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The author discusses some economic-geographic aspects of the so-called period of full-fledged construction of communism (1960–80). Off-season employment is to be provided for the farm labor force. In urban centers some new industries will be designed to absorb underemployed family members. The author discounts the principle of “uniformity of location of production” and says areas unfavorable to human settlement (subarctic, deserts, mountains) will remain undeveloped even under communism. Urban-rural differences are expected to disappear gradually.  相似文献   

Using Lenin's 50-year-old study of United States agriculture as a starting point, the author analyzes structural changes from the Marxist point of view, dealing with such elements as increases in average farm size, mechanization, hired labor, decreases of cultivated land, acreage limitations, and changes in crop specialization.  相似文献   

本文在前人研究基础上进一步论证元代漠北日月山即"日月{山}熨斗山"、纳兰赤剌温、不儿罕哈勒敦,今蒙古国肯特山脉。日月山蒙古语所称哈剌温山,并非元代史籍中哈剌温只敦,或张德辉《纪行》之窟速吾(黑山)。日月山"行宫"、纳兰赤剌温之野,可谓长期被学界所忽视之蒙古前四汗重要营地与猎地。  相似文献   

本文在评析《〈禹贡〉“九江”地望说异》一文所列论据的基础上 ,根据当今地质地理调查成果和考古发掘材料 ,证明《禹贡》九江不在荆江水域而是在今黄梅县南部湖区平原。并就《禹贡》东陵、敷浅原、衡山、中江的地理位置及相关语句作了新的解释  相似文献   

燕王府位置因与元明之际宫殿的营建相关,因而成为备受学者关注的问题。关于这一问题,历来有燕王府沿用元大内正殿与沿用元代西内两种观点。本文在对明初王府建筑制度特征进行深入研究的基础上,论证了燕王府的建筑制度的特殊性及其与元代宫殿制度的关联,认为燕王府当沿用了元大内的正殿,并以永乐朝北京宫殿营建过程中的历史事件为旁证,进一步论证了燕王府用元大内正殿的可能性。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, but particularly since 1984 when the fourth Labour Government came to power, New Zealand has become something of an experimental test bed for the implementation of monetarist ideas of political and economic management. A noticeable outcome of the policy regime recently put in place has been a dramatic ‘opening up’ of the economy as markets are deregulated, protection barriers lowered, and restrictions on movement of capital in and out of the country removed One consequence has been a quantitative and qualitative change in the internationalisation of the economy. This paper traces the nature and extent of this process, and speculates on some policy implications. Four key dimensions of the internationalisation process are surveyed: the expansion of New Zealand capital off-shore, increased levels of foreign investment in New Zealand, the impact of reductions in border protection, and closer economic relations between Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades broadly geographical sensibilities have become prominent in the academic study of science. An account is given of tensions in science studies between transcendentalist conceptions of truth and emerging localist perspectives on the making, meaning and evaluation of scientific knowledge. The efficient spread of scientific knowledge is not a phenomenon that argues against the applicability of geographical sensibilities towards science but actually calls for an even more vigorous project in the geography of knowledge.  相似文献   

工业博物馆是博物馆的一个重要类别,是以收藏、保护、研究、展示和宣传承载工业发展进程、成果和文化的物质及非物质遗产为目的的非营利性常设机构。2018年,工业和信息化部对国内488家工业博物馆进行了摸底调查,统计数据显示,当前工业博物馆存在功能定位局限性强、展陈设计创新性差、自主办馆能力弱等问题。在这一背景下,文章提出了新型工业博物馆的概念,并以正在规划建设的湖南株洲工业博物馆为例,探讨新型工业博物馆的设计思路。  相似文献   

本文利用《山海经》中昆仑山产玉、火山、流沙、水系四个方面的记载,结合现代自然地理学证明上古狭义的昆仑山即今和田地区南部的昆仑山,广义的昆仑山还包括喀喇昆仑山、阿里高原。祁连山不符合上述四个条件,因此昆仑山不可能是祁连山。汉籍中昆仑山和佛典中阿耨达山的地理相似,其知识可能来源于高原游牧民族。  相似文献   

汉番禺城故址新考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于两汉时期岭南地区经济都会番禺城故址所在历来多有争议,本文通过细致的考证分析,否定了今广州旧城区说这一学术界的主流观点以及番禺沙湾说、顺德简岸说等异说,并通过历史文献资料、历史地名遗存、地貌状况、汉墓葬点分布、历史水道交通条件、历史城市生态环境等多重证据,认为秦及南越国时期的番禺城在今广州旧城区,但汉武帝元鼎六年(前111年)则将南海郡治与番禺县治并置于旧番禺城之南,并考订两汉新番禺城的具体方位当在今广州市番禺区市桥北一带,论文相应还探讨了东汉末年番禺县城迁回旧址的时间、原因和意义。  相似文献   

2002年澳门赌权开放,澳门博彩业由1家独营变为3家共营,为澳门博彩文化注入了新鲜的血液,呈现出博彩空间布局与装饰风格的和谐化、博彩氛围的舒适化与健康化、博彩项目的多样化与主题化、博彩服务的人性化、博彩形象的差异化以及博彩经营的专业化与国际化等发展趋势。  相似文献   

当代世界历史发展的新动向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何平 《世界历史》2001,(2):82-91
“20世纪……世界科技发生了深刻的革命……对世界政治,经济,化生活产生更加深刻的影响”。的确,20世纪末的世界历史发生了重要变化:信息技术革命深刻地改变着人类的通讯、生产和生活方式;生产力的巨大发展也带来生产方式的改变;网络的运用使生产的组织  相似文献   

Location Determinants of New Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper we examine the county-level pattern of new foreign-owned manufacturing plants in the United States from 1989 through 1994. We construct a model to produce insights into the differences in the location of these plants among Bureau of Economic Analysis regions, as well as between rural and urban counties. Higher levels of economic size, educational attainment, the existing manufacturing base, and transportation infrastructure are found to be associated with larger numbers of new foreign-owned plants. Meanwhile, higher levels of taxes and labor-intensiveness are found to be associated with smaller numbers of new plants. Comparing regions, we find that the main advantages of the Southeast region stem from a relatively high manufacturing base and relatively low taxes. Comparing urban with rural counties, we find that urban counties possess more favorable average values for nearly all the explanatory variables.  相似文献   

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