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The chairmen of the departments of physical geography and economic geography of the USSR at Moscow University call for greater interplay between the two major subfields of geography, particularly in the context of geographical research for regional planning and geographical prediction generally. The demands of a modern economy require a more integrated approach to the study of spatial systems encompassing the totality of the natural environment, settlement, production and living conditions. Such close interaction between physical and economic geography needs to be pursued at all levels of geography as a discipline, from international geographical congresses down to ordinary student field practice.  相似文献   

Taking Il'yichev as a starting point, Ryabchikov argues that the different character of the laws of nature and of society requires continued separation of physical and economic geography, but that this division should not prevent the closest interaction between the two, leading to geographic synthesis and, ultimately, geographic forecasting. Ryabchikov regards synthesis Linwhich he includes regional geography] as an approach for generalizing the findings of separate disciplines, and not as a separate science in itself. He also opposes the concept of a unified geography.  相似文献   

The author reverts to the theme that, in addition to the particular disciplines in physical geography and in economic geography, there is a genuine need for a general geographic approach to study of the geographical environment and of the man-nature relationship. As a result of the growing social impact on the environment, the operation of natural laws and social laws becomes so closely intertwined that no single discipline operating with one particular set of laws is capable of understanding the complex processes and phenomena in the interplay between nature and society. The growing specialized differentiation of geography as a science does not eliminate it as a distinct field of human knowledge with a common object of study. However there is a danger that the process of differentiation may be going too far, with an increasing number of scholars from adjacent disciplines coming into geography. The trend is said to be evident in the advanced training of geographers in universities, where geography facilities are turning into collections of departments turning out, say, meteorologists with little general geographic background. And yet there is a growing need for broadly trained geographers, particularly in the entire field of long-range planning and pre-planning research, in which the author is engaged.  相似文献   

本文从地理学人地关系地域系统中人的角度,分析和解释人的基本假设中经济理性、工具理性、科学理性与感性存在的经济人、政治人、自然人、生态人、社会人、文化人、感性人、复杂人等各种以人为研究视点的地理学研究中所体现的人的个体与群体、微观与宏观、阶层与阶级、感性与理性等的特征、作用、类型和差异。在总结各种地理学人的分析方法、范式与经验的基础上,提出构建人地系统地理人平台和初步设计,以期对于人地关系地域系统的科学认知有所帮助。  相似文献   

A Leningrad University physical geographer criticizes attempts to affirm the unity of geography through the creation of new disciplines like “general geography,” which would focus on study of the man-nature relationship. He contends that such a general geography, which would seek to identify general geographic laws, is advocated primarily by economic geographers who would emphasize the role of man at the expense of physical geography. Isachenko takes issue with the view that what makes any research “geographical” is its relationship to man. He contends that the criterion of whether any investigation is “geographical” is its relationship to the geosystem, defined as any natural complex, ranging from the global to the local scale. In his opinion, the unity of geography should be furthered not through the establishment of new supradisciplines, such as general geography, but through closer ties, both in methodology and in organizational terms, between the two main groups of geographical disciplines—physical geography and economic geography.  相似文献   

General earth science, or general physical geography, is viewed as one of three synthetic physical-geographic disciplines, the two others being landscape science, or regional physical geography, and paleo-geography. General earth science is concerned with the earth's geographic or landscape envelope as a whole and with its general patterns: the laws of zonality and integrity of the landscape envelope, the circulation of matter, rhythmicity, polar asymmetry and other regularities.  相似文献   

人文地理学课程建设与高校跨世纪教学改革   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
郑耀星 《人文地理》2000,15(5):54-57
人文地理学与自然地理学构成一级学科地理科学。人文地理学课程建设在高校跨世纪教学改革中具有重要意义。因此要充分展现人文地理学的教育功能,构建高校多层次人文地理学课程体系;充分利用人文地理学社会针对性,全方位建设地理专业应用人文地理学课程群体;充分体现人文地理学课程的区域性,建设不同空间尺度的区域人文地理学课程系统;全面概括充分完善人文地理学理论,建设各专业通用的理论人文地理学课程;充分发挥人文地理的应用优势,建设各专业实用的应用人文地理学课程。  相似文献   

我对区域经济地理学的认识与几点实践体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈才 《人文地理》2002,17(2):82-85
本文介绍了作者近半个世纪从事经济地理,尤其是区域经济地理学习、教学和科学研究实践的历程,对区域经济地理学科理论与实践的探索,是作者一生的主要学术活动领域。文中介绍了作者在区域经济地理研究中五个方面的贡献,总结了在教学与科学研究实践中的四点切身体会。科学的事业是万古长青的,建设具有中国特色的区域经济地理学科理论体系和方法论体系,还任重而道远,还须有志者进行长期艰苦的努力。作者的学习、教学与科学实践经历对青年学者或许有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Two economic geographers, commenting on Anuchin's latest book on the theory of geography, urge a halt to the fruitless debate over a “unified geography” and call for a more practical orientation of geographic research. Dwelling on a wide range of issues, from geography education to the content of geography journals, the authors hold that the man-nature relationship is no longer adequate as a conceptual framework for geography and that economic geography, in particular, must take into account political and social processes that fall within the province of political science and economics. A gap is found to have developed between political science, on the one hand, and economic geography, on the other, and the authors hold that such a gap might be filled by a discipline concerned with the spatial organization of economic processes. A legitimate role is seen here for a regional economics, or choreconomics. In the authors' view, geography would gain not only from a more pronounced economics-oriented economic geography, but also from a more practically oriented physical geography.  相似文献   

陈尔寿 《人文地理》1991,6(1):14-20
本文由以下五个方面阐述了我国中学人文-经济地理教育的演变:1.课程设置的变化;2.人地关系理论思维的转变;3.知识结构的变化;4.思想品德教育的深化:5.教学思想的转变。主要变化是课程设置不单独开设人文-经济地理课程,而将其内容与自然地理综合到区域地理和系统地理之中,以人地关系协调论的观点指导课程和教材;以环境、资源、人口问题为中心组织区域地理和系统地理的教学内容,加强爱国主义、国情教育、国际意识、环境意识、全球观念的思想教育;注意发展学生的智力和能力。  相似文献   

国际背景与中国特色的经济地理学   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
李小建 《人文地理》2004,19(1):27-31
近一、二十年来,以英美地理学家为主导的国际经济地理学界开始注重制度和社会文化因素对经济空间现象的影响。柔性专业化、网络与根植性、集聚与集群,区域管制等概念,频聚出现于国际主导地理刊物和国际会议讨论之中。国内也有一些学者引进这些相关理论并结合中国实例作了一些可喜的探索。这种引进理论--中国实际研究--理论总结的研究模式,推动着上世纪中国经济地理学发展。但是,从中国特色的经济地理学角度考虑,还应该探索其他研究思路。中国经济地理学发展背景,有一些在世界十分独特,如最大的且近20多年经济增长最快的发展中国家,工业化与城市化不相一致,体制变革、文化传统的特殊影响,人口与资源的尖锐矛盾,区域差异巨大,经济地理学在地理学中地位的特殊性等。根据这些背景,中国经济地理学需要冷静地审视国际学术动向和中国特色。立足中国实际,加强国际交流,凝练解释中国特殊经济地理现象的理论观点,逐渐培育国际经济地理学界中的中国流派。  相似文献   

The president of the Geographical Society USSR reviews the present state of Soviet geographic theory in the light of Leninist philosophy. The objective existence of natural regions with definite boundaries is affirmed. The approach of “social physics,” applying natural laws to social phenomena, is rejected. The use of mathematical techniques is welcomed, but not to the extent of giving rise to a separate discipline of “theoretical geography” that would deal with whatever is common to both physical and economic geography. The geographical environment is defined as that part of the earth's natural environment in which nature and society are in direct interaction. Both geographical determinism and social determinism (geographical nihilism) are rejected. The definition of geography as a system of scientific disciplines is affirmed, and a proposed redefinition of geography as dealing with the evolution and control of dynamic spatial systems is rejected.  相似文献   

Economic geography has, since the inception of the Soviet state, played an important utilitarian role in the planning and development of the national economy. The basic research of economic geographers in the preplanning stage should, however, be distinguished from the actual selection of an industrial site or of a railroad alignment, which must be the province of government design and planning agencies. Two approaches can now be noted in Soviet economic geography. One, closely related to economics, deals with the economic factors of economic location; the other, closely related to physical geography, emphasizes the regional approach to the man-environment system.  相似文献   

中国历史地理学的理论体系、学科属性与研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了有关中国历史地理学理论方面的若干问题 ,认为历史地理学具有区域性、演变性、结构综合性与有用于世的目的性 ,前三点也与构成其研究内容的空间、时间、部门 (专题 )三大要素相对应 ,其理论体系中除了包括历史自然和历史人文地理诸分支外 ,还应包括区域综合历史地理学、历史地理学理论、历史地图学、应用历史地理学。尽管历史地理学界已普遍认为历史地理学应该属于地理科学 ,但实际上其却多作为历史学的专门史而存在着。本文分析了这种理论与实践脱离状态的形成原因 ,并希望经过长期努力 ,把历史地理学建设成为一门独立的综合性学科  相似文献   

中国区域经济地理学的发展历程、现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济地理学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,属于地理科学体系中区域地理的重要部分和经济地理学的重要分支。区域经济地理学的发展历程可以分为四个阶段。萌芽时期:从先秦到1909年德国工业经济学家Max Weber发表《工业区位论》为止,该时期主要探寻区域经济地理学的发展规律;奠基时期:从1910年到1949年新中国成立为止,为区域经济地理学研究框架的形成阶段;形成时期:新中国成立到1978年的十一届三中全会召开为止,该时期建立了相对完善的区域经济地理学学科体系;成熟时期:1979年至今,为该学科在中国区域开发中的广泛实践阶段。在中国区域经济地理学的发展过程中,陈才先生融合中外理论与经验用于中国实际,为中国本土区域经济地理学的理论基础与学科体系的形成与完善作出了创造性的杰出贡献。在总结了区域经济地理学的理论现状、方法现状和应用现状之后,认为区域经济地理学的未来发展趋势主要集中在三个方向:区域经济地理学与新经济地理学、区域经济学不断交融交互发展;"三维目标空间"理论将成为区域经济地理学研究的一种认识论;低碳经济的发展将赋予区域经济地理学研究的新内涵。  相似文献   

省际边缘区研究是近年来经济地理学关注的热点领域。以县域为研究单元,以淮海经济区为案例,运用SPSS和ArcGIS软件,对省际边缘型经济区区域市场发育的空间分异特征及市场区划分进行了深入探讨,结果表明:生产性因子是造成淮海经济区区域市场发育差异的主导因素;淮海经济区区域市场整体发育比较滞后且市场发育水平差异较大;苏北、鲁南的区域市场发育水平明显高于豫东、皖北,皖北区域市场发育尤为滞后;从区域尺度看,区域市场发育程度呈现由京沪沿线地区向东西两侧逐渐降低的"凸"字型格局;从城乡尺度看,呈现由城市向外围农村地区逐渐降低的圈层分异格局。进而采用统计分析方法将淮海经济区区域市场划分为北部发达型、南部较发达型、东部发展型和西部滞后型。  相似文献   

The author takes issue with those geographers who argue that a unified geography is ruled out by the fact that natural laws and social laws cannot be blended and there are no general laws operating in the geographical environment. He seeks to demonstrate in philosophical terms that laws of nature operate in society by speeding or slowing the rate of social development and that, on the other hand, social laws affect the end result of the operation of natural laws.  相似文献   

A Moscow University geographer who advocates a unity of geography uses the medium of the Znaniye [Knowledge] Society, an organization for the popularization of scientific knowledge and communist ideology, to review the basic problems confronting geography as a research discipline. He reviews the historical sequence of philosophic concepts relating to the man-environment system in an attempt to justify his approach to the system as one in which both natural and social laws operate. Anuchin stresses the need for pure theoretical research in geography and polemicizes with those who seek prompt practical results. He restates his definition of the geographical environment as that part of the earth's landscape sphere in which nature and society interact as two parts of a single whole governed by distinctive laws. The metachronous character of development of the landscape sphere, with several parts formed at various times, is cited as an example of such a universal law. Anuchin agrees with the authors of The Science of Geography, the 1965 report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Division of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, that geography's overriding problem is to gain an understanding of the man-environment system and to develop tools for geographical prediction. An ability to predict the consequences of man's interference in natural processes is depicted as the principal contribution that geography can make to the pursuit of knowledge at the present stage of human development. If geography is unable to meet its responsibilities, the problem of geographical prediction may have to be taken over by other disciplines. Soviet biologists have already suggested the creation of a new science, geohygiene, to deal with the man-environment relationship.  相似文献   

区域经济地理学科的发展现状及其面临的革新任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈才 《人文地理》1992,7(3):1-6
本文分析了区域经济地理学的发展现状,论述了区域经济地理学发展过程中需要处理好的几方面关系问题与面临的革新任务。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although a rich and extensive body of theoretical research on new economic geography has emerged, empirical research remains comparatively less well developed. This paper reviews the existing empirical literature on the predictions of new economic geography models for the distribution of income and production across space. The discussion highlights connections with other research in regional and urban economics, identification issues, potential alternative explanations, and possible areas for further research.  相似文献   

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