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Topographic maps are found not to be a reliable guide to rural settlement patterns associated with definite types of economic types. In the case of Eastern Siberia, the rural settlement map of V.S. Valov, discussed in the preceding paper, does not correctly reflect the specialization and distribution of economic activity. The discrepancy is explained in part by the incomplete information on ethnic groups and portable dwellings on topographic sheets. However, apparent conflicts between settlement patterns on topographic maps and the actual type of economic activity can serve as a useful guide to correcting or reconstructing settlement patterns to bring them more in line with the particular type of economy.  相似文献   

陕西窑洞传统乡村聚落景观基因组图谱构建及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窑洞聚落是黄土高原最典型的聚落形态,它具有悠久的历史、深厚的精神文化内涵以及独特的文化景观特征,在陕西渭北地区和陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区分布广泛。本研究基于传统聚落景观基因组图谱的相关研究,以陕西31个窑洞传统乡村聚落为研究对象,按照“单个窑洞聚落、多个窑洞聚落、特定研究区”三个层次,构建了窑洞聚落的典型院落图谱、空间序列图谱、院落模式图谱、排列模式图谱和空间格局图谱五大类型图谱体系。通过分析窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的基本特征,进一步验证了构建窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的必要性和迫切性。本研究旨在丰富景观基因组图谱层次,推动景观基因研究向区域层面发展,并为窑洞聚落景观基因信息链修复及景观基因区域识别系统构建等相关研究奠定基础,为保护与发展窑洞聚落提供科学依据。  相似文献   

聚落景观格局及其影响因子的研究历来是乡村地理学研究的热点,而交通对聚落的空间分布格局影响日益加深。以皖北的埇桥区为研究对象,基于土地利用现状图,运用GIS技术和景观分析软件,在县域尺度定量分析不同类型、不同等级交通对乡村聚落景观格局的影响。结果表明:交通运输用地是乡村聚落景观斑块之间和乡村聚落景观与其它类型景观进行物质和信息传递的景观廊道;乡村聚落景观面积和交通运输用地面积在数量上存在正相关关系;交通是影响乡村聚落景观格局的重要因子,且不同类型、不同等级的交通与乡村聚落景观空间分布的相关性不同;国道、省道和县道与乡村聚落景观空间分布有正相关性,铁路、高速公路和农村道路与乡村聚落景观分布则呈负相关。  相似文献   

A unified system of settlement, defined as an interrelated network of places that is regulated for the benefit of society, is viewed as the most effective approach to overcoming socio-economic differences between town and countryside. Such a settlement system is viewed as ultimately replacing the present settlement patterns ranging from large urban agglomerations at one extreme to small rural places without adequate services at the other extreme. The unified settlement system is expected to insure roughly equivalent living and working conditions for all people within such a system. Some of the recent changes in Soviet settlement patterns are viewed as steps in that direction: an expansion of the network of large cities in connection with the economic development of new regions; the policy of industrializing small towns bypassed by the previous development of industry; the growing practice of establishing research organizations and branch plants in small towns to foster their development; the mechanization and industrialization of animal husbandry; the improvement of rural bus lines, providing access to service centers.  相似文献   

地理学视角下的国内农村聚居研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农村聚居是农村居民与周围自然、经济、社会、文化环境相互作用的结果,是人类聚居学的重要研究内容。随着新农村建设、农村土地流转、城乡统筹、新型农村社区建设等政策与措施的相继出台,农村聚居研究日益凸显出重要的实践意义与学术价值。本文对近十年来国内地理学关于农村聚居区位、形态、规模与等级、功能组织、演变机理、优化调控以及聚居类型与区划等研究内容的主要观点作了较详细的介绍,指出了地理学在农村聚居基础理论、研究内容、研究方法和技术等方面的薄弱环节,并展望其未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

国外乡村聚落地理研究进展及近今趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李红波  张小林 《人文地理》2012,27(4):103-108
乡村聚落地理的研究是乡村地理学的重要研究领域。本文通过对大量的文献资料分析,系统梳理了国外乡村聚落地理的研究动态,将其研究历程划分为:萌芽起步、初步发展、拓展变革、转型重构四个阶段。对乡村聚落地理的研究内容体系进行归纳总结,主要集中在聚落布局、聚落形态与分类、聚落景观、聚落用地、聚落生态等方面。在此基础上对近今乡村聚落地理的研究趋势及发展方向进行了分析,发现乡村聚落的人文社会化和乡村重构的研究趋势。以期能对国内乡村聚落地理的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

晋中平原地区农村聚落扩展分析   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
在实地考察的基础上,章从规模、速度、形态和类型等方面分析了晋中平原地区农村聚落扩展的特点,并深入探讨了影响农村聚落扩展的因素,认为聚落扩展主要是人口增长和家庭规模变化、社会经济发展与收入增加、交通条件改善、农村地区工业化及其他因素共同作用的结果。最后指出了由于聚落扩展而带来的许多难以解决的问题。  相似文献   

Old Kingdom Egypt has traditionally been regarded as distinctive among early civilizations in such characteristics as its largely non‐urban settlement patterns, extreme centralization of wealth and power in elites, and massive stability in its administrative institutions. But these characterizations are based almost entirely on documentary sources. Few Old Kingdom sites except those associated with mortuary cults have been excavated. Excavations at Kom el‐Hisn, in the western Egyptian Delta, have produced evidence about the economic organization and functioning of a rural Old Kingdom settlement that can be related to various hypotheses about the nature of Old Kingdom economic institutions.  相似文献   

Several measures of variation are applied to an analysis of the local systems of rural settlement of the Estonian SSR. The measures used in the analysis are the range between the largest and smallest populations of places within a system; the mean population; the mean distance between places; the relative variability, defined as the ratio of the mean deviation to the mean; and the coefficient of variation, defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. These indicators are used to break down the systems of rural settlement in Estonia into five basic types and 12 subtypes.  相似文献   

本文在中部六省社会经济统计数据基础上,结合50个村529份问卷调查数据,从聚居形态、聚居空间、聚居功能、聚居主体以及聚居设施等方面对中部地区农村聚居现状进行全面分析,研究结论显示:中部地区农村聚居密度不均,规模各异,形态多样,总体分布较散;住宅占地面积较大,一户多宅现象明显,农户集中居住意愿强;生产生活形态多样化趋势开始出现,"劳务输出+传统农业"型村庄依然占主体;农户兼业行为增加,幸福感增强,但新型社会问题显现;基础设施相对滞后,公共服务有待完善。针对其现状特征及存在的问题,提出四种适宜的农村聚居调控模式,即转型升级模式、整治更新模式、保护控制模式、迁并转移模式,并深入比较分析了各类型模式的调控主体、调控对象、调控机制、调控路径差异,认为不同类型、不同区域的农村,应选择适宜的农村聚居调控模式,因地制宜,分类实施。  相似文献   

优化乡村人居环境,改善农户生活质量,统筹城乡发展是社会主义新农村建设的一项重要内容。本文以欠发达地区为地理单元,以红安县二程镇8个村100户问卷和访谈调查为基础资料,探讨了转型期特定区域乡村人居环境演变特征和微观机制。从历史的维度来看,乡村人居环境演变特征主要体现在:乡村聚落的空心化和边缘化、乡村生态环境的剧烈恶化以及乡村社会文化的更新等方面。从微观的视野来看,乡村人居环境的演化实质上是农户空间行为作用的外在表现。不同类型的农户空间行为对乡村人居环境的作用方式不同,影响效果也不同,但其综合效应对乡村人居环境的系统功能影响较大。  相似文献   

国内外农村居民点区位研究评述   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
李君  李小建 《人文地理》2008,23(4):23-27
随着人类经济社会的发展,居民点的外在特征和空间结构也在不断的演化与变迁,居住地点的选址和布局最能反映出人类活动与地理环境之间的相互影响与作用机制。目前国内外在城市居住区位研究方面已经形成大量研究成果,相比之下,农村居民点相关研究还存在一定滞后。文章从居民点区位影响因素、区位演变、居民点分布和等级结构四方面对国外相关研究进行了评述,梳理了国内农村居民点区位研究的相关内容,在此基础上对存在的问题进行了讨论和总结,并对今后研究内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

张娟  王茂军 《人文地理》2017,32(2):137-144
作为乡村空间价值重现的重要形式,乡村绅士化在西方国家受到极大关注,而我国则鲜有研究。基于此,本文以乡村绅士化现象为主线,选取爨底下村为案例区,采用参与式评估法和质性访谈法,对人口结构、聚落形态、居住空间以及公共空间等绅士化表征空间进行深入剖析。研究发现,绅士化前后,生活空间发生重大变化,生活群体构成逐渐多样化,住宿价格飞涨,聚落空间的相似性被打破,居住空间逐步开放化,传统公共空间趋于退化或消失,当地村民面临被边缘化的风险,而这些变化是绅士化过程中多方力量相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

试论乡村聚落体系的规划组织   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
张京祥  张小林  张伟 《人文地理》2002,17(1):85-88,96
乡村地理学是人文地理的重要分枝学科,乡村聚落的演化是乡村地理学的重要研究内容。在新的经济、社会发展背景中,乡村的意义与价值正在被重新认识,对其进行合理的规划组织,以形成与区域宏观社会经济背景相匹配的聚落体系,对城乡区域空间的整体协调发展具有重要的现实意义。文章阐述了乡村聚落体系演化理论、规划组织理论。关于乡村聚落体系演化,本文提出了区域空间进程中的四个阶段:农业社会阶段、过渡性阶段、工业化阶段、技术工业和高消费阶段。文章还研究了国际上对乡村聚落体系组织的战略方法,包括职能地域一体化战略、选择性空间封闭战略、乡村城市发展战略。文章结合江苏的有关案例,重点论述了中心镇及中心村选建、设施配置、政策配套等内容,指出:①通过中心镇的建设实现乡镇合并、重组;②通过中心村的建设实现农业空间的集约化经营,推动城市化进程;③通过配套支撑体系来实现对乡村聚落体系优化的引导。提出了中心村选建的主要标准:①区位优势;②联系合理;③规模经济;④节约用地。  相似文献   

苏北地区乡村聚落的格局特征与类型划分   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱彬  马晓冬 《人文地理》2011,26(4):66-72
以苏北地区乡村聚落为研究对象,运用RS和GIS技术,利用景观分析方法,选取空间韵律指数及聚类分析探讨苏北地区乡村聚落的格局特征及类型划分,结果表明,苏北地区乡村聚落的空间分布存在明显的地域差异。徐淮平原聚落规模大而稀疏;淮阴平原聚落规模相对大,较密集;盐城地区聚落规模小而密集。聚落被划分为盐宿地区聚落高密度分布区、徐连淮丘陵地区聚落中密度分布区、淮阴平原过渡性聚落均匀分布区及徐淮平原聚落稀疏分布区四种典型的类型区。  相似文献   

A formula is developed for computing the requirements for mobile service units, such as traveling stores, repair shops, and clubs, in various types of rural settlement patterns. The formula takes into account the character of the service rendered, the number and density of the places to be served, the state of the roads, climatic conditions, and other factors. Mobile-unit requirements are found to increase with a decline in the average population, in places to be served, and in density of places. The requirements are highest in remote range-grazing lands in the southern Soviet Union.  相似文献   

The Iron Age in the North-West of Iberia is characterized by settlement patterns in which small hilltop enclosures or castros were dominant. Recent field-survey work has revealed more about the distribution of rural settlement sites in part of this area, and an analysis has been made of the pattern of rural site distributions in relation to the castros. This confirms the continued focal role of castros into the Roman period. An explanation for the settlement pattern in this region and the absence of typically Roman features like developed villas is sought in the nature and extent of Roman military recruitment from the region.  相似文献   

After the first great population movement to northern Kazakhstan in the period 1953–1958 in conjunction with the start of the virgin-lands cultivation program, a period of reordering and restructuring of rural settlement within the region set in during 1959–1963. Three types of settlement areas are distinguished: (1) in areas of predominantly old settlement (preceding the virgin-lands program), the increase of rural population during this five-year period was below the average rate of natural increase for northern Kazakhstan as a whole; there was a net-outmigration from rural to urban areas and to other parts of northern Kazakhstan, (2) in areas of combined old and new settlement, population increase was more significant and there was a noticeable reduction of small populated places and increase in the number of larger places, (3) in areas of predominantly new settlement, where the density of population is lowest, the rate of population increase is highest, and settlement is mainly in widely spaced larger places.  相似文献   

The period between the 1959 and 1970 Soviet censuses represents one of stability insofar as demographic processes have not been disturbed by external factors, in contrast to the upheavals during and after the 1939–1945 war. Nevertheless, basic population structures, in particular the varying levels of urbanization, have been modified by internal migration of people from the countryside to the industrial towns. Consequently in European Russia rural areas, while increasing their population in absolute terms, have suffered severe losses in favour of the expanding industrial zones, especially the Ukraine and the lower Volga region. Methods of calculating this change must involve careful scrutiny of the data and also an appreciation of settlement patterns as well as purely demographic features.  相似文献   

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