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悠然而过的多瑙河将布达佩斯分为两部分,山峦起伏的布达坐落于多瑙河西岸,一望无际的佩斯坐落于东岸。九座美丽的跨河大桥和地下铁道将布达与佩斯紧紧连接在一起。如果想寻找布达佩斯最著名的景观,只需沿多瑙河畔徐徐而行,她们便会一一呈现在你的眼前。  相似文献   

陆大道 《人文地理》2015,30(6):160-160
中国科学院"国情与发展"战略研究组的《地缘政治参考材料》一书近日将印发,这是近年来地缘政治研究领域的代表性材料之一。  相似文献   

The articles in this section aim at critical reappraisal of space from the viewpoint of the materiality of human action which is underpinned by a special focus on its dealings with nature. Space is primarily viewed by others than geographers and/or from outside Scandinavian and Anglo‐American research. The role of language and culture, as well as using the possibilities of ecosemiotics grown out of the Tartu–Moscow school, is highlighted in an attempt to enliven discussions of lived space and human relationships with nature.  相似文献   

OnthenorthwesternslopesofKangrinbogeMountain,themainDeakoftheGangdiseMountain,thereisaspringresemblinganelephantdrawingupwaterthroughitstrunk.NativescallthestreamwhichflowsfromthisspringtheLangchenKhababRiver(outoftheelephant'smouth).TheLangchenAnababrush…  相似文献   

Potala PalaceConstruction of the Potala Palace began in the mid-7th century for the Tubo King Songtsan Gambo to greet his Han wife, Princess Wencheng. It comprised 999 rooms then, plus one built atop the Red Hill, which, said to have 1,000 rooms, was later destroyed by thunderbolts and wars. What we see today is a structure built during the 17th century.In the mid-17th century, the White House was added to the Potala Palace, which spread along the Red Hill in Lhasa.The palace is a structure of clay, wood and stone. The palace was the residence of the Dalai Lama of various generations. Beginning with the period of the 5th Dalai Lama, major religious and political ceremonies were held there.The palace covers a total area of 360,000 square meters, with major building rising 117 meters high in 13 floors, and extends some 360 meters from east to west.From 1989 to 1994, the State earmarked some 55 million Yuan and large quantities of gold and silver to repair the palace.In December 1994, the palace found its w  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Economies of scale, transportation costs, and factor mobility can interact to produce agglomerations even in the absence of any pure external economies. This paper offers a monopolistic competition model of a city that serves an agricultural hinterland; unlike most analyses in location theory, the model is fully general equilibrium, but it has strong links to older concepts in geography, notably the idea of "market potential." The analysis shows that the forward and backward linkages that hold a population concentration together also allow that concentration to occur in a variety of possible sites—that is, there are multiple equilibria (indeed a continuum) for metropolitan location.  相似文献   

张卫 《世界》2008,(11):94-95
这大概是世界上最神秘的国度。无法复制,不能重来。 对于中国人来说,朝鲜总是代表了一些挥之不去的情愫:是小兄弟、是患难之交、是《卖花姑娘》、是金达莱、是阿里郎、是上甘岭、是“雄赳赳,气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江”……  相似文献   

Post‐industrial imagery and the functions of ruins can evoke novel dimensions of spatial structures and organization. This article discusses the question of how interactions between urbanity and nature are articulated and enacted within the redesign of industrial ruins. The socio‐ecological configurations produced in this process include multiple realities about nature that become fragmented and contested in practice described by various authors using different concepts which are viewed critically. The concept of urban nature is elaborated because it enables one to problematize more‐than‐human entities in making particular commons and can reveal some interactions between semiotic and ecological systems. Theoretical approaches are illustrated by a case study of initiatives taking place in the former heating plant of Tallinn. The study indicates that engagement with nature has evolved through abstract vitalization visions of the ruins and moved to tactile encounters of experimental gardening. The evolutionary aspects of nature were used as guidelines for enabling weak structures of creativity, and the rationalities behind the experimental garden got contested and partly refocused over time.  相似文献   

Summary. The arrangement of space is fundamental to architectural study. The physical structure of a building is the means of transforming and containing space. The spatial order thus created reflects and reinforces the relations between people. As such, changes in the spatial arrangement within and between buildings are seen as a means of detecting changes in social organization at a domestic level. Approaches to the study of settlement space and later prehistoric buildings are reviewed and form the basis for a re-examination of prehistoric round-houses in northern Britain. Particular emphasis is placed on the various activities that were carried out in these buildings. The reorganization of space within settlements at times of political and economic pressure is also considered.  相似文献   

<正>陈孟虎国际摄影俱乐部理事、中国摄影家协会会员,1949年生于河南省灵宝县。大专文化,中共党员。1969年入伍,1982年转业。先后在洛阳地区中级人民法院、三门峡总工会、陕县人民政府、三门峡市检察院工作。现任三门峡市人大常委会主任。《陈孟虎摄影作品集》是陈先生第一本摄影作品集,全书分春、夏、秋、冬四部分,收录其40余幅自然风光作品。在该书出版之际,本刊记者对陈孟虎先生进行了采访……  相似文献   

THE MATTER OF NATURE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

怎么买票?1、销售票期门票销售分为预售期销售和会期销售,预售分为三期。其中,预售第一期(2009年3月27日至2009年6月30日)和预售第二期(2009年7月1日至2009年12月31日)已过,预售第三期(2010年1月1日至2010年4月30日)正在进行中。第三期向团体和个人销售指定日普通票、指定日优惠票、平日普通票、平日优惠票、3次票和7次票;会期销售则是从5月1日至10月31日的世博会期间,向团体和个人销售指定日普通票、指定日优惠票、平日普通票、平日优惠票、3次票、7次票和夜票。  相似文献   

Qomolangma Nature Reserve (QNR) covers several counties:Tingri, Nyalam, Gyirong and Dinggye under the jurisdiction of Shigatse Prefecture of Tibet  相似文献   

A brief historical background to the currently ascending interest in evolutionary and coevolutionary theory is sketched, and the concept of society–nature coevolution is positioned in this broader field. The significance of society–nature coevolutionary pathways for transition to sustainability is highlighted with Schellnhuber's heuristic ‘theater world’ for representing paradigms of sustainable development. Geography's recent re‐engagement in the geographical experiment of keeping society and nature under one conceptual umbrella is exemplified in the works of Hägerstrand and Harvey. This special issue's four contributions to developing society–nature coevolutionary theory are presented. The outlook these articles provide suggests that research into society–nature coevolution should play a key role in identifying physically, biologically and socially accessible pathways to sustainability. In order to keep the future accessible and navigable, we will need enhanced understanding of society–nature coevolution.  相似文献   

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