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陈畅 《华夏考古》2006,(1):88-101
类型学作为认识工具,只涉及科学发现与检验的原理和逻辑,并不涉及具体事实。考古类型学由分型和分式两部分构成,分型即分类,分式即排序。本文借《元君庙仰韶文化墓地》和《试论殷墟文化分期》两篇论著,以集合论的原理和知识说明分类的逻辑,得出穷尽性、排他性、同一性三条原则;以函数的思想说明排序的逻辑,得到同一性原则。  相似文献   

A typology of industrial nodes based on such economic factors as the use of local or long-haul raw materials, the importance of the national market for each node's finished products, the level of industrial employment, electrification of production processes, output per unit of capital investment, and labor productivity.  相似文献   

The general long-range scheme of economic location, evidently being worked out by the Council for Study of Productive Forces, Gosplan USSR, involves three aspects: a regional aspect, designed to determine the regional specialization and the prospects of an integrated regional economy on a given resource base; an analysis of economic sectors, evaluating locational factors in specific industries, types of farming, and transportation; and a “synthetic” analysis of major national development problems, such as manpower redistribution, utilization of the underemployed population of small towns, rational use of energy and water resources, etc.).  相似文献   


This paper attempts to establish a typology for the buildings of the floor malting industry. To do this one needs to know how malt is made because the various parts of the malting process have often resulted in distinctive external features (component parts). However, although the process is universal, there are differences in the way individual maltings are designed and laid out. These different designs are not random and it is possible to see that the component parts may fit together in certain patterns. This paper examines the different relationships of the component parts of malthouses and establishes a number of different and distinctive types. To ensure valid comparisons can be made the geographical area and the period and depth of the study are stated at the outset.  相似文献   

The Council for the Study of Productive Forces, the preplanning economic research agency of the USSR, has completed a general outline for economic development of the Soviet Union over the period 1971–1980. The general outline contains sections devoted to particular sectors of the economy, to particular republics and economic regions, and to major areal development complexes. It is the result of a five-year effort that involved 20,000 scholars and technicians associated with 560 research and planning agencies. The present paper deals with the fundamental principles that guided the drafting of this 10-year development program, which has not been published. The paper focuses on five aspects that have been of particular relevance in resolving location problems: (1) the accelerating rate of scientific and technical progress, (2) the assuring of the proper territorial proportions in economic development, (3) the formation of new regions and economic complexes, (4) new problems in the man-nature relationship, notably environmental pollution, and (5) the close relationship between systems of settlement and the location of development projects.  相似文献   

Limiting environmental conditions in the construction of industrial nodes in the new oil district of the Middle Ob' are the rigorous climate, extensive swamp cover and absence of ground transportation. These adverse factors are compensated to some extent by the shallow depth of oil deposits, favorable geology and the availability of groundwater that can be injected to maintain oil-reservoir pressures. The basic problems in the development of the oil district are the shortage of housing, services and local foodproducts and consumer goods as well as the high cost of construction of transport routes. Greater investment in services is urged to help reduce the high turnover of labor as migrants are reluctant to settle permanently in the region.  相似文献   

The author distinguishes between territorial complexes, typical of old industrial nodes like Kuybyshev and Ufa, where the various processes in the petrochemical production sequence are handled by separate plants, and production complexes, typical of the newer centers, where all the processes are combined under a single combine management.  相似文献   

An investigation of one of the principal industrial nodes of Kuybyshev Oblast, with particular emphasis on the problems of the oil-shale industry and its uses in power generation and chemical processing. A set of practical recommendations for the future of the shale industry is offered.  相似文献   

ARCHAEOLOGICALLY recovered arrowheads from the British Isles. dated to between the roth and 16th centuries are examined. Hie exisiting arrowhead typology in the London Museum Medieval Catalogue is assessed and a new typology consisting of 28 generic forms, and subdivided into functional groups, is suggested.  相似文献   

Cartographic techniques are used to define 12 types of farms in the Minusinsk Basin. The source maps used in the typology cover physical characteristics of agriculture (climate, soils, landforms, natural vegetation, drainage patterns), economic conditions (population, industry, transportation) and indicators of farm performance (specialization, intensity of farming, value of gross output). The predominant farm types in the wooded steppe and subtayga environment of the right bank of the Yenisey River include grain and cattle (beef and dairy) production. The principal types in the drier environment of the steppe and semi-steppe of the Khakas Autonomous Oblast, on the left bank, include sheep raising in addition to cattle and grains. The typology of farm types is a useful basis for future planning of agriculture in the study region, where major industrial projects are under way.  相似文献   

Dispersion of Nodes Added to a Network   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
For location problems in which optimal locations can be at nodes or along arcs but no finite dominating set has been identified, researchers may desire a method for dispersing p additional discrete candidate sites along the m arcs of a network. This article develops and tests minimax and maximin models for solving this continuous network location problem, which we call the added-node dispersion problem (ANDP). Adding nodes to an arc subdivides it into subarcs. The minimax model minimizes the maximum subarc length, while the maximin model maximizes the minimum subarc length. Like most worst-case objectives, the minimax and maximin objectives are plagued by poorly behaved alternate optima. Therefore, a secondary MinSumMax objective is used to select the best-dispersed alternate optima. We prove that equal spacing of added nodes along arcs is optimal to the MinSumMax objective. Using this fact we develop greedy heuristic algorithms that are simple, optimal, and efficient (O( mp )). Empirical results show how the maximum subarc, minimum subarc, and sum of longest subarcs change as the number of added nodes increases. Further empirical results show how using the ANDP to locate additional nodes can improve the solutions of another location problem. Using the p-dispersion problem as a case study, we show how much adding ANDP sites to the network vertices improves the p-dispersion objective function compared with (a) network vertices only and (b) vertices plus randomly added nodes. The ANDP can also be used by itself to disperse facilities such as stores, refueling stations, cell phone towers, or relay facilities along the arcs of a network, assuming that such facilities already exist at all nodes of the network.  相似文献   

美国特殊利益集团对全球霸权主义的追求、根深蒂固的反共主义,以及为维护世界资本主义的一统天下,决定了美国对苏联意识形态进攻的必然性。在苏联存在的几十年间,美国从未放弃消灭或西化苏联的图谋。在苏联基本坚持马克思主义的指导和社会主义道路的情况下,这种图谋难以实现。但是,当苏联把马克思主义教条化和僵化,并在西方和美国意识形态进攻面前逐步西化,就潜伏了巨大危险。一旦苏联领导彻底抛弃马克思主义意识形态,而以美国等西方国家宣扬的所谓"全人类价值观"作为指导时,苏联的解体和西化也就变得不可避免。  相似文献   

弓形器是商周时期用于挂缰的挂缰钩,有窄背和宽背两种。窄背类弓形器部分出自人骨腰部,在蒙古鹿石中相类的器物均挂于腰间并与弓及弓袋共出,因此其应挂在腰带上。车马坑中多放置宽背类弓形器并多置于车厢内,在鹿石中还见将辔系于车厢上的马车形象,因此一部分宽背类弓形器应绑缚在车厢前部用以挂辔。  相似文献   

In Scotland, the shooting industry has a significant impact on the economy, the environment and rural communities. However, styles of land management vary widely, and this is likely to have an effect on the benefits of shooting management. Here we construct a typology of management models, and test its utility in explaining economic benefits. Based on semi-structured interviews with 24 stakeholders representing 28 estates, three management models were defined: ‘Commercial Shooting Estates’ (CSE), ‘Non-commercial Shooting Estates’ (NSE) and ‘Diversified Estates’ (DE). DEs are differentiated from the other models as forestry, farming or biodiversity conservation, rather than shooting, is the main management objective. CSE and NSE are differentiated based on the degree of commercialisation of the shooting: CSEs let almost all of their shooting whereas NSEs do not let any shooting. Were the typology to be applied to a wider, systematic sample of estates, other factors may become more clearly differentiated. We found little variation between the three models in terms of spending and employment directly related to shooting activities. This study presents a typology of shooting management models that can be used to help identify pathways towards a new social contract between Scottish society and its landowners and managers.  相似文献   

本文以渤海遗址出土的瓦当为研究对象,以渤海上京龙泉府、珲春八连城、和龙西古城遗址发掘出土的瓦当为主,进行类型学分析和分期,初步探讨渤海莲花纹瓦当的发展规律和演变轨迹。  相似文献   

The paper surveys the present state of the study of the moisture and heat factors of soil formation under the geographic, genetic and agronomic approaches of soil science. The author finds that despite the single physical nature of the phenomena to be studied they have been investigated separately within the framework of each of these approaches. He calls for an integrated study of the moisture and heat factors by the soil-science field as a whole and outlines specific steps.  相似文献   

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