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The inclusion of energy in the Free Trade Agreement (fta) illustrates perhaps better than any other provision in the agreement that the basic objective of this treaty was not the elimination of tariffs between Canada and the U.S.A. but the creation of a new economic order for Canada, which would limit the power of the nation-state to intervene in the economy. By the time the FTA came into effect at the beginning of 1989, Canada and the U.S.A. had already established virtually a free-trade relationship in energy commodities. The previously existing National Energy Program had been dismantled by the federal Conservative government by June of 1985 and this was followed by a process of thoroughgoing deregulation in all spheres of energy under federal jurisdiction. With the coming into force of the FTA, the newly deregulated Canadian energy economy became an irrevocable and permanent feature of Canada's energy relations with the United States.  相似文献   

武友德 《人文地理》2000,15(3):69-72
西部不发达区域是我国自然资源密集地区,极具开发潜力,其经济成长采取自然资源转换模式具有客观必然性。但是传统的自然资源要素转换模式已严重制约着西部地区经济的持续发展。本通过对西部地区自然资源优势、资源开发中的技术结构和利益分配机制以及资源转换模式等问题的系统思考,提出了提升区域自然资源转换模式的构想。  相似文献   

A general exploratory article surveys the solar energy potential of the eastern and northern USSR, an area which the author contends is largely ignored in current Soviet solar energy research. He argues that solar power is a reliable substitute for conventional energy generation in locations remote from major energy grids and where demand is too small to warrant large-capacity conventional units. This argument is based largely upon comparison of insolation characteristics between (a) eastern and high-latitude sites in the USSR with (b) a middle-latitude site (presumably Alushta in the Crimea), and upon examination of the experience in other high-latitude areas (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

牛志英  赵中枢 《人文地理》2009,24(4):107-109
陕西临潼骊山山色秀美,华清宫温泉载誉中外。城市因帝王行宫而发展,山、水、城独具特色,生态环境良好。在城市化快速发展过程中,临潼城区蔓延式扩张和内部空间的整合,对城市内部生态系统造成改变与破坏;景区在发展旅游过程中,面临生态环境质量下降的问题。本文立足于定性分析,通过对临潼城市生态问题分析,提出落实"景城分治"的基本策略,以及遗址区生态保护应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

The success of government efforts to stimulate energy conservation among the public ultimately depends on understanding patterns of energy consumption, perceptions of energy resources, and the adoption of conservation practices. These issues were addressed in a survey of residents of Edmonton and Calgary. Most respondents dismissed the seriousness of energy problems at the provincial level, although energy scarcity at the national and global scales was widely recognized. Conservation behaviour was characterized by a narrow range of adjustments perceived and adopted, attributable largely to patterns of resource perception and socio-economic factors.
La réussite des efforts gouvernementaux pour stimuler les conservations d'energie dépend, en dernière analyse, d' une compréhension des schémas de la consommation énergétique, desperceptions des resourcesénergétiques, et del'adoption d' habitudesconservatrices. On a interrogé les habitants d' Edmonton et de Calgary ace sujet. La plupart des réponses ignorent la gravité des problèmes d'énergie au niveau provincial, quoiqu'elles admettent la précarité des ressources énergétiques à l' échelle nationale et mondiale. L' attitude conservatrice se distingue plus particulikrèment à partir d' ajustements limités reliés géneralement aux schémas de perceptions énergétiques et aux facteurs socio-économiques.  相似文献   

The aggregate effects of a variety of impacts generated by motor transport on the natural environment in the Upper Oka River basin are examined (through factor analysis) and maps of roadside pollution intensity are generated. The two factors identified, representing the effects of higher-order and local roads, respectively, provide a basis for regionalization of the Upper Oka basin according to the impacts generated by automobile traffic. The pattern of regional impacts identified, in turn, provides the basis for policy recommendations on how to reduce the level of roadside pollution and minimize other negative environmental impacts of road transport (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper addresses the issue of the plausibility of the supply-driven input-output model from an empirical standpoint. We suggest that requiring production coefficients to remain perfectly fixed during an application of the supply-driven input-output model is unnecessarily restrictive given the extensive use of approximation methods in mathematics, economics and regional science. Simulations with the supply-driven version of an input-output table for a representative region are shown to result in changes in the corresponding production coefficients well within conventional tolerance levels.  相似文献   

浅谈新疆旅游资源的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对新疆旅游资源的特点、开发条件的分析,提出了对策和措施。  相似文献   

张瑾  周延 《旅游纵览》2011,(11):76-77
西藏是我国西部地区藏传佛教的发源地,具有丰富的佛教文化旅游资源。本文在概述西藏丰富而独特的佛教旅游资源并对其进行评价的基础上,针对西藏发展佛教文化旅游的优劣势,提出了进一步开发西藏佛教文化旅游的策略。  相似文献   

大上海旅游圈旅游资源配置研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对大上海旅游圈中旅游资源结构、旅游客源结构、旅游行为结构的分析,提出了以上海为中心、以公路交通网络为框架和追求旅游效益最大化的旅游资源配置原则。对大上海旅游圈在3个圈层上进行了旅游资源的配置,形成以上海为中心0- 50公里范围内的都市风情旅游圈、50- 150公里范围内的江南水乡风情与城市园林景观旅游圈、150- 300公里范围内的山水风光和历史文化旅游圈,并认为构建大上海旅游圈、对旅游资源进行科学配置,是促进长江三角洲地区区域旅游一体化发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

基于资源环境考虑的产业结构选择基准的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产业结构是人类作用于生态环境系统的主要环节,它的组合类型和强度在很大程度上决定了经济效益、资源利用效率和对环境的胁迫,因此构造一个合适的评价标准对产业结构的合理性进行评估是十分重要的,尤其是在全国都在调整产业结构以求实现经济持续增长的时候,这一点显得尤为关键。本文从环境及资源角度出发,建立了基于资源环境考虑的产业结构综合相对势评价模型,并利用这一模型对福州市的工业内部结构进行了实证分析,在此基础上对福州市的工业内部结构的调整提出一系列建议。  相似文献   

试论中国的乡村古聚落文化旅游资源   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文在掌据丰富的乡村古聚落文化及其分布的基础上,着重对我国乡村古聚落文化的特点及其成为旅游资源的优势和开发利用的原则等问题发表了笔者的意见,以便与读者讨论研究。  相似文献   

我国历史文化村镇保护的内容与方法研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
赵勇  张捷  章锦河 《人文地理》2005,20(1):68-74
历史化村镇是我国遗产保护体系的重要组成部分,随着第一批中国历史化名镇(村)的命名公布。遗产保护工作又进入了一个崭新阶段。我国历史化村镇保护研究较国外起步较晚,相关研究也欠深入全面。导致在当前城镇化快速发展过程中,一些颇具价值特色的古村镇没有得到很好保护。本首先回顾了国内外历史小城镇、村落保护的演变发展,然后指出历史化村镇保护在价值特性方面,不同于历史化名城;在保护内容方面,要在以往偏重于物质化遗产保护的基础上。进一步加重非物质化遗产的保护;在保护方法方面,要综合运用历史学、地理学、建筑学、社会学、景观生态学等方法,才能达到较好的保护效果。  相似文献   

广西桂林旅游资源深度开发研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
汪宇明 《人文地理》2001,16(6):53-56,80
桂林正在由国际性观光型旅游目的地向观光度假型旅游目的地转型,旅游业开始进入第二个发展期。为此,进一步优化旅游资源的空间结构,建构旅游资源开发的核心区、联动区与辐射影响区,形成"一城、两带、三级、四联"的开发战略新格局,促进旅游产品质量升级与结构调整,是提高桂林在国际旅游市场上竞争力的关键性战略举措。  相似文献   

<正>At 9:50 in the morning on Sep.13th,2014,the eleven of us in"the Interview team to Southwest Tibet"finally arrived at the Nyingchi Mainling Airport,the most difficult airport in China at which to land a plane,despite it being at Tibet's lowest altitude.Setting our feet on the land of the Yarlung Tsangpo River Valley,we thought of what it was like in the air as we traversed the alpine region,where the narrowest space was no further than 4  相似文献   

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