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Professor Kovalev, a specialist in rural settlement, proposes the development of two new branches of economic geography in the Soviet Union that would be concerned with the study of regional differences in consumption and services. The proposal reflects the increasing concern of the Soviet party and government for raising the living standards of the population. Kovalev discusses a number of methodological problems, such as the availability of data.  相似文献   

A review of new research areas in Soviet economic geography distinguishes three categories of topics in terms of the level of advance and the volume of research being done. The most viable new areas, with a large number of studies, include the resource-oriented approach to economic geography and the systems approach to settlement geography. In other research areas, such as the geography of services and the geography of land use, only the first steps are being made. The lag in land-use studies behind the West is explained in terms of the large territory of the USSR, which is said to have made this type of research unnecessary until recently. The potentialities of some research areas are only just beginning to be perceived, notably in the case of studies on spatial value relationships, involving regional accounts and balance of payments.  相似文献   

The article explores the spatial distribution and institutional geography of domestic violence service provision in post-communist Poland. A new institutional geography providing services to victims of domestic violence is emerging in Poland as a result of NGO activism and new pro-woman policies implemented by the state. NGOs, often in partnership with local governments, are the most vital means of service provision in large and medium size cities, while in rural areas, public agencies predominate in the institutional geography of service provision. The assumption that NGOs will emerge to address the needs of victims of domestic violence is not realistic in rural areas. While urban Poland is developing an institutional geography to address domestic violence, state and NGO activists must focus on shrinking the rural margins of Poland's institutional geography.  相似文献   

Marine Geography     
The significance of marine geography as a branch of the system of geographical disciplines is stressed, and several steps are recommended to make the new discipline more viable. In keeping with the attention given to horizontal and vertical zonality in terrestrial geography, the research focus in marine geography should also be on problems of a zonal character. Geography is visualized as a dualistic system of disciplines, combined into marine geography and terrestrial geography, with both branches complementing each other in research of joint interest. Priority should be given to four immediate organizational aspects: meetings of marine geographers for the discussion of key research problems; the inclusion of marine geography in the research programs of oceanographic vessels; the compilation of regional volumes of the geography of oceans; and the publication of a textbook on marine geography.  相似文献   

《禹贡》半月刊对中国史学近代化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《禹贡》半月刊对中国史学近代化的发展起到了非常重要的推动作用。该刊自觉拓展史学研究新领域,刊登了大量关于人口、民族、地理、宗教、交通等方面的论文,为人口学、民族学、历史地理学、宗教学、人口史等史学新兴学科的成长与发展奠定了基础。在研究方法上,该刊力主扩大史料范围,倡导合作研究,重视平等讨论,创造出思想上活跃开放、学术上自由争鸣的良好氛围。该刊还特别重视译介西学成果和资料,为中国学术界更好地了解世界各国的学术研究状况开辟了一个窗口,为近代中国学人借鉴外国研究方法提供了帮助。  相似文献   

中国人文地理学复兴的回顾、反思与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1978年以后,我国人文地理学走上了复苏和振兴的道路。本文试较为系统地回顾和反思十余年来人文地理学复兴的历程、成就与问题,展望90年代的发展。作者认为,理论建树、新领域和新方向开拓不足,是人文地理学发展中的主要问题;90年代应将人地关系理论与应用研究结合起来,重点开展持续发展、灾害适应、企业地理和区域科学四个方面的研究。  相似文献   

A Leningrad University physical geographer criticizes attempts to affirm the unity of geography through the creation of new disciplines like “general geography,” which would focus on study of the man-nature relationship. He contends that such a general geography, which would seek to identify general geographic laws, is advocated primarily by economic geographers who would emphasize the role of man at the expense of physical geography. Isachenko takes issue with the view that what makes any research “geographical” is its relationship to man. He contends that the criterion of whether any investigation is “geographical” is its relationship to the geosystem, defined as any natural complex, ranging from the global to the local scale. In his opinion, the unity of geography should be furthered not through the establishment of new supradisciplines, such as general geography, but through closer ties, both in methodology and in organizational terms, between the two main groups of geographical disciplines—physical geography and economic geography.  相似文献   

Geography and development   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Economic development and underdevelopment is one aspect of theuneven spatial distribution of economic activity. This paperreviews existing literature on geography and development, andargues that rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis is neededto increase understanding of the role of geography in developmentand to better design development policy. The analytical issuesare: why does economic activity cluster in centers of activity?How do new centers develop? And what are the consequences ofremoteness from existing centers? Empirical evidence comes bothfrom the international context and from studies of internaleconomic geography and urbanization.  相似文献   

Two prominent U.S. geographers outline the framework and mandate of an emerging new regional geography as a tool for understanding rapid and profound changes in the contemporary world. In so doing, they differentiate this new approach to the geographic study of regions from both (a) the traditional practice of regional geography prevailing in the discipline from the mid-19th century and (b) accounts of geography's role in contemporary affairs offered by non-specialists in the mass media (e.g., Kaplan's "revenge of geography"). The authors provide recommendations for, and note the benefits of, a strengthening of regional research and training in geography, while mapping out an expanded role for Eurasian Geography and Economics in disseminating new regional research whose scope extends beyond disciplinary boundaries to embrace current public and political debate. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O100, O180, P000, R110.60 references.  相似文献   

User-Centred Time Geography for Location-Based Services   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Location‐based services assist people in their decision‐making during the performance of tasks in space. They do not consider the user's individual preferences, time constraints and possible subtasks to be performed. In order to account for these important aspects, a user‐centred spatio‐temporal theory of location‐based services is required. We propose such a theory by combining classical time geography with an extended theory of affordances. It assumes that affordances belong to three realms: physical, social‐institutional, and mental. In addition to covering the capability, coupling and authority constraints from time geography, this allows for a user‐centred perspective because affordances describe action possibilities with regard to a specific person. Furthermore, the integration of mental affordances offers the possibility to account for cognitive time constraints due to the duration of decision‐making processes. This new theory for location‐based services is closer to the individual user and more plausible with respect to their daily lives. A business traveller scenario is used as a case study to demonstrate this.  相似文献   

Population geography in the Soviet Union is found to be developing mainly in breadth without adequate theoretical gounding. Because of the growing interest in mathematical methods, which have yet to demonstrate their real research value, long-tested traditional methods (statistical, comparative, cartographic) are being neglected. The usefulness of large conferences as compared with small meetings on a specific topic is questioned. The present active interest in population geography is resulting in neglect of other branches of economic geography in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

日本历史地理学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从下列十九个方面对日本的历史地理学进行了述评 :(1)日本历史地理学研究的起源 ,(2 )京都大学历史地理学研究中心的形成 ,(3)研究资料及方法 ,(4 )与日本历史地理学发展有关的学会 ,(5 )史前地理 ,(6)条里制 ,(7)景观变迁 ,(8)城市 ,(9)聚落 ,(10 )交通 ,(11)人口 ,(12 )农业与灌溉 ,(13)森林与渔业 ,(14)工商业 ,(15 )政治 ,(16)历史地理学中之符号和语意学的新发展 ,(17)区域研究 ,(18)其他方面历史地理学的研究 ,(19)历史地理学理论的探讨  相似文献   

A review of the use of mathematical techniques in Soviet geography finds that the new methods are an essential tool in the application of systems theory to geographical problems. Mathematical techniques are held to have the greatest promise in the investigation of space (topology), the study of large systems (set theory, general systems theory) and research on complex relationships between phenomena with a certain randomness (linear algebra, polylinear algebra, probability theory). The use of mathematical techniques should be combined with traditional methods in geography, and instead of replacing the traditional geographical methodology, mathematics may be expected to strengthen that methodology. A real need is seen for a set of basic axioms in geography, and mathematics is expected to play a significant role in this connection. Mathematical models have proved useful in the investigation of particular spatial structures, such as population density within cities and the location of service establishments. But problems have been encountered in the modeling of territorial production systems.  相似文献   

费洪平 《人文地理》1992,7(4):19-24
西方发达国家自本世纪60年代以来,企业地理研究的理论、方法和实践已有了很大进展。为开展我国企业地理研究,本文围绕着企业地理研究的方法、产生背景及其发展阶段、主要研究领域以及研究动向等四个方面进行探讨,并认为在我国开展企业地理研究具有广阔的发展前景和深远的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

The area of research that is considered the proper domain of population geography is defined. In addition to an areal approach to the analysis of various aspects of population, such as growth, structure, migration and settlement patterns, there is great need for synthetic regional population studies, integrating all aspects of population within a particular territory. Causal relationships must be explained and the study of population must be related to the study of economic location.  相似文献   

吴玉林  林斐 《人文地理》1991,6(3):15-20
本文从应用研究角度对人口地理学发展作一次理论和实践上的分析探讨。通过对人口地理学应用研究发展历程的回顾,对比中西方在发展上的差异,指出我国人口地理学是从实践应用开始走入发展的轨道,但同西方人口地理学相比,表现出应用研究方面的相对不足,而在由八十年代进入九十年代之际,应用研究作为当今学科发展的动力,促进人口地理学应用研究的发展出现定量化、社会化、中微观化的趋向,进一步显示学科的理论应用价值。意在加强我国人口地理学的发展,注重以应用为目的,密切结合当前生产实际问题的研究,扩展应用研究的范围、深化应用层次,不断改进应用研究的方法。  相似文献   

近70年来中国历史城市地理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史城市地理是历史地理学的重要分支之一。近70年来,中国历史城市地理研究经历了奠基与探索、缓滞、复苏与拓展、深化与融合等发展阶段,在研究内容拓展、理论与方法总结、新技术探索等方面取得了长足进步和丰硕成果,促进了中国历史地理学的整体发展。基于近70年来历史城市地理领域的代表性研究论著,总结了中国历史城市地理研究的阶段性特征,论述了九大专题领域的研究进展,并对历史城市地理研究相关问题进行了辨析,对今后的研究趋向加以展望。  相似文献   

Anuchin takes the discussion on methodology, long confined to the academic journals, to a general newspaper, complaining that geography as such in breaking up into particular disciplines without a reverse trend toward synthesis. He accuses I. p. Gerasimov, director of the Institute of Geography, of slighting research in integrated geography and economic geography and of reducing all geography to the physical-geographic group of disciplines.  相似文献   

The director of the Institute of Geography (Moscow) reviews a session of the Academy of Sciences USSR devoted to problems of technical progress and finds that geography as a research discipline is not mentioned once by the speakers. The author recalls his past proposals designed to transform traditional geography into a discipline concerned with constructive geographical engineering, or a constructive geography. He finds that in the light of current priorities, geography must be made even more relevant to the present-day needs of society. He outlines five problem areas that should become the main concern of the discipline: (1) economic evaluation of resources, (2) study of natural hazards, (3) the fight against environmental pollution, (4) locational patterns of production that will reduce or eliminate the effects of pollution, and (5) conservation of the environment for recreational and research purposes.  相似文献   

The author, a supporter of the unity of geography, calls for integrated geographic research as the only method by which geography can make its contribution to the planning of economic development. Only such an integrated approach, he says, can raise geography from its present “second-rate” position among the sciences to the forefront of scientific contributions to the national program of building a Communist society.  相似文献   

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