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A hierarchy of industrial areas in Eastern Europe is described, consisting of 40 industrial regions, about 200 industrial nodes, and numerous industrial centers and ordinary industrial places. Evidence of the formation of a higher-ranking industrial macroregion covering the border area of East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia is adduced. Six other entities of industrial macroregion rank are identified in the rest of Europe (including the European USSR east to the Urals).  相似文献   

东北工业旅游研究--振兴老工业基地的新视角   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
振兴东北老工业基地需从多方面入手,工业旅游是其中的重要手段之一。东北地区工业旅游资源丰富,是新中国工业的发源地,创造了共和国工业历史上的多个第一,并为全国各地的工业建设输送了大量的原材料、工业装备和工程技术人员,做出了无私的奉献,对全国游客有着强大的吸引力,具有发展工业旅游的良好条件。发展工业旅游有利于扩大就业、树立良好的企业和城市形象;有利于推动企业调整产业结构,提高生产技术水平;对老工业基地的振兴将产生积极的作用和影响。本文还提出了发展工业旅游的若干战略措施。  相似文献   

从产业转移概念出发,对产业区域转移实证研究视角、研究方法以及不同区域尺度研究结果进行梳理。认为根据已有实证研究可以得出中国产业转移发生情况的基本结论:①中国在整体上以及东中西部和四大板块之间只有较少的相对产业转移并没有发生大规模的产业转移。②东中西部地区之间存在的产业转移主要是技术密集型产业从中西部转入东部,资源依赖型产业从东部转入中西部。③东部地带各省份之间的产业转移相对规模较大。④东部地带各省份内部的产业转移相对规模更大。⑤不同区域尺度上产业转移实证研究结果符合距离衰减规律。对国内产业转移实践引发的梯度理论、产业转移滞缓原因、政府参与产业转移作用的研究进行了梳理。最后提出未来研究的一些方向。  相似文献   

我国工业旅游发展探析   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
黄芳 《人文地理》2004,19(1):86-91
本文针对目前我国工业旅游的发展现状,在系统分析进一步开发工业旅游资源、促进工业旅游规模化发展的现实意义的基础上,从一个全新的视角--开发利用城市品牌资源出发,研究工业旅游在现实运作中存在的问题与面临的障碍,并对工业旅游资源的合理开发以及工业旅游业的全面发展进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

工业旅游产品个性特征的认知   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
摘要:本文通过归纳分析总结了工业旅游产品所具有的以工业为主题、科普性强、工业生产与旅游生产同步等个性特征,为加深人们对工业旅游产品个性特征的认识提供思路、案例。  相似文献   

工业旅游项目策划研究——以山西丹朱岭旅游景区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业旅游作为一个新兴的旅游项目,是近年来各工业企业开发的热点。本文首先对国内外工业旅游研究情况及旅游项目策划研究情况进行了探讨,其次以山西丹朱岭旅游景区为例,分析了工业旅游开发的可行性、工业旅游项目产品策划、营销策划,在此基础上提出了一个工业旅游项目策划模式。  相似文献   

国外工业遗产再利用对福州马尾区工业旅游开发的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
谢红彬  高玲 《人文地理》2005,20(6):52-55
本文在理解工业旅游和工业遗产旅游的起源和概念基础上,从西方国家对工业遗产保存和再利用的模式中受到启发,分析了福州马尾区工业旅游开发的条件,突出马尾造船厂这个具有代表性的历史遗迹及其船政文化的内涵,强调马尾区工业旅游开发特色在于对"工业遗产"的保存和利用、对近代船政文化的发扬光大,而不仅仅限于现代造船工业的观光。在借鉴国内外工业旅游开发经验基础上,提出了适合福州马尾区的传统和现代工业相结合的工业旅游开发设想。  相似文献   

吕建昌 《东南文化》2012,(1):111-115
近现代工业遗产博物馆是博物馆的一种特殊类型,目前正呈现快速增长的态势。其特点主要表现为以近现代工业遗址性博物馆为主体,以在工业遗址的原状陈列为主要展示手法,以反映近现代城市工业文明足迹为主题,体现专题性与区域性的产业发展史。近现代工业遗产博物馆具有独特的内涵,它是解读近现代工业城市发展历史的一部书,也是折射近现代工业城市社会生活的一面镜子。近现代工业遗产博物馆的建设对城市个性的塑造具有重要的意义(增加)。  相似文献   

产业集群理论是近年来在学术界及政策界影响较大的理论之一。但产业集群理论仍是发展中的理论,在国外有很大的争论。本文介绍了西方学者对产业集群的争论,重点分析了产业集群空间界限及划分、产业集群与产业演化及区域发展、产业集群与全球化及产业政策方面存在的问题,在此基础上,进行了理论评述。  相似文献   

基于重化工业发展的珠江三角洲工业空间结构演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对改革开放以来珠江三角洲工业空间现状特征细致分析的基础上,探讨了重化工业空间的一般特征及基于重化工业发展的珠三角工业空间结构演变。结果表明,珠三角重化工业发展的空间结构效应主要表现为形成工业空间集聚的新要素;大城市工业核心功能更加突出,工业发展空间分异日益显著;形成新的地方性工业节点以及临海工业空间逐步形成,并从促进珠三角区域经济、空间协调发展的角度提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

岳敏  李含琳 《人文地理》2009,24(2):96-101
改革开放以来,甘肃经济发展与全国各省市的差距逐渐扩大,产业结构不合理是重要原因之一,本文运用一系列衡量产业结构状况、产业结构演变、产业结构对就业、城镇化促进作用等方面的相关指标,定量分析了1978-2006年期间甘肃产业演进的动态特征,并与江苏、全国同期水平进行比较,结果表明甘肃在产业结构方面存在很大差距,进一步用偏额分量分析法分三个阶段评价了产业结构、产业竞争力对甘肃经济增长的影响,综合前面分析,找出甘肃产业结构演进中存在的问题及原因,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of Montreal's industrial geography between 1850 and 1929. It is argued that a decisive feature of the evolution of the city's industrial and social landscape was the emergence of industrial districts on the moving urban frontier. The formation of new suburban districts and the reorganization of existing industrial districts were part of a developing urban spatial division of manufacturing. Three critical features underlay the restructuring of Montreal's industrial geography after 1850. Waves of industrial expansion and the development of a range of production trajectories altered the parameters of location within the city. Working-class suburbanization provided the requisite labour force for firms locating on the periphery. Local political and economic alliances created the physical, ideological and legal structures for suburban industrial growth and the rearrangement of the urban fabric.  相似文献   

Four aspects of industrial location are discussed: reconstruction and expansion of old industrial districts; development of new industrial areas and centers based on newly discovered raw-material and energy resources; industrialization of predominantly agricultural regions to absorb idle manpower, and the location of industry in frontier zones, which is regarded as a new type of industrial location in the socialist system.  相似文献   

加入WTO前我国工业发展战略的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入WTO前,我国工业发展战略的演变,基本上是围绕着对外贸易战略、利用外资战略和产业结构战略的转变面展开的。我国的对外贸易战略具有由改革前的进口替代战略向出口导向战略转变的趋势,总体上仍处于有保护的出口促进战略的阶段;外资战略由限制外资战略向鼓励外资战略转变;而我国产业结构战略的转变,则是与工业化过程的演进和经济体制改革的推进相伴随的,大体上经历了1979-1988年扭转片面重工业化倾向、大力发展以轻工业为主的加工制造业的阶段,1989-1991年调整工业内部结构、控制一般加工工业发展、加强基础工业和基础设施的阶段,1992-2001年加快技术密集型产业发展、推动工业结构由高加工度化向技术集约化转变的阶段。这三种战略的转变不是孤立进行的,而是形成了一个相互影响、相互促进的有机整体,构成了我国扩大开放进程中工业发展战略演变的一条主线。  相似文献   

This paper explores the current trend among traditional industrial regions in Europe to launch initiatives in the field of 'industrial heritage tourism'. Increasingly, restoring and exploiting former industrial sites for touristic purposes is regarded as a useful strategy for regional renewal. After having discussed its background and categories, we argue that, theoretically, industrial heritage tourism could be an interesting 'new combination' for industrial areas in the European service economy. In practice, however, its effects for regional restructuring might be limited. Therefore, we suggest to re-use Europe's industrial heritage also for other economic activities than only tourism.  相似文献   

The I-district effect hypothesis establishes the existence of highly intense innovation in Marshallian industrial districts due to the presence of external localization economies. However, industrial districts are characterized by specific manufacturing specializations in such a way that this effect could be due to these dominant specializations. The objective of this research is to test whether the effect is explained by the conditions of the territory or by the industrial specialization and to provide additional evidence of the existence and causes of the highly intense innovation in industrial districts (I-district effect). The estimates for Spain of a fixed-effects model interacting territory and industry suggest that the high innovative performance of industrial districts is maintained across sectors, whereas the industrial specialization behaves differently depending on the type of the local production system in which it is placed. The I-district effect is related to the conditions of the territory more than to the industrial specialization. The territory is a key variable in explaining the processes of innovation and should be considered a basic dimension in the design of innovation and industrial policies.  相似文献   

沈阳市工业空间重组及其动力机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延善玉  张平宇  马延吉  李蕾 《人文地理》2007,22(3):107-111,41
在分析城市工业空间结构演进规律的基础上,对沈阳市改革开放以来工业空间结构的演变进行分析,发现沈阳市工业的空间扩散趋势明显,进入工业郊区化的发展阶段。城区传统工业企业外迁,优化了城区的土地利用结构。近郊工业化成效显著,成为沈阳市新的工业基地。指出工业发展和结构调整,城市土地使用制度改革,生态城市建设,跨国公司的FDI,文化观念的转变均是影响沈阳市工业空间重组的重要因素。  相似文献   

论文提出了评价产业衰退地域的指标体系,构建了基于综合评分和自组织神经网络的评价和分类模型,把我国中西部老工业基地划分为产业衰退特征明显的、具有较强的产业衰退特征、呈现出一定的产业衰退特征和产业衰退特征不明显的4大类城市,并分析了各种类型城市的特征和存在的问题。  相似文献   

In focusing on regional development and industrialization, this article highlights three main themes: the relevance to developing countries of the new industrial district concept; the apparent continued need to theorize agglomerated industrial growth; and the relevance of agricultural development to local and regional industrial development. It concludes that the new industrial district concept is not relevant to understanding industrialization in the peripheral regions of developing countries and that despite the introduction of decentralization policies, local industrial development will, as before, very largely depend on central government resource allocation, the stability of government and the role played by large and medium scale enterprises, including Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). It is also argued that without special efforts to develop agriculture, local and regional industrial development are less likely to occur.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of industrial clusters on regional growth at the German labour market region level using a regional convergence model. Based on the results of an exploratory study of the geography of German industrial clusters, we are able to differentiate the impact of industrial clustering from a horizontal and a vertical perspective while taking regional convergence into consideration. The results indicate that in addition to an all-German process of convergence, a specific East German one can be identified. The different types of industrial clusters show mixed effects within this framework. While vertically isolated industrial clusters have a negative impact on regional growth in this period, positive growth effects can be identified when industrial clusters show an intra-regional vertical interconnectedness.  相似文献   

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