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Product differentiation trade models have been developed in order to account for some contemporary patterns of international trade that are inexplicable under the theory of comparative advantage. This paper presents the case for the geographical differentiation of products. A generalized geographical product differentiation model of trade competition in industrial third markets is outlined within a discrete choice framework. The model treats product price and quality, as determined by country of origin, as distinct variables in export competition. An indirect empirical test of the model's validity, using the cases of export competition between the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States and Japan, indicates that the generalized model is worthwhile in its ability to account for successful trade competition.  相似文献   

Trend-surface analysis is explained with particular reference to four techniques: (1) fitting of surfaces by the use of orthogonal polynomials, (2) regression method, (3) graphical averaging by center and ring methods, and (4) breakdown of a surface into its trend and residual components along characteristic lines such as water divides, thalwegs, or axes of low- and high-pressure areas.  相似文献   

Geographical structures consisting of a sequence of ratios are examined from the point of view of homogeneity. Several measures of homogeneity are introduced. It is shown that any two such structures are not necessarily comparable in terms of homogeneity and their measures of homogeneity do not necessarily agree. One way of achieving agreement among homogeneity measures is to link the homogeneity of structures to the operation of smoothing, based on one of the properties stated by C. E. Shannon for entropy in information theory.  相似文献   

正每每提及"江南水乡古镇","小桥、流水、人家"的景象便跃然而出,在中国人心目中这里是鱼米之乡、丝绸之府、经济文化的繁盛之区、理想的人居之地。她的发展似乎恰好诠释了德国诗人荷尔德林的名言:人,辛勤劳作,但诗意地栖居在这大地上!"江南水乡古镇"早在2008年就列入了我国的《世界文化遗产预备名单》。2015年3月26日,国家文物局在苏州召开了"江南水乡古镇申报世界文化遗产工作推进会",标志着申遗工作的正式启动和步伐的加快,此次联合申遗名录中包括江苏、浙江两省的周庄、角直、同里、乌镇等十多处古镇。  相似文献   

任冠  魏坚 《江汉考古》2020,(4):102-111
遥感与地理信息系统是城市考古研究中重要的技术手段。借助遥感技术,在识别遗迹的基础上,首先可以对城址开展地图测量,确保研究数据的准确性,其次可以获取不同精度的地形地貌数据,从宏观和微观层面分析城址的空间环境和布局结构,最终可以为城市复原研究提供线索,提高田野考古工作的效率和精度。在地理信息系统应用方面,本文提出了"城市圈"的概念,将城址与周边遗址和自然环境纳入同一个空间集合进行考察,可以充分发挥地理信息系统的空间分析功能,行之有效的剖析城市空间属性所反映出的人地关系和社会关系。  相似文献   

The author holds that regional geography cannot be regarded as an independent geographic discipline because it lacks its own system of laws, such as the natural laws that operate in physical geography and the social laws that operate in economic geography. He agrees with the view that both physical and economic geography fall into theoretical and regional departments, and that regional studies test the localized application of the general laws formulated by the theoretical departments of the two great divisions of geography.  相似文献   

A factual account of the economy of the Virgin Lands Kray, one of the Soviet Union's most Important wheat-growing areas, established in December 1960 as a distinct administrative entity within the Kazakh SSR. In addition to wheat farming, which suffers from unreliable rainfall, the kray plays an important role as a supplier of iron ore to the Urals and as a prospective producer of aluminum.  相似文献   

The scientific method is predicated on the assumption that research designs and results can be reproduced and replicated. However, recent findings in some disciplines suggest that many studies fail to reach this standard, moving issues surrounding reproducibility and replicability forward into the research agenda of those fields. While the topic has yet to become a point of controversy in geography, the intricacies of geographic phenomena and spatial data analysis make the field vulnerable to criticism. This commentary discusses how uncertainties related to the conception, measurement, analysis, and communication of geographic analyses contribute to difficulties in the reproduction and replication of geographic research. Investigating how these uncertainties collectively impact the reproducibility and replicability of spatial data analyses should be a critical focus of future Geographical Analysis research. A call to action for geographers to improve the reproducibility and replicability of their work and specific recommendations on how Geographical Analysis might facilitate this process conclude the commentary.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of polycentricity as a normative strategy in planning documents, a lengthy and inconclusive debate regarding its definition in academic research persists. The aim of this article is to eliminate the conceptual confusion surrounding functional polycentricity from a geographical perspective. By classifying different approaches to polycentricity, we outline the properties that characterize all forms of functional polycentricity. Accordingly, we redefine functional polycentricity and propose a corresponding framework with which to measure it. The commuting and leisure functional polycentricity of Atlanta is used as an example to illustrate the application of this framework.  相似文献   

马家窑文化是黄河上游新石器时代晚期文化,甘肃新石器时代文化以丰富的彩陶为特征,特别是马家窑文化的彩陶,达到了彩陶艺术的巅峰,代表了中国彩陶艺术灿烂辉煌的成就。马家窑彩陶具有非凡的文化价值、欣赏价值及收藏价值。其真伪的鉴别方法多样,既有普遍性、常识性的鉴别方法,又有特殊性、科学性的鉴别手段。  相似文献   

The fiftieth anniversary of Geographical Analysis occurs for many quantitative human geographers at an exciting era of new and exciting sources of data and computational advancements. However, it also represents a crossroads where excitement to quickly capitalize upon these new data sources and methods risks reverting the discipline back to its abstraction‐rich and overly generalized roots, erasing much progress made in the pages of this journal that advocated for the recognition of individual differences and need for alternative and even qualitative data sources. In this commentary, I reflect on what we can do over the next 50 years to ensure that the journal is producing research that is socially impactful and better able to explain the messiness of social reality.  相似文献   

A sequence of stages in long-term geographical prediction is proposed. It begins with the prediction of future heat and moisture conditions and the character of future crustal movements, which in turn are used for predicting the future course of evolution of natural-territorial complexes as integral systems. An example of the latter type of forecast would be the prediction of the impact of a reservoir on the surrounding territory. At this point the role of man must be fed into the predictive process. This stage involves an assessment of the future needs of society, an economic evaluation of the resource potential of a territory (including manpower resources) and the choice of an optimal course of development for the territory. The next stage involves an evaluation of the impact of man-made structures on the environment and, in this connection, the use of the concept of geo-engineering system is proposed, involving the interaction between engineering structures and natural systems. Types of interaction may be analyzed in terms of the types of economy represented by energy-and-industry cycles.  相似文献   

Geographers have long been alert to the ways space matters to knowledge production and the stories participants choose to share. Despite such understandings, however, geographers remain surprisingly absent from discussions regarding the ways these concerns play out across online spaces. This article reflects on the employment of one online space, Facebook, as a site for storytelling in research exploring return journeys to two Australian festivals – the Big Day Out and Mardi Gras Parade. This article argues that insight over longer temporalities and shifting spatialities afforded through Facebook facilitates heightened understandings of the nuances, repetitions, differences and paradoxes of identities, encounters, and politics. Facebook, therefore, has the potential to allow for different ways of knowing that cannot be ascertained in more orthodox research spaces. Moreover, the slipperiness of conceptualisations of privacy and consent in this space draws attention to the necessity of understanding consent as fluid and ongoing, rather than antecedent to fieldwork commencement. Crucially, however, reconceptualisations of privacy and consent in this space expose potential obstacles university ethics committees may meet in responding to research moving online.  相似文献   

Editor's Note The following article was written by Chun-fen Lee, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Geography in the East China Normal University, Shanghai, during his tenure as a Fulbright scholar in the United States in 1980. Minor editing was done by Marie Sanderson, University of Windsor. Professor Lee has a special tie with Canada. He was a student of Griffith Taylor's, with whom he is shown in Figure 1, and in 1943 received the first PhD in geography awarded by the University of Toronto. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, geographical education in universities and colleges has made a great deal of progress: in the establishment of specialized geography departments, in the training of teachers and geographical workers (some 40,000 in all), and in the publication of geographical textbooks. These were the main accomplishments of Chinese geographers during this period 1949–81, but we also experienced setbacks and traversed a tortuous road. Long before liberation in 1949, the first department of geoscience in China was founded in 1919 in the Higher Normal College of Nanking (now the University of Nanking) with Dr Co-ching Chu, a climatologist from Harvard, president of the Geographical Society of China and vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the head. There were then three sections in the department, of which geography was one. In the 1920s and 1930s several more geography departments were established. Until liberation, however, the departments were few and small, generally with a full-time faculty of fewer than 10 and an enrollment of some 20–50 students. Most of the graduates became teachers in the middle (or secondary) schools. After liberation, China entered a new stage of development in socialist revolution and socialist construction. By 1952 economic restoration was nearing completion and the first five-year plan was about to begin. In order to adapt to the needs of national construction, higher educational institutions underwent a nation-wide adjustment. Geography departments were classified into two categories: those in the comprehensive universities which concentrate on the training of specialized workers, and those in the normal colleges and normal universities, where teachers for the middle schools are trained. Only the geography departments of the two major normal universities (Peking Normal and East China Normal) do not fit this pattern. They might be regarded as an intermediate type of institution in which the functions of the comprehensive university and the normal college are combined. There are now about 35 departments of geography in China, most of them of a size that would have been undreamed of in the pre-liberation period. In each department there are about 100 to 300 geography majors and a faculty of 30 to 100, though most of the faculty members are assistants and instructors; there are rarely more than 20 professors and associate professors in a department. A number of the better equipped and stronger departments are now offering graduate programmes as well. Generally, it takes two to three years for the master's degree; the first one and a half to two years for course studies, including a foreign language, and the third for thesis work. Upon graduation, the more promising students are selected to proceed into doctoral programmes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the past and future of the journal Geographical Analysis (GA), as well as the broader field of spatial analysis. From my experiences as a former editor of GA, I first identify three external trends that I feel will provide the backdrop for the future evolution of spatial analysis. These surround the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science as disciplines. The paper also considers the structural changes that are occurring in the organization of science, and the trend toward democratization of spatial analysis and spatial data. I identify critical areas for methodological advances along with some opportunities for the rebranding of GA in the new era of data science.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(1):13-19
In this essay, I emphasize that politics does exist at a global scale, though it exists in a non-conventional way, far from the times, places, people, and objects by which we are used to analyzing its existence. Geography can be used as a vehicle or a special lens to ensure that these emerging realities are not missed.  相似文献   

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