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A locational study of the Iron-Steel Design Institute is criticized on the ground that it selected potential plant sites intuitively and then examined them in terms of proximity to iron ore, water availability and minimal transport requirements. An alternative methodology is proposed. The general region for the new plant is first established on the bases of the interregional balance of iron and steel products. The Central European region is found to have a deficit in the entire product range. A more specific location is then derived by calculating potential transport costs with respect to both markets and sources of raw materials (iron ore, coke). The Rzhev area of Kalinin Oblast is found to be optimal in terms of transport costs alone. But when water and, particularly, labor resources are considered, preference shifts in favor of a plant location in the Gor'kiy-Kostroma area.  相似文献   

Diffusion equations for O+ and H+ ions for ionosphere-plasmasphere interaction are derived from the transport equations formulated by Schunk. Low speed geomagnetic field aligned flow was assumed and the interaction between different kinds of ions, between ions and electrons and between ions and neutrals taken into account. The appropriate terms of the equations have been derived and the transport coefficients calculated using parameters typical for the mid-latitude ionosphere and the ionospheric main trough. It is found that interaction of ions with neutral particles influences to some extent the ion thermal diffusion. Diffusion equations retaining only terms not smaller than one-tenth of the largest are given in the paper.  相似文献   

Transport workers are conspicuously absent from both mobilities and urban studies literature. This paper therefore starts out with a double critique. First, transport workers, primarily drivers, are largely disregarded in mobilities and urban transport research. Second, the literature we find on transport workers—mostly based in empirical settings in the global South—remains outside recent and ongoing debates in critical urban transport studies. Providing empirical insights from post‐Soviet Central Asia, this paper strives to close these gaps and delve into the struggles and cleavages that structure informal transport workers’ positions and livelihoods. We argue that the diverse and contradictory logics that govern urban mobility affect the livelihoods and working conditions of informal transport workers, as well as their choices and motivations. These, in turn, significantly shape mobility provision, in terms of urban transport's (lack of) affordability, accessibility, convenience and safety.  相似文献   

Ceramic amphorae have been the most popular transport and storage containers for a large variety of liquid and solid products. The amphorae of the present study were used as transport containers for wine from the island of Kos (East Aegean). Therefore, they had to fulfil certain requirements in terms of mechanical strength and toughness but also in terms of standardization of vessel size and shape. An assemblage of amphora fragments from the excavation of ancient Halasarna, an amphora production centre, will be presented. The ceramics were studied by means of their chemical and mineralogical composition and fabric. Furthermore, their material properties were measured and their mechanical performance was simulated in computer models.  相似文献   

The administrative centers of rayons (county-type civil divisions) are viewed as key elements in the provision of services in the USSR. The effectiveness of rayon seats as service centers is analyzed in terms of the category of places serving as rayon seats (small cities; urban-type settlements [towns]; rural places), mean rayon population, area and radius, and the mean transport accessibility of the rayon center. The existence of a small city with a high level of services in a small rayon, as in the Baltic region, Belorussia, Moldavia and parts of the Ukraine, is viewed as optimal. Particular problems arise in Siberia and Kazakhstan, where the large size of rayons, low mean rayon population, big rayon radius and low transport accessibility combine to produce a low level of services. In such regions, a system of local service centers is advocated, with rayon seats performing the role of major regional centers.  相似文献   

Economic utility indices provide a means of interpreting butchery and transport decisions reflected in the relative abundance of skeletal elements. Because of destructive taphonomic processes, interpreting skeletal element abundances in terms of carcass transport strategies requires that faunal analysts consider only those elements which accurately reflect their original abundances following human discard. In this study we use resampling techniques to examine the impact of sample size on correlations between high-survival skeletal element frequencies and economic utility in four simulated population assemblages reflecting distinct carcass transport strategies. Correlations alone do not accurately reflect the true relationship between bone abundance and economic utility as particular transport strategies have a tendency to generate high frequencies of Type II errors as sample size decreases. We show that the Shannon evenness index can be used as a quantitative means of distinguishing between bone assemblages characterized by subtle variations in skeletal element abundances. The evenness index can also be used to evaluate whether observed correlations reflect sampling error. Results from our simulations are applied to three published faunal assemblages to evaluate likely carcass transport strategies.  相似文献   

A landscape map of northern Tyumen' Oblast, an area of intensive oil and gas development, is used as the base for compilation of an applied landscape map evaluating the environment in terms of suitability for various means of transportation. In terms of such criteria as the carrying capacity of the ground, dissection of terrain and slope angles, climate, distances between trees, bog and lake cover, 16 regions offering distinctive conditions for transport development are delimited and mapped. The technique is offered as an aid in estimating transport-development costs and may be applied for similar purposes in other regions of USSR.  相似文献   

构建运输网络效率测度模型,对珠江三角洲27个县域单元1980年代以来运输网络效率的时空演化特征进行分析,结论表明:相较传统的通达性指标,网络效率指标在识别交通网络发展状况方面更有效;珠三角运输网络效率空间分异模式与通达性空间分异模式有较大差异,网络效率低值点和高值点同时存在于核心和外围地区;1988-2008年,随着珠三角陆路交通网络的发展,运输网络效率空间格局从原有的南北向"走廊"分布态势,转变为东西向面状均衡分布格局;运输网络效率水平大幅提升,网络效率平均值从4.42减少到1.41小时,变化率达到68.09%。各城市陆路运输网络效率与其城市发展关系表现为高度支撑型、基本支撑型、基本适应型及高度适应型四类。  相似文献   

Gender differences in mobility patterns between women and men have long been acknowledged. This study analyses how these differences are reproduced in different urban and rural contexts. Using mobility data from a large travel survey taken in 2006 in Spain, we examine the differences between gender mobility through age, modal split and trip purposes. Special attention is paid to how territory shapes mobility and how these territorial settings differently affect gendered mobilities. The use of this data source allows the comparison of all trips made by the total population, including all means of transport. By taking a global view on mobility, the uneven relationships that men and women have with different means of transport become more visible. After disaggregating data by age and territorial settings, results show that women are using sustainable transport modes more often than men, and travelling for more diverse reasons. Gender is thus a fundamental variable in understanding modal split and, by extension, transport sustainability, in terms of energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases. From this point of view, we consider women's mobility knowledge and practices – typically related to the most sustainable means of transport – as factors with rising value that could effectively guide public policy in its way to promote more sustainable mobility patterns.  相似文献   

The objective is to compare construction and transport costs for triangular, orthogonal, and hexagonal regular lattices as transport networks serving a uniform, unbounded plain. The lattices are standardized so that the average distance from the elementary area to the edge is the same for each. This standardization results in equal construction costs for the three networks; thus, the comparison can be made in terms of route factors, which favors the triangular lattice over the other two.  相似文献   

Development potentialities of the Middle Ob' district are analyzed in terms of three natural areas. The well-drained terraces on the margins of the Ob' valley are found to be most suitable for town development. The left-bank area offers additional land for economic development, but the extensive swamp cover of the right bank imposes serious obstacles. Because of the southward orientation of the Middle Ob' oil district, it is recommended that priority be given to town development and transport routes on the left-bank margins of the Ob' valley. This is contrary to the present tendency of developing towns on the right-bank margins of the valley.  相似文献   

Three urban determinants of rent from agricultural land around metropolitan areas are incorporated into one rent model. The urban market factor and the transport cost as expressed in the Thünian crop rent equation are discussed in terms of their relevance to metropolitan areas. Then the effects on rent of the urban land market and urban economic change and their relationships with the market factor are examined. Graphic and mathematical expressions of a multideterminant model based on the combined crop system are developed, followed by a discussion on several variations of the model.  相似文献   

A simple expression for the heat flux by irregular motions, such as gravity waves, turbulence and other convective systems enhancing transport, can easily be obtained if a hypothesis similar to Fick's diffusion law is made i.e. “The energy flux is proportional to the gradient of the energy per unit volume”. The validity of the expression for the energy deposition derived from this hypothesis is tested by comparing with values obtained by means of classical expressions. Data on the 557.7 nm airglow line measured at Sierra Nevada and analyzed in terms of gravity waves as described in our previous work (Battaner and Molina, 1980) were used for this comparison. We consider that this simplified equation can profitably be used, when detailed information on gravity waves or turbulence are not available.  相似文献   


Children’s school transport has become a major research focus over the past 20 years, particularly within the fields of planning, transport geography, and children’s geographies. However, this work has rarely considered children living with disability. This article presents the pilot component of a visual ethnographic study about school transport within families living with childhood disability. It explains why we piloted the study, details the pilot process, and presents lessons learned from piloting the study with two families of children living with different mobility needs. The lessons largely concern the design of interview guides and the interviewing process, as well as the development of an adaptive photo kit to enable children’s independent participation. The article shows how piloting qualitative studies, particularly those involving disabled children, can be invaluable in terms of improving data collection technologies and logistics, as well as enabling inclusive participation.  相似文献   

Territorial cohesion has become one of the main objectives in transport planning. This has fostered the development of assessment methodologies to quantitatively estimate the territorial impact of major transport infrastructures, which are particularly scarce at the intra-regional level. Linked to cohesion, polycentricity has been defined as the best spatial configuration to achieve balanced regions where population and opportunities are distributed among several entities linked by functional relationships. This paper aims to present a methodology to estimate these impacts based on the use of a new regional composite polycentricity indicator. The proposed indicator is tested by comparing the effects of conventional and high-speed railway (HSR) alternatives in the territorial system of a northern region of Spain. This quantitative assessment is a ranking tool for prioritizing rail network alternatives in terms of achieving the most balanced territory, which is especially relevant in countries where HSR networks follow cohesion goals. Our results show that new HSR links should only be complementary to regional railway services, and that the suppression of secondary lines should be avoided if a reduction in polarization is to be achieved.  相似文献   

The Pennine Chain is the most significant physical constant in the economic and administrative geography of England. It is crossed perpendicularly by the densely urbanized belt lying between the estuaries of the Mersey and Humber. The paper attempts to conceptualize this transpennine space in terms of a shared textile history, a common upland heart, a transport corridor, an axis of solidarity in the economic geography of the north-south divide, a European trade route, an environmental artwork. The paradox that European INTERREG funding has facilitated transpennine thinking at a time when institutional factors are reinforcing the watershed, leads to a conclusion which looks forward.  相似文献   

The apparent ability of petroleum to migrate rapidly through low permeability sediments in sedimentary basins has led to many questions about the manner of its transport. One possible explanation is suggested from observations of the compaction of viscously deformable porous media. These systems have been found in some cases to give rise to regions of locally elevated liquid fraction, in the form of fluid‐filled porosity waves that can ascend at rates much greater than that of the background flow. Previous research on the phenomenon has focused on its implications for magma transport, but recognition of the fact that the compaction of viscous porous media can take place in sedimentary basins has suggested the possibility that porosity waves could similarly be important for hydrocarbon transport. The purpose of the present study was to test this hypothesis by quantifying the transport that would occur as the result of porosity waves initiated during the conversion of kerogen to petroleum. A one‐dimensional numerical model was constructed solving equations for the mechanics of viscous compaction and for the kinetics of reactions describing the formation of petroleum from kerogen. The results showed that porosity waves would develop readily in viscously deformable regions of sedimentary basins, but would not necessarily provide enhanced transport over that of the background flow regime. In order for the waves to achieve this enhanced transport, they must develop high amplitudes, i.e. high porosities relative to the background porous medium. To achieve the high wave amplitudes, the background porosity must be very low in absolute terms. In addition, high kerogen contents are needed in the source layer, and the source layer needs to be buried rapidly to a high temperature region of the oil window. Considerable uncertainty exists as to the value of the matrix shear viscosity of sediments in basins. However, the wave volumetric transport capacity was not found to be significantly altered as a result of variations in the value of this parameter. The physical form of the waves was strongly altered by the matrix shear viscosity, with higher values leading to lower amplitudes and generation frequency, but higher wavelengths. Thus the waves become less recognizable physically at higher values of the matrix shear viscosity. As the waves ascend to higher stratigraphic levels, where the porosity is higher, they gradually lose their physical definition and become absorbed into the background.  相似文献   

It is argued in this paper that the orthodox sustainable transport vision leads to the further empowerment of technocratic and elitist groups in society while simultaneously contributing to the further disempowerment of those marginalized social groups who were already bearing the burden of the environmental problems resulting from a troubled transport system. Scalar redefinitions of the transport problem play a prominent role in the twin processes of empowerment and disempowerment. Furthermore, the contributions of spatial planning and neo-classical transport economics to the sustainable transport discourses will be critically investigated. The issues of transport inequality and transport poverty should be re-inserted into the dominant transport policy debates and practices.  相似文献   

Changes in the localization of dairy farming in New Zealand are interpreted in terms of environmental advantages, inter-regional competition, transportation costs and policies, and the behaviour of cooperative dairy companies. Since the 1920s dairying has become increasingly localized in environmentally advantaged areas. Competition among dairy companies resulted in o ver-extension of supply areas and disequilibrium between collection costs and economies of scale at the plant. Subsequently, some rationalisation of supply areas has occurred, notably since the adoption of tanker collection from the 1950s with cooperative dairy companies using differential transport pricing policies to discourage suppliers at the spatial margins.  相似文献   

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