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Technological advances in the Soviet iron and steel industry are producing changes in the locational pattern of the industry. The increasing concentration of production in large iron and steel plants requires the use of large iron-mining establishments of the order of 30 million tons of crude ore. Iron and steel plants were once viewed in the Soviet Union as oriented toward the market of a particular economic region. But the growing plant capacity and a trend toward specialization in particular types of finished products tend to expand the marketing zone of individual plants far beyond the boundaries of single economic regions. Future planning of the industry is in terms of five basic iron and steel zones: Central Russia, Urals, South, Siberia and Kazakhstan, of which the Urals and the South are fully integrated and the three others are in varying stages of formation. The declining share of coke in the blast-furnace charge tends to shift the locational pattern increasingly toward iron-ore sources, and this accounts to a certain extend for the gradual shift of iron and steel capacity toward Central Russia, with its ore reserves of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.  相似文献   

During the Soviet period the network of medical schools expanded from one essentially limited to the European part of the country to a widely dispersed system covering the entire territory except for the far north. Analysis of the locational factors of Soviet medical school establishment shows that, like other higher education institutions, these medical schools were located primarily by city population size. Many peripheral regions received schools, despite having only lower-order population centers, and those places where schools were established fared much better in retaining physicians than those where they were not.  相似文献   

The Soviet agricultural equipment industry produces over 40 percent of the world's tractors. It also is a major world producer of combines and other agricultural equipment. Nevertheless, almost three-fourths of the 33 million Soviet agricultural workers are classified as manual laborers. This paper focuses on how the industry is being modernized to address this problem, and how this effort fits into the overall program of economic restructuring. It also briefly examines some of the spatial dimensions of agricultural machinery production, including the distribution of tractor assembly plants within the country and some of their locational factors.  相似文献   

The locational patterns of development of extractive industry in the USSR have been neglected as an object of study in Soviet economic geography. The geography of resource-based industry is determined by two groups of factors: natural and economic. Research is needed to establish the quantitative parameters of the effect of natural factors on location. The most significant economic factor of location is technical progress. A basic problem in the development of extractive industry in the Soviet Union has been the areal disparity between availability of resources and resource use. The disparity is most evident between the western and eastern zones of the country. Soviet economic regions can be grouped according to their share in the gross output of all extractive industry. Within groups, regions can be distinguished according to the extent to which available resources are being used. Resource-based industries tend to form the core of industrial complexes, particularly in pioneering regions where the economy is in its early stages of development. Five types of resource complexes are distinguished: energy-oriented complexes, ore-based complexes, fishery complexes, timber complexes, and nonmetallic mineral complexes.  相似文献   

An analysis of recreation uses in the Moscow region shows a generalized radial pattern focused on the city of Moscow as the center of demand and an outward diffusion with distance from the city combined with clustering along railroad lines. This overall pattern is deformed by landscape differences, with higher density of recreation use in well drained wooded areas and lower density in swampy areas. The locational patterns of recreational use are further broken down by groups of users. [For a previous paper on recreation in the Moscow region, see the paper by Vedenin et al. in Soviet Geography, May 1977.]  相似文献   

An analysis of locational factors in the distribution of primary processing industries of the USSR seeks to determine the relative significance of resource location and nonphysical factors such as labor supply, level of industrial development and availability of transportation. Although it is commonly assumed that primary processing industry tends to be oriented toward resource sites, as much as 43 percent of the output of Soviet primary processing originates outside areas of resource extraction. In examining the pull of resource sites, the analysis distinguishes types of spatial processing complexes that are subject to strong, moderate and slight resource orientation. Measures are then developed for the impact of nonphysical factors. Finally, the 129 major civil divisions of the Soviet Union are grouped in a spatial classification of primary processing industry that combines the varying effects of resource location and the nonphysical factors. It is concluded that favorable resource base and favorable nonphysical factors tend to reinforce each other in determining location, but that favorable nonphysical factors may give rise to large-scale primary processing even in absence of a significant resource base.  相似文献   

The following preliminary overview of some spatial aspects of the 10th Five-Year Plan, originally prepared for oral delivery at the 1976 St. Louis meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, is published here in response to widespread requests for reprints. It comments briefly on what are perceived to be some new locational priorities in the context of the so-called East-West issue, the proposed shift to greater use of coal compared with oil, a pro-European bias in steel location, the impact of joint development projects with Comecon countries and with the West, and an apparent movement to seaboard locations in conjunction with increased foreign-trade interaction between the Soviet Union and the world economy.  相似文献   

The authors explain the methodology used in compiling a small-scale map of agricultural regions of the USSR under a joint inter-university project. The boundaries of these farming-type regions are found to coincide in some cases with natural boundaries, but such coincidence cannot always be explained in terms of simple causal relationships. These authors make recommendations for improving the locational pattern of agriculture by shifting the agricultural center of gravity from the less humid to the more humid zone and for increasing the role of animal production in the more humid zones. For previous articles on agricultural regionalization, see Soviet Geography, November and December 1960.  相似文献   

This paper, published on the occasion of the Lenin centennial, reviews Lenin's writings about the spatial organization of industrial production, with particular reference to industrial nodes. These are defined as specialized territorial-production complexes in which industrial establishments are united by economic and technological production linkages, a common transport-geographic situation, common infrastructure, and common system of settlement. A typology of industrial nodes of the USSR is proposed on the basis of the following combinations of criteria: (1) the basic character of production (extractive or manufacturing), (2) specialization and structure of industries, (3) the level of maturity (pre-Soviet origins, Soviet origins, in process of formation), (4) locational factors (resource-oriented, labor-oriented), and (5) magnitude of output. The typology is presented in the form of a table and a map.  相似文献   

Arguments are marshaled against the location of machine manufacturing in the North. The location of suppliers and the location of the market are viewed as negligible factors because machinery plants generally are supplied from a large number of sources and serve a highly dispersed market. The crucial element is said to be the issue of labor resources, particularly skilled labor, and the associated infrastructure that would be needed in the North. It is also pointed out that machine manufacturing is traditionally most cost-effective in large urban centers and in older industrial areas where it benefits from the so-called agglomerative effect of locational factors. It is recommended that metal-fabricating activities in the North be restricted to essential equipment repairs and overhauls and occasional manufacture of nonstandard equipment, with greater use of centralized supplies of spare parts. (For an opposed view, see V. P. Yevstigneyev in Soviet Geography, May 1976.)  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of the globalizing urban landscape in the post-Soviet region. In order to understand the position of cities in relation to each other in the context of economic globalization, the study considers the transnational city network in the post-Soviet region. At the center of analysis are the locational strategies of global service firms operating in the former Soviet cities. We adapt the interlocking network model proposed by the Globalization and World Cities research (GaWC) network to the regional level to uncover the interurban relations. Unlike the classical studies of the GaWC, this study focuses on the analysis of intraregional spatial patterns of globalization. The research shows that the globalizing regional city system is in the midst of substantial restructuring and that the state of former Soviet Union (FSU) cities in relation to Moscow is altering. The integration of FSU cities into the global economy mostly occurs through capital cities. However, under the current political and economic circumstances, the position of each capital city within the region has become diversified. The analysis indicates that the globalization of cities within a particular region reproduces similar processes on a world scale, which are characterized by spatial concentration and hierarchical relations. However, our research has shown that patterns of urban globalization at the regional level significantly depend on the historical context and national economic and political tendencies, thus creating conditions for the penetration of the world economy into cities.  相似文献   

近年来中国发展核武器的问题在中苏关系的演进中,特别是在中苏关系破裂中的作用引起学术界的重视.作者根据陆续出版和解密的中国和苏联方面的相关文献档案,对中国发展核武器的基本战略考虑、中国核武器的发展与中苏关系演进的互动关系、苏联政策的变化的动因以及此种变化对中苏关系破裂的影响进行深入分析:认为中国核武器的发展与中苏关系的破裂是一个互动的过程.中国发展核武器在当时背景下,只能争取苏联的援助,苏联向中国提供发展核武器的技术,有其特殊历史背景.1958年下半年后,随着两国在意识形态、对时代和国际形势以及核武器的态度等问题产生重大分歧,这些事件直接或间接促使苏联停止援助中国发展核武器.这成为中苏关系破裂的重要标志,也成为日后中苏论战的一个重要论题.  相似文献   

East Prussia, historically a German region, was divided between Poland and the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, with the northern, Soviet portion becoming Kaliningrad Oblast of the RSFSR. The author, who has long studied the transformation of the region as part of the Soviet Union, assesses the changes in administration, population and economy that have occurred.  相似文献   

At the end of the war in Europe in 1945, an alliance-loyalty attitude was predominant among the Scandinavian public voices on the Soviet Union. This attitude incorporated a favourable image of the Soviet war effort and implied that the Soviet system had undergone changes during the war. Another significant group supported the Soviet system more unequivocally. These attitudes were dominant in the Scandinavian media and public debate until late 1945 or early 1946, when opposition to and fear of the Soviet Union began to be openly expressed in conservative and social-democratic newspapers. A bipartisan attitude to the Soviet Union had not developed at this stage, as the alliance-loyalty attitude was transformed into a clearer third-voice attitude that saw the Soviet Union on the one hand as a power which was not worthy of imitation, but which on the other hand accepted that the Soviet Union was seeking international peace and cooperation. Third-voice supporters in the Scandinavian media sought investigative reports on conditions in the Soviet Union, as they claimed that the growing anti-Soviet attitudes were based on a lack of accurate knowledge. Considering that Denmark, Norway and Sweden had experienced different conditions during the war, the differences in public attitudes to the Soviet Union were comparatively small. The public third voice on the Soviet Union was clearly weakened in 1948 by the reception of more critical information on the Soviet system and the perception of news on international developments.  相似文献   

An American urban and regional scholar familiar with the Soviet scene surveys changes in USSR and republic legislation on housing and land (both urban and rural) and outlines “grey” areas falling in the gap between extant Soviet law and yet-to-be-enacted republican legislation. He identifies changes in the land use pattern which can be expected as land begins to be transformed into a form of property where use decisions predominantly are made by private actors. A final section focuses upon the potential significance of these changes, to the extent they materialize, for urban theory in general.  相似文献   

A content analysis of newspaper reports of locational conflict in Melbourne and Sydney in 1989 revealed very similar overall patterns. Although locational conflict peaked in central areas, it was widespread in both cities, with the main disputes being about noxious nuisances and transport facilities. The main difference between the cities was that Melbourne had more conflicts relating to commercial land use. Overall, a great many locational conflicts pitted State Governments against individuals or pressure groups of one sort or another.  相似文献   

双墩遗址、侯家寨遗址的彩陶和红衣陶,在制作风格和制作工艺等方面,在一定程度上反映着其文化特征。将双墩和侯家寨等相关遗址的彩陶和红衣陶的制作工艺作比较分析,明确了红彩和红衣的物相,并较为深入地探讨了它们的制作工艺和文化内涵。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The intertemporal structure of regional nominal-wage differentials by race is estimated using panel data from 1973 through 1978. This allows for a more complete analysis of the time pattern of changes in wage differentials, which is not possible from cross-sectional studies. The findings indicate that, in addition to the presence of substantial locational differentials, there was a systematic change in the differentials over time.  相似文献   

During recent years, Spain has experienced an important revolution in its migration flows. With the 2008–2013 Spanish financial crisis, the model of economic growth that attracted a large number of foreign people disappeared, and the entry of immigrants for reasons other than economic issues gained relevance. Linked with this phenomenon are the new patterns of locational choice across provinces and the variation in the nature of immigrants. In this paper, we examine the differential patterns and drivers of immigration across Spanish regions before and after the financial crisis. Special attention is paid to the question of how the characteristics of individual migrants influence their locational preferences. To answer this question, we use the Dirichlet multinomial regression model. The results obtained show a sharp change in the locational patterns of Spanish immigrants after the economic recession, confirming that traditional economic incentives are less relevant, while non-economic factors linked with a better lifestyle gain importance. They also reveal that, regardless of the economic conditions, network effects are strong. Finally, and what is probably more important for us, our estimates support the hypothesis that the locational preferences rely on the interaction between the immigrants’ characteristics and the underlying locational features.  相似文献   

1949~1959年的中苏关系,经历了从走向结盟到蜜月合作再到出现公开分歧的发展历程。美国作为影响中苏关系的一个外部因素,其制定的分裂中苏关系的楔子战略也经历了三个不同的发展阶段:从第一阶段以中国作为主要突破口,通过所谓灵活政策来阻止中苏结盟;到第二阶段仍以中国为主要突破口,通过强硬政策致力于分裂中苏的长远目标;再到第三阶段以苏联为主要突破口,通过软硬分施的策略来推动中苏同盟走向分裂。楔子战略的侧重点和实施手段不尽相同,效果也前后有别。  相似文献   

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