提出了新时期我国地理信息资源深层开发和利用的途径。①加强对信息资源的宏观调控;②尽快建立地理信息网,加强地理科学数据库建设;③实现文献载体的多样化,增强文献的时效性;④加强信息人才培养,转变服务职能;⑤重视基础研究和应用研究。  相似文献   

陈计旺 《人文地理》2002,17(5):89-92
东部企业进入西部地区投资、兼并,是实现东西部地区协调发展的主要方式。对于东部地区来讲,企业的对外投资和兼并可以加快丧失优势产业的退出、产业结构升级,以及进一步增强企业的竞争能力。对于西部来讲,则有助于使潜在的优势转化为产业优势和经济优势,并使现有资产得到充分有效利用。同时东部企业这种跨地区投资、兼并行为,能够使东西部地区的优势都能得到发挥,并有利于我国地区结构的调整和优化。  相似文献   

The inclusion of energy in the Free Trade Agreement (fta) illustrates perhaps better than any other provision in the agreement that the basic objective of this treaty was not the elimination of tariffs between Canada and the U.S.A. but the creation of a new economic order for Canada, which would limit the power of the nation-state to intervene in the economy. By the time the FTA came into effect at the beginning of 1989, Canada and the U.S.A. had already established virtually a free-trade relationship in energy commodities. The previously existing National Energy Program had been dismantled by the federal Conservative government by June of 1985 and this was followed by a process of thoroughgoing deregulation in all spheres of energy under federal jurisdiction. With the coming into force of the FTA, the newly deregulated Canadian energy economy became an irrevocable and permanent feature of Canada's energy relations with the United States.  相似文献   

A set of principles for a geographical research program relating to the future impact of major interbasin water transfers is outlined. Such a program, evaluating the impact of proposed tranfers both in the European USSR and in the Midland Region of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia, should be based on the following considerations. Noneconomic criteria, such as the environmental impact of water transfers, must be given as much attention as economic and engineering criteria. Experience suggests that any measures designed to protect or ameliorate the environment, for example, inland fisheries, should precede actual water-project construction by at least 15 to 20 years. North-south transfers should be so designed as to benefit both the northern region, from which water is to be withdrawn, and the southern region, where water resources are to be enhanced. The problem of interbasin transfers should be accompanied by a program of intensification of water use, measured by a reduction of water input into the economy per unit of output. Water use can be intensified by such measures as shifting grain production from south to north and building irrigation reservoirs in Central Asian mountains to regulate runoff.  相似文献   

Increased speleological activity in the last 20 years has led to the discovery of 5,000 karst caves and shafts, concentrated mainly in the Caucasus, the Crimea and the Gissar-Alay mountain system of Soviet Central Asia. The largest caves and deepest shafts of the USSR are identified, and their basic characteristics are listed. The author discusses the position of portals, the character of the watersheds feeding the undergound streams, the morphology of the cavities, the rate of flow of underground streams, the chemical composition of the water, and the mutual arrangement of karst cavities.  相似文献   

武友德 《人文地理》2000,15(3):69-72
西部不发达区域是我国自然资源密集地区,极具开发潜力,其经济成长采取自然资源转换模式具有客观必然性。但是传统的自然资源要素转换模式已严重制约着西部地区经济的持续发展。本通过对西部地区自然资源优势、资源开发中的技术结构和利益分配机制以及资源转换模式等问题的系统思考,提出了提升区域自然资源转换模式的构想。  相似文献   

Recent developments in the Soviet Union's program of national thematic mapping and regional complex mapping are reviewed. A comprehensive mapping program along these lines, formulated in 1969 by GUGK, the government planning agency, has not been implemented. National thematic maps in the Soviet Union continue to be compiled by individual government agencies without coordination and without uniformity in legend and design, so that comparability is made difficult. The only thematic GUGK maps now being prepared are concerned with two long-term regional development programs in the Soviet Union–the rural development plan for the Nonchernozem zone of the European RSFSR and the construction of the Baykal-Amur Mainline (BAM) railroad in the Soviet Far East. The need for a comprehensive and coordinated program of national thematic maps and regional atlases or map series is once again stressed in connection with economic planning and environmental problems, and a program of continuously updated regional atlases, based on digital data banks, is proposed. Suggestions are also made for the coordination of thematic maps at the international level.  相似文献   

广西林业资源丰富,用材林珍稀树种、特种材、优质材树种多,蕴藏量丰富,有国家一级保护植物18种,二级保护植物32种,三级保护39种;经济林名、优、特品种多。合理开发利用,资源稳步增长。进一步开发应向产业化、基地化、生态型发展。  相似文献   

Possible future USSR agricultural productivity, given a global warming scenario, is assessed on the basis of paleoclimatic reconstructions for optima of the Holocene and Mikulino interglacial, which may be analogs of the man-modified warm climate of the future. The calculations were made using a dynamic model of grain yields for 94 territorial units, for the most part coincident with the boundaries of oblasts. Three different indicators, which suggest that the warming trend of climate will be generally favorable for agriculture in the European USSR, are analyzed. The paper also provides insights into current spatial patterns of agricultural productivity. Translated by Larry Richardson, Glendale, CA 91202 from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1990, No. 6, pp. 29-38.  相似文献   

欠发达资源丰富农村旅游业成长模式探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
许春晓 《人文地理》1995,10(4):69-72
本文在阐述欠发达资源丰富农村概念的基础上,分析了其资源的组合类型,并进行了其旅游开发现状特征及制约因素的分析,从而设计了三类旅游业成长模式,并进行了案例研究。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper provides an empirical study of the determinants of income inequality across regions of the EU. Using the European Community Household Panel dataset for 102 regions over the period 1995–2000, it analyses how microeconomic changes in human capital distribution affect income inequality for the population as a whole and for normally working people. The different static and dynamic panel data analyses conducted reveal that the relationship between income per capita and income inequality, as well as between a good human capital endowment and income inequality is positive. High levels of inequality in educational attainment are also associated with higher income inequality. The above results are robust to changes in the definition of income distribution and may be interpreted as a sign of the responsiveness of the EU labor market to differences in qualifications and skills. Other results indicate that population ageing, female participation in the labor force, urbanization, agriculture, and industry are negatively associated to income inequality, while unemployment and the presence of a strong financial sector positively affect inequality. Finally, income inequality is lower in social‐democratic welfare states, in Protestant areas, and in regions with Nordic family structures.  相似文献   

徐州两汉诸侯王墓研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目次一徐州两汉封国概况二徐州西汉诸侯王(后)墓葬分析三徐州西汉楚王(后)墓墓主推测四徐州西汉诸侯王墓与西汉帝陵及其他地区诸侯王墓比较五徐州地区横穴崖洞墓研究的几点推论六徐州东汉诸侯王墓情况在全国范围内分封诸侯王是汉代中央政府巩固统治的措施之一。两汉400余年,今徐州一带共属七个不同的诸侯国,前后有数十位诸侯王。目前徐州境内共发现两汉诸侯王墓十余处,墓葬近二十座。本文拟以考古资料为基础,结合历史文献及其他相关资料对这些诸侯王墓进行研究,并对与之相关的一些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Recent petrochemical developments in Alberta are part of a global redistribution of the industry toward raw material locations. A small group of companies has secured control of these raw materials within Alberta and, as a consequence, the power to determine the future pattern of petrochemical development within the province. This pattern will reflect the requirements of the companies rather than the economic policy objectives of the Alberta government.
Les développements récents dans ľindustrie de la pétrochimie en Alberta font partie ďune redistribution globale de ľindustrie vers ses sources de matières premières. Un petit groupe de sociétés a réussi à prendre le contrle de ces matières premières en Alberta, et, par conséquent, le pouvoir de déterminer les directions dans lesquelles ľindustrie pétrochimique évoluera dans cette province. Dans une telle situation, la politique économique du gouvernement de ľAlberta cèdra la place aux besoins prioritaires déterminés par les sociétés elles-měmes.  相似文献   

According to the 1970 census, the Soviet Union had 37,800 rural nonfarm places with a combined population of 6.1 million, or 5.8 percent of the rural population. The census data are believed to understate the number and population of nonfarm places because they assigned rural places to the nonfarm category purely on the basis of their generic designation. Many multifunctional nonfarm places and rural places that serve as administrative centers and have little relation to agriculture were not categorized as nonfarm in the census. Although many of the smaller nonfarm places are likely to be eliminated over time, others will continue to perform clearly defined functions in industry, construction, transportation, and services. The situation is illustrated with particular reference to Novosibirsk Oblast.  相似文献   

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